National Service Training Program: Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and Aquatic School of Technology

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Southern Philippines Agri-Business and Marine and

Aquatic School of Technology

Malita, Davao del Sur



(Literacy Training Service)

Date submitted: March 23, 2010

Submitted by: Pee Jay C. Bande

BSED-1a Student

Submitted to: Dr. Elizabeth P. Benedicto

Reflective Journal
(Day 1)

It was a very hot Friday morning of March 05, 2010 when me and my
classmates went to Barangay Kidalapong to have the orientation program to
our out-of-school-youth students and even the parents who are very much eager
to learn more. Everybody are all excited for the first time to go out of school in
order to serve the community of the said barangay.

It was exactly 8:23 A.M. when we are all gathered at the student lounge
and had a little discussion of the things that are seemed to be done when we
arrived in the location. But before leaving the school, our adviser called the
attension of Mr. Felomino Eco a fellow student of mine to led the prayer before
riding on a motorcycle going to Kidalapong.

In every motorcycle, it has only a limit of 5-6 passengers only. The whole
class started to travel at exactly 8:30 A.M. and we travelled for a very short time
using the other shortcut way to keep away from danger.

When we arrived at the location it was already passed 9:00 in the mid-
morning. The location is already set up and the student together with the
parents are already there waiting for us to come. After fixing some problems, we
started the program. Of course, I was tasked to become the master of ceremony
for the said activity and I never disappointed Dr. Elizabeth P. Benidicto, my
fellow students and the audiences.

It was started by an opening prayer that was led by ate Edalyn De asis
followed by singing of the national anthem conducted by Cristine Joi Bularon
then there comes the opening remarks that was given by Dr. Elizabeth P.
Benidicto then Hon. Brgy. Kagawad Ofelin Sosas gave then her warmed
welcome and word of thanks and lots of intermission took place after. It was the
time to show up the talents and abilities of BSED students. And so, their little
youngs grabbed the opportunity too to show us their skills in dancing likewise
their parents did after then.

I am not expecting of those things to happen but God permits the littles
and the olds. As we continue the program, a short message was given by one of
our out of school youth student Mr. Krisanto Guimonayan and he was already
married and was eager to learn. He gave his word of thanks and expectations
unto us after him followed more intermissions to entertain them until we came
to the point of having the closing remarks then the closing prayer.

After the long hours of talking in front of them I was ended up and I was in
need to revocalise my voice! There in the side of the street the sets of
motorcycles are there waiting for us with patience even it was in the mid of a
sunny day. We took another travel going back to the school campus. But that
day was full of happiness since it was our first time to have an out of school
(Day 2)

During the second time for going to Kidalapong an emergency problem

just occurred for the whole day. And what our adviser did was to called our
attension and to gather ourselves inside the Audio Visual Room for an
emergency meeting. And by the moment, there we know what is the hindrance
towards pursuing the plans for that day.

It was the Barangay Integrated Consultative Program which was a project

of the Municipality of Malita and was headed by our very own Hon. Mayor
Benjamin Joseph P. Bautista Jr. together with his companions. And a
communication letter was sent by the Brgy. Captain informing about the said
activity which was scheduled by that day.

Also our adviser took the opportunity to gave us some of the important
announcements regarding with the subject that she was handling in. She
reminded about the project which was the Reflective Journal as one of the
requirements for the finals.

After the meeting with her, we went upstairs together with some of my
classmates and some of them murmured while me and the others are making
fun of starting writing the said requirement that she requires.

Some of our classmates went to their respective houses early while others
just keep on roaming around and keep on talking and talking without minding
that they are just wasting their vacant hours.
(Day 3)

It was on the hottest day of the time when we are very much excited
to go to Barangay Kidalapong for the third time. But, suddenly again, it
was not done due to another conflict which just happened. All of us are
ready for the said out of school activity that was scheduled at the afternoon
of March 16, 2010; Tuesday.

According to our adviser Dr. Elizabeth P. Benidicto, it was not

preceeded due to some conflict that had occurred especially the time and
the waiver of ours that are not passed on the SODO office. Instead, she just
talked to us for a little while then proceeds later with her discussion
regarding with the topic in our Educ. 3.

Everyone of us just sited down into our chairs then listened to her as
she discussed. We can’t blame our adviser for the reoccurrence of the
conflict since it was for the good of everybody. We just keep on listening
to her as she discusses our newest topic that would be included in our

Until such time she reminded us again that there will be an

individual demonstration of topics which regards with our postponed
NSTP. Then nothing else follows at the next moment
(Day 4)

March 18, 2010; Thursday afternoon at exactly 1:00 P.M.when she

arrived at the classroom of ours and then conducted the said demonstration
in an individual way/system. She graded us individually according into
how we present our topics together with the visual aids.

I was the first one who volunteered to have the opportunity to

present my topic which was entitled “Buying Wisely” then followed by
Charissa Marie Cruz who has a the same topic as what I had Presented.
Next on the go was Trenzy Linn, Sheila Mae and Kristy Jean Who
discussed the topic “Alamin Natin” which implies on the importance of
botanical medicines. Then after, a lot else followed us.

It was a great job for me as I was recognized by Madame Beth and

told me that I will be one of the lecturers on the following day at Brgy.
Kidalapong. It wad not expected by me to be appreciated by her and
besides, I wad happy and enough contented of what she have thaught me

Then the demo ends with a prayer that was led by Richard Deo
Caballes a fellow of mine and then later we just get out from the room and
prepare the things that are indeed needed for the next morning at Brgy.
(Day 5)

Things just got better since it was the last day of our out-of-school
activity that was done last March 19, 2010; Friday. But, we are not just the
group of students who got in there, also the BSED 3 students are there to
conduct there community emersion regarding on how to make jams, how to
perfect the family planning, the reasons why global warming existed and
lot more.

In reaching out the near barangay. We rode with a tricycle motor

vehicle in order to get there. After the long travelling we came at the
location and there the parents waiting for us with patience.

The program just got started and the hosts for that event were Eman
and Randolf. The whole hours that passed by was occupied by the lecturers
and the, they got a lot of things being learned.

Until it was time to say goodbye but saying that word is not the end
of our ties but as another chapter of our individual lives. Within our two
sessions there we learned a lot of things that we can consider as memories
to remember.

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