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Hazard Symbol Guide

Symbols Hazard Criteria Examples Precaution

ay explode under definite Ammonium Avoid shock, friction, sparks,

conditions. Chemicals and dichromate fire and heat
preparations which may react
exothermically without
atmospheric oxygen, thereby
E quickly generating gasses, and
: Explosive which under defined test
conditions detonate, quickly
deflagrate or upon heating explode
when partially confined.

Substances which will ignite on Butane, propane Keep away from naked flames,
contact with a source of ignition. sparks and sources of ignition.
Liquids with a flash point below
21oC that are not extremely
flammable. Solid substances and
F preparations which on brief
: Flammable exposure to a source of ignition
may be easily inflamed and then
continue to burn or smoulder.

Liquids with a flash point below Acetone, Keep away from open fires,
0oC and a boiling point of max benzene, diethyl sources of heat and sparks.
35oC. Gases and gas mixtures ether
which are flammable in air at
normal pressure and average
F temperatures.
+: Highly

Oxidising substances can ignite Potassium Avoid all contact with

combustible material or worsen permanganate, combustible material. Risk of
existing fires. Organic peroxides sodium peroxide, ignition. The substance
which are combustible even if not chromic acid promotes fires once started
in contact with combustible and impedes fire fighting.
O materials. Other chemicals and
: Oxidizing preparations which as a rule are
not combustible themselves, but
which in contact with combustible
materials, mainly through oxygen
evolution, considerable increase
the fire hazard and the intensity of
a fire.

The substances are very hazardous Arsenic trioxide, Avoid contact with the human
to health when inhaled, swallowed mercury (II) body, and immediately consult
or in contact with the skin, and chloride a doctor in cases of malaise.
may even lead to death. In the Particular attention is drawn to
event of serious evidence of the carcinogenic, teratogenic,
T severe, possibly irreversible or mutagenic risks associated
: Toxic damage to health by single, with certain substances.
T+: Very repeated, or prolonged absorption, Observe special regulations
Toxic especially carcinogenic, mutagenic, when handling these
and reproduction-toxic effects. substances.
When taken up by the body these Pyridine, Avoid contact with the human
substances cause slight damage. trichloro-ethylene body, including inhalation of
Inhalation, swallowing, or the vapours and consult a
absorption through the skin can doctor in cases of illness.
cause acute or chronic damage to Particular attention is drawn to
X health. In the event of evidence of substances which are
n: Harmful severe, possibly irreversible suspected to have a
damage to health by single, carcinogenic, mutagenic, or
repeated, or prolonged absorption, reproduction-toxic effect.
especially in suspected
carcinogenic, mutagenic and
reproduction-toxic effects. Risk of
sensitization by inhalation.

This symbol designates substances Ammonia Do not breathe vapours, and

that may have an irritant effect on solution, benzyl avoid contact with skin and
skin, eyes and respiratory organs. chloride eyes
Without being corrosive,
immediate, prolonged, or repeated
X contact with skin or mucous
i: Irritant membranes may cause
inflammations. Risk of sensitization
by skin contact.

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