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Writing Reported Sentences

I Learning Objectives


Write reported statements in a story form

Change statements, questions, request, command to reported selections
Obey commands willingly and well

Subject Matter
A Topic:
B References:
C Materials:


Writing reported sentences

PELC IV 4.15
Philippine Daily Inquirer


A Preparatory Activities
1. Motivation
Teacher always tells us to read newspaper. Do you read newspapers?
Why do we read newspapers?
2. Unlocking of difficulties

Panic sudden fear

Assorted different, varied
Stagnant not flowing, still
Notorious widely known
Amazed surprised

B Development of Lesson
1 Presentation
Excerpt from newspaper clippings 10 ways to beat dengue fever.
2 Analysis and Discussion

Who is the speaker in the newspaper article? (The speaker is Dr.

Willie T. Ong)
To whom is he addressing this article? Or who are asked to do or
obey the 10 ways to beat dengue fever? (All the readers or the
What does he tell us about dengue fever? (In a year, thousands of
Filipinos get sick from dengue, and many have died as a result.)

Can we beat it? (Yes, we can)

What are these 10 ways to beat dengue fever? (List all the ways on
the board)
Example: Clean up your backyard
Empty containers with stagnant water, etc.
Look at the 10 ways to beat dengue fever. What kind of sentence
are they? (They are commands)
Not everybody was able to read this article. How will you relay the
information to your classmates and other people? Let us study the
correct way of reporting these commands of Dr. Willie Ong to the
Dr. Willie Ong said, Clean up
your backyard.

Dr. Willie Ong told the people to

clean up their backyard.

What happened to the verb said in the indirect statement? The verb
said is changed to told? What happened to the pronoun your? The
pronoun your is changed to their because it refers to the people.
What word is added before the verb in the quotation? The word to
is added before the verb in the quotaion.
What happened to the quotation marks and comma? The quotation
marks and comma are dropped.

3 Generalization
In the reported command, the verb told is used to introduce it.
Told is followed by the person spoken to, like this: Dr. Willie Ong told
the people
The word to is added before the verb in the quotation like this: to
clean up.
Necessary changes are made in the pronoun.
For example: your backyard
becomes their backyard.
C Post Activity
1 Application
Report the remaining commands given by Dr. Willie Ong to the people.
1 Dr. Willie Ong told the people to empty containers with stagnant
2 Dr. Willie Ong told the people to check their surroundings for
stagnant water.
3 Dr. Willie Ong told the people to close their doors and windows.
2 Enrichment Activities


TPR (Total Physical Response)

A pupil gives a command to his classmate. That classmate follows
the command.
Teacher writes all the commands given by the pupils on the board.
These commands will be reported.
One pupil says direct command and the other pupil says the
indirect or reported command.
Example: Rico said, Visit your dentist regularly, Robert. Rico
told Robert to visit his dentist regularly.
Reporting Commands
Anna is a forgetful girl. Her mother asks you to tell her the
things that Anna is expected to do. Tell Annas mother the
1 Mr. Recto said, Write a paragraph about cleanliness.
2 Mr. Pilardo said, Submit your project early tomorrow.
3 Mrs. Cruz said, Bring a Philippine map on Monday.

3 Values Integration
In reporting statements of others, the details must be accurate
and precise.


Being the youngest in the family, Carla is always reminded by her
brothers and sisters to do some things. Here are some of their reminders.
Change each reminder into a report form. Write complete sentences.

Rico said, Keep on studying your lessons.

Elmer said, Arrange your books in the cabinet.
Erwin said, Keep on improving your grades.
Cathy said, Turn off the light before sleeping.
Cristina said, Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

A Report these commands. Read your report to class.

Mother said, Help me with my husband chores, Rina.

The doctor said, Exercise everyday, father.
The teacher said, Read the article on how to beat dengue, Cora.

B Cut out articles with commands from newspapers.

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