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Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Bachelor of Business Administration


Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

award of Bachelor of Business Administration

Submitted by

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Certificate of Internal Guide

This is to certify that the project titled Marketing

Equipment Excellence in Jallandar Territory for PepsiCo is
a bonafide work carried out by _____________ a candidate for
the award of Bachelor of Business Administration of
MAIMS under my guidance and direction.

Signature of guide




Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India


Marketing equipment

excellence in Jalandhar
territory for PepsiCo India
Date of submission:-


Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Report submitted in partial fulfi lment of the

requirements of BBA program of









environment in and around the outlet that triggers shopper/consumer

impulse to purchase or consume Pepsico products.

It refers to the process whereby the visibility of PepsiCo products is

increased by addressing the issue of placement of correct product
and merchandise at the right location (i.e.Visi-coolers, racks at the
right place), specially the project deals with Right Visi-cooler in
right outlet according to according to annual sale volume of outlet.

Outlets can range from a Pan/Bidi Shop, Dhabas, Sweet Shop,

STD/PCOs, Confectionary Shop, Departmental Store, and Grocery
S t o r e t o a h o t e l . An o u t l e t s h o u l d h a v e p r o p e r V i s i - C o o l e r t o c a t e r
the need of its consumers demand in both aspects quantity and
quality (coolness) wise of PepsiCos products. Visi-cooler and racks
pure and fully stocked and rightly placed i.e. only Pepsi products in
it and should be placed according to a Plano gram.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India












Ai r















positive impulse in consumers mind.

The use of these customer incidences depends on the
sales volume accountability and profit turnover of a particular store
as these are given free of cost by the company to the outlet. The










c a p a c i t y s c h i l l i n g e q u i p m e n t f o r c o o l i n g c o l d d r i n k s a n d f r u i t j u i c e s
packs and bottles in outlets according to their annual sale volume
and frequency of purchase criterion.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
S e c o n d l y, t r yi n g t o f i g u r e o u t a c c o r d i n g t o t h e a b o v e
aspect, how can we increase the sale of the product and share by
increasing the availability of all the stock keeping unit (SKUS) and
is their any probability of converting that outlet into a blue zone

With utmost reverence, I would like to thank ____________,MAIMS,
for giving me an opportunity to do my Summer Internship Program at
Aradhana Drinks& Beverages Pvt. Ltd (A Subsidiary Of Pepsico India
H o l d i n g s P v t . L t d . ) J a l a n d h a r.

I a m h i g h l y i n d e b t e d t o M r. R a j S r i n i v a s ( M a n a g e r - S a l e s
D e v e l o p m e n t ) Ar a d h a n a D r i n k s & B e v e r a g e s P v t . L t d . , J a l a n d h a r a n d
who has been instrumental in making my Summer Internship Program
I t i s m y d i s t i n c t h o n o r t o t h a n k M r. V i m a l D i x i t ( A s s t .


Ar a d h a n a




Ltd., Jalandhar my company guide and my proud privilege to thank

P r o f . M r. M a n o j v e r m a m y F a c u l t y g u i d e w h o a r e c o n s t a n t s o u r c e o f
counseling, inspiration and invaluable guidance in course of my
I am especially thankful to my parents and my friends who are
a l w a ys a c o n s t a n t s o u r c e o f i n s p i r a t i o n f o r m e .

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Realization of this project into reality has provided me
with a rare chance to express in all earnestness my sincere thanks
to one and all others whose suggestions from time to time has
r e s u l t e d i n t h e c u l t i v a t i o n o f t h i s s t u d y.





Company Profile
Historical Background
Products and Brand
Performance with Purpose

Main Text


S c o p e, Pu r p o s e and Limitations of the Study

Market audit & Visi excellence

The Importance of Visual Merchandising
4 Ps
Pre - s e l l Pro c e s s
Bottling Operation

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Packaging trend
Agri Business Operation
Slice Re-launch

Company Profi le




PepsiCo, Inc.

Country of Origin

United States



Related products


Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCo is a world leader in convenience foods and beverages,

with 2007 revenues of more than $39 billion and more than
185,000 employees across the world. Its world renowned brands
are available in nearly 200 countries and territories.
The company consists of PepsiCo Americas Foods (PAF), PepsiCo
Americas Beverages (PAB) and PepsiCo International (PI).
PAF includes Frito-Lay North America, Quaker Foods North
America and all Latin America food and snack businesses,
including Sabritas and Gamesa businesses in Mexico. PAB
includes PepsiCo Beverages North America and all Latin American
beverage businesses. PI includes all PepsiCo businesses in the
United Kingdom, Europe, Asia, Middle East and Africa. PepsiCo
brands are available in nearly 200 countries and generate sales at
the retail level of more than $98 billion.
Some of PepsiCo's brand names are more than 100-years-old, but
the corporation is relatively young. PepsiCo was founded in 1965
through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. Tropicana was
acquired in 1998 and PepsiCo merged with The Quaker Oats
Company, including Gatorade, in 2001.
PepsiCo offers product choices to meet a broad variety of needs
and preference -- from fun-for-you items to product choices that
contribute to healthier lifestyles.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
PepsiCos mission is To be the world's premier consumer

Products Company focused on convenient foods and

beverages. PepsiCo seek to produce healthy financial
rewards to investors as PepsiCo provide opportunities for







business partners and the communities in which PepsiCo

operate. And in everything PepsiCo do, PepsiCo strive for
honesty, fairness and integrity.
PepsiCo World Headquarters is located in Purchase, New York,
approximately 45 minutes from New York City. The seven-building
headquarters complex was designed by Edward Durrell Stone, one
of America's foremost architects. The building occupies 10 acres
of a 144-acre complex that includes the Donald M. Kendall
Sculpture Gardens, a world- acclaimed sculpture collection in a
garden setting.
PepsiCo has four divisions worldwide:
Frito-Lay North America (FLNA)
PepsiCo Beverages North America (PBNA)
Quaker Foods North America (QFNA)
PepsiCo International (PI)

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and has grown to become the

countrys largest selling food and beverage companies. One of the
largest multinational investors in the country, PepsiCo has
established a business which aims to serve the long term dynamic
needs of consumers in India.

Organizational Values

PepsiCos Commitment:
PepsiCos values reflect its aspirations - the kind of company we
want Pepsico to be. Pepsico express its values in the form of a

PepsiCo commitment is:

Sustained Growth is fundamental to motivating and measuring
its success. PepsiCos quest for sustained growth stimulates
innovation, places a value on results, and helps us understand
whether today's actions will contribute to PepsiCos future. It is
about growth of people and company performance. It prioritizes
making a difference and getting things done.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Empowered People means we have the freedom to act and
think in ways that we feel will get the job done, while being
consistent with the processes that ensure proper governance and
being mindful of the rest of the company's needs.
Responsibility and Trust form the foundation for healthy
growth. It's about earning the confidence that other people place
in us as individuals and as a company. Our responsibility means
we take personal and corporate ownership for all we do, to be
good stewards of the resources entrusted to us. We build trust
between ourselves and others by walking the talk and being
committed to succeeding together.

Guiding Principles:
This is how PEPSICOs carry out it/s commitment. PSPSICO must
always strive to:
Care for customers, consumers and the world we live in.
We are driven by an intense, competitive spirit in the
marketplace, but we direct this spirit toward solutions that
achieve a win for each of our constituents as well as a win for the
corporation. Our success depends on a thorough understanding of
our customers, consumers and communities. Caring means going

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
the extra mile. Essentially, this is a spirit of growing rather than
Sell only products we can be proud of. The test of our
standards is that we must be able to personally endorse our
products without reservation and consume them ourselves. This
principle extends to every part of the business, from the
purchasing of ingredients to the point where our products reach
the consumer's hands.
Speak with truth and candor. We speak up, telling the whole
picture, not just what is convenient to achieving individual goals.
In addition to being clear, honest and accurate, we take
responsibility to ensure our communications are understood.
Balance short term and long term. We make decisions that
hold both short-term and long-term risks and benefits in balance
over time. Without this balance, we cannot achieve the goal of
sustainable growth.
Win with diversity and inclusion. We leverage a work
environment that embraces people with diverse backgrounds,
traits and different ways of thinking. This leads to innovation, the
ability to identify new market opportunities, all of which helps
develop new products and drives our ability to sustain our
commitments to growth through empowered people.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Respect others and succeed together. This company is built
on individual excellence and personal accountability, but no one
can achieve our goals by acting alone. We need great people who
also have the capability of working together, whether in
structured teams or informal collaboration. Mutual success is
absolutely dependent on treating everyone who touches the
business with respect, inside and outside the company. A spirit of
fun, our respect for others and the value we put on teamwork
make us a company people enjoy being part of, and this enables
us to deliver world-class performance.

PepsiCo as a company is committed to marketing their products
to all groups, treating all customers with respect, sensitivity and
fairness, while providing some of the greatest products on earth.
Early in its history -- as far back as the 1940s -- Pepsi-Cola
recognized the importance of diversity. Pepsi pioneered targeted
marketing and national lifestyle advertising featuring minorities.
They developed education and sports programs spotlighting
minorities. The company also partnered with many groups to
create programs that contribute to minority communities. Over
the years, its success has been recognized with numerous
awards. Most importantly, their products are purchased and
enjoyed by all groups of consumers.


Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
PepsiCo is committed to welcome business partners who
represent all people and purchasing quality products and services
from a diverse supplier base. It is a leader in seeking out and
working with minority and women suppliers. In 2004, the
company spent $831 million with minority and women vendors.

Employees and Careers

PepsiCo is committed to hiring and retaining the best talent to fill
each and every job in the corporation. And it is equally committed
to fostering an atmosphere of caring, open communication and
candor among its employees, where every one is treated with
PepsiCo has been nationally recognized as one of the top places
for women and minorities to work. We were one of the first
companies to begin hiring minorities in professional positions, as
far back as the 1940s. We were the first Fortune 500 Company to
have an African-American vice president.
That commitment to diversity continues today. The organization
places a great deal of emphasis on personal integrity and believe
in long-term results, from real accomplishments, are the only fair
way to judge performance. PepsiCo respects individual differences
in culture, ethnicity and color. It is committed to equal opportunity
for all employees and applicants.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Three major sustainable advantages give PepsiCo a competitive
edge as they operate in the global marketplace:
Big, muscular brands
Proven ability to innovate and create differentiated
Powerful go-to-market systems.

PepsiCo India and its partners have invested more than U.S.$700
million since the company was established in the country in 1989.
In India, PepsiCo provides direct employment to 4,000 people and
indirect employment to 60,000 people including suppliers and
PepsiCo Indias expansive portfolio includes iconic refreshment
beverages Pepsi, 7 UP, Mirinda and Mountain Dew, in addition to
low calorie options Diet Pepsi and 7Up Light; hydrating and
nutritional beverages such as Aquafina drinking water, isotonic
sports drinks - Gatorade, and 100% natural fruit juices and juice
based drinks Tropicana, Tropicana Twister and Slice. Our local
brands Lehar Everess Soda, Dukes Lemonade and Mangola
complete our diverse spectrum of brands.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Historical Background
Pepsi was first made in New Bern, North Carolina in the United
States in the early 1890s by pharmacist Caleb Bradham. In 1898,
"Brad's drink" was changed to "Pepsi-Cola" and later trademarked
on June 16, 1903.There are several theories on the origin of the
word "pepsi".
The only two discussed within the current PepsiCo website are the
1. Caleb Bradham bought the name "Pep Kola" from a local
competitor and changed it to Pepsi-Cola.

"Pepsi-Cola" is an anagram for "Episcopal" - a large church

across the street from Bradham's drugstore. There is a
plaque at the site of the original drugstore documenting this,
though PepsiCo has denied this theory.

The word Pepsi comes from the Greek word "pepsi" (), which
is a medical term, describing the food dissolving process within
one's stomach. It is also a medical term, that describes a problem
with one's stomach to dissolve foods properly.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Another theory is that Caleb Bradham and his customers simply
thought the name sounded good or the fact that the drink had
some kind of "pep" in it because it was a carbonated drink, they
gave it the name "Pepsi".
It was made of carbonated water, sugar, vanilla, rare oils, and
kola nuts. Whether the original recipe included the enzyme pepsin
is disputed.

In 1903, Bradham moved the bottling of Pepsi-Cola from his

drugstore into a rented warehouse. That year, Bradham sold
7,968 gallons of syrup. The next year, Pepsi was sold in six-ounce
bottles and sales increased to 19,848 gallons. In 1924, Pepsi
received its first logo redesign since the original design of 1905.
In 1926, the logo was changed again. In 1929, automobile race
pioneer Barney Oldfield endorsed Pepsi-Cola in newspaper ads as
"A bully drink...refreshing, invigorating, a fine bracer before a
In 1929, the Pepsi-Cola Company went bankrupt during the Great
Depression- in large part due financial losses incurred by
speculating on wildly fluctuating sugar prices as a result of World
War I. Assets were sold and Roy C. Megargel bought the Pepsi

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Eight years later, the company went bankrupt again. Pepsi's
assets were then purchased by Charles Guth, the President of Loft
Inc. Loft was a candy manufacturer with retail stores that
contained soda fountains. He sought to replace Coca-Cola at his
stores' fountains after Coke refused to give him a discount on
syrup. Guth then had Loft's chemists reformulate the Pepsi-Cola
syrup formula.

Rise in popularity
During the Great Depression, Pepsi gained popularity following
the introduction in 1929 of a 10-ounce bottle. Initially priced at 10
cents, sales were slow, but when the price was slashed to five
cents, sales increased substantially. With 12 ounces a bottle
instead of the six ounces Coca-Cola sold, Pepsi turned the price
difference to its advantage with a radio advertising campaign,
featuring the jingle "Pepsi cola hits the spot / Twelve full ounces,
that's a lot / Twice as much for a nickel, too / Pepsi-Cola is the
drink for you," encouraging price-watching consumers to switch to
Pepsi, while obliquely referring to the Coca-Cola standard of six
ounces a bottle for the price of five cents (a nickel), instead of the

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
12 ounces Pepsi sold at the same price. Coming at a time of
economic crisis, the campaign succeeded in boosting Pepsi's

In 1936 alone 500,000,000 bottles of Pepsi were

consumed. From 1936 to 1938, Pepsi Cola's profits doubled.

Pepsi's success under Guth came while the Loft Candy business
was faltering. Since he had initially used Loft's finances and
facilities to establish the new Pepsi success, the near-bankrupt
Loft Company sued Guth for possession of the Pepsi Cola
company. A long legal battle, Guth v. Loft, then ensued, with the
case reaching the Delaware Supreme Court and ultimately ending
in a loss for Guth. Loft now owned Pepsi, and the two companies
did a merger, then immediately spun off the Loft company.

In 1975, Pepsi introduced the Pepsi Challenge marketing
campaign where PepsiCo set up a blind tasting between PepsiCola and rival Coca-Cola. During these blind taste tests the
majority of participants picked Pepsi as the better tasting of the
two soft drinks. PepsiCo took great advantage of the campaign
with television commercials reporting the test results to the

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
In 1996, PepsiCo launched the highly successful Pepsi Stuff
marketing strategy. By 2002, the strategy was cited by Promo
Magazine as one of 16 "Ageless Wonders" that "helped redefine
promotion marketing.
In 2007, PepsiCo redesigned their cans for the fourteenth time,
and for the first time, included more than thirty different
backgrounds on each can, introducing a new background every
three weeks.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Products and Brands

S i n c e Pe p s i s e n t r y i n t o th e I n d i a n m a r ke t
i n 1 9 8 9 , s e v er a l b r a n d s f ro m i t s p o r t fo l i o h a v e b e co m e
e s t a b l i s h e d c a t e g o r y l e a d e r s. B r a n d Pe p s i i s n o w t h e
2 n d b i g g e s t b r a n d i n t h e co u n tr y. Pe p s i C o s p o r t f o l i o
o f b e v er a g e b r a n d s i n I n d i a i n c l u d e s t h e fl a g s h i p c o l a

Pe p s i ; D i e t Pe p s i ; tw o fl a v o u r s o f M i r i n d a

Le m o n ;




D ew ;

p a c ka g e d d r i n k i n g w a t e r - Aq u a fi n a ; v a r i a n t s o f th e
f r u i t d r i n k b r a n d S l i c e ; th e 1 0 0 p er c e n t f r u i t j u i c e
b r a n d Tro p i c a n a i n s ev e r a l v a r i a n t s a n d t h e w o r l d s
leading sports drink Gatorade.
I t h a s m o re th a n 4 0 p ro d u c t s i n i t s
p ro d u c t l i n e s b a s i c a l l y a v a i l a b l e i n R G B ( re t u rn a b l e
glass bottles) i.e.200ml, 250ml, 300ml, 330ml, and
Pe t s i . e. 1 l t r , 5 0 0 / 6 0 0 m l , 1. 2 l t r , 2 l tr.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCo launched in India its international fruit drink brand

Tropicana Twister on Jan 28, 2008. Available in two sizes
350ml at Rs. 22 and 1.2

litre at Rs. 70 Tropicana Twister is

targeted at young adults seeking natural refreshment beverage


Performance with Purpose

Performance with Purpose articulates PepsiCo India's belief that
its businesses are intrinsically connected to the communities and
world that surrounds it. Performance with Purpose means
delivering superior financial performance at the same time as we
improve the world.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
To deliver on this commitment, PepsiCo India will build on the
incredibly strong foundation of achievement and scale up its
initiatives while focusing on the following 4 critical areas that
have a business link and where Pepsico believe that we can have
the most impact.
1. PepsiCo India continues to expand its expertise in water


PepsiCo Indias Agri-partnerships with farmers help farmers

across the country grow and earn more.

3. PepsiCo India continues to strengthen its Solid Waste

Management initiatives. These award winning initiatives will
establish Zero Solid Waste centres in districts throughout the

4. PepsiCo India will stay committed to the health and wellbeing of children.

It will continue to provide children with a

healthy and fun portfolio while simultaneously tackling the

calories out side of the equation by expanding its Get Active

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
programme for kids, especially for school going children.
PepsiCo has initiated the Get Active programme that
promotes active lifestyles and healthy nutritional habits
among children in approximately 120 schools located in
Delhi and Mumbai.

PEPSICOs role in Conserving the world's most

precious asset: Water
PepsiCo is committed to minimizing the impact of its business on
the environment and recognizes that corporations can play a key
role in using scarce resources such as water with care and
While agriculture utilizes the bulk of fresh water in India (83%),
industry uses 6% of which the beverage industry uses but a
mere 0.04%. But every drop counts and PepsiCo India's primary
focus in its beverage and snacks plants has been on conserving
water at each stage of the manufacturing process.

Positive Water Balance

In 2003 PepsiCo India embarked on its journey to achieve

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Positive Water Balance by 2009. In other words, the total water
that is conserved or recharged at the plant and community level
should exceed the total water usage.

Reducing water

Strengthening water



The pursuit of the vision to

Having reduced the "debit" side


of the water balance equation



Balance resulted in water



focused on earning the "credits"










Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Reducing water debit

The pursuit of the vision to achieve Positive Water Balance
resulted in water as a resource being "revalued" across the






movement to conserve and optimize water usage within the

manufacturing process (or the debit side). The multi-pronged
approach across manufacturing plants included innovative reuse
and recycling initiatives in the manufacturing process that
focused on the reduction of water usage. In the last five years,
these initiatives in India have enabled PepsiCo India to reduce
water use in manufacturing plants by over 60%, and--in the last
two years alone-- the company has saved over 2 billion liters of

In-plant water recharge and harvesting

The multi-pronged approach comprises awareness, commitment
and metrics, installation of water recovery equipment and
improved water management practices. Thanks to significant








tremendous amount of water recycled through the starch

recovery process used in our snack plants, PepsiCo reduced
water use in manufacturing plants by over 60% and in the last








Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
2 billion litres of water by reusing water for processes such as
cooling towers, watering gardens and

flushes, PepsiCo India

plants achieved a total reduction in waste water of over 80% in

2006 and 2007.

Zero Water Discharge

Harvesting Water

Rain or roof water harvesting methods have become standard

practice for all PepsiCo plants in order to maintain and
strengthen water reserves in the surrounding areas. Examples
consist of the Jainpur, Bazpur, Bharuch, Palakkad, Panipat and
Neelamangala plants, along with the snack plants in Channo and
Pune, which harvest and collect rain water in excavated lakes
and ponds while the Mamundar, Mahul and Panipat plants use
roof water harvesting to rejuvenate the surrounding aquifers.

Strengthening water credit

Having reduced the "debit" side of the water balance equation
significantly, attention was focused on earning the "credits" to
achieve Positive Water Balance. Rain and roof water harvesting

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
structures were constructed whereever feasible. Community
water projects were initiated, and comprehensive watershed
management programmes in partnership with TERI (The Energy
Resources Institute) in diverse and challenging geographic
locations were started. Next on the agenda was the untapped
potential for significant water reductions through interventions in

Community Projects

Providing water to surrounding communities has been another

key focus area for PepsiCo India plants in Neelamangala in
Karnataka, Palakkad in Kerala, and Sangareddy and Mamandur in
Tamil Nadu. Due to acute water scarcity in these villages,
thousands of villagers had to walk a distance of 1 to 2 kms each








participated and actively contributed to the construction of taps,

water tanks, bore wells and submergible pumps in their villages.
The benefits of PepsiCos community water initiatives in these

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
villages were tremendous. In Mamandur and Sangareddy, the
lives of more than 7,500 community members have become
considerably easier. Through the efforts of the PepsiCo Palakkad
plant, clean water was provided to more than 2,000 village
members while PepsiCo's Neelamangala plant supported rural
water projects in 2 villages which covered 2,500 people in these

Water conservation in agriculture

Agricultural interventions are another opportune area to achieve

water balance. Over the last three years, PepsiCo India, in
partnership with the Punjab Government, has been involved in
trials of direct seeding versus conventional transplantation in
rice fields. The direct seeding methodology has shown the
potential to reduce water consumption significantly.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
The common method of growing Paddy is by first raising a
nursery and then manually transplanting it to a field "puddled"
with three to four inches of water. As opposed to this water
intensive method, the direct seeding method sows the seeds
directly in the fields. This method results in a higher yield due to
the higher seeding density.
Over the last three years, PepsiCo India has conducted trials of
various paddy varieties in farmer's fields to validate the
technology. A seeding machine which can sow paddy seeds at a
specified gap and at a uniform depth has also been developed.
Repeated direct seeding methodology trials have demonstrated
water savings of 30% (2.5 million litres/acre). A large-scale
implementation of this initiative has the potential to achieve
huge water savings.

TERI-PepsiCo project in Karnataka and Uttaranchal

In 2004, PepsiCo partnered with The Energy and Resources

Institute (TERI), a scientific research organization, to study and

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
rejuvenate local water bodies. The aim of this project was to
enhance the quality and access of water to villagers in
Neelamangala, Karnataka and around Dehradun and Mukteswar
in Uttaranchal and currently recharges 300 million litres of
water every year.
The results of the partnership were commendable. Currently,
PepsiCos community project in Karnataka provides water, health
and sanitation services to 3,000 people residing in 4 villages.

Community participation played an important

role in the success of the project. Local Government bodies,
community youth groups and womens self help groups played a
critical role in the construction of 128 toilets, 5 vermin compost
pits and 1 community vermin compost pit. To promote the
collection of solid waste, approximately 500 dustbins have been
distributed to community members.
Agricultural programmers initiated in these areas also serve to
improve irrigation systems. Drip irrigation has been implemented
in farmers fields while a farm pond for storing water and using it
to replenish a vegetable garden is currently in the process of







Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
construction of a water recharge structure and a rainwater
harvesting structure for a school.

In addition to this, high yield cash crops and

integrated pest management systems are being promoted. Best
practices on organic approaches are shared with community
members along with methods to improve moisture content of the
soil. The initiatives implemented in these communities also
include public education about sanitation and hygiene along with
provision of health care facilities and health education to
improve awareness levels of community members.
To supplement these programmes in a more holistic manner,
enterprise and sustainable livelihood development is also
promoted and villagers are trained in mushroom processing
while self help groups are trained in various income generation
activities to help create a viable local economy. Besides being
deeply involved in the implementation of the various community
projects, community members have also contributed financially
to the ongoing work.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Progress made in Uttaranchal

In Uttarkhand, PepsiCo's partnership with TERI has been

successful in rejuvenating traditional water harvesting structures








Uttarkhand into model villages. The villagers have also benefited

immensely from the health and sanitation initiatives developed
with the support of PepsiCo and TERI along with a programme to
promote renewable energy. The results of this integrated
watershed development programme have created a holistic and
sustainable change in the villages.

Waste to Wealth by PEPSICO





Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
PepsiCo India continues to strengthen its Solid Waste Management
initiatives in partnership with Exnora, an environmental NGO. This
award winning, income generating partnership currently impacts
more than 1,00,000 people in Tamil Nadu and Panipat.

Award winning Zero Waste Management Programme in

Pammal, Tamil Nadu
Effective and environmentally friendly disposal of municipal waste is a
major challenge for local Government bodies. In partnership with the
Government, NGOs and community members, PepsiCo India continues to
implement waste management projects in various districts in the country.

Despite the creation of a detailed policy on Solid Waste Management and

Handling rules in 2000, very few municipalities in the country were able
to completely comply with these rules. PepsiCo India and EXNORA
effectively implemented a model project in Pammal district in Tamil Nadu
that adhered to the Government policy on waste management. The
project created a visible difference in the local environment of the region.
Implemented in a few wards of the Pammal district and impacting a
population of over 22,000, the programme imparted training on recycling
waste rather than simply relocating it. The programme involved the
creation of infrastructure, usage of superior grade EXORCO compost,

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
recycling of plastic and steel waste, road cleaning, street beautification,
sanitation awareness programmes and a tree plantation programme that
include the concept of 'Each Child Adopt a Tree'.
Households were encouraged to segregate their bio-degradable waste
from their recyclable waste. The bio-degradable waste was converted into
high quality organic manure through the process of vermi-culture. The
sale of recyclable waste provided a stream of income to sustain the
project which improved the ambience of Pammal district.
Every aspect of the programme was built around maximum community
and Government participation which helped the programme evolve into a









environmental Golden Peacock Award for Innovation in 2006 and was

recognized as a model project by UNICEF in 2007.

PepsiCo-EXNORA's Zero Waste Management initiative

in Pammal recognized as a model project by UNICEF







Pammal, Tamil Nadu was selected by UNICEF as a model project and a

centre for international learning in the area of Urban Solid Waste

an aim to understand the planning, process, implementation and impact

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
of the program, a team of 21 UNICEF delegates from 9 countries, which
consisted of Denmark, Egypt, Zambia, Phillipines, Indonesia, Nepal, East
Jerusalem, Djibouti and Ethiopia, visited the Pammal project and
recognized it as being a unique initiative which demonstrates a strong
partnership between community members, the Government, NGOs and
the corporate sector.
In 2007, UNICEF included urban solid waste management as part of its
sanitation pillar and it selected Pammal's Zero Waste Management centre
as a best case study for it team of international delegates. This
prestigious recognition by UNICEF follows the Golden Peacock Award For
Innovation received by PepsiCo India and Exnora for their partnership in
this unique waste recycling program.













EXNORA and PepsiCo inaugurated the Environmental Training Institute
(EXPEETI) in 2007.
The Training Institute acts as a knowledge centre and creates awareness
in the area of solid waste management for stakeholders and various
decision makers. An integral responsibility of this initiative is to spread
knowledge on how to adapt existing technologies and customize them to
suit specific local conditions. The Training Institute serves to support and
strengthen the capacity of the local Government and conducts training

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India







mechanisms and helps bring together a network of professionals working

in the area of solid waste management.






Tenkasi, Sangareddy in Tamil Nadu and Panipat in


The inauguration of the PepsiCo India-EXNORA Zero Waste Management

Project in Nagapattinam marked the expansion of PepsiCo India and
Exnora's efforts to manage domestic solid waste in an environmentallyfriendly manner.
Continuous door-to-door campaigns, rallies and street plays are carried
out to motivate people to segregate organic and inorganic garbage at
source. The organic waste is converted into compost using vermi-culture
and the inorganic waste is sorted into categories for recycling.
The innovative project not only promotes sanitary surroundings, but
provides several opportunities for micro-enterprises such as PET bottle,
waste paper and tetra pack recycling.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Along with this project in Nagapattinam, the PepsiCo Foundation also
initiated similar projects in Cuddalore, Tenkasi and Sangareddy in Tamil
Nadu and in 2007, inaugarated the programme in Panipat, Haryana.

PepsiCo India's agri-partnerships with

farmers help farmers across the country
grow and earn more
PepsiCo's involvement in Indian agriculture stems from its vision
of creating a cost-effective, localised agri-base in India by
leveraging its access to world class agricultural practices. During









Governments, PepsiCo helped transform the lives of thousands

of farmers by helping them refine their farming techniques and
raise farm productivity.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

The most ambitious project is a joint programme, launched in

1989, between PepsiCo India, the Punjab Agriculture University
(PAU) in Ludhiana and Punjab Agro Industries Corporation (PAIC)
in Chandigarh. The programme focuses on evolving agricultural
practices to help Punjab farmers produce crops that would make
Indian products internationally competitive.

PepsiCo pioneered the concept of contract farming under which

the PepsiCo team transfers agriculture technology to farmers
who, in turn, produce raw material for PepsiCo products. To
support the initiative PepsiCo set up a 27-acre research and
demonstration farm in Punjab to conduct farm trials of new
varieties of tomato, potato and other crops.







Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
successfully evaluated the following crops:

several varieties of basmati rice more than 200 varieties

and hybrids of chilli

25 varieties and hybrids of corn

more than 60 varieties of peanut

more than 100 varieties and hybrids of tomato.

Additionally, the development of new tomato varieties has

helped increase total annual production of tomato varieties from
28,000 tons to over 200,000 tons in Punjab. Yields have more
than tripled from 16 tons to 54 tons per hectare.
Under the programme, 6 high-quality, high-yield potato varieties
have also been introduced to Indian farmers. These new potato
seeds have helped to increase farm income and enabled PepsiCo
to procure world class chip-grade potatoes for its Frito Lay
snacks division. The company has partnered with more than
15,000 farmers working in over 10,000 acres across Punjab, U.P.,
Karnataka, Jharkand West Bengal and Maharashtra for the supply
of potatoes.

A juicy opportunity-PepsiCo Citrus Project

Extending the initiative

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

The PepsiCo/Tropicana and PAGREXCO (Punjab Agri Export

Corporation) Citrus Development Programme has emerged as
one of the most successful models of public-private partnerships






Government on the citrus project which served to improve the

quality of life for thousands of farmers and also created a
localised supply base for citrus juice under Tropicana, the world's
largest juice brand. PepsiCo was also interested in exploring the
export potential of the local produce. The project, signed in
2002, served to deepen PepsiCo's involvement in Punjab
agriculture which started in 1989. It also marked a step forward
in fulfilling its commitment to improving the quality of life for
thousands of farmers.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Today, farmers can choose from 16 varieties of rootstock and 32

varieties of citrus. This is one of the largest collections at a
commercial nursery, creating a world-class source of planting
material for Punjab's farmers. This is a mutually beneficial
situation for PepsiCo and the farmers of Punjab.

PepsiCo also provided technical support and expertise to the

Punjab Government to set up two fruit processing plants in
Hoshiarpur and Abohar which are prime citrus growing areas in
Punjab. Each plant is capable of processing multiple fruits,
offering an advantaged supply chain for fruit juice concentrates.
Each Plant contains cold stores with a capacity of 2400 tons for
finished products. Trials have been carried out with Kinnow,
Musambi, Tomatoes, Mangoes, Melons and Strawberries.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PEPSICO for Healthy Kids

PepsiCo India stays committed to the health and well-being
of children. It will continue to provide children with a healthy
and fun portfolio while simultaneously tackling the 'calories
out' side of the equation by expanding its Get Active
programme for kids.
PepsiCo India believes that in order to build its business in a
sustainable manner, it has a responsibility to ensure that its
consumers are nourished in multiple dimensions. PepsiCo
India has been proactive in taking a variety of steps to





PepsiCo's diverse portfolio




Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCos diverse portfolio reflects its commitment to provide

consumers with nutritious options. The wide spectrum of
nutritious options offered by PepsiCo includes its range of
Tropicana juices, rehydrating Gatorade sports drinks and
Aquafina packaged drinking water. Frito Lays healthy snack
options include the high-fibre breakfast cereal, Quaker Oats,
while the nutritious Lehar Lite range of snacks contains 25%
less oil. Its core products, Lays Kurkure, Uncle Chipps and
Cheetos are cooked in Rice Bran Oil to significantly reduce
saturated fats. The Lehar roasted line of namkeens uses
oil sparingly in its products and only in the seasoning. None
of Frito Lays products contain MSG or transfats and all of



The Health and Wellness agenda is focused on several fronts

to make its existing core products healthier with reduced
fats, fewer calories and no caffeine as well as expanding it
range of 'good for you' products such as Quaker Oats,
Tropicana and Gatorade.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCo India is focusing its innovation, and Research and

Development efforts to make its core offerings healthier. For
example products such as Lay's, Kurkure and Cheetos are
now healthier as they are cooked in Rice bran oil which has
successfully reduced the saturated fat in these brands
by 40%,

PepsiCo India is also committed to expand it's range of

healthy products which include the high-fiber breakfast









expanding its range of Tropicana juice variants.

Another key effort lies in tackling the calories out side of

the equation by encouraging active lifestyles especially for
school going children. PepsiCo has initiated the Get Active

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
programme that promotes active lifestyles and healthy
nutritional habits among children in approximately 120
schools located in Delhi and Mumbai.

Calories Out - Getting Active!

One of the ways to battle the growing issue of obesity is to

tackle the 'calories out' side of the equation by encouraging
active lifestyles especially for school going children.
Launched in 2006, Get Active is a partnership between
PepsiCo India and Swashrit Society, an NGO. The programme
currently covers 1,00,000 children enrolled in 120 schools in
Mumbai and Delhi.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Through the Get Active programme, PepsiCo's snack and

beverage businesses collaborate with the National Advisory
Board - comprising medical practitioners, nutritionists and
public health policy experts - to work towards our vision of
improving the health and well-being of our children. The Get
Active programme promotes active lifestyles and healthy
nutritional habits among children in schools.

In 2007, a Get Active seminar was organised by Swashrit in

association with the Indian Medical Association (IMA) to
facilitate a discussion between leading NGOs, principals and
representatives from CBSE on how to incorporate an







curriculums. This first of its kind seminar reflected PepsiCo's

commitment to spreading awareness and creating a holistic
network of professionals working in areas relevant to this

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

In 2008, Get Active will be implemented nationally in all 6


Environment Awards

PepsiCo takes pride in its achievements






Chennai wins Environmental Golden Peacock Award for

Innovation in 2006
PepsiCos Palakkad plant won Golden Peacock National
Award for Environment Management in 2005
Neelamangala plant selected for the Parisara Mithra
Award for environment in 2005
PepsiCo Madurai plant won Golden Peacock National

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Award for Environment Management in 2001 and 2002

PepsiCos snack food company, Frito-Lay, is the leader in the

branded potato chip market and was amongst the first companies
to eliminate the use of trans fats and MSG in its products. It
manufactures Lays Potato Chips; Cheetos extruded snacks, Uncle
Chipps and traditional namkeen snacks under the Kurkure and
Lehar brands. The companys high fibre breakfast cereal, Quaker
Oats, along with Lehar Lites, low fat and roasted snack options
enhance the choices available to the growing health and wellness
needs of our consumers. Frito Lays core products, Lays, Kurkure,
Uncle Chipps and Cheetos are cooked in Rice Bran Oil to
significantly reduce saturated fats and all of its products contain
voluntary nutritional labeling on their packets.
The group has built an expansive beverage, snack food and
exports business and to support the operations are the groups 37
bottling plants in India, of which 16 are company owned and 21
are franchisee owned. In addition to this, PepsiCos Frito Lay snack
division has 3 state of the art plants. PepsiCos business is based
on its sustainability vision of making tomorrow better than today.
PEPSICOS commitment to living by this vision every day is visible
in our contribution to our country, consumers, farmers and our

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

M a i n Text



f u n ct i o n i n g



c h a n n e l s o f Pe p s i C o.





m a r ke t i n g



p ro v i d e d b y t h e c o m p a n y.
To c a t e g o r i z e v a r i o u s o u tl e t s

e ff e c t i v e n e s s

re t a i l




re g i o n a s p er t h e i r s a l e s / v o l u m e a n d f re q u e n c y o f
p u rc h a s e .

fi g u re



p ro b l e m a t i c



t a ke

c o rre c t i v e m e a s u re s w i th h e l p o f o u r s e n i o r s.
To u n d e r s t a n d t h e tr a d e m a r ke t i n g e ff o r t o f Pe p s i C o
L t d i n J a l a n d h a r re g i o n .

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
To h a v e a c o m p a r a t i v e a n a l y s i s o f d i ff e re n t m a r ke t
p l a y er s


s o ft


i n d u st r y

w h i ch



c o m p a n y f o r i m p ro v i n g i t s e l f o n w e a k p o i n t s.



c u rre n t

m a r ke t

p ro m o ti o n a l

p ro g r a m m e s r u n b y m a j o r p l a y e r s w h i c h h el p s to
o rg a n i z a t i o n f o r i m p ro v i n g i t s e l f.
To g i v e s o m e s u g g e s t i o n s a n d re c o m m e n d a t i o n s .

Scope & Purpose of the











m a r ke t i n g o f Pe p s i - C o l a I n d i a a l o n g w i th th e c a rr y i n g
o n t h e b u s i n e s s o f a b e v e r a g e i n d u s t r y fi rm .

Limitations of the Study

A s t h e m a r ke t i s w i d e i t i s n o t f e a s i b l e to co v e r u p
e n t i re m a r ke t o f J a l a n d h a r Te rr i to r y.
e rro r s
o c c u rre d ,

re s u l t s

f ro m

a c t u a l i t y.
D a t a m a y b e m i s i n t e r p re t e d b y re t a i l e r s s o m e t i m e s .
S o m e i m p o r t a n t p o i n t s m a y b e m i s s e d o u t.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

M a r ke t

s h a re




d ep e n d e n t



f a c t o r s w h i c h m a ke m a r ke t v er y v o l a t i l e s u c h a s
t i m e o f d e l i v e r y , d a i l y w i s e p ro m o t i o n a l s c h e m e s
l u n c h e d b y a l l m a j o r p l a y er s .
S o m e t i m e t h e re t a i l e r s d o e s n o t re v e l th e tr u e
i n f o rm a t i o n a n d n e g o t i a t e i n t e rm s o f t h e s e r v i c e s
p ro v i d e d b y c o m p a n y.

Primary data collection T h i s s t u d y i s d e s c r i p t i v e a s w e l l a s ex p l o r a to r y i n
n a t u re

Re t a i l e r s



co m p a n y

o ffi c i a l s

c o m p r i s e t h e p o p u l a t i o n o f th i s st u d y.
We u s e n o n - p ro b a b i l i t y s a m p l i n g t e ch n i q u e s i . e .
c o n v en i e n c e , j u d g e m e n t a n d sn o w b a l l s a m p l i n g .
Pr i m a r y d a t a c o l l e c t i o n b y v i s i t i n g o u t l e t
l i ke
a s s e t n u m b e r o f v i s i , a n n u a l s a l e v o l u m e , Pe p s i &
c o ke s h a re , s t a t u s o f l o ca t i o n , p u r i t y & f u l l n e s s o f
v i s i , r a c k & a i r h a n g er , a v a i l a b i l i t y o f b r a n d l e n g th
and width in outlet.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India





fi n d i n g


re a s o n s fo r a l o w s a l e s sh a re .
D i s c u s s i n g t h e i s su e s w i t h th e A D C a n d T D M f o r
negotiating a solution.
Vi s i t i n g t h e o u t l e t s re p e a t e d l y t o e n s u re a p ro p e r



co m p l a i n t s

f ro m

th e



c o m p a n y.
Tr a c k i n g t h e g ro w t h i n s a l e s sh a re i n e a c h o u tl e t
b y fi n d i n g o u t t h e D R I N K A G E .

S e c o n d a r y d a t a c o l l e c t i on Secondary data is collected


i n t e rn e t,

o ffi c i a l

re c o rd s , m a g a z i n e s e t c .

Marketing Equipment Excellence in Jalandhar


Phase -1: Route riding & Market audit:D u r i n g i n i t i a l d a y s o f m y S I P , th e ta s k a s s i g n t o m e

w a s t o d o ro u t e r i d i n g & m a r ke t a u d i t o n d i ff e re n t
ro u t e s o f d i ff e re n t d i st r i b u t o r s a s p re s c r i b e d b y m y
c o m p a n y g u i d e . T h e m o t i v e b e h i n d t h e t a s k a ss i g n e d
t o m e w a s t o m a ke m e f a m i l i a r w i t h t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n
c h a n n e l s o f Pe p s i C o i n J a l a n d h a r t e rr i to r y a n d a l s o
a n a l y s i n g t h e p o s i t i o n o f m a r ke t i n g e q u i p m e n t s a s to
h o w a p p ro p r i a t e l y a re t h e y u t i l i s e d , t h e cr i t e r i a f o r

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

re t a i l






w e re

distinguished as followed.
Vi s i - C o o l e r s Lo c a t i o n
Ra c k l o c a t i o n
Vi s i Pu r i t y ( i t s h o u l d b e 1 0 0 % p u re w i th Pe p s i C o
p ro d u c t )
Ra c k Pu r i t y ( i t s h o u l d b e 1 0 0 % p u re w i t h Pe p s i C o

p ro d u c t )
Vi s i f u l l n e s s ( i t sh o u l d b e a t l e a s t 9 0 % f u l l )
Ra c k f u l l n e s s ( i t s h o u l d b e a t l e a s t 9 0 % f u l l )
Pro p e r A i r- h a n g e r
Pro p e r C o u n t e r to p
Pro p e r S i g n a g e

M a r ke t a u d i t a re l i ke a s u r v e y w h i ch w a s d o n e i n o rd e r
t o a n a l y z e t h e i n v e s t m e n t b e n e fi t t h e c o m p a n y ca n
g e t i n f u t u re a n d a l s o f o r t h e p u r p o s e o f g e t t i n g a
b e t t e r d i s p l a y o f t h e b r a n d i n t h e m a r ke t .
T h e d e m a n d fo r a n y p ro d u c t d e p e n d s u p o n t h e s e 3
Av a i l a b i l i t y
Av a i l a b i l i t y m e a n s t h a t p ro d u ct i s b e i n g o ff e re d to t h e



m a r ke t







Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Ac c e s s i b i l i t y m e a n s t h e a c c e s s i b i l i t y to t h e m a r ke t
w h e re t h e p ro d u c t i s a v a i l a b l e a n d l a s t b u t n o t t h e
l e a s t i s q u a l i t y. Q u a l i t y m e a n s t h e f re s h n e s s o f t h e
p ro d u c t a n d p re s e n c e o f o t h e r f e a t u re s w h i c h m a ke i t
w o r t h t o b e b o u g h t a t t h e p r i c e o ff e re d . T h e s e re t a i l
i n i t i a t i v e s a i m a t a l l t h e s e 3 f a c t o r s to i n c re a s e t h e






p ro m o t e


s a l e . Bo t h s p a c e c l u b a n d g ro c er y c l u b a re p ro d u c t


( m e rc h a n d i s i n g )

w h i ch

o ff e r


c u s t o m e r s ( s h o p ke e p e r s , h e re ) s o m e re w a rd s i n t e rm s
o f g i ft s o r d i s c o u n t s i f th e y d i s p l a y t h e p ro d u c t s i n t h e
re s p e c t i v e p l a c e s m e n t i o n e d i n th e r u l e s a n d n o rm s o f
t h e s c h e m e . T h e s e d i s p l a y s ch e m e s h a v e a c e r ta i n
d u r a t i o n t i l l w h i c h t h e d i sp l a y n e e d s to b e m a i n t a i n e d
i n o rd e r t o w i n g i ft s a n d d i s c o u n ts .

Phase 2: Visi-Excellence:M a r ke t i n g


t o p s,

l i ke

Vi s i - c o o l er ,

fr y i n g

Ra c k s ,




U m b re l l a , e t c a re v e r y u s e f u l a n d e ff e c t i v e i n i m p u l s e
generation, perfect combination of these equipments
a n d p ro m o s ( p o s t er s & p a i n t i n g s ) c re a t e B LU E Z O N E



o u tl e t


c re a t e



a t m o s p h e re i n o u t l e t w h i ch c a n d i re c t l y e n h a n c e t o
s a l e s i n a n y o u t l e t . P E P S I C O s s l o g a n J O D I K H TA H A I

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
W O B I K TA H A I !

A l s o re s e m b l e t h i s c o n c e p t . T h e b a s i c

a i m o f t h e c o m p a n y i s to i n c re a s e th e s a l e s a s w e l l th e
m a x i m u m u t i l i s a t i o n o f Pe p s i C o s a s s e t s t o i n c re a s e
I n c o l d d r i n k i n d u s t r y c o o l i n g e q u i p m e n t s p l a y v er y
c r u c i a l a n d i m p o r t a n t ro l e. T h e y d i re c t l y e ff e c t s o n


p ro d u c t s




o rg a n i z a t i o n

l i ke

Pe p s i c o a n d c o ke s p e n d a l o t o f b u d g e t o n i t s p u rc h a s e
a n d m a i n t e n a n c e.
I n m y p ro j e c t I a m m a j o r l y c o n c e rn i n g o n Vi s i - c o o l er s
p e r f e c t i o n i n o u t l e t s w h e re P E P S I C O s p ro d u c t s sa l e s
a re g o i n g o n , a c c o rd i n g to a n n u a l sa l e v o l u m e a n d
f re q u e n c y o f p u rc h a s e cr i t e r i o n , i n J a l a n d h a r t e rr i t o r y.
Vi s i v o l u m e ( S i z e ) s h o u l d b e j u s t i fi e d a c c o rd i n g t o V P O
( v o l u m e p er o u t l e t ) a n d h u rd l e r a t e w h i ch h a v e s e t b y
c o m p a n y a c c o rd i n g t o v o l u m e o f v i s i , c o n d i t i o n o f v i s i
s h o u l d v er y g o o d , c o o l n e s s o f b o t t l e d i re c t e ff e c t t o
s a l e b e c a u s e c u s t o m e r w a n t s c h i l l e d b o tt l e o f c o l d drinks.
I n m y p ro j e c t , I a m co l l e c t i n g p r i m a r y d a t a f ro m

re g a rd i n g




co n d i t i o n


c h e c k t h e i r a n n u a l s a l e ( V P O ) t o m a ke s u re s u i t a b i l i t y
o f v i s i s i z e i n t h a t o u t l e t, i f re t a i l e r t e l l s a n y p ro b l e m
re g a rd i n g



i n f o rm a t i o n



Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
t e c h n i c a l t e a m ( h e l p l i n e) f o r q u i c k re c o v e r y. At t h e
end of day I analyse the data and discuss it with
A s s t . M a n a g e r- s a l e & d ev e l o p m e n t , a ft e r a n a l y s i s w e
t a ke d e c i s i o n f o r a n y re p l a c e m e n t ( ca n b e l a rg e o r
s m a l l a c c o rd i n g t o V P O a n d co m p e t i t o r s Vi s i - s i z e ) a n d
p ro p o s e f o r n e w v i s i . I a l s o m a ke m o d e l w i s e s u m m e r y



re q u i re d .

The Importance of Visual Merchandising

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Vi s u a l

m e rc h a n d i s i n g


f o rm s

cr i t i c a l



re t a i l i n g . B e s i d e s t h e f a c a d e a n d w i n d o w s , w h i c h a re c l e a r l y
d o n e u p w i t h a n o b j e c t i v e to a t t r a ct p a s s e r- b y s a n d i n d u c e

t h e re





i n - st o re








c o n v en i e n c e



sh o p p i n g a n d o v e r a l l , o ff e r a s u p e r i o r s h o p p i n g ex p e r i e n c e .
C o n s u m e r b e h a v i o u r s t u d i e s h a v e c o n fi rm e d t h a t th e l u re o f a
b e a u t i f u l l y d o n e u p s h o w w i n d o w a n d a t a s t e f u l l y d e co r a t e d
f a c a d e, m o re o ft e n t h a n n o t, p ro v e i rre s i s t i b l e a s t h e y w a l k i n
to c h e c k o u t w h a t i s o n o ff e r. I t a l s o e n s u re s exc l u s i v i t y s i n c e
n o t w o s t o re s s h o u l d l o o k a l i ke. B e s i d e s, w h e n th e m o o d a n d
th e m e o f s u c h d i s p l a y s ch a n g e a t re g u l a r i n t e r v a l s, i t m a ke s
c e r t a i n t h a t t h e s t o re re m a i n s t o p o f m i n d . Lo y a l c u st o m e r s
h a v e o ft e n b e e n k n o w n t o a n x i o u s l y w a i t f o r t h e n ex t d i sp l a y.
S t i c k i n e s s




re t a i l

f o rm a t s





e n s u re d

s p a c e,



f u rn i t u re


v i s u a l e l e m e n t s w i t h re g a rd to i n - s to re d i s p l a y s.
O n c e c u s t o m e r s w a l k i n , i t i s b u t i m p e r a ti v e t o e n s u re t h a t
th e y e n j o y t h e i r fi r s t e n c o u n t e r w i t h th e s t o re . Aft e r a l l , re p e a t






fi r s t



m e m o r a b l e o n e . T h e l o g i ca l a rr a n g e m e n t o f co u n t er s , w i t h
c l e a r p a s s a g e w a y s a l l o w s f o r e a s y a c c e s s to m e rc h a n d i s e.
Ra t h e r t h a n g e t t i n g l o s t i n t h e m a z o t h a t m o st l a rg e s t o re s
a re , t h e c u s t o m e r f e e l s m o re i n c o n t ro l . S p a c e i s a l l o c a t e d t o

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
v a r i o u s p ro d u c t c a t e g o r i e s t a k i n g i n to a c co u n t t h e n u m b e r o f
S KU s s t o c ke d a n d s h e l v- e s / c o u n t e r s p a c e re q u i re m e n t s a re
w o r ke d o u t a c c o rd i n g l y.
C l e a r p a s s a g e s a re p ro v i d e d f o r p ro d u c t s, w h i c h re q u i re to u c h
a n d f e e l . A l l i m p u l s e p u rc h a s e d r i v e n p ro d u c t s a re a l s o c l e a r l y
d i s p l a y e d s o t h a t t h e c u s t o m e r s ca n re a c h t h e m w i t h o u t a n y
h i n d r a n c e . A l s o , i t h a s b e e n o b s e r v e d t h a t w h e n a p er s o n
e n t er s a ro o m , t h e h u m a n e y e m o v e s i n a Z p a t t e rn , i . e. f ro m
re a r l e ft o f t h e ro o m t o r i g h t re a r , f o l l o w e d b y f ro n t l e ft o f th e
ro o m t o f ro n t r i g h t . C a re s h o u l d b e t a ke n t o d o u p t h e re a r l e ft
e n d o f t h e ro o m i n a n a p p e a l i n g m a n n e r s o a s to g u i d e th e
d i re c t i o n o f v i s i o n a n d ke e p a s h o p p e r v i s u a l l y i n t e re s t e d .
A g re a t d e a l o f re s e a rc h h a s b e e n u n d er t a ke n o n t h e i m p a c t o f
l i g h t i n g o n a c u s t o m e r s p u rc h a s e b e h a v i o r. Re s u l t s c l e a r l y
i n d i c a t e t h a t i n g en e r a l , s to re s th a t a re b r i g h t l y l i t , w i th t h e
l i g h t s c l e v e r l y b l e n d i n g w i t h th e i n t e r i o r s l e a d t o h i g h e r
c u s t o m e r c o m f o r t , a n d a s s u c h , m o re s a l e s.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Sales increase and Merchandising



Research has shown that sales increase by as much as 12% with effective

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Benefit of merchandising:
attracts the attention of the consumers to Pepsi-Cola products
reminds the consumers to buy Pepsi-Cola products
reinforces Pepsi-Cola advertising & marketing strategies

Makes it convenient for consumers to buy.

Merchandising plays a key role in sales and building Brand Image,

Generates more traffic
Drives impulse
Conversionno. of consumers
Consumptionsize of purchases
Helps consumers learn about our products

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Amplifies repeat business
Drives Brand image
Adds flavor to stores interior

Principles of great merchandising:

Location : High traffic area / first place
Position : Uniform appearance/consistent
Space to Sales : SKU proportionate to sales
Vertical striping: bill board effect
Facings: Logo facing the consumer
POP : Clean & current
Pricing: Clear price mark / value message
Rotation & cleaning : Maintain FIFO

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Innovation: warm display make it attractive
Tracking : Track & follow-up/maintain

Merchandising Checklist
Ensure appropriate products and packages are available
Obtain best locations for Pepsi products including, displays, visi

coolers, racks
Bundle all Pepsi brands together
Ensure bottle labels are facing consumers
Clean shelves, bottles and POP material
Get a fair share of space for Pepsi products
Remove competitors products from our crates/visi-coolers
Place POP in visible and high traffic areas

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Make our pricing apparent to the consumer
Arrange stocks in back room

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India


PRE-SELL Process

From bottling plant to consumer

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Importance to Customers
Importance to the

Improved service
Right products every
time Volume &
Higher off-take due to
improved execution
Higher category

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Importance to Consumer

Against Competitor

Full range availability in

more outlets
More relevant
Better value

Improved competitive
Ability to attract higher
caliber people vs. comp
More sustainable


Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India


G r a d i n g / I d e n t i fy i n g

Tr a i n i n g


Ma d e

s ca l e


G r a d e d t h e P S R o n t h e B a s i s o f t h a t s c a l e , a n d t h e n c a t e go r i z i n g
t he m i n t o :
Tra i n e r l e v e l
G o o d o n m o s t p a r a m e t e r s ( ne e d s i m p r ov e m e n t o n f e w) .






( p ot e n t i a l



Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
SMART Objectives HELP

During the rout rides with the PSRs following work with
c h e c k l i s t w a s m a i n t a i n e d b y u s a n d i n t h e e ve n i n g a c c o u n t b y
a c c o u n t f e e d b a c k w a s g i v e n to t h e C E f o l l o w e d b y t h e A D C a n d

Name of
the PSR

Brands of
the Month

To check
whether the
scheme is
executed to the

WORK *WITH Checklist

Conducting the Work*WITH




Package Distribution

Executional Standards

(racks & Displays)

No of
accounts done
on a route

No. of




Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

8 Steps of the Call fallowed by

Pre Sales Executive in each outlet

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Bottling Operations
Composition of a Sugar-containing Soft


196.5 kJ





0.98 mg


11.74 g


11.04 g




10 mg

Water: 86-90%

Sugar: 10-13%

CO2: 0.3-0.7%

Concentrate: 0.2-0.4%

Steps of manufacturing
Per 100 ml
1. Ingredient Delivery
2. Washing and Rinsing
3. Mixing and Blending
4. Filling
5. Labeling
6. Coding
7. Inspection
8. Packaging
9. Warehousing and Delivery

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

1-Ingredient Delivery
Team of professionals, work on selecting, auditing, sampling, testing,
approving and then authorizing the sugar suppliers and the list of such
authorized suppliers with approved sugar lots and along with the certificate
of analysis are sent across to all the bottling unit for procurement.
Secret Formula
Created in special concentrate plants, it's delivered, held and used under
strict controls to maintain its integrity and security. Each unit of concentrate
is especially identifiable to allow the "history" of each component to be
researched at any stage of production, storage or use.
CO2 Formula
when delivered to the plant, carbon dioxide, or CO2, comes in cylinders for
easy delivery and storage. But what is it? In essence, it's a colorless and
odorless gas that provides the "fizz" for beverages. But it's also a byproduct of breathing and used by plants and trees to produce oxygen.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

since water is a key component to all beverages, its quality is critical. And,
since public water quality varies around the world, each plant further treats
the water it uses. This means that before water is added to any of
beverages; it's rigorously filtered and cleansed. Then continuously sample
the water to ensure it meet PepsiCos standards.

Ingredients are not the only things delivered to the plant. Other materials
such as bottles, cans, labels and packaging are also delivered. Pepsico
plants in India use refillable bottles, CANS, PET etc. in the Production
Process, when bottles and cans are delivered to the plant; they are carefully
inspected to ensure that they meet exacting standards. Once these have
passed initial inspection, they move on to be washed and/or rinsed.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

2-Washing and Rinsing

To ensure quality, each bottle is washed, sanitized and rinsed

before being filled. While this sounds simple, the actual steps can
differ by bottling plant. In India, PepsiCos plants use refillable
glass, cans or PET bottles. To ensure they meet PepsiCos
cleanliness standard, bottles are first hit with prerinse jets which
remove any dirt or debris. They are then soaked in a high-

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
temperature deep cleaning solution that removes any remaining
dirt and sanitizes them. The bottles then move to the "hydrowash"
where they are washed again with a deep cleaning pressure-spray.

3-Mixing and Blending

H2O and Sugar

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Mixing and blending begin with the steps of mixing pure water
with refined sugar, which creates simple syrup. The syrup is then
measured for the correct amount of sugar.
Secret Formula
PepsiCos secret formula is... still secret! That's right; the secret
formula remains a mystery to the millions of people in nearly 200
countries that enjoys refreshing beverages everyday.
H20 and Syrup
With the syrup nearing its final state,mix it with pure water,
creating the finished uncarbonated beverage. However, the water
and syrup must be mixed in right ratio. This is done by the
beverage proportioning equipment. It accurately measures the
correct ratio for each and sends this mixture to the carbonator.
CO2 Adding
Adding CO2 or carbon dioxide gas is the final touch that
carbonates the beverages. Carbon dioxide not only gives our
beverages their effervescent zest, but it also adds to the
distinctive and familiar taste everyone has come to expect from
PepsiCos beverages.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Once all the ingredients have been mixed and blended and the
bottles have been cleaned and sanitized, it ready to start filling.
This is a surprisingly complex process requiring precision at each
step. To begin with, bottles must be carefully timed as they move
to the filler - synchronization is key. Once at the filler, bottles are
either held securely in place by flexible grippers or precisely
placed under filling valves by centering devices. Before the bottles
can be filled, the inside of the bottles must be pressurized. This
allows for the force of gravity itself to draw the beverage into the
bottle - a process that ensures the smooth flow of liquid, with little
to no foaming.

Once the bottles have been filled and capped, they move on to be

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
labeled. A special machine dispenses labels from large rollers,
cuts them and place on the bottles.

The bottle is now ready to be coded. Each one of our beverages is
marked with a special code that identifies specific information
about it. The codes simply identify the date the beverages was
bottled or canned. These codes identify the date, time, batch no.
and the MRP. Product coding allows us to ensure that consumer
receive PepsiCos beverages at their flavorful best.

PepsiCo inspect bottles at many points during the process. With
refillable bottles, it happens they are first brought into the plant.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
They are also inspected after they are washed and again after
they are filled. Inspectors look for external bottle imperfections
and make sure each bottle has the right amount of beverages.
Even after filling, each plant samples bottles for analysis in its lab
to ensure quality is up to standards.

Once filled beverages have passed final inspection, they are
ready to be packaged for delivery. Generally, packing can refer to
everything from the unique "BOTTLE" and "CAN" designs, to label
designs, to cardboard boxes and containers, to plastic rings.
Because the needs and tastes of consumers are so diverse, the
packaging varies depending on where the beverages are being

9-Warehousing and Delivery

In order to make sure the freshest beverages possible get to
customer, each warehouse must efficiently manage the
thousands of beverages cases produced each day.
Beverage organization is key, though it's the bottle and can
coding that allow for the necessary precision. From the
warehouse, we load beverages onto distinctive trucks. Night and
day, trucks are delivering PepsiCos refreshing beverages to
stores, soda fountains, and vending machines.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Identifying Opportunities in an

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Re-launch of Slice in Jalandhar

PepsiCo India has announced the re-launch of its mango drink Slice
as it plans to take away market share in the fruit drink segment from
competitors Frooti and Maaza.
Slice has changed its logo and adopted a new tagline. The
reformulated drink with a tagline 'Absolutely Mangolicious' has roped
in Katrina Kaif as the brand ambassador because the main
consumer segment of soft drinks belongs to the age group of 5 40

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
yrs and it also popular among older person . Specially In India where
over the last few years where the juice segment is rapidly
overpowering the soft drinks market.
"With the range of products available in the market, consumers are
very flirtatious. Even with the market share PepsiCo currently hold,
PepsiCo felt the need to re-evaluate its product,"
On 24th march 2008,Pepsico India re- launched of Slice .Slice is a
very important element of pepsico s vast product portfolio ,
There many players In mango drinks segment such as Maaza, Frooti,
Jumpin , Verka & Leh Berry and it was important for pepsico to make
its active presence felt in the market.

Slice promotion in Jalandhar territory

Slice was re-launched in Jalandhar region in yhe last week of
march.This is the perfect time to launch any new soft drink as this is
the season when the sales peak.
Slice was promoted by two ways in Jalandhar

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
1)Focus on retailers
2) Focus on consumers
Focus on retailers

On the first day of the re-launch pepsico distributed only slice to its
retailers. Later they introduced better schemes for their retailers in
slice to induce the retailers to buy more and more slice for e.g. they
gave away 3 bottles of slice 500 ml with every crate of pepsico soft
I was given the task to make the retailers aware about this new
flavor of slice and convince them to purchase and the sell more
crates of slice .
Pepsico s punchline is jo dikhta hai who bikhta hai and we worked
on this line to improve the sales of slice. To generate impulse among
the consumers we created a lucrative environment by putting up
huge displays of slice bottles and posters in the shop.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Focus on Consumer
This was also done in two ways
1) Above the line promotion
2) Below the line promotion

Above the line promotion is any promotion which is related to print

media. This was done by putting up advertisements in local
newspapers and giving discount coupons in newspapers. Discount
coupons of Rs. 10 were given in dainik bhaskar, Punjab kesri and

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
dainik jagran.
Below the line promotion is done by setting up kiosks or canopies. I
was given a certain area in Jalandhar where 4 canopies were set up
and my task was to supervise the promoters sitting there and then
spread awareness among the consumers by direct marketing . We
gave away glasses of chilled slice to consumers to make them aware
of the new taste and impress them to buy slice on the spot,we also
provide them with discount coupons of rs 5 on purchase of 1.2 l
bottle of slice which had one days validity. This also boosted the
sales of slice. This was a weeks task and during this time we
reached out to around 7000 people and we had a conversion rate of

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Quality control
PepsiCo follows one quality standard across the globe.

PepsiCos soft drinks meet the local Indian standards (Health

Ministry Standards for carbonated beverages notified July 15,
2004) which compare to the best-in-class and most stringent
international standards being followed anywhere in the world.
PepsiCos products comply with the Prevention of Food
Adulteration Act (PFA) directive on the use of water in the
preparation of soft drinks. also PepsiCo comply with Bureau of
Indian Standards (BIS) for packaged drinking water. PepsiCos
use a six-stage water purification process to deliver this
standard consistently.
PepsiCo has a long-standing commitment to protecting the

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
consumers whose trust and confidence in its products is the bedrock
of its success. In order to ensure that consumers stay informed
about the global quality of all PepsiCo products sold in India, PepsiCo
products carry a quality assurance seal on them. The One Quality
Worldwide assurance seal appears on the entire range of
PepsiCos beverages.

Water Quality: Incoming Water

Water accounts for the bulk of all beverages including colas. In
other words, the water used in soft drinks must be as safe as
possible for human consumption.
How do we ensure this?

Every water source used for PepsiCo beverages must first

be analytically qualified, which includes using accredited
laboratories to test for at least 100 parameters

At every plant, require the incoming water to be purified

even further, using a variety of processes. At a minimum,
every plant in India employs a dual back-to-back carbon

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Standards for flavours and other ingredients

PepsiCos flavor concentrates, which make up less than 1%

of finished beverages, also are diligently controlled

Each supplier must submit written verification that each lot

of ingredient shipped to facilities meets PepsiCos strict

In addition to water, sugar, and flavor testing, other

ingredients, including non agricultural have been analyzed
by outside laboratories

All ingredients including flavours, emulsifiers, preservatives,

colors, acidulants, anti-oxidants and low-calorie sweeteners
are food grade and have been approved by global food
standards like the JECFA/CODEX, USFDA and EU Scientific
Committee for Foods. All ingredients used also conform to
standards laid out by the Prevention of Food Adulteration
Act under the health ministry


Sugar accounts for 10 to 13% of a soft drink

Sugar must meet high standards of quality, which are

uniform for all of beverage plants across the globe. All of

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
sugar manufacturers must undergo the same supplier
qualification process

To add to already high quality standards, all of PepsiCos

plants in India further purify sugar with hot activated carbon
and fine filtration.

Quality of sugar
At PepsiCo, sugar is bought only from approved sugar mills after
a rigorous supplier qualification process described below:
Self Assessment

Perform self-assessment tool to evaluate current

sugar situation and knowledge base

Provide supplier with Pepsi sugar


Get requests into from supplier:

Paper Audit


Type of sugar

Manufacturing flow chart

Supplier's Quality process &


Supplier submits information

Quality and Procurement review supplier

data & if complete, proceed to next stage

Supplier to send test sample to

independent outside lab

Lab informs supplier of results


Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

On-site Audit


Supplier shares data with Pepsi

Review data & decide whether to proceed

to the next stage

Audit supplier's plant

Review their quality procedures

Determine ability to supply COC/COA

Ensure that the supplier is capable &

willing to consistently comply with the
Pepsi sugar specifications

"Conditional" approval

Supplier can being supplying from

approved refinery

Pepsi or outside lab tests first 10 deliveries

against COA

Supplier submits sample from beginning,

middle and end of session to outside lab

Pepsi/supplier share results of analyses


Full Approval

Approved Status

" Final approval status granted after supplier has

met COA requirements on 10 separate lots of
sugar and has submitted sample from beginning,
middle and end of production session to an
outside lab and all have been approved

Supplier sends sample from beginning,

middle and end of production season to
outside lab for complete analysis

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Lab informs supplier of results

If sample fails, Pepsi & Supplier meet to

develop corrective action plan

If problem is not solved, revocation of

"Approval" & shipments are halted

After sugar is received in the beverage plant, it is subjected to

further treatment to reduce impurities, colour, odour, and
microbes to achieve PepsiCo's Global Specifications. Note,
however, that white milled sugar has no standard for pesticide
residue as it is a processed agri-product.

Carbon Dioxide

The CO2 in each bottle of Pepsi surpasses that recognised for

medical applications.

We achieve this by subjecting each supplier to a rigorous

supplier qualification process, which includes a complete audit
of refineries and testing from approved international

Further, each batch carries certificates of analysis and

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Once the CO2 reaches a bottling plant, it undergoes further


Packaging trend in soft

drink industry
The beverage industry is one among the front-liners where








Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India






carbonated and non- carbonated is a complex technological

branch in the Food Processing /Packaging industry. The traditional
returnable glass bottle has given way to newer Plastic containers
as well as cartons. The current trend is to improve the
conventional containers, extend their share in the large market,
extend the shelf-life of the products, provide greater consumer
convenience and ultimately to produce economic packages.
The changing Indian scenario, with implementation of various
technologies and market Promotion activities, has changed the
scope for this industry exponentially. The Indian soft drink market
is worth Rs. 21,600 million a year with a growth of around 7%.
The production of soft drink has increased from 6230 million









2005.Tetrapack drink market Is currently growing at the rate of

10% with a total market share of 48%.
Carbonated drinks contain carbonated water, flavour, colour,
sweeteners and preservatives.CO2 Gas from pure source is
dissolved in water (amount varies with different types of
beverages). A variety of ingredients like flavouring agents,
colouring agents, preservatives, artificial sweeteners, antioxidants
and foaming agents are then added. Two major deteriorative
changes that occur in carbonated drinks are the loss of
carbonation and rancidification of essential flavouring oils.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
The first is largely a function of the effectiveness of the package
in providing a barrier to gas permeation, while the latter can be
prevented by the use of high quality flavourings and antioxidants,
and de-aerating the mix prior to carbonation. Oxidative rancidity
is reduced by the effectiveness of the package in providing a
barrier to gas permeation. Hence, the carbonated drink package
requires a container that will hold pressure and not contribute off
flavours. For many years virtually all carbonated drink soft drink
were packaged in glass bottles sealed with crown cork. In recent
years, non-returnable glass bottles are giving way to refillable
bottles. These have a foam plastic protective label of paper/poly
or an all plastic shrink sleeve, as a safety measure to prevent
flying of glass fragments in case of breakage of these containers.
The crown closure has been replaced with a roll-on aluminium
screw cap with tamper proof facility.
Among the metal containers, the 3-piece tinplate containers have
been used since long for the packaging of carbonated beverages.
These are being replaced now by 2-piece aluminium cans. These
cans retain the integrity of lacquer better than tin cans. Vinyl,
epoxy and vinyl organosolcoatings are used as lacquers for
aluminium cans. Epoxy amine provides good adhesion, colourand
flexibility to the can. Among the plastic containers, PET bottles are
the most preferred packaging material for packaging of soft

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
Soft drinks have a maximum permissible level of 20ppm for citrus
flavoured beverages and 40ppm for cola while the water loss is of
the order of 1%. Also, the loss of CO2 through the wall must be
allowed for. While increasing thickness will decrease the rate of
CO2permeation, The cost of the bottle, will also increase and so a
compromise has to be made. Other problems to be considered in








polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottle satisfies most of the

requirements for packaging of carbonated soft drinks. Improved
blow moulding techniques and bi-axial stretching have made PET
container to be pressurised due to its strength, dimensional
stability and precision. Also, they have a glasslike appearance,
good transparency, lustre, chemical inertness and unbreakability.

Advantages of PET Containers

The advantages of PET container are:
Superior packaging to product ratio: PET container being 63%
and 47% more
energy efficient than glass bottles and
aluminium cans respectively.
PET bottles are 32% more energy efficient than glass bottles
during delivery of 1000 gallons of soft drinks.
Glass bottles and Aluminium-cans generate 230% and 175%
times more atmosphere ice missions compared to PET.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
PET bottles contribute 68% and 18% less solid waste by weight
compared to glass and aluminium containers.
100 kg of oil is required to produce 1000 1-litre PET bottles as
against 230 kg for 1000equivalent glass bottles.
PET bottles help in fuel saving due to their lower weight.
The resins used in PET bottles to pack carbonated drinks are of a
very special quality. The PET bottles have to be extremely strong
to contain the internal pressure of CO 2 Without distortion and
expansion. This is obtained by using a resin, which has high
intrinsic viscosity and lower co-polymer levels. Currently, more










beverages/drinks forming nearly 80%.

The packaging requirements for all types of beverages are:
1. Absolutely leak-proof and prevent contamination.
2. Protect the contents against chemical deterioration no pick

up of external flavors.
Be hygienic and safe.
Retain carbonation in the case of carbonated beverages.
Good aesthetic appearance.
Economical, easy to use and dispose.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

Agri Business Operation

PepsiCo's involvement in Indian agriculture stems from its vision
of creating a cost-effective, localised agri-base in India by
leveraging its access to world class agricultural practices. During









Governments, PepsiCo helped transform the lives of thousands of

farmers by helping them refine their farming techniques and raise
farm productivity.

PepsiCo pioneered the concept of contract farming under which

the PepsiCo team transfers agriculture technology to farmers who,

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
in turn, produce raw material for PepsiCo products. Pepsico give
yearly average 12000 rupees(+20% annual increment) per acre
to formers (depends on location and fertility of land).lease period
are generally 10 to 15 years for horticulture purpose (for fruit
plants).Till now Jalandhar unit has done contract of 1200 acres of
land with farmers, till 2010 they plan for 5000 acres.
The PepsiCo/Tropicana and PAGREXCO (Punjab Agri Export
Corporation) Citrus Development Programme has emerged as one
of the most successful models of public-private partnerships in
Indian agri-business.PepsiCo supported the Punjab Government
on the citrus project which served to improve the quality of life for
thousands of farmers and also created a localised supply base for
citrus juice under Tropicana, the world's largest juice brand.
PepsiCo was also interested in exploring the export potential of
the local produce. The project, signed in 2002, served to deepen
PepsiCo's involvement in Punjab agriculture which started in
1989. It also marked a step forward in fulfilling its commitment to
improving the quality of life for thousands of farmers.
Today, farmers can choose from 16 varieties of rootstock and 32
varieties of citrus. This is one of the largest collections at a
commercial nursery, creating a world-class source of planting
material for Punjab's farmers. This is a mutually beneficial
situation for PepsiCo and the
farmers of Punjab.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

PepsiCo also provided technical support and expertise to the

Punjab Government to set up two fruit processing plants in
Hoshiarpur and Abohar which are prime citrus growing areas in
Punjab. Each plant is capable of processing multiple fruits,
offering an advantaged supply chain for fruit juice concentrates.
Each Plant contains cold stores with a capacity of 2400 tons for
finished products. Trials have been carried out with Kinnow,
Musambi, Tomatoes, Mangoes, Melons and Strawberries.
To support the initiative PepsiCo set up a 27-acre research and
demonstration farm in Punjab to conduct farm trials of new
varieties of tomato, potato and other crops.
The programme, which includes seed production, has successfully
evaluated the following crops:

several varieties of basmati rice more than 200 varieties and

hybrids of chilli

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

25 varieties and hybrids of corn

more than 60 varieties of peanut

more than 100 varieties and hybrids of tomato.

Additionally, the development of new tomato varieties has helped

increase total annual production of tomato varieties from 28,000
tons to over 200,000 tons in Punjab. Yields have more than tripled
from 16 tons to 54 tons per hectare.

Under the programme, 6 high-quality, high-yield potato varieties

have also been introduced to Indian farmers. These new potato
seeds have helped to increase farm income and enabled PepsiCo
to procure world class chip-grade potatoes for its Frito Lay snacks
division. The company has partnered with more than 15,000
farmers working in over 10,000 acres across Punjab, U.P.,
Karnataka, Jharkand West Bengal and Maharashtra for the supply
of potatoes.

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

The customer is not brand loyal especially in summers
w h en t h e l o o k o u t i s f o r c h i l l e d a v a i l a b i l i t y o f p ro d u c t.
Fo l l o w i n g p o i n t s h a v e t o b e ke p t i n t h e m i n d

I m p o r t a n c e o f t h e re l a t i o n sh i p w i t h t h e o u t l e t :
S p e n d i n g Ti m e
Re g u l a r i t y
U n d e r s t a n d i n g a n d Tr u s t

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
I m p o r t a n c e o f m e rc h a n d i s i n g .
Pro d u c t
Vi s i b i l i t y Fa c t o r
I m p u l s e Pu rc h a s e
Ti m i n g o f RA re a c h i n g a n o u t l e t
8 Steps to the call

Knowledge about Competition

Pr i c i n g
S e r v i c e Ti m i n g
S e r v i c e Fre q u e n c y
I n s t o re C o m p e t e n c e
A s o f n o w t h e re i s cu t - th ro a t c o m p e t i t i o n b et w e e n
Pe p s i a n d C o ke . I n t h i s k i n d o f r i v a l r y w h e re th e
l a u n c h o f a n e w p ro d u c t s p a n s a w a r f o r t h e t h ro n e ,
i n c re a s e

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
m e rc h a n d i s e d , t h e p ro d u c t i s c h i l l e d
a v a i l a b i l i t y o f a l l S KU S a n d v i c e v e r s a .


t h e re



Re g u l a r v i s i t s b y t h e c o m p a n y
o ffi c i a l s s h o u l d b e m a d e t o t h e m a r ke t , t o cl e a r th e
b l u rre d m a r ke t p i c t u re . T h i s w i l l a l s o h el p th e m to




p ro b l e m s

f r u i t f u l l y w i t h i m m e d i a t e su c c e s s .


fi l l



Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India
T h e c o m p a n y sh o u l d g i v e re t a i l e r s
s o m e i n c e n t i v e s f o r C re a t i n g B l u e Zo n e E ff e c t a s i s
d o n e b y H u t c h , A i r t e l , N e s t l e , I TC a n d P & G e t c f o r t h e i r
p ro d u c t s .

w w w. p e p s i c o. c o m
w w w. p e p s i i n d i a . o rg
w w w. g o o g l e . c o. i n
w w w. w i k i p e d i a . c o m
Ko t l er P h i l i p , M a r ke t i n g M a n a g e m e n t

Marketing equipment excellence in Jalandhar

territory for PepsiCo India

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