Greetings:: Alpha Learning

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Greetings and Expressions to Learn

How to greet and ask a person how they are doing:

Good morning
Good afternoon
Good evening
Good night
How are you?
How is everything?
How are you doing?
How is your family doing?
Whats up? (Informal)

Buenos das
Buenas tardes
Buenas noches
Buenas noches
Cmo ests?
Cmo est todo?
Cmo te va?
Cmo est tu familia?
Qu tal?

Im very good
Im good
Im excellent
Im great
Im awesome
Im tired
Im sick
Im sad
Im hungry
Im thirsty
Im bored

Estoy muy bien
Estoy bien
Estoy excelente
Estoy genial
Estoy espectacular
Estoy cansado(a)
Estoy enfermo (a)
Estoy triste
Estoy hambriento(a)
Estoy sediento(a)
Estoy aburrido(a)

Alpha learning

How to say Good bye:

See you later
Take care
Lets keep in touch
So long
See you
See you soon
Have a good day

Nos vemos
Vamos a mantenernos en contacto.
Hasta luego
Nos vemos
Hasta pronto
Que tengas un buen da

Dialogue about personal information:

Teacher: What is your name?
Student: My name is __________
Teacher: How old are you?
Student: I am __________ years old
Teacher: Where are you from?
Student: I am from _______
Teacher: Where do you live?
Student: I live in _________
Teacher: What do you do?
Student: I am a ______________ (Profession or Occupation)
Teacher: Where do you study/work?
Student: I study/work at ____________
Teacher: What kind of music do you like?
Student: I like ____________ (pop, romantic, rock, electronic, Latin) music.
Teacher: What is your favorite movie?
Student: My favorite movie is _________________

Alpha learning

Useful answers to FAQ by teachers:

What lesson are you taking now?
Qu leccin ests viendo ahora?
What is that lesson about?
De qu se trata esa leccin?
Did you do your homework?
Hiciste tu tarea?
Let me see your homework
Djame ver tu tarea

Im taking lesson (X)
Estoy viendo la leccin (X)
It is about
Se trata sobre
Yes, I did.
Si, la hice.
Here you are Mr(s). (X)
Aqu est Sr(a). (X)

Frequently used expressions by your teacher:

Lets practice
Stand up.
Repeat after me
Listen carefully
Write it down.

Vamos a practicar/ Practiquemos
Repitan despus de mi
Escuchen con atencin
Escriban eso/ escribanlo.

Useful expressions and questions for students:

Mr(S). (X), may I come in?
Mr(S). (X), I dont understand
Mr(S). (X), Can you repeat?
Could you please say it slowly?
Mr(S). (X), may I say something?
I have a question
How do you say (X) in English?
What is the meaning of (X)?

Profesor(a) (X), puedo entrar?
Profesor(a) (X), no entiendo
Profesor(a) (X), puede repetir?
Puede decirlo lentamente?
Profesor(a) (X), puedo decir algo?
Tengo una pregunta
Cmo se dice (X) en Ingls?
Cul es el significado de (X)?

Alpha learning

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