End User Offices Process Guide

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IUB Office of


Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 1
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

Table of Contents














IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 2
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

The Batch Loads described in this document are processed using a tool called iOpus, which essentially
automates data entry. The loads are done online during normal business hours.
By using iOpus to process data files we are essentially creating a secondary batch schedule. The overall
administrative structure of this schedule is as follows.
End user offices designated a primary user and a backup user who will submit data files. Those
individuals are added to an ADS group that will be given access to the folders where the file layout
templates are stored, as well as to the folders where they will place their data files to be processed and
from which they will pick up completed or error files. Training and reference documentation is also in this
ADE Process Managers (BL SDD staff) will pick up the data files and run them through the process. This
group will be running the batch processes for all submitting offices on all campuses, and, as their names
will appear on rows that are newly assigned, will be extensions of their staff for this purpose.
Multiple master scripts have been created, each for a different business process. End user office
representatives are responsible for the following tasks, which are outlined in more detail later in this

Retrieving data file templates for the appropriate data they plan to submit
Creating data files, following the instructions on the information tab on the data file template
Placing properly formatted and named data files in a folder to be processed
Retrieving successfully processed files for further departmental use, if needed
Retrieving error files, correcting the errors, and resubmitting them if desired

IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 3
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

Helpful Hints

Remember that the processor who runs your data file through any add process will be the
person who shows in any processes where an operator name appears. While these are currently
OEM SDD employees, consider them extensions of your staff for this purpose.
The processes are essentially automating the information that a data entry person would
otherwise manually key in. Thus, the data required in the file format is what the user would see
when data entering into the page, and is not necessarily the same as what you would expect
when running an IUIE extract file or report.
PeopleSoft navigation is included on the file layout information tab so you can look at the page in
case you have questions.
Carefully read the instructions, field formatting hints and information on the information tab of
each file layout spreadsheet. Critical information is included. For example, the institution is
required on all 3C add files. However, it is NOT the institution code, it is the actual
description associated with that code. (Use Bloomington, not IUBLA; use IUPUC, not IUCOA;
use IUPUI, not IUINA; etc.) Incorrect coding on the file layout will cause your data file to fail to
As new file layouts become available, or existing layouts are revised, you will receive an e-mail
We recommend that you use the file layouts from the Data File Templates folder each time you
create a new data file. While we will try to provide advance notice if the actual layout itself is
going to change, that may not always be possible. We will be keeping the layouts in the folder up
to date in the event of patches, updates or fixes that are moved into SIS production, or changes
in the scripts based on new modules or business practices going in to production. (Revision
dates will show on the file layouts). If you save and work from local copies of the file layout you
risk submitting incorrect or invalid information.
NOTE to offices that create file layouts from PDQs or local systems We try to give everyone
advance notice of changes coming as we learn about them.
Because of the multi-institution, centralized process we are implementing for the batch loads,
Communication Add files do not use speed keys. Be prepared to insert into the file layout all the
data that a speed key would otherwise have defaulted in.
Dates that default but can be edited online are required to be included in the file layouts. Leaving
a date field blank that is marked required will cause the file to fail. Use the submit date if you
are not otherwise concerned about pre- or post-dating an entry.
Text fields (Comment comments, Communication comments or Checklist comments, etc) can
include a maximum of 1,024 characters. This is an excel limitation; it does not apply to
comments entered manually online.
Text fields should not include any commas or hard returns.
Remember to format columns that include leading zeros as Text so they are not lost.
If a field should be empty, DO NOT put a space. A space is a character, not a null value, and will
negatively impact some processes as well as your reporting. Just leave the field blank, unless
specifically instructed to do otherwise.
Data files submitted should have all data on one worksheet. The worksheet should include the
header row with the field names. Any additional worksheets should be deleted before submitting.

IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 4
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

Processing Schedule
Files are processed during weekday business hours, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Changes for holiday weeks will be
reported to all user office representatives in advance.
Files submitted by noon should be processed same day or next business day. Files received after noon,
particularly during times of low volume, may not be processed until the next day.
Files are usually processed on a first-come, first-served basis. However, large files may be broken down
and processed over a period of days depending on volume.
Files of 5000 rows or less will generally be processed same day or next business day; larger files may be
processed in smaller chunks over a period of days.

Workstation Setup
After receiving the Welcome message, please map a drive to the following location:

You will see several folders, but will only have access to the following:
Data File Templates (read only)
Data_Files_In (read/write)
Data Files Out (read only)
Error Files (read/write)
Training Info (read only)

Available Scripts and Data File Templates

A list of available processes/scripts and their associated data file templates can be found in the Training
Info folder. This list will be updated frequently as new scripts and file layouts become available.
\\bl-ense-oesfile\SDD_ADE_Processing\Training Info\Available Scripts and File Layouts.doc
The templates are found in the following folder:
\\bl-ense-oesfile\SDD_ADE_Processing\Data File Templates\

Procedure - Step by Step

1. Create Data Files

Retrieve file layout templates from the Data File Templates folder

IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 5
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

Always pull data templates from this folder to be sure you are capturing the most current
file layout.
Create data files on a local server or workstation, using the first tab to create the file but following
the formatting guidelines on the Information tab (second tab) of the template. (Please dont do
your work within the OESFILE folders.)
o Save data files as .xls files. Be sure to format the cells in specified columns as text
so that leading zeros and other formatting is retained before files move on through the
Retain the header row at the top of the layout.
Save your file as an excel spreadsheet (.xls).
Sort your data by COMMON_ID or EMPLID.
Delete the information tab/worksheet.

2. Name Your Data Files

The naming convention for your data file begins with the same format as the file template, but
adds the campus, department code, and date.
Save it as an excel spreadsheet (.xls).

Campus Codes:
B = Bloomington
C = Columbus
E = East
K = Kokomo
N = Northwest
S = South Bend
T = Southeast

Submitting offices/department (the department code(s) you are to use appear in your
authorization e-mail message)
ADA = Admissions (all)
ADU = Undergraduate Admissions
ADI = International Admissions/Services
ADG = Graduate Admissions
BUR = Office of the Bursar
DAS = Delinquent Account Services
EC = Enrollment Center
EPR = Enrollment Planning and Research
FAO = Financial Aid Office
MED = Medical School Financial Aid
REG = Registrar
SES = Student Enrollment Services, plus module codes:
FA - Financial Aid
SLA = Student Loan Administration

IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 6
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

Date format = MM_DD use submit date (the date you place it in the queue for

Optional 3 character code to uniquely identify a specific file you need to track separately.
For example, perhaps Admissions is sending 6,000 rows of data for students with the
comment category code of ADMPQR. They might choose to use PQR at the end of their
file name to designate that this file contains that data. Or Financial Aid generates a
checklist file for Satisfactory Academic Progress students; add SAP to the filename.


It is important that you correctly name your file so that it will process successfully, and to enable
the processing staff to identify the office that submitted the file so we can contact representatives
in case of questions or errors.

Please do NOT include the year, timestamps, etc. in the filename.

3. Submit Data Files

Place data files in the Data_Files_In folder.

o Data files that are in process will subsequently be moved from the Data Files In folder to
the Data Files In Progress folder by the processing staff. Dont be alarmed if you dont
see your file in the Data Files In folder after submission; it has not disappeared! Go to
the Data Files Out folder, and there you will see the subfolder for Data Files In Progress.

4. Retrieve Successfully Processed Files

Unless you receive an e-mail message regarding errors, you can assume your data files
processed successfully, and should be available for retrieval within two business days after
submission. (The exception is the large files; they will be processed over multiple days.)
Successfully processed files will be placed in the Data Files Out folder. You can retrieve them if
needed for other purposes.
Files in the Data Files Out folder will be read only, so you will need to copy them and save
elsewhere if you need to reuse any of the data.
Files in this folder will be purged within two weeks after they have been processed.

5. Retrieve, Correct and Resubmit Error Files

Files are considered in error once three rows do not process successfully. Once the third error is
reached, the process will stop and the remaining rows in the file will not be processed, even if the
remaining data is valid.
If your files do not process successfully, you will receive an e-mail from the staff member who
processed your file.

IUB Office of

Automated Data Entry Loads SIS 9.0

End User Offices Process Guide

Page 7
Rev 8/15/08 AHP

The e-mail will indicate which rows failed, what the error was, and will direct you to pick up your
file from the Error Files folder.
Files in this folder will be read-only; you will need to copy them and save them elsewhere before
correcting your errors.
If you decide to correct and resubmit a file, it will be treated as a new file. Name it following the
naming convention in Step 2, including a new submit date.
It is important to retrieve any error files promptly, as they will be purged regularly.

6. Troubleshooting
You can most likely do your own troubleshooting if you have an error file.

First, try to manually data enter the row in question. (Use the navigation listed on the information
tab of the Data File Template associated with the file you submitted.) You may discover that it
was merely a formatting error (not saved as text so leading zeros missing) or missing piece of
data (neglected to include a date) that was at fault.
In the case of 3C Add files, be sure that you have chosen the layout associated with the correct
administrative function, and that you have included the administrative function in the required
o If your troubleshooting doesnt reveal the problem, and you need help or have questions,
contact Anne Palmer (apalmer@indiana.edu) for assistance.
Be sure to troubleshoot your error files promptly. If you are unable to determine the problem,
the staff members who will assist you will be using the file in the Error File folder to test, so you
need to report problems quickly before the file is purged.

Training Documents and Information

Training documents and information materials, including revised lists of available scripts, will be
periodically added and updated in the Training Info folder.
If you need help or have questions, please contact Anne Palmer (apalmer@indiana.edu).

Volume Reports by Office

Statistical reports are updated monthly and can be found at the following path:
\\bl-ense-oesfile\SDD_ADE_Processing\Training Info\Processing Stats by Office.xls

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