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July Paola Ramrez- Camilo lvarez Alarcn

English Project

Colombia in the post-conflict

As we all know our country is in a state of conflict for over fifty

years, its consequences have scarred the whole society, and the
horrors of war have sadly been the common denominator of the
headlines in recent decades, so the dialogues that are
developing in Havana show a glimmer of hope to start rewriting
history in our country. But the conflict will not end with the
signing of an agreement between the parties, this phase will be
the beginning of reconstruction, post-conflict is the time to
overcome the structural causes of the conflict when the
reconstruction, so that each and all Colombians have to make
arrangements to go beyond the paper.
International experiences related to the settlement of internal
conflicts give us a mirror of the possibilities at this stage, and
that despite the uniqueness of the Colombian conflict are
universal parameters that allow us to parallel. The most
important is the desire to leave behind the hatred the victims,
all the pain and tearing characteristics of war.
In this sense, one of the main lessons is related to the need for
citizen participation as a key to success at this point consider
that the shielding process leading to a lasting peace lies not
only in the participation of international organizations, or

provision or not of the actors involved, we need a clear provision

for participation of the bulk of the population act as lookout of
the process but also to reconstruct the social fabric.
We also believe that a conflict of many decades cant be resolved
in two years. We think that in this case, the process will be too
short. Maybe the right process would include a de-escalation of
the conflict process that will provide guarantees to avoid
unfortunate incidents, like the historical case of the UP.

The central point of discussion we want to raise, is the related

with the concern that we have against the management of
resources that will be needed under the end of the war, for this
we expose several points:
First we must emphasize again that the conflict in Colombia is
mainly economic backgrounds, in these cases could mention
the issue of land ownership, private property and others.
Unfortunately these points were left out of the discussion, and
the issue of peace has become an excuse to continue the
country's indebtedness, an example is the loan approved by the
German Development Bank for 100 million dollars which must
be paid within 10 years.
This loan will be used for issues such as prevention and
protection, reparation, rural development, among others, the
projections made by the portfolio newspaper speak of a budget
of roughly 8-10 billion pesos for the decade after the signing of
the agreements.

President Santos, Timochenko and the peace team.

Faced with this figure can be made several annotations first and
perhaps most importantly, however great it may seem this cant
be compared with the budget that has invested the country in
the last decade to the war according to the magazine Week
amounting to 230 billion pesos .In second and no less relevant
believe that as already discussed the conflict in this country has
a economic causes have led to conditions of inequality that are
broadly the basis of conflict, under this perspective , makes us
unacceptable that the private sector becomes the blind eye. Is
necessary for employers, the big landowners and other to make
a considerable investment in the theme of peace to prevent
Colombian government borrowing first but also endow this
process by a factor of justice in which all actors who have
contributed to exacerbate the conflict, also contribute to its


Rojas, D.M .The Colombia-United States relations in the Santos

administration: It's time for the post-conflict?, September-December 2014
J. Guerrero Barn. D. Mond, Is the War Ending? Premises and Hypotheses
with Which to View the Conflict in Colombia, Vol. 28, No. 1, Colombia: The
Forgotten War (Jan. 2001), pp. 12-30
Revista Portafolio. La financiacin del postconflicto. 2014- Bogot.
Recuperado de
Revista Semana. Cunto costara el postconflicto? 2014. Bogot. Recuperado de

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