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The Human Resource Information System (HRIS) is a software or online solution for
the data entry, data tracking, and data information needs of the Human Resources, payroll,
management, and accounting functions within a business. Normally packaged as a data
base, hundreds of companies sell some form of HRIS and every HRIS has different
capabilities. The company that use The Human Resource Information System (HRIS)
carefully choose based on the capabilities you need in the company. Another that, human
resource information system (HRIS) is one of the system that is managed and analysis all
the employee information and usually related Company-related documents such as
employee handbooks, emergency evacuation procedures, and safety guidelines.

Human Resources information system also can update all the information about the
employee information and data. Staffing with information on equal employment, separations,
and applicant qualifications and development with information and trainee work performance.
HRIS can also support compensation programs with information on pay increases, salary
forecasts, and pay budgets and labor and employee relations with information on contract
negotiations and employee assistance needs. In every case the purpose is to provide
information that is either required by human resource stakeholders or supports human
resource decisions.


Accurate information is error free. In some cases they will be inaccurate data and they will be
lack of when transforming the information process .It must accurate data and information of
database when it fed on the system.


When the system is available online, the provider should offer daily backups, backup
servers, and added protective layers. In additional systems and procedures should be in
place to safeguard information from being lost or accessed by unauthorized personnel. HR,
in consultation with other managers, should have exclusive authority to decide who will be
allowed access to the HR information technology.


The system of human resources is simple and not over complex, sophisticated and details
about the data base and information .Usually the information and data is collect by the
important sources and not very complex about the details, too much data and information
can cause overload in the system. Whereby the database and information is completely


The database and information about the system must verifiable. This means that you check it
to make is correct and by checking many sources for the same information.
System module

The HR management module is a component covering many other HR aspects from

application to retirement. The system records basic demographic and address data,
selection, training and development, capabilities and skills management, compensation
planning records and other related activities.

Planning module

In this module the first aspect of any human recourse MIS is determining personnel and
human needs. The overall purpose of this MIS purpose of this MIS subsystem is put the tight
number and kids of employees in the right jobs when they are needed. Effective human
resources planning often requires computer program. Another that plan for workforce needs,
including the suppliers and tool the workforce needs to work efficient

Selection and recruiting

Scheduling to the system for recruiting efforts and trip and potential about the employees.
Commonly now many company the internet to screen for job application. Applicants use a
template to load their resume onto the internet site.HR departments receive the repot and
take an action for interview and recruiting.

Training module

Provides a system for organizations to administer and track employee training and
development efforts. The system, normally allows HR to track education, qualifications and
skills of the employees, as well as outlining what training courses, books, CDs, web based
learning or materials are available to develop which skills. Courses can then be offered in
date specific sessions, with delegates and training resources being mapped and managed
within the same system. Beside that, allow managers to approve training, budgets and
calendars alongside performance management and appraisal metrics.

The payroll module

The pay process by gathering data on employee time and attendance, calculating various
deductions and taxes, and generating periodic pay cash and employee tax reports. This
module can encompass all employee-related transactions as well as integrate with existing
financial management systems.

The Employee Self-Service module

Employees may query their attendance record from the system without asking the
information from HR personnel. The module also lets supervisors approve O.T. requests
from their subordinates through the system without overloading the task on HR department.
Advantage of the human resources management information system

Cost effectiveness

They has helped to computerize the human recourses process in company thus streamlining
in human recourses businesses to make them extremely cost effective money making
machines. This in turn increases productivity which ultimately gives rise to profits that means
better pay and less strenuous working conditions.


With the help of human resources management system, communication has also become
cheaper, quicker, and more efficient. We can now communicate with anyone around the
globe by simply in our hand .All the data and information that is set up by human resource
manager is clear to the other organization update, this is important because by clear data
and information it can prevent from miscommunication in organization.

Minimizes information overload.

MIS change the larger amount of data in to summarize form and there by avoids the
confusion which may arise when managers are flooded with detailed facts. Another that,
other data and information that are no related to the personnel information it automatic

Makes control easier.

MIS serves as a link between managerial planning and control it.It also improves the ability
of managment and to evaluate and improve performance.
The used of the system can increased the data processing and storage capabilities and
reduced the cost.Another that the human resources system is easy to other person or
management understand to use or update.MIS facilities integration of specialized activities
by keeping each department aware of the problem and requirements of other departments. It
connects all decision centers in the organization and called the coordination.

Disadvantage of human resources information system


Though human recourses information system may have made communication quicker,
easier and more convenient, it has also bought along privacy issues. From the system other
person can interceptions to email and system by hacking the data and information. It can be
made other people worried about their once private information becoming public knowledge.

Lack of system

Commonly an Industry or company experts to believe that the system has made the flow of
data efficient. Some time the system also have the problem occur when the system down or
other related problem about the system. Another that, the use of old system without updated
or upgrade may also can lack of system.

Difficult to understand certain language

Commonly in international company who is used the system of human recourses information
system is refer the international language for example they used English language from
different country in the world it may cause the miscommunications between the employees.
Another that, it can decrease the understanding to employee about the system.

The Human Resources system is one of the systems that are very systematic
and convenient for the user and perfectly for Company especially for the international
company. Another that, the human resources system is one of the sources or method
to increase the potential of the human resources department and the productivity
also. The human resource also important for the future use, as we known in the
globalization it is commonly used the technology in our daily life that why we must
take some improvement especially who have the international company. We also
hope for the future they are no error to running the system. The system also can
reduce the burden of the company and make sure the profit can increase perfectly.
Lastly, the system also can achieve the potential of the company and increase the
knowledge to the employee and all the department inside the company.

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