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Date of document: 04/04/2014


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Spanish ID number:
Date of birth:
Country of birth:
Land line phone:
Email address:


Current professional situation only if working (not if unemployed)

Name of the entity: Universidad Pompeu Fabra Type of body: University
Department, Service,: Department of Communication
Category / Title of position or responsibility: Tenured lecturer
Start date: 01/09/2006
Modality of the contract: Civil servant
Type of dedication: Full time

Positions held before current job


Name of the entity

Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Universitat Rovira i Virgili
Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona
Departament d'Educaci

Category / position or responsibility

Professor lector
Professor en comissi de serveis
Professor Associat
Professor de secundria

Name of the entity: Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Category / position or responsibility: Professor lector
Start date: 01/10/2006, 1 year - 7 months - 6 days

Name of the entity: Universitat Rovira i Virgili

Category / position or responsibility: Professor en comissi de serveis
Start date: 01/10/2003, 2 years - 11 months - 29 days

Name of the entity: Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona

Category / position or responsibility: Professor Associat
Start date: 01/10/2000, 1 year - 8 months - 29 days

Name of the entity: Departament d'Educaci

Category / position or responsibility: Professor de secundria
Start date: 01/10/1988, 14 years - 11 months - 29 days

Start date


Training received
University education
Diplomas, degrees and engineering degrees

Name of qualification: Publicitat i Relacions Pbliques

Entity issuing the qualification: Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona
Date of qualification: 30/06/1996

Name of qualification: Filologia Hispnica

Entity issuing the qualification: Universitat de Barcelona
Date of qualification: 30/06/1986

Doctorate: Cincies de la Comunicaci
University issuing the title: Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona
Date of qualification: 30/06/2000

Language skills





Experience in Science and Technology

Scientific or technological activity
Participation in R&D&I projects funded in competitive tenders by public or private bodies

Name of the project: Comunicacin online de los destinos tursticos. Desarrollo de un instrumento de
evaluacin integrada de la eficacia: sitios web, dispositivos mviles y redes
Body where project took place: Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Head(s) researcher(s): JOSE FERNANDEZ CAVIA
Number of participating researchers: 10
Start date: 01/01/2012, 2 years - 11 months - 30 days
Total amount: 61.710

Name of the project: Calidad total de las asignaturas profesionalizadoras del Grado en Publicidad y
Relaciones Pblicas
Body where project took place: Universitat Pompeu Fabra
Head(s) researcher(s): Fernndez Cavia, Jos
Number of participating researchers: 8
Funding body or bodies: AGAUR - Generalitat de Catalunya
Start date: 01/10/2009, 9 months - 30 days
Total amount: 6.500

Name of the project: Nuevas estrategias de publicidad y promocin de las marcas tursticas espaolas en
la Web
Body where project took place: Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Head(s) researcher(s): JOSE FERNANDEZ CAVIA
Number of participating researchers: 13
Funding body or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovacin
Start date: 01/01/2009, 2 years - 11 months - 30 days
Total amount: 90.750

Name of the project: L'eficcia de l'emplaament de productes (product placement) entre els infants:
reconeixement, memria, actitud i conducta. Una prova experimental
Head(s) researcher(s): Fernndez Cavia, Jos
Number of participating researchers: 0
Funding body or bodies: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2007, 1 year
Total amount: 6.000

Name of the project: El proceso de comunicacin de riesgo en Tarragona: Anlisis de la percepcin y

recepcin social del riesgo petroqumico
Head(s) researcher(s): Farr Coma, Jordi
Number of participating researchers: 0
Funding body or bodies: Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnologa
Start date: 01/01/2004, 3 years

Total amount: 27.200

Name of the project: Understanding Media Images of Love, Sex and Relationships
Head(s) researcher(s): Buckingham, David
Number of participating researchers: 0
Funding body or bodies: Comissi de la Comunitat Europea
Start date: 01/01/2003, 2 years - 11 months - 30 days
Total amount: 150.000

Name of the project: Comunicacin Activa: herramienta metodolgica para incorporar soportes multimedia
a las prcticas docentes
Head(s) researcher(s): Prez-Portabella, Antoni
Number of participating researchers: 0
Funding body or bodies: SSI-Conselleria d'Universitats
Start date: 01/01/2003, 1 year
Total amount: 10.500

Participation in R&D&I contracts, agreements or projects, not the result of competitive bidding,
with companies (or internally in them) and/or governments

Name of the project: Curso de Redaccin Institucional

Your role in the project: Researcher
Number of participating researchers: 1
Participating bodies: Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Start date: 14/10/2010, 3 years - 5 months - 21 days
Total amount: 2.470

Name of the project: Estudio sobre la difusin de la informacin viaria en Europa

Your role in the project: Researcher
Head researcher: Jimnez Morales, Mnika (IP); Fernndez Cavia, Jos (IP)
Number of participating researchers: 0
Participating bodies: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Funding body: Servei Catal de Trnsit. Generalitat de Catalunya
Start date: 01/05/2010, 5 months - 30 days
Total amount: 30.000

Name of the project: Evaluacin del grado de competencia en comunicacin audiovisual cualitativo
Your role in the project: Researcher
Head researcher: Ferrs i Prats, Joan (IP)
Number of participating researchers: 0
Participating bodies: Universitat Pompeu Fabra; Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Funding body: Consell de l'Audivisual de Catalunya. Generalitat de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2010, 1 year - 11 months - 30 days
Total amount: 15.000

Name of the project: La publicitat infantil a televisi de Catalunya. Valors transmesos, formats no
convencionals o interacci amb altres mitjans
Your role in the project: Researcher
Head researcher: Fernndez Cavia, Josep; Farr, Jordi

Number of participating researchers: 0
Participating bodies: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya; Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Universidad
Pompeu Fabra
Funding body: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2005, 1 year
Total amount: 18.000

Name of the project: Noves formes publicitries a la televisi

Your role in the project: Researcher
Head researcher: Fernndez Cavia, Josep; Farr Coma, Jordi
Number of participating researchers: 0
Participating bodies: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya; Universitat Rovira i Virgili; Universidad
Pompeu Fabra
Funding body: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2003, 1 year
Total amount: 7.972

Name of the project: La incidncia dels continguts televisius en el comportament dels adolescents
Your role in the project: Researcher
Head researcher: Albero Andrs, Magdalena
Number of participating researchers: 0
Participating bodies: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya; Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona;
Universidad Pompeu Fabra
Funding body: Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya
Start date: 01/01/2003, 1 year
Total amount: 6.000

Scientific Activities and General Techniques

Scientific production
Publications, Scientific and Technical Documents and any other publication

Fernndez-Cavia J; Rovira C; Daz-Luque P; Cavaller V. Web Quality Index (WQI) for official tourist destination
websites. Proposal for an assessment system. Tourism Management Perspectives. 9, pp. 5 - 13. Elsevier, 2014.
ISSN 2211-9736
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal

Guerrero-Sol F; Fernndez-Cavia J. Activity and Influence of Destination Brands on Twitter. A Comparative Study
of Nine Spanish Destinations. Information and Communication Technologies in Tourism 2014. pp. 227 - 236.
(Germany): Springer International Publishing, 2013. ISBN 9783319039732
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book

Fernndez-Cavia J; Daz-Luque P; Huertas A; Rovira C; Pedraza-Jimenez R; Sicilia M; Gmez L; Mguez MI.

Marcas de destino y evaluacin de sitios web: una metodologa de investigacin. Revista latina de comunicacin
social. Latina, 2013. ISSN 1138-5820
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


FC; Lpez J; Marina. Communication, destination brands and mobile applications. Comunicacin y sociedad. XXVI
- 2, pp. 95 - 113. Facultad de Ciencias de la Informacin. Universidad de Navarra, 2013. ISSN 0214-0039
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal

Fernndez Cavia J; Snchez Blanco C. Retos de la profesin publicitaria: aportaciones desde la planificacin
estratgica. Zer : revista de estudios de comunicacin. 17 - 32, pp. 51 - 71. Universidad del Pas Vasco, 2012.
ISSN 1137-1102
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal

Martn Guart R; Fernndez Cavia J. La digitalizacin como eje de transformacin de las agencias de medios
espaolas. Pensar la publicidad. 6 - 2, pp. 153 - 171. Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2012. ISSN 1887-8598
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal

Ferrs J; Garca Matilla A; Aguaded JI; Fernndez Cavia J; Figueras M. Competencia meditica : investigacin
sobre el grado de competencia de la ciudadana en Espaa. (Spain): Instituto de Tecnologas Educativas.
Ministerio de Educacin. On-line, 2011. ISBN 9788436951806
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book

Ferrs J; Garca Matilla A; Aguaded JI; Fernndez Cavia J; Figueras M. Competencia meditica : investigacin
sobre el grado de competencia de la ciudadana en Espaa. pp. 206. (Spain): Instituto de Tecnologas Educativas.
Ministerio de Educacin, 2011. ISBN 9788436952063
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book

Fernndez Cavia J. Ciudades, regiones y pases como marcas: luces y sombras del place branding. Manual de
comunicacin turstica : de la informacin a la persuasin, de la promocin a la emocin. pp. 103 - 113. (Spain):
Documenta Universitaria, 2011. ISBN 9788499841182
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Huertas A; Rovira C; Fernndez Cavia J. Interactivity as a key factor in city website visibility and place brand
communication. Journal of Town & City Management. 2 - 2, pp. 132 - 142. Henry Stewart Publications, 2011. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Rovira C; Fernndez Cavia J; Pedraza R; Huertas A. Posicionamiento en buscadores de las webs oficiales de
provincias espaolas. El Profesional de la informacin. 19 - 3, pp. 277 - 284. Swets & Zeitlinger Publishers, 2010.
ISSN 1386-6710
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A. Redaccin en relaciones pblicas. pp. 334. (Spain): Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009.
ISBN 9788483224953
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas Roig A. City Brands and their Communication through Web Sites: Identification of
Problems and Proposals for Improvement. Information Communication Technologies and City MArketing: Digital
Opportunities for Cities around the world. pp. 26 - 49. (United States of America): Information Science Reference,
2009. ISBN 9781605661346
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. Ciutats, regions i pasos com a marques: llums i ombres del place branding. Manual de
comunicaci turstica. pp. 91 - 102. (Spain): Universitat de Girona, 2009. ISBN 9788484582991
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book



Fernndez Cavia J; Pont C; Mauri M; Obradors M. Els partits en campanya: plantejaments, recursos i estratgies.
L'Espectre del tripartit. Comunicaci poltica i comportament electoral a les eleccions catalanes del 2006. pp. 27 48. (Spain): Documenta Universitria, 2009. ISBN 9788492707041
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. Comprar la madurez. Nacidos digitales: una generacin frente a las pantallas. pp. 169 - 192.
(Spain): Rialp, 2009. ISBN 9788432137488
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. Publicidad, nios y adolescentes: estrategias y formatos para la generacin interactiva. Los
jvenes y el nuevo escenario de la comunicacin. pp. 41 - 50. (Spain): EUNSA, 2008. ISBN 9788431325237
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. Conocimiento y documentacin en el desarrollo de una campaa publicitaria. Anuario 6, pp. 1 - 2. UPF, 2008. ISSN 1695-5498
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A; Jimnez M. L'eficcia de l'emplaament de productes entre els infants: una
prova experimental. Quaderns del CAC. 31-32, pp. 139 - 144. Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya, 2008. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Farr J; Fernndez Cavia J. Comunicaci i risc petroqumic a Tarragona. De les definicions a les prctiques
institucionals. Publicacions URV, 2007. ISBN 9788484240952
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book


Esluga J; Fernndez Cavia J. El risc i les empreses qumiques del Camp de Tarragona. Comunicaci i risc
petroqumic a Tarragona. De les definicions a les prctiques institucionals. pp. 125 - 154. (Spain): Publicacions
URV, 2007. ISBN 9788484240952
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. Els estereotips culturals a la publicitat. Globalitzaci i cultura. pp. 109 - 120. (Spain):
Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Facultat de Lletres, 2006. ISBN 8495624591
Type of production: Chapters of books
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J; Capdevila A; Domingo D. La publicidad infantil en Televisi de Catalunya. Questiones

publicitarias. 11, pp. 111 - 127. Mtodos, Anlisis y Estrategias de la Comunicacin Empresarial e Institucional,
2006. ISSN 1133-6870
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Huertas A; Fernndez Cavia J. Centre and Periphery: two speeds for the implementation of Public Relations in
Spain. Public Relations Review : a journal of research and comment. 32 - 1, pp. 110 - 117. JAI Press, 2006. ISSN
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Capdevila A; Fernndez Cavia J. Aplicacin de un modelo retrico al anlisis de la publicidad televisiva. Trpodos :
llenguatge, pensament, comunicaci. Extra, Universitat Ramn Llull, 2006. ISSN 1138-3305
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J. La pantalla amiga? Nens i adolescents davant el nou entorn audiovisual. Arola Editors, 2005.
ISBN 8496366669
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book



Farr Coma J; Fernndez Cavia J. La publicitat no convencional a la televisi generalista. Quaderns del CAC. 22,
pp. 3 - 19. Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya, 2005. ISSN 1138-9761
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J. Els formats no convencionals i la transformaci del negoci publicitari a la televisi. Quaderns
del CAC. 22, pp. 35 - 48. Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya, 2005. ISSN 1138-9761
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J. La publicitat a televisi. Quaderns del CAC. pp. 27 - 40. Consell de l'Audiovisual de Catalunya,
2005. ISSN 1138-9761
Type of production: Article
Type of platform: Journal


Fernndez Cavia J. El consumidor adolescent. Televisi, marques i publicitat. (Spain): Aldea Global, 2002. ISBN
Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book


Fernndez Cavia J. La publicidad. Almadraba, 1997. ISBN 8482873792

Type of production: Book
Type of platform: Book

Work presented in conferences at the national or international level


Title: El uso de aplicaciones mviles como herramienta de comunicacin de los destinos tursticos
Name of the conference: III Comunica 2.0. Congreso universitario sobre redes sociales
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Ganda, Spain
Date of the event: 21/02/2013
Fernndez Cavia J; Lopez M.

Title: Comunicacin online de los destinos tursticos

Name of the conference: IV Jornades de recerca i innovaci docent en comunicaci
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 17/12/2012
Fernndez Cavia J.

Title: How to analyse a destination website. Methodology and recommendations

Name of the conference: 4th International Destination Branding & Marketing Conference
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Cardiff, United Kingdom
Date of the event: 05/12/2012
Fernndez Cavia J.

Title: Social Media, Public Relations and Tourism: Websites and Social Web Applied to Destinations
Name of the conference: BCN Meeting 2012
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain

Date of the event: 03/07/2012
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.

Title: Los territorios como marca y su comunicacin online

Name of the conference: Jornada sobre la 'Gestin del Place Branding'. Encuentro de investigadores
sobre marca-territorio
Type of event: Workshop
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Salamanca, Spain
Date of the event: 23/05/2012
Fernndez Cavia J.

Title: La comunicacin del destino turstico a travs de la web oficial. Anlisis y recomendaciones
Name of the conference: OCITUR. I Congreso de Ocio y Turismo
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Matar, Spain
Date of the event: 16/05/2012
Fernndez Cavia J.

Title: Place branding: una gestin encubierta de relaciones pblicas bajo el dominio del marketing
Name of the conference: VII Congreso Internacional de Investigacin y Relaciones Pblicas
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Sevilla, Spain
Date of the event: 21/03/2012
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.

Title: Place brands: moving from the marketing approach to the public relations perspective
Name of the conference: IV Critical Tourism Studies Conference
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Cardiff, United Kingdom
Date of the event: 02/07/2011
Cavia F; JYH; A.

Title: Sistema de evaluacin de las webs de destino

Name of the conference: 4 Congreso de Marketing de Ciudades. Citymarketing Elche
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Elche, Spain
Date of the event: 24/11/2010
Fernndez Cavia J; Daz Luque P; Villaescusa E.


Title: Educar a nios, nias y adolescentes: aportaciones desde la investigacin en comunicacin

Name of the conference: 12 Foro Gallego de Eduacin en Igualdade
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Santiago de Compostela, Spain
Date of the event: 19/11/2010
Fernndez Cavia J.




Title: Propuesta de diseo de una plantilla multidisciplinar para el anlisis y evaluacin de webs de destinos
Name of the conference: TURITEC 2010
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Mlaga, Spain
Date of the event: 14/10/2010
Fernndez Cavia J; Villaescusa E.


Title: Crisis and Change in the Advertising Industry: new reas of professional expertise as challenges for
higher eduaction
Name of the conference: Communication and Citizenship
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Braga, Portugal
Date of the event: 18/07/2010
Fernndez Cavia J; Puigpins A.


Title: Adapting Higher Education to Professional Needs: a Methodology to Improve Graduate

Name of the conference: ICED 2010
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 28/06/2010
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Marcas de territorio y comunicacin a travs de la Web: un proyecto de investigacin

Name of the conference: II Congreso Internacional AEIC
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Mlaga, Spain
Date of the event: 03/02/2010
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Tourist Communication versus Risk Communication: Two Sides of the Same Coin
Name of the conference: 3rd International Critical Tourism Studies (CTS) Conference
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Zadar, Croatia
Date of the event: 21/06/2009
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: La redaccin en relaciones pblicas: Anlisis de la prctica profesional y eficacia de los mensajes
Name of the conference: IV Congreso Internacional de Investigacin y Relaciones Pblicas: La gestin de
las relaciones con los pblicos
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 24/04/2009
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.




Title: El e-marketing como nueva forma de comunicar la marca ciudad

Name of the conference: 2 Congreso Mundial de Marketing de Ciudades
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Rosario, Argentina
Date of the event: 10/09/2008
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: Estrategias de comunicacin de marcas territorios. Su gestin dentro y fuera de la red.

Name of the conference: E-Branding
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Badajoz, Spain
Date of the event: 14/07/2008
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: El e-marketing como nueva forma de comunicar la marca ciudad

Name of the conference: V Jornadas de Marketing de Ciudades. Imagen, reputacin y valor de marca.
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: La Corua, Spain
Date of the event: 09/04/2008
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: Los sitios web como herramientas de comunicacin de las marcas de ciudad
Name of the conference: 3 Congreso de Marketing de Ciudades
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Elx, Spain
Date of the event: 05/03/2008
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: The difficulties for chemical companies and public administrations in spain to define risks
Name of the conference: SCARR Social Contexts and Responses to Risk
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Kent, United Kingdom
Date of the event: 2007
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: El programa Emprendo de la Universidad de Concepcin: una herramienta multidisciplinar de

renovacin pedaggica
Name of the conference: 4art. Congrs Internacional ''Docncia Universitria i Innovaci''
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Ciudades en la web: usabilidad e interactividad de las pginas oficiales de los destinos tursticos
Name of the conference: VI Congreso Nacional de Turismo y Tecnologas de la Informacin y las


Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Mlaga, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: La presencia de contenidos y valores dirigidos a adultos en la publicidad infantil en Televisi de

Catalunya e internet
Name of the conference: XIII Jornadas Internacionales Jvenes Investigadores en Comunicacin
Type of event: Workshop
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Zaragoza, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J; Capdevila A; Domingo D.


Title: Estrategias de las marcas comerciales en la publicidad infantil televisiva

Name of the conference: IV Coloquio Espaa-Brasil de Ciencias de la Comunicacin
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Mlaga, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J; Capdevila A; Domingo D.


Title: Comunicacin y territorio. La Universidad de Verano como herramienta estratgica

Name of the conference: Seminario Internacional ''Comunicacin Estratgica y Responsabilidad Social
Type of event: Seminar
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: aplicacin de un modleo retrico al anlisis de la publicidad televisiva

Name of the conference: III Simposium de Profesores Universitarios de Creatividad Publicitaria
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J; Capdevila A.


Title: Las marcas ciudad y su anlisis a travs de la web

Name of the conference: 2 Congreso de Marketing de Ciudades
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Elche, Spain
Date of the event: 2006
Fernndez Cavia J; Huertas A.


Title: Qu es la creatividad publicitaria?

Name of the conference: Proyecto EMPRENDO de Formacin de Emprendedores
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile


Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Pantallas amigas? La influencia del nuevo entorno audiovisual sobre nios y adolescentes
Name of the conference: Proyecto EMPRENDO de Formacin de Emprendedores
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Nuevos formatos publicitarios en televisin: anlisis de la situacin actual y perspectivas de futuro
Name of the conference: 21 Seminario AEDEMO sobre Televisin
Type of event: Seminar
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Valncia, Spain
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Els estereotips culturals de la publicitat

Name of the conference: Jornades de Globalitzaci i Cultura
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Tarragona, Spain
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: La investigacin del consumidor y el diseo de un nuevo producto o servicio

Name of the conference: Proyecto EMPRENDO de Formacin de Emprendedores
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Diseo de una campaa publicitaria para el lanzamiento de un nuevo producto o servicio
Name of the conference: Proyecto EMPRENDO de Formacin de Emprendedores
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Anlisis del sector de las Relaciones Pblicas en Tarragona. La otra realidad de la profesin en
Name of the conference: II Congreso Internacional de Investigacin y Relaciones Pblicas
Type of event: Conference
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Sevilla, Spain
Date of the event: 2005
Huertas A; Fernndez Cavia J.




Title: The Future of Television Advertising. From Conventional Spots to New Formats of Commercial
Name of the conference: First European Communication Conference. 50 years of Communication
Your role: Poster
City of the publishing body: Amsterdam, Holland
Date of the event: 2005
Farr Coma J; Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: El uso de las metodologas cualitativas en el trabajo con adolescentes

Name of the conference: Seminario ''Metodologas de la Investigacin en la Psicologa y en la Educacin''
Type of event: Seminar
Your role: Others
City of the publishing body: Concepcin, Chile
Date of the event: 2005
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: La enseanza de la creatividad y la publicidad no convencional en televisin

Name of the conference: II Simposium de Profesores Universitarios de Creatividad Publicitaria
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Sevilla, Spain
Date of the event: 2004
Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: New Logics for Old Media: The Challenges of Innovative Research in Television Advertising
Name of the conference: II Symposyum New Research for New Media
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Tarragona, Spain
Date of the event: 2004
Farr Coma J; Fernndez Cavia J.


Title: Propostes per a la representaci de la diversitat cultural en la indstria publicitria

Name of the conference: Dilogo 'Comunicacin y diversidad cultural'. Frum Universal de las Culturas
Barcelona 2004
Your role: Speaker
City of the publishing body: Barcelona, Spain
Date of the event: 2004
Fernndez Cavia J.



Experiences transferred
Experience organising R&D activities

Title: 1st. International Conference Place Branding Online TOURL

Your role: Session organizer
Start date: 06/10/2011, 1 day

Title: Congreso McLuhan Galaxy

Your role: Program committee
Start date: 23/05/2011, 2 days

Other credits
Residencies in R&D&I centres or companies in your own country or abroad

Body where project took place: Welsh Tourism Research Centre. University of Wales Institute
Start date: 01/01/2011, 3 months
Provable tasks: OMDs (Organizaciones de Marketing de los Destinos) y promocin de las marcas de
destino a travs de la Web.

Body where project took place: Universidad de Concepcin

Start date: 01/01/2005, 1 year
Provable tasks: Evaluacin del programa EMPRENDO mediante una investigacin cualitativa aplicada
a los docentes participantes en el mismo, en combinacin con una investigacin semejante sobre los
estudiantes llevada a cabo por el coordinador del programa, prof. Eugenio Sez. Los resultados de dicha
investigacin estn pendients de publicacin.

Collection of other credits.


Description credits: ANECA. Vocal de la Comisin del programa Verifica-Monitor Comisin de

Mster-Ciencias Sociales y Jurdicas 1

Description credits: Departamento de Comunicacin-Universitat Pompeu Fabra Secretario Acadmico

Description credits: Tramo de investigacin - sexenio Concedido por la CNEAI Comisin Nacional
Evaluadora de la Actividad Investigadora - Ministerio de Educacin

Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Evaluador de proyectos desde febrero
de 2009. Agencia Nacional de Evaluacin y Prospectiva

Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Subdirector de Investigacin y

Posgrado desde enero de 2009. Departamento de Comunicacin. Universitat Pompeu Fabra



Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Secretario Jurado II Premio Prat
Gaball de fomento de la investigacin en Publicidad y Relaciones Pblicas. Colegio de Publicitarios y
Relaciones Pblicas de Catalua

Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Secretario Jurado I Premio Prat
Gaball de fomento de la investigacin en Publicidad y Relaciones Pblicas. Colegio de Publicitarios y
Relaciones Pblicas de Catalua

Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Coordinador del curs ''Comunicaci en
sectors especialitzats''. Universitat d'Estiu de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona, juny 2006

Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Coordinador del curs ''A la recerca de
la idea: el valor de la creativitat''. Universitat dEstiu de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Cambrils, juliol 2004


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Vocal de la Junta de Gobierno.
Colegio de Publicitarios y Relaciones Pblicas de Catalua


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Vocal de la junta de govern. Collegi
de Publicitaris i Relacions Pbliques de Catalunya


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Consultor extern. Millward Brown


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Presidente de la Comisin de

Formacin. Colegio de Publicitarios y Relaciones Pblicas de Catalua


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Presidente de la Comisin de

Estudios e Investigacin. Colegio de Publicitarios y Relaciones Pblicas de Catalua


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. President de la Comissi de

Formaci. Collegi de Publicitaris i Relacions Pbliques de Catalunya


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. President de la COmissi d'Estudis i
Investigaci. Collegi de Publicitaris i Relacions Pbliques de Catalunya


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o aclaracions. Membre del Comit Organitzador
del I Congreso de Creatividad y Sociedad. Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona, Universitat de Barcelona,
Universitat Politcnica de Catalunya, Universitat Pompeu Fabra i Universitat Ramon Llull


Description credits: Altres mrits de carcter cientfic o alcaracions. Assessor de continguts. Contenidos
Digitales S.A.


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