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Marketing Plan for the New Sinzu Sedan Car

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Course Number
Date of Submission


Executive Summary
Technological advancement and modernity in the globe have brought upon the world changes in many
areas of human interaction with his environment. The motor vehicle industry is one element of the human
life that has been impacted by the changes that have been occasioned by the technological advancements.
North America is one of the prime spots for quite a good number of motor vehicle manufacturing
companies all over the globe. This is due to the fact that North America enjoys development and
economic stability and growth that give the people in North America a higher purchasing power. The
purchasing power has been increased by the technological advancements and the general development
levels of the countries of North America that have helped to spur the economies of the North American
countries. Good salaries and high standards of living are the two major factors that make North
Americans able to afford luxuries such as cars. This Marketing plan looks at the market in the North
American context with regard to consumption of sedan cars that are favorite car models for many North
The situational analysis reveals the major factors that are of great importance to the success of the new
Sinzu sedan produced by Jimcorp Automobiles. The demographics of the North American people, the
economic development and the infrastructural development in North America are some of the factors that
give a soft landing ground to the motor vehicle industry in the continent. These factors provide the a good
environment by providing a ready market with high purchasing power for the motor vehicles
manufactured by various companies all over the globe. The Japanese based company, Toyota, enjoys
acceptance of a significant proportion of the North American Motor Vehicle Market. As such, Toyota is
the main competitor of Jimcorp Automobiles Sinzu sedan car because it offers sedan cars that compete
directly with the Sinzu sedan. The SWOT analysis reveals a great potential through the opportunities that
can be exploited to the advantage of Jimcorp Automobiles Some of the opportunities include the
increasing modernity that continues to escalate the demand for personal cars and the desire for North
Americans to experience a new brand with regard to sedan cars. Even though the opportunities are there,
the main challenge that Sinzu will face is the stiff and tough competition from Toyota Motors which
offers sedans that directly compete for the market with Sinzu. The technological advancements that
continue to transform the world threaten the business by the possibility of having electric cars that are
cost effective. In a move to curb global warming, the burning of fuels such as oil which Sinzu depend on
will be banned and this is a long term threat to this business.
The marketing objectives for Sinzu car is to have at least 100,000 units sold each year for the first years
after launching the car but the sales are expected t triple after 5 years. This is because of the trust that the
North Americans have in the products of the main competitor, Toyota. The Sinzu sedan will mainly target
the middle class and the upper class in the society. Its price is a clear indication of the target market
segment in North America. Being a new product in the market, it is perfect to target the well to do people
because they are more likely and willing to try out new products than the lower low income earners. The
marketing of the product will be based on the 4Ps marketing mix. The product to be sold is Sinzu sedan
car and the place of selling the product will be retail store in California, New York and Chicago. This will
also be distribution points to other cities in North America. Promotion will involve use of social media
through sharing of links and publishing a Jimcorp Automobiles Magazine. Billboards erection on
highways and brochures are also going to be incorporated to ensure increased sales through creation of
awareness of the product in the market.


Table of Contents
Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................2
Product Description.....................................................................................................................................4
Situational Analysis.....................................................................................................................................4

Industry Trend Analysis and Environmental Analysis..................................................................4


Competitive Analysis...................................................................................................................6


SWOT Analysis...........................................................................................................................9









Marketing Objectives................................................................................................................................13
Segmentation and Target Market Analysis.................................................................................................13
Positioning Statement................................................................................................................................14
Marketing Mix...........................................................................................................................................14










Product Description
The product I want to develop is a sedan car called Sinzu that will be designed in a way that it has three
major compartments. The first compartment will be the front engine compartment, the second will be the
passenger compartment and the cargo compartment at the rear end. Since the North American people love
to move around with baggage, the car will be an appropriate choice for them in that it will have a spacious
cargo compartment that will make it possible to carry enough cargo as they travel to far places. The sedan
car will be providing solutions to the risk of carrying cargo on the roof of the vehicle. Carrying of cargo
on the roof also poses a risk of losing the cargo unknowingly if the cargo breaks loose by chance. The
spacious cargo compartment will therefore be suitable for many families during long distance travelling
or even shopping in malls and supermarkets.
The passenger compartment will have comfortable seats that will be adjustable and this will help to
provide a solution to the currently existing rigid angle seats in most sedan vehicles. This means that the
passengers will be able to adjust the angles of their seats either forward or backwards to find comfort.
Having separate single seats in the passenger compartment will mean that each and every passenger will
have the liberty to adjust their seats without disturbing the piece of others. Built on extra heavy chassis,
the stability of the car will be at highest and the hard and compact spongy layer in the body and roof of
the sedan car will ensure safety of the users in case of any accident. This will ensure reduced injuries and
also reduced deaths caused by accidents. The spongy layer in the body will act as a shock absorber in case
the car encounters an accident.

Situational Analysis
a.) Industry Trend Analysis and Environmental Analysis
The transport industry in the North American nations has seen tremendous improvement in the recent
decades. The changes in lifestyle occasioned by the changes that have been brought by technological and
economic development are the sole reason why the use of cars in North America has increased incredibly
and amazingly (Dargay & Gately, 1999). As the North American countries continue to embrace
civilization and modernity, the lifestyles of many people continues to change and consequently, their
general behavior with regard to use of cars and other items increases. The increased use of cars has been
triggered by the fact that in the modern world, time has become very precious and therefore each and
every individual in North America, just like other individuals in other regions have to keep with the time
consciousness so as to cope with the developmental agendas of their nations (Dargay & Gately, 1999).
The motor vehicle industry in the North American region is massive. This is due to the fact that currently,
over 50% of the populations of the North American Nations, that is, USA, Mexico and Canada rely on use
of cars as their mode of transport (Jakle & Sculle, 2004). The rich high class and the middle class in the
North American society actually own personal or family cars that are used for transport within their
various states. This clearly means that the demand of cars in the Northern American region is pretty high
and this is why companies engaging in production of cars are increasing their output year in year out to
try and cater for the high demand presented by the North American Population (Jakle & Sculle, 2004).


The market for sedan cars in North America is big. The populations of the North American countries have
seen a tremendous economic development in the past two centuries. This has been occasioned by the fact
that some of the nations of North America have strong economic power and are therefore regarded as
superpowers by other nations in the world. A good example is the United States of America which has
encountered economic growth as well as development that has impacted the lives of the American citizens
positively. The economic development has seen many North Americans change their lifestyles.
Furthermore, their economic statuses have improved courtesy of the development that has been seen in
matters of technology and even economic stability and strength (Jakle & Sculle, 2004). The economic
capabilities of the North Americans mean that many of them can afford to buy and maintain cars. This has
created a surge in the need for the sedan cars for North American people who have become increasingly
friendly to the motor vehicle industries. Therefore, the market for the sedan cars in North America is
readily available and willing to buy the cars because the purchasing power among them is high.
With modernity, many North American have shifted from the public service vehicles to use of private cars
(Giddens, 2013). Since many North Americans would love to travel with their family members and also
carry some luggage, the sedan cars have become the favorites for the middle and the high class in North
America. The public transport has been left for the lower class and those people who cannot afford to
maintain their own cars. The convenience that has come with the use of sedan cars is still pushing more
Americans in the North American continent towards owning their own personal and family cars (Giddens,
2013). This works to the advantage of the companies like Jim Corp Cars in North America. For this
reason, the sales for the sale of the Sedan cars has continued going up and is going up even today.
The general trend in North America is that many families in the middle and upper classes of the North
America societies are moving away from the use of public means of transport. The increased number of
vehicles on the roads in North America that has been occasioned by the bulge in purchasing more
personal cars has increased the risks of road accidents on the roads (Jakle & Sculle, 2004). The companies
that manufacture the sedan cars that are used in North America have therefore moved toward enhancing
the safety and the comfort of the cars that they produce. The trend has therefore seen a number of
companies create cars that have improved functionalities to increase the safety of the users. This has
however brought an increase in the prices of the cars and has actually threatened to dump the lucrative
business in North America.
According to Pucher (1988), the legal regulations that govern the transport sector in the North America
have put a lot of restrictions to the mobility and operations of the public vehicles. This ranges from the
time limits to the limits in terms of areas that can be accessed by such vehicles. A good example is the
prohibition of the public services busses to access the CBDs of the major cities in North America. These
limitations have left many people who work within the areas that are not accessible by use of public
service vehicles to opt for private sedan cars. The legal provisions therefore have helped to boost the
market demand for the sedan cars in North America.
Most of the North American countries are economically endowed. This is because of the technological
advancements that have helped them to explore industrial development (Langlois & Robertson, 1989).
The technological advancements have made sure that the living standards of many North Americans
increases and this has helped to boost the demand for personal cars in North America. The technological
advancements have also enabled many manufacturing companies to produce cars at a cheaper price
compared to the eras of manual production of cars (Vickery, 1996). As a result, many car units have been


produced and have been made available to North Americans at a slightly lower price. This has increase
the use of sedan cars among the North Americans.
The demographic factors have also worked in the favor of the production of Sedan cars in the North
American countries. This is because North America is one of the regions of the world that has seen an
influx in the immigration. The United States of America and Canada experience high rates of immigration
from all over the world (Karemera, Oguledo & Davis, 2000). Some of this people who come to the North
American countries are economically endowed and this adds to the already existing high demand for
sedan cars in the North American continent. The immigrants have also helped to provide cheap labour
which has enabled many companies to exploit their efforts in the manufacturing industry, motor vehicle
included. The result of the exploitation of the readily available cheap labour has helped the North
American countries to realize massive economic development and increase in standards of living of the
people of North America (Schafer, 1998). This has eventually transformed to a high market demand for
private sedan cars in the region.
The factors that are most relevant to the Sinzu sedan car are actually economic factors, the demographic
factors and technological factors. This is so because the technological advancements in North America
have gone a long way in boosting the economic status of the population of North America. The economic
growth has brought about industrial development in North America and the industrial development has
gone a long way in making North America a favorite spot for many immigrants that continue to flow into
North America. The improvement of the living standards of people in the North American country has
increased the demand and the market for the sedan cars (Badoe & Miller, 2000).
The environmental analysis for the sedan cars use in North America cannot be complete without the
consideration of the infrastructural development in the North America. The production and distribution as
well as the market for the sedan cars in the market have been affected by the availability of good roads in
the North American continent. The industrial development occasioned by the technological advancements
created the needed for improvement of the infrastructure. The North American governments did well by
creating roads connecting to the industrial areas and the cities as well as towns. These road networks in
North America have also played an important role in increasing the used of sedan cars by the Americans.
They therefore affect the market positively. Because maintenance of the roads is made affordable given
that good roads are likely to cause less damage to cars and vice versa.
b.) Competitive Analysis
Even though Jim Corp Cars is looking forward to venturing in the production of the sedan cars, the
company faces stiff competition from other companies that produce sedan cars. Some of the competitors
that are currently enjoying a significant part of the North American market with regard to use of cars
include the Toyota Company, Mitsubishi and the Hyundai. All these companies engage in production of
sedan cars for the readily available market in the North American continent. In fact, they have also been
competing among themselves and this has seen them produce cars each year with improvements from
their previous designs and models of cars to suit the needs of the customers in North America.
The main competitor of Jimcorp Automobiles will be the Toyota Motors and Hyundai Motor Company.
These two motor companies have been operating in North America for over 200 years (Pil & MacDuffie,
2000) and believe me not they have grasped the trust of a bigger percentage of the trust of the populations
of the North American region. A company like Toyota poses the greatest competition to the sedan car that


will be produced by Jimcorp Automobiles due to the fact that it manufactures cars that are cost effective
in terms of fuel consumption and are therefore loved by many middle class people in North America.
Since Sinzu Car that will be produced by Jimcorp Automobiles will be targeting the upper and the middle
class, Toyota is likely to offer the toughest competition to the Sinzu sedan car due to the fact that Toyota
produce affordable sedans that are cost effective and therefore are loved by many middle and lower
classes of the North American population (Pil & MacDuffie, 2000).
Toyotas Market share is significant in that in the recent past few years, Toyota mid-size cars have been
leading the chart for the most sold sedan cars in North America. The car of great interest here is the
Toyota Camry which by the beginning of this year, it was leading in the sale of mid-size cars by over half
a million units against its competitors. This is a clear indication that the Toyota sedans cars offered by
Toyota Motor Company are the main competitors of the Sinzu Car to be produced by Jimcorp
Automobiles in North America. The pie chart also indicates clearly how the North American region is the
strongest and biggest Market for the Toyota products. Even though the headquarters of Toyota are in
Japan and the manufacturing of the Toyota sedan cars is done in Japan, it is surprising that North
American buy more Toyota sedans than even the Japanese themselves (Pil & MacDuffie, 2000). This is
seen in the amounts of sales that the company gets from Japan compared to those it gets in North
The pie chart below clearly demonstrates the strength of Toyota who is the main competitor to the Sinzu
Sedan car that is to be developed and sold by the Jimcorp Automobiles in North America. From the pie
cart, it is clear that North America is one of the favorite regions for Toyota as a company where the sale of
the Toyota Motors Corporation actually hit 32% of the overall global sell of the Toyota midsize car
products (Dussauge, Garrette & Mitchell, 2000). The production of sedan cars and other midsize cars,
Toyota Company provides direct competition to the Sinzu sedan car produced by Jimcorp Automobiles.
The competition is so stiff and it will therefore be very needy for Jimcorp Automobiles to look for a
strategy to go round in terms of winning the trust that the North American people have in Toyota products
that are presented by the Toyota Motors Corporation.
Fig 1: A chart showing the typical breakdown of the sales made by Toyota in different regions with
regard to mid-size cars


Even though Toyota is based in Japan, their products are distributed all over the world through ships and
cargo aircrafts to many regions of the world. This therefore makes it easy for their customers to get access
to their products. Sedan cars being the biggest auto market in North America, the company has shipped
and airlifted so many sedan cars from Japan to the North American Continent. The distribution strategies
used by Toyota includes having selling and assembly points in main cities of North America (Dussauge et
al, 2000). This makes it very easy for their customers to access the products in the Diaspora, North
American region included. The cars are distributed to various cities and major towns where Toyota
Motors have come up with selling points and after sale services for their customers.
In terms of promotion of their mid-size sedan cars, Toyota provides a number of incentives to the
customers that help to attract many customers to its products. Some of the incentives include reduction of
the prices of their cars. The incentives means that Toyota experiences low transaction values but that
notwithstanding, the company enjoys the high volume of sales (Eden & Molot, 1993). The research
survey did by the consumer research company in North America concerning use of Sedan cars revealed
that more than 20% of the customers in the market looking to buy new cars were willing to buy Toyota
Camry sedan which is the hottest product in the North American market (Eden & Molot, 1993). This
shows how rooted the faith of the North Americans in Toyota mid-size sedans is.
In order to win over many customers in North America and even other parts of the world, Toyota Motors
Corporation prices it cars much in a much cheaper way compared to its competitors such as Ford and
Hyundai (Pil & MacDuffie, 2000). The Toyota cars are normally sold cheaply due to the many incentives
that aid to cut the price of the sedan cars that they sale. For that reason, the Toyota targets the majority of
the market in North America. These are the middle class and a few of the upper class people in the region.
Given that the middle class buy more sedan cars than the upper class, Toyota gets more profits from the
high volume of sales of its units in the North American market. The pricing of the cars produced by
Toyota as the main competitor here normally incorporates appending incentives that help to attract many
people to the Toyota cars. The incentive come in forms of free packages to the customers that help to
reduce the transactional value of the cars that they sale to the customers.


In case of any competition like the one that will be offered by Jimcorp Automobiles through introduction
of the Sinzu car into the North American market, the Toyota company is likely to analyze the impact that
the new cars is likely to have in the market. This will be done quickly to establish what the trend in the
market is. In case the market finds the car a good alternative to what Toyota is offering, Toyota is likely to
come up with a new model to counter the Sinzu sedan car and make it available at a cheaper price which
will mean that the customers will shift from the new car back to the new Toyota model. This has been
seen in the efforts that Toyota has done to counter the Ford and Hyundai completion in the North
American region. In response to the competition, Toyota is also likely to step up their marketing efforts
through electronic advertisement of their new model so as to grasp the attention of the market in North
America. The new model will include improvements that will try to render the Sinzu Model useless in the
market. This is a strategy that they are likely to engage in trying to outdo the competition from Jimcorp
Automobiles. Reduction of the price through bringing of more incentives to the sale of the cars is likely
to ensue in the Toyota Motors so as to curb the challenges presented by the Sinzu sedan car from Jimcorp.
Another very likely step to be taken by Toyota in case of competition is ensuring that the attention of the
market segment that seems to be less concerned by the introduction of the new Sinzu car is grabbed and
contained. For example, the Sinzu sedan car is going to target the well to do people and the middle class
in North America. However, this is not a guarantee that all these social groups are going to be excited by
the new product in the market. This being the case, Toyota is likely to ensure that the group that will
respond slowly to the new arrival is kept busy and provided with a perfect choice through the designing
of a new model meant to counter the competitor. This is likely to happen due to the fact that the Toyota
has been the favorite car for the Americans for over ten decades and therefore shifting the attention to the
new Sinzu car is likely to prove very difficult (Pil & MacDuffie, 2000).
c.) SWOT Analysis
The strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that the Sinzu sedan car business by Jimcorp is likely
to encounter include the following.
i.) Strengths
Knowledge and expertise. The company boasts of having experts in the motor vehicle industry
who are well trained and therefore know and understand fully, the needs of the customers in the
motor vehicle consumption in North America. The experts are drawn from various major training
centers all over North America and are therefore in a better position to deliver the exact need of
the customers in the North American continent.
Products based on research. The company bases its production on the research that has been has
been done by the experts in all countries of North American continent and this ensures that the
cars produced by Jimcorp Automobiles clearly provide the needs of the customers of North
America. Research based production ensures flow of sales of the products that Jimcorp
Automobiles produces with less advertisement.
Availability due to the fact that the company is based in the North American continent. The
products of Jimcorp Automobiles are readily available to the customers fresh from the
manufacturer due to the fact that the company is based in the United States of America. This
helps in surpassing the competitors who have to ship or fly their products from other continents to
the North American continent.


The company produces high standard cars due to the fact that its operations are ISO certified. The
International Organization for Standardization has accredited that the cars that Jimcorp produces
are of the expected standards are fit to be used by the market in the North American Continent.
This provides surety because of the fact that other competitors produce their cars from other
regions and supply them to the North American continent.
Being based in America, Jimcorp Automobiles has developed a stronger network of the supply of
its products and to other towns apart from cities in America. This has ensured a direct contact
with their customers unlike the competitors who have stores big cities and few in other minor
Strong research and development. Jimcorp Automobiles has established a strong foundation in
matters of research that helps the company to develop products that are commensurate to the
needs of the market in Countries of North America. The experts ensure the quality is kept high
and consistent.
Fully mechanized production. The company has fully mechanized its production operations and
this has gone a long way in ensuring that the cars produced are perfect in design and functionality.
This serves to the advantage of the company over its competitors who have not fully mechanized
their production.
Safety. The cars from Jimcorp Automobiles are designed to offer the highest standards of safety
so as to minimize the injuries and deaths that can result from the accidents on the roads. The
increased use of cars by the North Americans means that the roads in major cities and towns as
well as highways are having a greater volume of cars which pose a risk of accidents on the
highways. Jimcorp Automobiles are designed with high shock absorption capabilities that help to
increase the safety of the passengers that use them.

ii.) Weaknesses
Limited advertisement. Due to the limited resources that Jimcorp Automobiles has, it cannot
afford to carryout intensive advertisements of its cars like the competitors who have been in the
business for long and therefore can afford to publish monthly magazines and cover full pages in
the news papers for advertisement of their products.
Less time in the market compared to competitors. Jimcorp Automobiles are only a few years old
in the North American Motor Vehicle Industry and this means that people have not fully accepted
to embrace the products of the company like they do for the major competitor, Toyota who have
been in the market for over 5 decades and have already won over the hearts of many North
Americans as far as the motor vehicle market is concerned.
Limited availability. Since Jimcorp Automobiles is only a few years old in the North American
sedan car market, they have not established supply points in all the key areas in the North
American continent. The company is currently operating in only a few countries and is still
looking forward to expanding so as to be able to serve the whole of North American motor
vehicle market. This makes it very difficult to compete with the major competitors who are
already established in all the countries in the North American continent.
High prices for the cars produced. The prices of the cars that are produced by Jimcorp
Automobiles are very high due to the fact that the production of the cars at Jimcorp Automobiles
is fully mechanized. The mechanization has seen Jimcorp Automobiles pump a lot or resources


into the production of its sedan cars and the only way to be able to get profits from such an
undertaking has been to price the cars so highly. The high pricing is a disadvantage because the
cars somehow surpass the ability of the middle class and can only be afforded comfortably by the
well to do people in the upper class of the North American society. The customers therefore find
it better to opt for the available alternatives from the competitors that go at a much lower price.
Concentration on the middle and the upper class. The products of Jimcorp Automobiles are so
expensive in the sense that, the company actually targets production of cars for the middles and
the upper class people only. This is a weakness considering that the competitors have even taken
care of the lower upper class by producing extremely cheap cars to help in boosting their sales
and therefore get more profits. Taking to consideration the other social classes of people helps the
competitors to alleviate total losses while Jimcorp Automobiles faces the threats of complete loss
in case anything bad happens in the market concerning sedan cars.
The company is poorly located. Jimcorp Automobiles is based in the United States of America, a
nation which happens to be having quite a number of veteran companies that command a giant
share in the motor vehicle market of North America. This means that unless Jimcorp Automobiles
engages in intensive advertisements that are in the long run very expensive to try and convince
the market, it is never going to do well in the motor vehicle industry of the North American
continent. It would have been better if the company was located in a region where there are fewer
competitors so as to try and establish its own customer base for its products.

iii.) Opportunities
Some of the opportunities that Jimcorp Automobiles can exploit to its advantage in an effort to deal with
the stiff competition and the rigid mindset of the market of North America include:

The need for American produced cars. Even though the population of North Americans have trust
in the cars that are manufactured in other regions and then transported to North America, such as
the Toyota, many of them would love to have cars that are manufactured in North America. Given
that Jimcorp Automobiles is based in North America, this is a great opportunity to win over the
hearts of the North American motor vehicle market and outdo its competitors in the region. This
situation provides a great opportunity to the company since it promises to enhance growth and
increase the operations of the company in North America.
Modernity has created the need for more cars. In this modern era, many people are shifting from
using public vehicles to owning their own private cars for convenience and privacy as well as
improved safety standards and comfort during travelling (Vickery, 1996). The modernity
therefore is a great opportunity because it continues to expand the North American market and
this means that Jimcorp Automobiles will have its share of the market as time goes by.
Economic growth and rising of the standards of living. Many nations of the North American
region are experiencing growth and expansion in their economies and this is transforming the
lives of the North American people. The living standards are going up due to increased income
that people are earning and this is helping in creating a higher demand for cars in North America.
This is a wonderful opportunity to Jimcorp Automobiles to take advantage of the ever expanding
market for the cars and produce perfect sedan cars for them so as to cater for their needs.
Need for enhanced safety on the roads. The high demand for cars in North America has led to an
increase in the number of vehicles on the roads in North America. As such, the risk of accidents is


extremely likely to be encountered by motorists on the roads (Milton & Mannering, 2008). This
has necessitated the enhancement of safety of the vehicles on the North American roads by
producing cars that provide high safety standards for their passengers. This provides an
opportunity to Jimcorp Automobiles to sell its Sinzu sedan car which has increased safety
standards in terms of high ability to absorb shock of impact in case of an accident. Many North
Americans are now concerned about their safety on the roads and this therefore means that the
new Sinzu sedan car from Jimcorp will be a perfect choice for many of them.
Desire for new brands in the motor vehicle industry in North America. North America has for a
very long time depended on the competitors products and it has reached a time that many of
them want to experience a new product in the market with regard to sedan cars. The arrival of the
Sinzu will therefore provide the need and the desired new brand that a great number of North
American motor vehicle consumers are relishing to have and experience. Jimcorp Automobiles
should therefore grab the attention of the market by providing a new brand that many people will
want to try out. It also goes with the fact that the well to do people in North America will always
want to be the first ones to try out new products together with their counterparts in the middle
class. This is an opportunity to establish a customer base for the Sinzu car.

iv.) Threats
The major threats that Jimcorp Automobiles faces in sedan car business are presented by the competitors
and the trends in the market. Some of the major threats include the following:

Stiff Competition from Toyota. The Toyota Camry is currently one of the favorite sedan cars
among North Americans. This means that it will be very difficult for Jimcorp Automobiles to
convince the market to buy the new Sinzu car as an alternative to the Toyota products. The
competition from Toyota and other companies such as Hyundai actually threaten to push the
business of Jimcorp down and bring heavy losses upon the company due to the fact that the sales
are likely to be very low. This is because the products offered by the competitor are already
accepted in the market and are in direct completion with the Sinzu sedan car.
Limitations occasioned by legislation. With the increased demand for private cars in North
America, the roads are becoming more and more congested especially in major cities and towns.
This is likely to force the authorities of the North American countries to stop the use of private
cars in the major cities so as to reduce the congestion and jams on the roads in an effort to
enhance traffic flow (Newbery, 2002). This is likely to affect the business of producing sedan cars
negatively because it will actually reduce the demand for the cars. If this happens, then Jimcorp
Automobiles as well as its competitors will suffer great losses in their businesses.
Introduction of electric cars. Technological advancements provide the possibility of having an
electric power vehicle that is cost effective to many people. The global community is looking for
ways to reduce global warming by cutting down the combustion of fossil fuels such as oil
products. As a result, motor vehicle industry is likely to shift from production of oil power
vehicles to electric cars that are rechargeable (Chan, 2007). This will threaten the business of
Jimcorp since the Sinzu sedan car is petroleum powered. The expected results of the changes are
likely to bring about drastic reduction in the sales of the Sinzu cars and hence bring great losses.
Reduced profit margins. Many competitors that exist in the market will only reduce the profit
margins for Jimcorp from the Sinzu sedan car. The existence of many competitors in North

America means that the market will be divided among the key players in the market. Sinzu Car
being a new product, it is likely to fetch less due to the fact that the customers have to slowly
adjust to the new arrival in the market. Somehow, the wellbeing of the business will depend on
the customer preferences due to existence of many alternatives in the market.
Marketing Objectives
The main product objectives for the Sinzu sedan car will be heating the target sale volume by willing a
considerable market share. In about one year after the launch of the Sinzu sedan car, the sales volume
should be able to hit a target of 100,000 units in each year. This is the short term objective of the company
with regard to the sales volume. However, in the long run, that is, in five years time, the company should
be able to triple its volume of sales to 300,000 units sold each year. This is estimated so because of the
fact that the Sinzu car is likely to attract attention of the as time goes by, the people of North America will
come to embrace and like the new product.
The second objective is that by the of one year after the launch of the Sinzu car, at least 5% of the North
American sedan car market should be willing and ready to buy the Sinzu sedan from Jimcorp
Automobiles. The popularity of the Sinzu sedan among the North American Middle and Upper class is
likely to grow at a slow but steady rate. Given that many North American people would like to have cars
manufactured in North America, the Sinzu sedan produced by Jimcorp Automobiles will definitely win
over the soles of the North American market over time. The long term objective regarding the market
share is to have 20% of the North American market buying the Sinzu sedan as an alternative to the
products of the competitors. The twenty percent target is due to the fact that many competitors exist and
the competitors will definitely have their own share of the North American market with regard to
consumption of the sedan cars.
Segmentation and Target Market Analysis
The market segment that the new Sinzu sedan car will target will include the upper class and the middle
class in the North American society. Sinzu, being a modern and expensive car, it is likely to be beyond the
financial capabilities of the lower class. The current trend is that the upper and middle classes in the
society are the ones who form a large base for the motor vehicle market not just in North America but also
in other regions of the world. This is because buying and maintain a car is always an expensive affair that
can only be afforded by well to do people and those who have financially endowed in the society.
I have selected the upper and the middle class as my target market segment because of the fact that these
people in the society are more likely to spend on luxuries such as sedan cars because they have the
capabilities financially. The social status of the upper and the middle class in the society allow them to
move away from the use of public vehicles to private personal cars. This explains why most of the public
service vehicles carry over 80% of its passengers drawn from the lower class. The upper class in the
society are my favorite market segment due to the fact that they are likely to try out new products in the
market like the Sinzu sedan car that will be produced by Jimcorp Automobiles. The middle class always
struggle to emulate the upper class and they try to live to the standards of the upper class and are therefore
also likely to try out new products in the market. North American countries being already developed, the
upper class and the middle class form about 40% of the North American society. This is good size of the

market is greatly attributed to the economic development of the North American countries that renders the
citizens of these countries able to afford the purchase and maintaining of personal cars.
The upper and the middle class are considered to be the majority of the elites in the North American
society in that they have acquired good education and a high level of the education and have well paying
jobs or they run mega businesses in the society. As a result, they are able to buy luxuries for themselves
and their families such as cars. This include the Chief Executive Officers, mangers of companies, the
government officials, political leaders, business people and the senior civil servants that have good
salaries, just to mention but a few fall in this market segment.
With regard to consumer behavior of my chosen market segment, the upper and the middle class in the
society, whom I will call elites in the society are more likely to embrace new brands that come to the
consumer market and therefore, Sinzu sedan being completely new brand from a completely new
company is likely to attract customers from this social class of people. The well to do people in the
society have saved a lot and are less concerned with how much they spend and are therefore more willing
to spend some of their money to luxuries things such as the Sinzu modern sedan car.
Positioning Statement
Sinzu four-wheel drive automatic safety balloon sedan is offers the best safety standards and quality to all
Americans in the Northern continent. Sinzu sedan car will have the best safety enhancements that will
include an automatic turbulence balloon shock absorber within the body of the car to reduce the damage
and impact in case of an accident. The sedan car will be a four wheel drive meaning that each and every
wheel of the vehicle will be served by its separate piston and system of power that will give the vehicle
more power to manage even in areas of rough terrain. With an engine that is very cost effective in fuel
consumption, Sinzu will be perfect for the market of North America. Automatic tinting of the car glasses
just offers the much needed privacy for those who love dark glasses and for this reason, since has got you
all covered and is the best and the newest sedan model in the market for the North Americans to enjoy to
the fullest.
Marketing Mix
In marketing the new Sinzu sedan car, a 4Ps marketing mix will be used. This will involve the critical
analysis of the product, the price, the place of selling and the promotional techniques to be used in
making sure that new Sinzu sedan car sells in the North American Market.
a.) Product
The product in question here is the Sinzu sedan car produced by Jimcorp Automobiles, a motor vehicle
company based in the Unites States of America. The sedan car comes with perfect solution to the needs of
the North Americans who have for a long period of time been waiting for a car manufactured in their own
continent. Sinzu sedan is a perfect choice for the middle and the upper class in the North American
society because it takes care of all the safety and fuel consumption as well as comfort needs of the North
American motor vehicle consumers. The new Sinzu sedan car is built on a heavy chassis that gives it
stability on the road and a four-wheel drive mechanism gives it more power that enables it to be used
even in the roughest of all terrains in North America. Since Americans are moving from the use of public
transport to private road transport, the Sinzu car comes to offer the much comfortable and safe travel for

all the North Americans. Sinzu car comes in beautiful colours that make it sparkle and appear new
always. The colors include green, grey, pure white, red, black and navy blue. The Sinzu sedan is a mid
size car meant for individuals and families including cargo, passenger and engine compartments that
make it very appealing to the eyes and cool and comfortable because it is spacious enough to
accommodate six people including the driver. With adjustable seats, the new Sinzu sedan brings the living
room comfort on the road that gives the passengers relaxation and peace of mind for a safe and enjoyable
journey on the road.
The Sinzu sedan is build based on the results of the heavy research that Jimcorp Automobiles got into to
get the exact needs of the North American motor vehicle market and therefore provides the solutions to
the problems that the families and individuals in North America have been having with regard to sedan
cars. With increased number of vehicle on the North American roads, the number of road accidents has
increased and therefore North Americas need is to get cars that provide maximum safety but still
maintaining quality and safety standards. This is exactly what the Sinzu car offers because it has an
automatic ballooned sponge that is meant to absorb shock in case of an accident and therefore reduce the
injuries on its passengers. The car is a perfect one for travelling from and to work, touring other areas,
family outings and even the wedding shows and ceremony travels. The market need in North America
with regard to sedan cars also demanded for cost effective sedan cars in terms of fuel consumption and
Sinzu has taken care of this by making sure that the fuel consumption is reduced by 20% the normal
consumption from the competitors.
b.) Pricing
The Sinzu car will be priced a bit highly compared to the competitors in the market due to the fact that the
car targets a specific market segment that involves of the elites and the well to do people in North
America. These include the upper and the middle classes in the North American countries. The Average
price of the Sinzu Modern Car will range from $4800 to $14600. This price is effective in making sure
that the market segment for the product ranging from the middle to the upper class who are the well to do
families will be able to afford. The price is fair to the customers and also fair to Jimcorp Automobiles
because the sales will ensure that effective profit margins are realized by the company and at the same
time, the North Americans enjoy the four-wheel drive car for a fair price. The four-wheel drive cars
produced by the competitors are sold at a much higher price because they only target the well to do
people. This is likely to play to the advantage of Jimcorp Automobiles because the Sinzu car will be
priced lower compared to those other four-wheel drive cars produced by competitors. The price is likely
to remain fixed with little fluctuations to maintain the perception of the market regarding the quality of
Sinzu sedan. However, due to the availability of many competitors in the North American market, the
pricing is likely to be competitive in nature as well as low cost so as to increase the sales of the car. The
price will fluctuate upwards or downwards depending on how the competitors in the market price their
products. The low cost pricing will come in to boost the sale of the product in case the product will not be
selling according the expectations of the company. Pricing the car lower is however likely to come later
and not at the beginning so that the first impression and perception of the market concerning the car does
not change to worse at the beginning. In general however, considering the functionalities of the car and
the target market segment, the price will somehow remain high and steady.

c.) Place
Jimcorp Automobiles targets the working class and the business people in North America. As such, the
cars will be distributed to the main cities of the North American countries where they will be sold on
retail in retail stores and car park yards for easy accessibility by the customers. The company aims to
ensure that each and every major city in the United States, Canada and Mexico have store where the
customers can walk in and choose the car of their choice. The major retail store in the Unites States will
be located in New York City, on the west of the City Hall in Jimcorp Motor House. This will be a selling
as well as an assembly center for the Sinzu Sedan car. The others will be located in California and the
third store will be located in the City of Chicago. These three major stores will act as selling points and
also assembly points. The cars will however be distributed to other major cities in North America. The
major assembly points will also be the distribution points. Cars will be transported from the three cities to
other North American cities so as to rich the customers and also avail the Sinzu car in the North American
d.) Promotion
The Sinzu car will be promoted in various ways. Some of the ways the Jimcorp intends to use in an effort
to promote its new product in the market is use of social media especially facebook. This will involve
uploading the photos of the Sinzu sedan car on social media and creating a promotional link that will be
used to share. Volunteers will be sorted among the customers of Jimcorps Sinzu car who will be assigned
links to share with their friends on facebook. The photos of the car will be accompanied with the
description of the functionalities of the car and the technical specification of the car.
The promotion will also involve taking part in the trade shows. The main trade show of interest is the
International motor trade show that is held annually in the New York City. This trade shows will aid in
showcasing the new Sinzu car and creating customer awareness in the market with an aim to boost the
sales of the car. The trade shows will also form an important basis on creating the Jimcorp Motor
Magazine that will also be used to promote the new Sinzu sedan car. The publication of the Jimcorp
Motor Magazine will also make it easy to produce brochures and flyers that will be distributed to major
supermarkets for free in an effort to grab the attention of the customers towards the new car.
Billboards will be erected along major highways of New York, California and Chicago Cities with images
of the new Sinzu car to create awareness among the customers. This will help to increase the customer
base for the Sedan car from Jimcorp Automobiles and help to increase the sales.

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