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Process-to-Process Delivery:

Review Questions
1. A process-to-process delivery is the delivery of data from the running program
(process) on the sending machine to the same process on the destination machine.
A host-to-host delivery is the delivery of data from the sending machine to the
destination machine.
3. A socket address, a combination of an IP address and a port number, uniquely
defines a process.
5. UDP has a minimum amount of overhead. It’s suitable for short messages where
reliability is not so important.
7. The sequence number is the number of the first byte of the segment.
9. In the silly window syndrome the TCP segments carry only one byte of user data.
11. Clark’s solution and delayed acknowledgment can prevent silly window syn-
drome at the receiver.
13. The push operation makes the sending TCP create and send a segment immedi-

Multiple-Choice Questions
15. d
17. a
19. d
21. c
23. a
25. a
27. d
29. b
31. a
33. d


35. d
37. b
39. d
41. c

43. Reliability is not of primary importance in echo, daytime, bootp, TFTP and SNMP.
In custom software, reliability can be built into the client/server applications to
provide a more reliable, low overhead service.
45. Port addresses do not need to be universally unique as long as each IP address/port
address pair uniquely identify a particular process running on a particular host. A
good example would be a network consisting of 50 hosts, each running echo server
software. Each server uses the well known port number 7, but the IP address,
together with the port number of 7, uniquely identify a particular server program
on a particular host.
47. The minimum size of a UDP datagram is 8 bytes at the transport layer and 28 bytes
at the IP layer. This size datagram would contain no data–only an IP header with
no options and a UDP header. The networking technology being used may require
the using of padding. Since the length of a datagram must be contained in a 2 byte
field, the maximum size of a UDP datagram is 65,535 bytes (header plus data).
However, given that the IP layer must also store the total length of the packet in a 2
byte field, the maximum length would be 20 bytes less than this, or 65,515 bytes,
to leave room for the IP header. The networking technology being used may
impose a smaller limit than this.
49. 16 bytes of data / 24 bytes of total length = 0.666
51. 16 bytes of data /72 byte minimum frame size = 0.222
53. The segment would include 8 bytes of options.
55. About 8.95 minutes.
57. See Figure 22.1.

Figure 22.1 Exercise 57

22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000

a. Before acknowledgment

22000 24000 26000 28000 30000 32000 34000 36000

b. After acknowledgment

59. 16 bytes of data /36 bytes of header and data = 0.444


61. 16 bytes of data /(56 bytes of TCP/IP header and data +19 bytes of Ethernet over-
head) = 0.213

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