What If Metropolis OGR

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Kyle Mullings

What if? Metropolis

OGR Part 1

1: Andy Goldsworthy Summary
2: Influence Map
3: Travelogue
4: Thumbnails (1-38)
5:The Artists toolkit links

Andy Goldsworthy
Andy Goldsworthy is a British sculptor artist and photographer working in very contemporary ways
with natural objects (Branches, leaves, water etc.) Many of Goldsworthys art work is created
outside in its natural environment and is meant to be temporary as he leaves the artwork there, He
photographs his art when he first creates it and sometimes photographs it again in its decaying
form. Goldsworthy has been quoted to say that he works with nature as a whole and often uses
the nature around him to create his sculptors instead of tools that are man made.
Goldsworthys sculptors have a few themes that they follow those being holes In a circle of objects,
leading lines and in the context of him using ice they are very abstract.*
*these can be seen in the next slide which shows my influence map around Goldsworthys work.

_____The city that sits in a fragile bowl of twigs, leaves and branches high above the long dead wasteland of a civilization that lays below the
clouds. The radiation from the apocalyptic events that happened on the ground below surprisingly had a good effect of some of the seemingly
enteral standing trees and increased growth rate substantially. The infected areas of the trees started to expand and after 25 years many trees
can be seen above the clouds but only this one is sturdy enough to support a small yet always busy city. The inhabitants are from the surface,
those lucky enough to survive in the post apocalyptic wasteland after their homes were destroyed they claimed the tree as their own and
began to climb and live amongst the tree while climbing, after many years they finally reached the summit and created a new society.
Moving into the city you notice that at the bottom of the bowl like structure that the city resides upon lies a gaping hole that the locals tell
stories of, one day the hole was just a small pinprick but over the years has grown into this monolithic emptiness, few have lost their lives to
the hole (some of their own accord to calm the holes hunger to stop their city being destroyed, and some sacrifices from the crazed religion
that worships this gap in their home) but many have lost their homes, with some remnants of the latest victims homes still visible on the
outskirts of the hole.
The buildings are created with a mixture of wood and stone with mainly basic designs until you move to the higher class areas of the small
city, where the once normal looking post apocalyptic structures that were created in the tree become more intricate designs with jagged edges
and lines that seem to continue forever around the modernized stone homes. Above the hole hangs a sea urchin like collection of twigs that
have been covered by ice due to its height, the stories of its creation are mixed some say it was there when the original few climbed to the
peak of the tree but the majority believe it was created by the extremist religious group that praise the hole and all it stands for, their church
(if the tall block like building can be called that) is the largest building in the city that resides at the edge of the bowl towering over everything
and everyone.

With the hole in mind the citys social hierarchy is decided on your distance from the hungering beast, in the center of the city the poor; In ragged
clothing some hardly clothed at all, Scavenging for food and anything that they can sell to the middle class to be able to extend their life by moving
further away from the center, even a few meters can save you for a year. As you move out of the city center more you realize that the people who have a
lot of time left on their hands on the outskirts of the tree are not worrying about their demise but are living wildly and without sense for their health,
wearing fashion that has to be in style now even if it was created decades ago due to the its rarity these days, the middle class however are always stuck
between living nicely, scavenging or thinking about life below and if it is possible to go back there for a possible better life than being hunted by the hole.
When the sun goes down the skies are clear of any clouds, the bright white moon shines on the city of _____ being reflected all over the city by the
metallic ornaments on the bland stone homes of the residents making night time a almost eternal wondrous site that can make even the most worried
(about their impending doom) forget about their pains and gaze upon the natural beauty that is the morphed tree that holds their city above the land
that before the mutual destruction of each continent was their home.
With the bowl shape of the city it can be quite difficult for the residents to climb to the top (if they are even allowed to due to their social standing) of
one side of the bowl, due to this there is a very makeshift service that you can use called the _____ metro line that takes you from the lowest station
(that still stands) all the way up to the top, however it is rarely used due to it resembling an old broken down rollercoaster (as that is what the majority of
the parts have come from) and is always under repairs from the destructive nature of the hole that collapses a station just as a new one is being
constructed further up the line. Many children however have found a fun and instructing way to climb down the bowl, taking the basic premise of a
skateboard and snowboard and flattening the rigid ground that they stand on so they can slide down the bowl at great speeds.
There is one final story from the city of _____ many of the residents wonder where all of the parts keep coming from to be able to continue modifying
their buildings and creating newer things every week, well this is where the collectors come in. A secret group that climb down the tree and back up at
great speeds to collect new materials and scavenge for new food and energy sources from below as the wind powered turbines they use currently aren't
of a great standard and cut out due to repairs being needed. While many people think that the work they are doing is truly for the help of the city the
worshippers of the hole believe that they are just trying to move the city below the great tree and restart civilization below, its unknown why these
worshippers do not wish to return to the ground but they are set in there ways and will not be deviated from their path.


The Artists Toolkit Links

Life drawings:
Maya tutorials:
Film reviews:

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