Trumpeter Mock AIME

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8 April 2015
Some notes: Regular AIME rules (Im not going to list them all here). Also, sorry for
the unorthodox formatting, as Overleaf isnt letting me format the pictures correctly, hence
the half-blank pages.
Thanks A TON to AOPS user nosaj. This tests Geo Diagrams would not have been
possible without nosaj. (I dont think you guys want to do the Geo problems without
having a diagram)

1. A monic seventh-degree polynomial P (x) is such that for all integral i with 1 i 7,
P (i) = i3 . Find the remainder when P (8) is divided by 1000. Note: monic polynomials
have leading coefficient of 1.
2. A sequence is defined for n 6= 0 as
an =
Find the ratio




!n !

an+1 +10an1

3. Joe rides his bike every fourth day. Quin rides his bike every sixth day. Devin rides his
bike every eighth day. Harry rides his bike every ninth day. If they all ride their bike
together on July 4th, 2015, how many days in 2015 are there that there is exactly a
single one of the four that rides his bike?

4. The largest possible equilateral triangle able to be inscribed in a regular octagon is shown
above. If
the sidelength of the triangle is 10, the area of the octagon can be expressed

as a + b c + d e f g, where a, b, c, d, e, f , and g are positive integers such that

c < e < g and c, e, and g are square-free. Find a + b + c + d + e + f + g.
5. The maximum value of
x10 y 2 x6 y 2 +

3 2 2
x y + y 12 y 8 + y 4

if x4 + y 4 = 1 can be expressed as a+c b for some positive integers a, b, and c such that
b is square-free and a and c are relatively prime. Find a + b + c.
6. Let


i! + i3 i2 + i 1 .


Find the remainder when S is divided by 1000.

7. Let ABCD be a rhombus in the complex plane that is inscribed in a semicircle with
center A = 0, diameter as the imaginary axis, and C = 1 as a point on it. Let P (x)
be a sixth degree polynomial with integral coefficients that has a leading coefficient of
1, A, B, C, and D as roots, and two of the roots with multiplicity 2. If there exists a
polynomial Q(x) such that
P (n)
Q(x) = lim
for all x and Q(0) 6= 0, find the remainder when

P (i)


is divided by 1000.
8. The sum of all positive integers with four or fewer digits, whose sum of digits equals the
product of digits, is S. Find the remainder when S is divided by 1000.

9. Triangle ABC has side lengths AB = 15, BC = 13, and AC = 14. A semicircle is
inscribed in 4ABC with its base on AC with center D. Another semicircle is tangent
to AB, BC, and the first semicircle with base parallel to AC. This sequence is continued
infinitely as shown. The sum of the perimeters of the semicircles can be expressed as
a + b for positive integers a and b. Find a + b.
10. Find the smallest positive integer n such that the product of the digits of n equals
n2 600n 49003.
11. Circle O has radius 1. Equilateral triangle ABC is tangent to, but does not intersect,
Circle O at point D on BC such that BC has the same length as the diameter of
the circle. Square ABEF is drawn. The longest possible distance between a vertex
on a square and a point on the circumference of the circle is d. Define the minimal
polynomial M (x) of d to be the unique irreducible one with smallest possible degree that
has leading coefficient of 1, only rational coefficients, and d as a root. Find M (1).
12. A dice maker has an infinite number of labels for the numbers 1 through 6, inclusive.
A set contains two six-sided dice for each possible configuration using the labels on the
side such that rotations are indistinguishable (there can be multiple identical labels on
the dice). What is the remainder when the number of dice in a set is divided by 1000?

13. The expression



cos(n) ln



for some positive integer k is equivalent to the number of ways to move from (0, 0, 0) to
(2112, 2113, 1) in the 3-D coordinate space using only one unit moves in the positive x,
y, or z direction. Find the remainder when k is divided by 1000.
14. Find the largest integer n that satisfies
n3 307n2 279909n + 10725000 < 0.
15. Dumbledore is disintegrating cards. He has 2015 cards, labeled the positive integers
from 1 to 2015. They are floating in a straight line in numerical order from left to
right. He disintegrates the leftmost one and every second one towards the right. On
the second turn, he disintegrates the rightmost one that is still in existence and every
second one towards the left. In general, on the nth turn, he disintegrates the leftmost
if n is odd and rightmost if n is even, and every second card in the opposite direction.
For example on turn 1, the cards 1, 3, 5, . . . , 2015 are disintegrated, and on turn 2,
cards 2014, 2010, 2006, . . . , 2 are disintegrated. If c is the value on the last card that
Dumbledore disintegrates, find the remainder when c is divided by 1000.

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