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The quality of life which is indirectly associated with ones self image. The
Quality of life and health, ability, the personal philosophy of life, the relationships to oneself, the
partner and friends was found out to be the strongest association out of 2000 associations
representing indicators in all aspects of life. It was found that quality of life is associated with personal
health and attitude towards life, rather than objective factors, life style, or life events (citation 41). In
21st century, people have become more aware of their health which includes mental, spiritual and
physical state of a person. Studies have shown the activities or consumption made by one is based
on relationship he/she forms between dietary habits, psychological and physical well-being and
coronary risk factors (citation 47). It has been noted through studies that people who tend to be
socially more responsible than others exhibit higher level of health orientation (citation46). In a study it
was found that the concept of health-meaning categories differs along with age and area of residence
(citation 40).
Most of the young women tend to diet and starve themselves because of their body image
dissatisfaction. In a study the implications for health education programming was found in young girls
(citation 45). Body image dissatisfaction either leads towards health orientation or diet orientation,
many of the cases both are considered. Studies have shown advertisement industry played an
important role in stimulating factors that have lead into disastrous conclusion among young girls in
perceiving ones faulty self-image. This perception has resulted into wrong practices to fit in that
created image in later stage of life. For example:-1) findings imply that, even if dolls cease to function
as aspirational role models for older girls, early exposure to dolls epitomizing an unrealistically thin
body ideal may damage girls body image, which would contribute to an increased risk of disordered
eating and weight cycling (citation16). The role of the mass media in the social construction of reality:
how television advertising and programming affect a young woman's perception of her own body. Also
this study attempts to show that a young woman's perception of her body is a psychological construct,
a body image. This body image is a part of woman's self-schema, her mental construction of herself
(citation 3). An investigation in greater china has revealed that significant differences exist among the
groups of female in different areas (citation 42). This means place and society we live in also plays an
important role in young women in perceiving Self-image, Health, food and realising the connection
between them.
A study in Canada to investigate young Lebanese-Canadian women's constructions of the body and
"health" practices found that the young women construct the "healthy"/"ideal" body as a solely
individual responsibility, thus reinforcing the idea of "docile bodies (Citation 4

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