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Slide 1: Hey Apalachee High School Faculty and Staff welcome to this presentation

of about the SAMR Model and specifically two, levels of it substitution and
augmentation. For some of you, the SAMR Model is brand new and for others this is
a refresher but hopefully this will provide you with an understanding of the
different level of SAMR as well as the goals at both a school and county level.
Slide 2: Before we continue If you havent already, please complete the preassessment located in Google Classroom. (4 Questions) - do this before you watch
the rest of the screen cast!!
If not, pause screen cast and complete at the following link.
Slide 3: In order to gain a better understanding of SAMR, a teacher needs a greater
understanding of how it fits into 21st century education. But what is 21st century
education? Its framework, as displayed on this page is demonstrated using various
Learning and Innovation is the keystone of 21 st are core subjects, which in turn help
to support and develop other overarching themes such as Learning and Innovation,
which are stabilized through life and career skills as well as digital innovation and
technologies aka digital literacies.
In laymens terms classes a student take help to create engaging, productive, and
informed individuals even if we wonder sometimes if Suzy really has a clue as to
whats going on.
Slide 4-5: I want to focus quickly on a couple of aspects of 21 st century learning that
are really pertinent to the SAMR Model. First, are the four Cs, which are Critical
Thinking, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity. These can all be done using
technology as the tool. But I want you to see something else
Slide 6: That is, technology is only a small component of 21 st century learning and
thats a misconception that I want to clear up with by discussing the SAMR Model.
Technology is the tool, technology can do wonderful things but to really develop
the four Cs its up to teachers to openly embracesometimes the unknownin
order to explore the avenues of 21st century learning.
Slide 7: Which brings us to the SAMR Model. SAMR is an acronym for four important
terms that are going to, hopefully become common language when discussing
technology implementation in the classroom.
Slide 8: SAMR stands for substitution, augmentation, modification, and redefinition.
Well get into examples in a minute, but substitution means Technology acts as a
direct tool substitute with no functional change. We want to start going beyond this
step as a school and a district in fact the district goal is to improve teachers use
of technology beyond the level of substitution. An example would be signing out the

Chrome Carts and having the read an article online or print it out. Although the
student is using technology to complete the task, this isnt any different than having
the student read the printed article in class without the use of computers.
Next is augmentation, and this is, at the very least, the level we want to start seeing
teachers use. Augmentation means - Technology acts as a direct tool substitute,
with functional improvement. Take the exam I just had for substitution. Now, if you
have the students take that article and digital curate it with others that are similar
to it or directly opposite, that would be by definition a functional improvement.
To show you an example, I created a digitally curated list of modern reform
movements with my APUSH class. I didnt redesign the articles, add comments or
anything I did more-or-less, glorified bookmarking. But this can help students with
organizing topics as a group or individual.
Modification produces significant task redesign. That is, if the students were to take
that article, create a report via some sort of presentation format that included audio
recording of peoples feelings towards the topic and included images and captured
video that was not featured in main article that would be redefinition.
Redefinition, is the creation of new tasks, previously inconceivable. I dont want to
spend too much time on this one because, ultimately, that would be like taking the
previous example, publishing it on the web, working with collaborators from around
the world to fix and adjust it to produce a final product.
Slide 10: So to be clear with a couple of other examples, substitution is an example
of when A student uses a word processor to replace a pen/pencil in a writing
Slide 11: Augmentation is a functional improvement for example Students design
a brochure online and embed/hyperlink sites and videos in various places of the
Slide 12: An example of modification is when The coach/teacher films the lesson
and flips the lesson, has the students watch it as homework, and uses the class
time to practice and reinforce techniques and provide feedback.
Slide 13: And redefinition is Students watch video examples and practice the
techniques, then the coach/teacher films them hitting balls and then provides
feedback about their techniques.
Slide 14: What I want you to do now is type the url below into a new tab or internet
browser window. This is the Padlet exercise and it demonstrates augmentation.
Anyone can make a Padlet account and its great for a digital chalk talk because you
as a teacher can refer back to it with students at any point in time in the future. For
example if I wanted to ask my students what they knew about World War one,
they could put their responses on this. After we completed the unit, we could ask
the same questions to the students and have them create a new Padlet chalk talk
with the new ideas and information they learned and compare them to where they

were before! To use Padlet is simple, once youre on the site, like I am now, all you
need to do is to double click on any space that is no already occupied by a post to
leave a comment. What you need to do is to post an example of substitution. Make
sure you leave your name next to it to receive credit. Then, find someone elses
post about substitution and leave a message next it to that explains how you could
make the lesson at least the level of augmentation or greater. Again, leave your
name at the end of the post so that you can receive credit. If you have trouble with
this, refer to the How to Padlet announcement on the Google Classroom site. Go
ahead and pause this video now, and go do your post!
Slide 15: Just to reiterate, substitution is what we want to move beyond when we
use technology in our schools. Examples include simple notetaking, using Google
Slides (but not sharing the presentation, and basic e-mail.
Slide 16: We want to see students learning and using apps for taking notes,
bookmarking and digitally curating resources, sharing and commenting on others
presentations, sharing folders between teachers and students, and yes even
learning to use Control F to find key words in documents and readings. I was
amazed the other day when I asked my AP students if they knew what control F did
and easily 75% of my juniors had no idea I can say with confidence that feature
alone has saved me countless hours in doing research.
I hope this presentation was helpful to you and if you could, please make sure you
complete the final two steps of this professional development, which is the
summative assessment located on the Google Classroom page, and the Staff
Development evaluation.
If you have any questions or comments, please post them on the discussions
section of Google classroom.
And thank you all for doing this as this was a major component to my Instructional
Technology graduate course at Georgia Southern.

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