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NMI Courses Home

Casey O'Donnell with assistance by Clate Sanders and other NMI staff.
Tuesday/Thursday 3:30 PM - 4:45 PM
e: caseyod {AT} uga {DOT} edu
v: 706.457.6373

OBJECTIVESTo develop innovative new media systems and content for new media


Individual Group TOTAL

Assignment Due
Points Points Points
Quiz 10 10 Weekly
8 8 01/21/10
10 10 02/04/10
Tech Teach 8 8 Various
10 10 10/27/09
4 4 04/15/10
Project Book 5 5 04/15/10
Project Site 5 5 04/15/10
Project Poster 5 5 04/15/10
10 10 04/15/10
10 10 04/23/10
Project Wiki 5 5 04/15/10
10 10 04/23/10
TOTAL 36 64 100
SCHEDULE and GRADINGThe class schedule is tight and somewhat tentative. The
class is strictly projects based. You will develop new media projects. Emphasis is
placed on learning to produce content for new media. At a high level, the class will
begin with introductory topics followed by some case studies of past projects and
project topic brainstorming. Project teams will then be assigned, milestones
established for incremental phases, followed by several weeks of work leading up to
a progress demonstration before Fall break. Work will continue until close to the
end of the semester, when each team will do a formal presentation on their
projects. An end of the semester event for press and some of our corporate
partners may be held, at which you may present your project. An essential part of
your project will be a web page that tells the story your project, how it works, what
it tried to achieve, how it might be improved. Objectives for each milestone will be
discussed in detail in class. Assignments should be posted to your Project Overview
web site or blog. At least six hours of time outside of class will be required per
week, including at least one hour with your project team. Attendance is essential
for all class days and team meetings. There will not be a midterm exam or a final
exam. But the final exam period may be used for review or production of project
documentation. Do not schedule any holiday travel before the assigned exam
period. The Instructor will meet with each team every week. You will update your
Project Overview Site each week to synopsize the instructor meetings, provide links
to deliverables, summarize what you did that week including technologies in which
you have demonstrated new competence, outstanding issues, and what you plan to
do next. This summary may be in the form of a blog.

Project planning, time management, resource allocation, team building and

presentation skills are important skills that will be emphasized and expected.
Presentations will be critiqued by the instructor, other class members and visiting
experts and stake holders. Don't take it personally, we are here to learn and grow.

No one coasts on the work of other team members. In the past, students have been
dropped from the course for failure to contribute. Grades will be given for both
individual and group work. Individual grades will be given by the instructor. Group
grades will be given by group members and/or the instructor. For each group
grade, each group member will submit via email to the instructor a grade for each
member with reasons for the grade given.

You really have most of your eggs in one basket...your project. Make it a success!

Course ScheduleA continually updated course calendar is available online. I

strongly recommending subscribing to it in your Google Calendar while a student of

Grading PolicyGrading in the course will be based on the percentage of points

earned out of the total points possible. The standard scale will be used (Note:
rounding is based entirely on in-class participation):A: 93.000-100%; A-: 89.995-
92.995%; B+: 86.995-89.994%; B: 82.995-86.994%; B-:79.995-82.994% C+:
76.995%-79.994% C: 69.995-76.994% D: 59.995-69.994% F = below 59.995%

STANDARDS OF PRACTICEClasses in the New Media Institute will teach you

about new media. But they will also teach you how to be successful professionals in
whatever field you choose. Below you will find some standards of practice for
students in New Media Institute (NMIX) classes. Adhering to these rules will not
only make you a more successful student, practicing them in your career will make
you a better professional. If you feel that you cannot conform to these practices,
please consult with your teacher - maybe a New Media Institute course isn't right
for you.

Class Conduct. You bear a major part of the responsibility for class a pleasant
experience. If you feel the compulsion to read, talk, sleep, or engage in any other
type of disruptive behavior, DON'T COME TO CLASS. If I have to ask you to change
your in-class behavior, you may be asked to drop the class. If you find you cannot
be in your seat at the beginning of class, please drop the class. If you repeatedly
come to class late, you may be asked to drop the class.

Entrepreneurial work. Your work on projects will require a considerable amount of

independent learning, planning, and just plain hustle. You may not have a passion
about your assigned topic, but in a professional work environment, your employer
and clients will rarely ask you what cool stuff do you want to work on and who do
you want to work with. A professional is someone who does a great job even when
they do not feel like it.

Attendance. Good workers come to work. Your class attendance not only helps you
learn more, it makes the class better. But sometimes things happen. Based on
University Guidelines, there is no official attendance policy. However, I guarantee
that not coming to class will reflect poorly on your teams evaluation of your input.

Coming Late. Good workers arrive on time. You must come to class on time to
receive the full benefit from your class. If you disrupt the flow of class, you will be
encouraged to leave or not come at all. Please arrive on time.

Cell Phones Off. It is unprofessional to allow outside interruptions to disrupt

meetings. The same goes for class. Turn your cell phone off before you enter class.

Challenging Evaluations. In your jobs and your classes, you will be evaluated. Your
work will be presented to the entire class and put on the web. How you handle and
use criticism will greatly determine your eventual success. There is a professional
approach for addressing criticisms and evaluations (or grades) with which you do
not agree. First, take some time to consider the evaluation. After you receive the
evaluation, think about it for at least 24 hours before doing anything - this cooling
off period will help you present your case in a positive manner. Second, formulate a
rational argument for why you deserve a better evaluation. Develop at least three
points that you think prove you deserve a better evaluation. And third, first present
your argument in writing (email is cool) then request a meeting to discuss your
evaluation. Hey, your teacher (or supervisor) might buy your argument and you
won't need to have a meeting at all! Handling disputes constructively is the mark of
a true professional.

These are the standards of practice for students in the New Media Institute. Learn
them, love them, live them.

Academic HonestyIn this class, we will adhere to the University of Georgia's

Academic Honesty Policy. You can read the entire policy online but the short story is
don't cheat. You will be expected to do your own work and to report individuals who
do not do their own work. You will have several assignments where you will not be
monitored but that does not excuse appropriating other individual's work. The
punishments for violations of the Academic Honesty Policy are severe. Frankly, the
pay off ain' t worth the risk - don't do it.

All academic work must meet the standards contained in “A Culture of Honesty.” All
students are responsible to inform themselves about those standards before
performing any academic work. More detailed information about academic honesty
can be found at:

Office of Disability ServicesAny student who is working with the University's

Office of Disability Services and who needs special consideration on assignments or
exams should let me know as soon as possible.

End of Semester EvaluationsAt the end of the semester I will ask you to
evaluate me. This can be done here.

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