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Understanding the Philosophy of the Javanese

Ancestral Java community has a diverse philosophies that, if observed to

have meaning so deep. But, strangely philosophy given by the founding
fathers were currently assessed as being old-fashioned and outdated. In
fact, the prevailing philosophy of ancestors continues throughout life. Here
are some examples of the philosophy of the founding fathers / ancestors
of the Javanese community.
Dadio banyu, ojo dadi watu (Be water, do not be a stone).
Short words are full of meaning. It seems if people who have reviewed it a
sense of unity that should know how to be water. Why do we human
beings should be a banyu (water)? Because the water is soothing. He
became a need for many people. God created living things definitely need
water. Well, this water is a substance that is not hard. That is, with the
liquid form, it feels soft when it comes to our skin.
Unlike watu (stone). Stone has a hard substance. Stone was also needed
people to build houses or anything. The question, over which a water main
or a stone? Where strong water or stone?
People who think lay people will claim that the stone is stronger. But for
people who understand the existence of two substances, the stronger he
will declare the water. Why water is stronger than stone? The answer is
simple, you can not pierce the water with a dagger. But you can break
rocks with a hammer.

That is, though looks weak, but the water has tremendous power.
Dropwise water, will be able to destroy the stone. From philosophy, we
can learn that life in this world we ought to put forward the gentle nature
of the water bath. This world is full of problems. Complete all the problems
that mimics the softness of the water. Do not imitate the violence of the
stone. If you imitate his hard rock in solving every problem in this world,
then the problem would have caused new problems.
Sopo Sing Temen Bakal Tinemu (whore really looking at, will find a
Another philosophy is the word Sopo sing Temen, bakal tinemu (Who is
really looking at, will find a searchable). It seems the philosophy is very
clear. If you intend to seek real knowledge or a true science, then seek
earnestly, then you will find it.
But if you try just a half-half, then do not be disappointed if later on you
will not get what you are looking for. Philosophy on top of course still valid
Sopo sing kelangan bakal diparingi, sopo sing nyolong bakal kelangan
(Who would lose would be given, anyone who steals will be lost).
Philosophy itself also has a very deep impression on life. That is, our
ancestors had already stressed that we should not nyolong (steal)
because whoever stole it would lose something (instead of profit) .For
example, there are people who stolen. He will lose the money he had in

his wallet. But god will replace it by giving instead to the person who lost
it. But for people who stole the wallet, he actually got lucky because the
wallet. However, he would be lost by god, whether in any form.

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