Tataduende Story

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Foggy Day

The Foggy Day I Would Never Forget

Tatiana Henriquez
Language and Community (CS102-3)
Ms. S. Rene Wentz
April 11, 2008

Foggy Day

The Foggy Day I Would Never Forget

Fog blanketed the morning as my dad and I left our tipsy thatched house for the milpa (corn
crop). The thickness of the fog measures the intensity of the heat radiating from above according
to my dad. A lesson that proved true as I experienced later in life.
I was only seven but then, seventy years ago, that was normal as from a much earlier age we
were already exposed to the extremes of milpa farming. Our walk took us not more than an hour
at a normal speed, but I as always falling behind my dad as almost anything I saw entertained
From a distant the crowing of the Black birds deafened the silence and tranquility of the
woods. That was the sign that we were at our milpa. My task today was to keep the black birds,
what today we know as Pitch, from digging out the recently planted corn seeds from the soft
moistened soil caused by the dew and light rain that fell earlier in the morning. I was equipped
with a calabash stuffed with some small pebbles inside that will give a loud rattling sound when
shaken. This was suspended from the end of a stick not longer than I was at that young age.
Taking a nap not long after under the comforts of our hato, a four legged structure made of
lime sticks and cohune leaves, that my dad built to shelter us from the rays of the sun and the
rain was when I saw for the first time in my life a strange creature. This person was at the other
end of the milpa, about fifty yards away at the edge of the woods walking towards me with a
fixed eye on me. All I could see and still much vivid in my memory was this person not more
than three feet tall maybe less, with a long ,thick white beard reaching the ground wearing a large
round sombrero, a straw hat. My eyes lay fixed on it, as I tried to yell for my dad who was at a
distant replanting corn that the birds had left exposed. Tried I say because my tongue was too
heavy and my mouth too dry that no matter how much I tried not a sound came out. All I

Foggy Day

managed to do was to step backward and that I did until I reached the safety of my dad. Not once
did I lose contact with that dwarf creature. My dad saw me trembling in fear and asking me what
was wrong but for a lengthy space of time I couldnt speak until I regained myself again.
I told him what I saw, and although I was pointing to him the creature upon my arrival he
affirms that he saw nothing. The description, according to him was that of a Tata-duende, the
Keeper of the woods. He vigorously told me that if I had not reached to him before the creature
got to me I would have disappeared. That is taken away by the Tata-duende.


The Milpa

Foggy Day

Di faagy dey ah neva faget

Dis maanin mee ahn mih pahn frahn wi tipsy tach hows fu goh da di plantyajaan. Di fag mi
tik dis maanin wen mi pa ahn me mi lef frahn owta wi lee chinchi tach hous. Fu go da di
plantayjaan. Di tiknes ah di fag meja di heet weh kohn frahn op deh, o deh da lees da soh mi pa
seh. Da wan lesan wi ah mi fain owt layta ina laif.
Ah mi jos seven seventy yaas own taim dat mi naamal sins wen we mi yonga, wi mi don noa
bout faamin da plantayjaan. Wi lee waak gaan fi bout wahn owa pahn naamal spid, but Ah mi
stay di drap da bak kaaz evri lee tin mi di geh mi atenshan.
Frahn wahn distans di nais weh di blak bod mek mi di mek a goh def. Dat da mi di sihn dat
wi mi reech. Mi jab tooday da mi fi kip di blak bod weh dehn kaal pich, frahn dig op di kaan weh
dehn mi jus plaant ina di saaf sail weh mi damp frahn di lee jrizl ahn fial weh mi drap erli dah
maanin. Ah mi di jos kalbash weh mi fula lee stone weh mek wahn haad nays wen yu shiek ih
op. Ih mi de pan wahn stik weh lee bit biga dan me.
Wi drap asleep layta andaneet a wan lee shelta weh mi pa bil owta stik ahn kuhune leef fi mek
di san ahn kole weddah no badah wi, den ah si fi di fus tin wan foni lee kreecha. Ih mi deh da di
adah ena di plantyajaan. Ah mi di kohn twenty jads mi di wach mi haad haad. Aal Ah kuda mi sih
fahn weh Ah memba da mi dah wahn shaat lee kreecha weh mi anli bout chree fut taal, weh mi
gah wahn tik wite byaad weh toch di granj an wahn big kyap pahn ih hed. Ahn mi kyaahn tek mi
eye aafa it. Ah mi trai baal fi mi pa weh mi deh faar di plaant kaan wi di bud mi don dia op.
A mi kyaahn binkaaz mi tonh mi geh tu heby ahn mi mowt soh drai dat no sunh kuda mi kohn
Aal Ah kuda mi duh dah tek wah lee step bakwya till ah reech dah mi pa. Ah neva did tek mi ai
aafa di lee kreecha. Mi pa seh mi di tremble an ih ask mi weh gaan aan. Ah mi tek lang fi ansa.

Foggy Day
Ah telah weh ah mi see, bot ih mi kyaan seh notin. Frahn mi diskripshan Ah tel mi dat da mi
Tata Duhendeh weh maine di farest. Ah mek ah no dat if ah neva reech ahn dat ahn mi wan
disapyaa. Di Tata Duhendeh mi wahn ker mi.

Foggy Day
-Silvino Constaza 77years old, Otro Benque O.W Town.

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