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More than 200 dancers

will be dancing on the

same song

50 Countries, 130
Cities. Do you still
need any other reason
to come?

Selfie Time with AOK



Free Hugs & Chalkwalk

Kindness Chain

Those In Need presents DFK2015

Life Vest Inside is a non-profit organization that inspires, empowers and
trains people from all backgrounds to lead with kindness. Every year, to
kick off World Kindness Week, Life Vest Inside organizes Dance for
Kindness, a WorldWide Flash mob - uniting people from all backgrounds
under the banner of kindness. Dance for Kindness serves as Life Vest
Insides Annual Fundraiser as well as a means of building awareness of
World Kindness Day.

E-block parking,
Raahgiri Connaught
8th November 2015
Time: 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM


Never doubt that a small group of committed people can change the world,
indeed, it is the only thing that ever has ~Margaret Mead
On November 18th, 2012, we took the words of Margaret Meade to the next level reminding people
that a small group of committed DANCERS can change the world as well! And Dance for Kindness
was born! Click HERE to see last years dance in our flagship location (NYC).
To some, the world is filled with war, hatred, violence and hopelessness BUT TOGETHER we have
the power to fill this world with kindness, trust, hope and love!
In honor of World Kindness Day, join Life Vest Inside and thousands of others around the globe for
ONE DAY as we wave our flags united in Dance at our 4th Annual Worldwide Dance for Kindness.
The purpose of World Kindness Day is to look beyond ourselves - beyond the boundaries of our
country, beyond our culture, our race, our religion, and realize that we are citizens of the world.
So, lets join together for One Day and Dance for Kindness; celebrating the power of the few to
make a difference.

Heres the idea

On November 8th, 2015, get psyched for a WorldWide Freeze Mob/Flash Mob. From the US to
for Kindness took place in over 130 locations, spanning across 50 Countries, with more than 15,000
Now its time to bring the event to a location near you (New Delhi).
Together we Dance for Kindness!




6:00 AM to 7:00 AM

Final Rehearsal

6:30 AM to 7:30 AM

Free Hugs and Flag

Hoisting Ceremony

7:30 AM to 8:00 AM

Freeze Mob and Flash


8:00 AM to 8:15 AM

Selfie Time with AOK

Kindness Takes Flight
Kindness Chain
Chalk Walk

8:15 AM to 8:30 AM
8:30 AM to 9:00 AM
9:00 AM to 9;30 AM
6:00 AM to 9:00 AM

1. Registration: 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


All dancers are supposed to register on the day of event. We will be giving
DFK t-shirts to all the dancers. (We have limited number of t-shirts so it will be first-cum-first
serve). We will give AOK cards along with t-shirts that you have to distribute after the event.

2. Final Rehearsal: 6:30 AM to 7:30 AM


As many of you missed our two rehearsal sessions we are planning to have
final rehearsal before the event. Our head choreographer Mr. Vivek will teach you freeze mob
position and flash mob dance. But I strongly recommend to choose the freeze mob position
from the list that I have shared with you earlier or any another position that you are comfortable

3. Free Hugs and Flag Hoisting Ceremony: 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM

Description: Participants are supposed to make a sign or perhaps make signs on the
Event Day and spend 15 minutes giving out free hugs and building human connection.
Why Free Hugs?

To increase human connection

To remove ourselves from the I world
To bring love, kindness, and joy to others
To increase sensitivity

Flag Hoisting: Mr. Eneesh Singh Arora will be hoisting our national flag to give us a start for
our main event.

4. Freeze Mob and Flash Mob: 8:00 AM to 8:15 AM

Description: Final event will start at 8 oclock where more than 200 dancers will dancing
on the same song. We have dancers from different age groups ranging 5 year old to 50+ year
old. My humble request to each and every dancer to cooperate and maintain distance from
another dancer so as to ignore any miss happening during the event.

5. Selfie Time with AOK cards: 8:15 AM to 8:30 AM


Just after the flash mob all the dancers are supposed to give AOK card to
audience, giving them an opportunity to take a piece of the magic along with them. Dont forget
to take a selfie with audience holding your AOK cards. Post the image on our event page or
Those In Need Facebook page just after the event.

6. Kindness Takes Flight : 8:15 AM to 8:30 AM


Sending off balloons with kindness cards into the air: AOK cards will be tied
to balloons and sent off into the air. The AOK cards will have instructions for people to post what
theyve done with their card on FB. Volunteers will write their names on their cards or on their
balloons. (Postcards can be attached to the balloon as well, giving those who find the balloon
and AOK card the ability to write their experience with an act of kindness and mail it back to the
person who sent it off.
a. To promote the belief in the power of one
b. To spread love and kindness
c. To promote self-value

7. Kindness Chain around the Circle : 9:00 AM

Description: We will be creating a kindness chain around the central park. Once the chain
is formed we will release the kindness balloons so that our message spreads far and wide.

Believe me, this will be the craziest human chain ever formed in Connaught
8. Chalk Walk: 6:00 AM to 9:00 AM


Participants will be asked to bring their favorite inspirational quote or phrase

with them. Each participant will receive sidewalk chalk and write their quote/phrase on the
sidewalk, creating a pathway of inspiration. Empowering words will resonate with all those who
walk by that day. You can also write your best quote on big-sheet and we can use them as poster
on the day of event.
Why Chalk Walk?
a. To have fun
b. To bring joy, laughter, and inspiration to others
c. To utilize the power of art to inspire
d. To promote love and kindness

Our Kindness Sponsors

We want to give a HUGE thank you to all our kindness
sponsors for all of their hard work with our Dance for Kindness
events!!! You are all kindness rock-stars and your compassion
and commitment to LVI and dancing for kindness is as
inspiring as it is encouraging.
Those In Need
The Desi Stuff
Du Beat
So Delhi
Youth Ki Awaaz
Harmless Hug


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Those In Need
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