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Selepas Edit :


1. What are the advantages software Adobe Photoshop

The main advantage of Adobe Photoshop is that it gives users the ability
to alter photographs. They can be altered to fix faults such as red eyes
and something in the background which is unwanted. The colors can be
altered slightly to make the photograph more attractive or appealing and
standards can be achieved that cannot be achieved in real life.
Photographs can be given an extremely professional look, even when a
standard camera is used. People's faces can be touched up to remove
spots or shine and things can be added into the photo to enhance the
photo. Special effects can be created to add interest and a unique picture
and the overall quality can be improved.
2. Give Name of Tools.

Marquee Tool

Move Tool

Crop Tool

Quick Selection
Eyedropper Tool

Brush Tool

Brush Tool

Lasso Tool

Clone Stamp
Tool Eraser Tool
Pen Tool
Path Selection
Hand Tool
Default Foreground
and background
color Selection To
Edit in Quick
Mask Mode

History Brush
Gradient Tool
Dodge Tool
Horizontal Type
Rectangle Tool
Zoom Tool

Change Screen

I lear how to use graphic and animation software.
I learn how to build website /blog.

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