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Mata Diklat
: Kamis, 12 Maret 2015
: 07.30 09.00
1. Tulislah terlebih dahulu nomor Ulangan anda pada lembar jawab yang tersedia
2. Kerjakan soal soal berikut ini pada lembar jawab yang sudah disediakan
3. Bacalah dengan teliti petunjuk soal dan cara mengerjakannya sebelum menjawab
4. Jumlah soal sebanyak 50 butir soal yang berbentuk soal pilihan ganda
5. Periksalah pekerjaan anda sebelum diserahkan kepada pengawas ulangan
6. Kerjakan soal yang kamu dianggap mudah
Choose the correct answer by crossing (x) A, B, C or D for the following questions!
Questions number 1-3. Look at the picture and choose the correct answer.
A. A little girl is crying
B. A cute little girl is
C. A little girl is wearing
a necklace
D. A cute little girl is sad

An eyeglasses woman
is wearing blue blouse
Eyeglasses women are
wearing white blouse
A beautiful fat woman
is wearing blue blouse
A beautiful fat woman
is wearing white blouse

A. Someone playing football

B. A man prying before
playing football
C. Someone getting sad
D. A man doing gym






: I want a bottle of wine, please.
: Red or white wine sir?
: Do you want French wine, German or Italian
: French wine please.
A. I prefer white wine, please.
B. I dont want any wine.
C. German wine is better.
D. Italian wine is nicer than French one.
: Can I confirm my room reservation?
Receptionist: Certainly, Sir
: Harry. Tom Harry.
A. Whats his name?
B. Can you tell me your address?
C. May I know your name?
D. Shall I write down your name?

Study the table below carefully to answer the questions no. 810.
Survey on Cars Comfort and Economic.
*Shows the number of respondent in hundred.
8. From the table above we conclude that
A. Honda is less comfortable than Suzuki
B. Toyota is more comfortable than Honda
C. Suzuki is as not comfortable as Honda
D. Toyota is as comfortable as Suzuki
9. Honda is
A. As economical as Suzuki
B. As comfortable as Toyota
C. As comfortable as Suzuki
D. More comfortable than Toyota
: Anto is very busy. It is i8mpossible to come
10. We can also say that Toyota is
here on time.
A. More economical than Suzuki
B. Less economical than Honda
A. If Anto were not busy, he would be able to come here on
C. As economical as Honda
D. Not as Economical as Suzuki
B. If Anto had time, he would have come here on time.
11. The woman is a waiter. She works from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. she
C. If Anto was busy, he would be able to come here on time.
works in
D. If Anto had been busy, he would come here on time.
A. Police station
The student if she had your phone number.
B. Hospital
A. Will call
C. Restaurant
B. Would call
D. Hotel
C. Called
12. Annas
: When for Jakarta?
D. Would have called
: Tomorrow morning.
We could have visited you if we time.
A. Have you left
A. Have
B. Are you leaving
B. Had
C. Will you leave
C. Have had
D. Did you leave
D. Had had
13. The man his house in 2012.
A. Builds
B. Built
C. Had built
D. Will build

14. If the man prepared for the fight more intensively, he would
have won it.
16. Ryan : What do you think about our new teacher?
Arsyad : I think she is cute, humble and smartest than Mr.

Questions 24, 25, and 26 based on the following text.

The organization of Black Airline Pilots, Inc. (OBAP)
promotes educational opportunities in aviation, mentors our youth,
monitors the development of aviation projects, and processes the
general interests of its members. Our Project Aviators program is
designed to serve the aviation industry by growing successful
aviation candidates who will enter the job market.
We provide entry-level exposure to aviation for young
people ages 13 to 18 through the Aviation Career Education
17. Andre : Which one is your father among this picture?
(ACE) Camps during the summer months. Here students get
classroom instruction, field trips, hands-on activities, and may also
: The one whom wears a nice white suit. He is receive an orientation fligth. Some students continue to advanced
ACE Camps with more flying involved.
tall and his skin is dark.
For more information, please visit our website at
What is the topic of paragragh 2?
18. Adit
: What does your father do?
A. Students orientation flight
B. ACE Camps Summer Programs
: He is a bricklayer. He fixes motorcycles and
C. Advanced ACE Camps for students above 18
D. Invitation for young people to join ACE Camps
repairs car.
25. Here students get classroom instruction, field trips, hand-on
activities. ( paragraph 2) What does the word hand-on
19. Dika
: You look so busy. Can you finish your work on
A. Critical
B. Practical
: If I wasnt busy, I will be able to finish this
C. Skeptical
D. Theoretical
work on time.
26. How long does the Aviation Career Education (ACE)
camps possibly take place?
20. Jaya
: Do you know Mr. Robert?
A. One month
B. Two months
: Yeah, our mathematic teacher, isnt he?
C. Three months
D. Twelve months
: Yupz...what do you think about him?
Questions 27, 28, and 29 refer to the following Biography
: Hmmm.....I think he is smart teacher and Im Barack earned his law degree from Harvard in 1991, where he
never boring with his lesson.
became the first African-American president of the Harvard Law
Review. He then returned to Chicago to practice as a civil rights
Questions 21-23 refer to the following letter
lawyer and taught constitutional law. His advocacy work led him
THOMAS & CO.LTD Regent Street 435 London W.I.
to run for the Illinois State Senate, where he served for eight years
Ref: DS/RC
beginning in 1996. While in the Illinois State Senate, Barack
25 June 2010 The Krakatau Steel Engineering Co. Cilegon
served as chairman of the Public Health and Welfare Committee.
Dear Sir or Madam,
In 2004, well into his U.S. Senate campaign, Barack wrote and
Subject : Request for Catalogue
delivered the keynote address at the 2004 Democratic National
We saw your advertisement in the Metal Weaker a few days ago Convention in Boston, and became a rising star in U.S. politics. A
and were interested in your steel product.
few months later, he was elected to the U.S. senate with a landslide
Please let us know the details of your product together with the
70% of the vote. Four months into his senate career, Time
sample, terms of payment and the price list. If the quality is
magazine named him one of the worlds most influential people,
satisfactory and terms are reasonable, we will place a large order calling him one of the most admired politicians in America.
Barack formally announced his candidacy for the 2008
Could you give us details of discount and the fastest delivery
presidential election in Springfield, Illinois on February 10, 2007.
27. From the above biography, we know that Baracks education
We hope to receive your reply soon.
background was in ....
Yours faithfully,
A. Politics
Mr. John Lennon Sales manager
B. Educational science
21. What is the letter about?
C. Law
A. Reviewing the order
D. Govermental science
B. Purchasing the catalogue
28. His last career is as ....
C. Requesting cash payment
A. Politician
D. Asking for product information
B. Lecturer
22. What will John do if the quality is satisfactory and terms are
C. Lawyer
D. President
A. He will place a large order
29. A few months later, he was elected to the U.S. senate
B. He will go to the Krakatau Stell
with ........
C. He will call the Sales Manager
The following word is the synonym of the word
D. He will reply soon
23. What will the manager of the Krakatau Steel do after reading
A. Eliminated
this letter ?
B. Disqualificated
A. Buy the goods
C. Voted
B. Send the catalogue
D. Represented
C. Wait for the refund
D. See the advertisement

Question 30 32 refer to the following instruction :

A2100 IS

A. Can you fix it now

B. Can I do it for you
C. Will you send the copies
D. May I call you to repair it
1. Turn on the camera
39. Andi
: What did you use to do on the weekend?
- Press the power button
: .......
- The start-up sound will play, and the start-up screen will
A. I always goes to the beach with my family
B. I always studied at home
2. Sellect the auto mode
C. I used to go to the beach but never now
- Set the mode dial to auto
D. I used to went to the beach
- When you point the camera toward the subject, the camera 40. Yudi
: this printer doesnt seem to be working, ...?
will make a slight noise as it determines the scene
: Yes, I will repair it soon.
3. Compose the shot
A. Doesnt it
- Moving the zoom lever clockwise will zoom in on your
B. Did it
subject, making it appear larger. Moving the lever
C. Does it
anticlockwise will zoom out from your subject, making it
D. Didnt it
appear smaller
41. Diana
: Who has broken this vase?
4. Focus
: The vase ... by Michael
- Press the shutter button halfway to focus
A. Have been broken
5. Shoot
B. Has been broken
- Press the shutter button fully
C. Has broken
30. What is the text about?
D. Have broken
A. The process of printing pictures
42. Alexa
: How long have you lived in this city?
B. Steps of using a camera to take piture
: ....
C. Advertisement of a new released camera
A. I will live here until next year
D. How to set zoom mode on camera
B. I am living here in my houses friend
31. What will the camera make when you point the camera
C. I have lived here since 2008
toward subject?
D. I have been living about 2 days
A. A larger subject
The application letter is for question number 43-45
B. A smaller subject
The General Manager
C. Slight noise
PT. Buana Global
D. Start-up sound
Cikupa Tangerang
32. What is the last step we have to do take pictures using
Dear Sir
According to your advertisement appearing in thr Kedaulatan
A. Pressing the shutter button fully
Rakyat Newspaper dated March 25th, 2013. I wish (43) ... for the
B. Pressing the power button
position of Industrial Engineer fo your company. I give details
C. Moving the zoom lever clockwise
about me below.
I am graduate with Bachelor in Mechanical Engineer (44) ...
D. Pointing the camera toward a subject
Airlangga University. The duration of my bachelor course was
33. Alex
: What do you sugg est for dinner?
four years. I have a (45) ... health and like to take a chalanging
: .
task. Your company is well reputed and will provide me a chance
: Sorry, Im vegetarian now.
to promote career.
A. Lets cook onion soup at home
As far as my education qualification and experiences are
B. I think we can enjoy marmalade
concerned, I am enclosing a copy of biodata with the application. I
C. What about eating some French fries?
am really interested in industrial engineer job and I am ready to
D. Why dont we have steak at the Crown?
join your company. I hope you will give a chance to serve your
34. Tuti
: Could you bring me some coffee?
: . How do you like it?
Demak, March 30th, 2013
: Black coffee, please.
Your faithfully
A. Certainly, be my guest
Thoriq Ar-Ridwan
B. Im not sure I can
43. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
C. Sure, Ill do it
A. Applying
D. No, I dont mind drinking it
B. Applied
35. Lina
: How can I get this television fixed?
C. To apply
: . Here is the number.
D. Applies
A. You can call the electrician
44. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
B. You ought to buy the new one
C. You should repair it by yourself
A. From
D. You have to contact the mechanic
B. To
36. Rodo
: What does Mr. Fellipe usually do every
C. Of
D. In
: .
45. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
A. He always drives his children to school
A. Good
B. He sometimes drives his own car
B. Best
C. He usually needs someones help
C. Worse
D. He likes to do it
D. Worst
37. Pino
: Have you decided what to order?
This annoucement is for question 46-47
Marlina : Yes. I think I am thirsty.
A. Ill have soda
Class registration begins July 11 and classes begin July
B. Ill take burger
18. If you (46) ... for a class after July, you will have to pay a Rp
C. I order some meals
250,000 late registration fee. You will have to have a signed
D. I want to eat something
permission letter from the course instructor if you sign up for
38. Secretary : There must be a trouble with the copier.
advanced level class.
The copies come out too dark. I cant get it to
If a class is canceled due to low enrollment. The
work. ?
university will contact you. We recommend that you provide your
Mechanic : Sure, miss. Ill do it right away.

phnone number and email address on your course selections are no operating system. Its head quarters, often reffered (49) ... as the
longer available. We can not enroll you if we dont have this Geogleplex, is located in mountain view, California. As of March
information. Our staff is not responsible (47) ... searching for you 31st, 2009, company had 19,786 (50) ... employees. It runs
in a directory.
thousand of serve across the world, processing millions of search
requestes each day and about one petabyte of user-generated data
46. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
each hour.
A. Register
48. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
B. To register
A. Buy
C. Will register
B. Buys
D. Is going to register
C. Bought
47. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
D. Buying
A. To
49. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
B. In
A. In
C. For
B. To
D. On
C. For
This advertisement is for question number 48-50
D. On
Geogle inc. Is an American public corporation specializing in the
internet search. It also generates provide from adverstising (48) ... 50. The correct word to fill the blank space is ....
on its similarly fee-to-user e-mail, online mapping, office
A. Full-Time
productivity, social net working and video sharing service. AdvertB. Full-power
free version art available via paid subscription. Geogle has more
C. Full-active
recently developed an open source web browser and mobile phone
D. Full-open

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