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FYBA Coach Handbook


Farmington Youth Basketball Association 201-15 Board of Directors

President: Steve Duro
Phone Number: 651-308-6062
Email Address:
Boys Director: Jeff Mortimber
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Girls Director: Amy Ebel
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Skills Development Director: Kris Dohrmann
Phone Number: 651-206-1638
Email Address:
Tiger Classic Director: Rod Koch
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Treasurer: Jean Shrum
Phone Number:
Email Address:
Facilities Director: Michelle Kindseth
Phone Number: 651-775-6054
Email Address:
Communications Director: Aaron Rust
Phone Number: 612-414-5447
Email Address:
Marketing Director: Tara Blandin
Phone Number: 651-470-4620
Email Address:
Secretary: Jodi Trochlil
Phone Number:
Email Address:

Boys Varsity Coach:

Girls Varsity Coach:

Shane Wyandt
Sondra Chadwick

Equipment Coordinator: Dave Todd

Phone Number: 612-670-4271
Email Address:

Contacting the Board of Directors

Since all of the members of the FYBA Board serve as volunteers and work numerous hours behind the
scene preparing the program for the children, we ask that you respect their privacy and their family
time.We ask that all families and coaches limit their phone calls to no later than 7:30 in the evenings.
We ask that you try not to bother them on weekends unless you deem it an emergency. Please use your
utmost discretion in determining whether the issue is an emergency.
Email is available 24 hours a day. Feel free to email the board at anytime. Your messages will be
responded to as time permits. You may also address the board at its monthly meetings listed in the
Calendar of Events on the FYBA website. When possible, please notify the FYBA President 2-3 days
prior to the meeting of your intent to address the Board.
Team Liaisons
Please be sure to let your parents know who your team liaison is. Sometimes parents are not
comfortable talking with their child's coach about a particular situation or parents have had discussions
with the child's coach, but would like to visit with an "independent" party. To address these situations,
FYBA has established a Team Liaison. Every attempt will be made to keep the team liaison a neutral
party - with no child on the assigned team. Parents/guardians can seek out and discuss an issue with
their team liaison, who will then take the parent's concerns to the appropriate director and the rest of
the Board, if deemed necessary.
4 Boys Black Aaron Rust
4 Boys Orange Amy Ebel
4 Boys White Jodi Trochlil
5 Boys Black Jean Shrum
5 Boys Orange Steve Duro
5 Boys White Michelle Kindseth
5 Boys Silver Jean Shrum
6 Boys Black Steve Duro
6 Boys Orange Amy Ebel
6 Boys White Kris Dohrmann
7 Boys Black Michelle Kindseth
7 Boys Orange Tara Blandin
7 Boys White Jean Shrum
8 Boys Black Aaron Rust
8 Boys Orange Kris Dohrmann
8 Boys White Jodi Trochlil
4 Girls Black Kris Dohrmann
4 Girls Orange Tara Blandin
4 Girls White Jeff Mortimer
5 Girls Black Michelle Kindseth
5 Girls Orange Rod Koch
6 Girls Black Aaron Rust
6 Girls Orange Jeff Mortimer
7 Girls Black Jodi Trochlil
8 Girls Black Steve Duro
8 Girls Orange Tara Blandin

Suggested Checklist for First Meeting with Team Parents

Welcome and Introductions
Introduce yourself and your assistant. Tell a little bit about yourself and coaching experience
Have players introduce themselves and parents/guardians
Have Girls/Boys Director introduce themselves
Introduce Team Liaison if they are there. If not, let the team know who they are
Your Coaching Philosophy
Develop Solid Basketball Fundamentals in Every Player (example)
Learn and respect the rules of the game (example)
Your Expectations as a Coach (couple of samples from other FYBA coaches are included in your packet)
Review Your Expectations Regarding Player Commitment to Develop and Improve and Attendance
Player Responsibility
Be on time, Come prepared (Shoes, Uniform, Water), Listen, Work Hard, Try Your Best at All Times
Abide by the Participant Code of Conduct (in packet)
Parent Responsibility
Ensure your child is on time to practices and games.
Pick up your child on time from practices.
Let coaches know of absences as far in advance as possible
Cheer for all the players on the team with positive praise.
Support your coaches; encourage the team to work on what we as coaches are instructing.
Learn more about the game.
Celebrate your teams victories and successes, BUT remember there is always room for improvement.
Treat players, coaches, referees, other parents & Board members with respect.
Keep things in perspective.
Tournaments Schedules
Overall Schedule (Will be posted on the website)
Out-of-Town Tournaments-Hotel Accommodations (in packet)
Volunteer Commitment Overview
Farmington Tiger Classic Boys TournamentDec. 13-14.
___ This is the primary tournament where families work to satisfy their FYBA Family Volunteer commitment.
___ Volunteer sign-ups will be done online in November.
Farmington Tiger Classic Girls Tournament Jan 24-25.
___ This is another option to satisfy the FYBA Family Volunteer commitment.
___ Volunteer sign-ups will be done online in December.
Please consider volunteering in other ways as well for our team. Some ideas are listed below:
(Note: these DO NOT fulfill the FYBA Family Volunteer commitment):
___ Serve as Team Manager, posting information to the team webpage and emailing team parents
___ Offer to keep the scorebook or stats for the games
___ Assist the coaches at practice (Must have background check on file)
___ Coordinate team social event
First talk with Head Coach, away from the players.
Second talk with Team Liaison (listed in packet) or Girls or Boys Director
Third talk with a Board Member

High School Programs

___Encourage attendance at Girls and Boys school games.
___Schedules are posted at
Sample Coach Expectations for Team
[Team Name]

The Season:
Our primary focus for the season is to develop each player. We will focus a lot on teaching
the game and having fun! Please do not evaluate the success of our team by our team record. Lets
celebrate the improved performance of each player. We will teach the fundamental skills of the game
Please cheer for your child, but refrain from yelling at them. Do not use childs name so they
stay focused. During games, please realize we will be instructing them, so please dont compete with
us for their attention. Please be encouraging and cheer for both teams, but dont yell instructions.
Thats our job. Thanks!
Please dont yell at the referees. At this age, we are not as concerned with the outcome of the
game as we are them learning the rules and having fun.
If you know your child will miss a game or practice, we require a call or an email. When we
dont receive a call, it will affect the practice plan that has been set up ahead of time.
If you have a problem with me or ___________, another parent, the ref, anybody; please talk
to me first. Conflict resolution contact should be as follows: child to coach, parent to coach
and then our team liaison __________________.
We are a team which includes players, coaches and parents. Lets all work together to make
this a great experience for your child.
We look forward to coaching your daughters and having a fun and successful season.

Parents Signature

[Coach Name]
[Coach Contact Information]


Coachs Signature

Sample Coach Expectations for Team

[Team Name]

Team Practice Expectations

Dont be late. You should be dressed, ready to go 10 minutes ahead of time.
If you are going to be late I need to receive a phone call.
If you are not feeling good please inform the coaches ASAP.
Come to every practice willing to learn, willing to get better, and willing to be coached.
Dont say anything unless it is positive, even under your breath.
Work as hard as you can every minute of practice.
If you do not understand something, please ask.
Everyone will wear their practice gear and be dressed the same.
No jewelry will be worn during practice or games. (bracelets, ear rings, necklaces, etc.)
We want to practice and play with the intensity and poise of a Championship Team.
Concerns or Issues:
Call Coach _____________ and/or Coach ____________
Team Liaison is ________________________
Dont approach a coach before or after game with a concern.
We will discuss your child and no one else.
Report cards will be checked.
2.0 GPA is the minimum
Priority is school. Basketball is just an extra benefit, it is a privilege not a right.
Need to be dressed and ready to play 30 minutes prior to the game.
After every game the coaches will meet with the team for :15 minutes.
Playing time can depend on how hard you work and how dedicated you are.
Be the teams biggest fan
Let the coaches coach and support us.
Be positive. If you do not have something positive to say than dont say it!
Cheer for all Farmington teams!

Per the FYBA Handbook which is available online:

Players' Code of Ethics:
I hereby pledge to live up to the following FYBA Players' Code of Ethics:

I will make every effort to attend every practice and game.

I will do my best at all practices and during all games.

I will listen to my coaches while at practices and at games and make every effort to try
to do what they are asking of me.

I will practice good sportsmanship by treating all players, coaches, parents and officials
with respect.

I will not use profanity. I understand that I will be warned for the first offense and, at
the discretion of the coach, can be suspended from play for the remainder of the current practice,
current game or for the following game.

I will do my best to help my parents get me to games and practices on time.

I understand that playing travel basketball is a privilege and that if my actions are detrimental
to the team or the association I can be removed.

I understand that improvement comes from practice and I will need to practice on my own, away
from scheduled practices and games.
Parents' Code of Ethics:
I hereby pledge to live up to the following FYBA Parents' Code of Ethics:

I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches
and officials at every game, practice or other youth sports event.

I will make every effort to ensure my child is at every practice and game.

I will place the emotional and physical well being of my child ahead of any personal desire to win.

I will insist that my child play in a safe and healthy environment.

I will provide support for coaches and officials working with my child to provide a positive,
enjoyable experience for all.

I will not coach my child or any other player during practice or a game, unless asked to do
so by my childs coach.

I will demand a drug, alcohol and tobacco-free environment for my child and agree to assist
by refraining from their use at all youth sports events.

I will remember that the game is for children and not for adults.

I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my child.

I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, fans and officials with respect regardless
of race, sex, creed or ability.

I will promise to help my child enjoy the youth sports experience within my personal constraints
by assisting with coaching, being a respectful fan, providing transportation or whatever I am capable of

I understand that the FYBA reserves the right to dismiss at any time a player and/or their parents
who by their conduct significantly creates problems for the team/association or after verbal warning continues
to disrupt practices or games.

I will assign responsibility for my child to a responsible adult if I am unable to be present

at a game(s).

Player Progress Report Card

Skills development is essential. It is FYBA policy that we formally communicate to each player at
the beginning, middle and end of the season their strengths, areas that need improvement and short-term
goals. FYBA utilizes the Player Progress Report Card to communicate this information to each player
and their parents. Copies of these reports are available for you to download under the Document
Downloads section of the Coaches Area on the FYBA website.
It is up to you to complete and deliver the Player Progress Report Cards to each of your players
at the appropriate times. Parents are expecting this. It is your responsibility.

Adult Volunteers
It is FYBA policy that any adult volunteer that has a position of authority over a child while
on the court needs to have a background check. This means if you need to have another adult,
presumably a parent of one of your players, assist you at a practice or during a game, because
one of the coaches cannot be there, they need to have a clean background check on file.
Please check with the FYBA President, to confirm if a current acceptable background check is
on file. If the volunteer needs to have a background check performed, then the FYBA Background
Check Application can be found on the website under the Document Downloads link. A completed
application needs to be submitted to the FYBA President, at least one week in advance. Please
plan accordingly. Adult volunteers who help you out are not eligible for FYBA volunteer credit.
At the beginning of the season each team will receive an FYBA equipment bag that includes 2
basketballs for use in official games, scorebook, clipboard, etc. This equipment needs to be
returned at the end of the season. The equipment is very expensive. Please ask your players to
work with you to ensure ALL the equipment is returned to the equipment bag after every practice,
scrimmage and game. If you have any questions regarding equipment, please email the Equipment
All players are responsible for bringing their own basketball to practice. The 3rd-6th grade boys
and the 3rd-8th grade girls use a regulation size womens basketball (28.5). The 7th and 8th grade
boys will use a regulation size mens basketball (29.5). The basketballs must be Composite and either
Indoor or Indoor/Outdoor. The quality of the basketball is subject to coach discretion. If you feel
the basketball is not adequate, please let the childs parents know they need to get a different

It is important that our coaches, athletes and parents follow guidelines in the use of gym space. This
will not only help our program, but it will help us keep our permits and access to the use
of gym space.
Remember that we are guests of the schools; please be respectful at all times to custodial
and building staff and of school property (building and equipment).
Please be sure the gym is clean before you and your team leaves the facility; all bottles,
cans, extra clothing, etc. is removed and any spills are cleaned up before you leave the gym.
Be sure players are carrying in their court shoes and not wearing street shoes on the gym
No children are to be running the hallways unattended, including siblings.
Each year, head coaches are asked their availability for scheduling of practices and every
attempt is made to schedule team practices during these times. Since gym time is granted Monday
through Friday from 6:00pm to 9:30pm, please try and have your availability reflect the time in
which you are generally available for practice during that time frame. When we are able,
we would like to plan practices around outside events which affect a significant number of players
ability to attend practice (school functions/programs, school basketball season, etc.). Please
notify the Facilities Director, when you become aware of any upcoming scheduling conflicts.
If your team has a conflict with scheduled gym time, the head coach may contact other head
coaches in an attempt to trade a practice day and time. When a trade does occur please contact the
Facilities Director to inform them of the change. If you are unable to reschedule a practice and
will not be using your gym space on any given evening, again, please contact the Facilities Director
at least 48 hours prior to that evening. We may be able to give it to another FYBA team, or at the
very least, we can alert Community Education that we do not need the space in case someone else wants
to use the facility. If space is granted to FYBA and the space is no-showed our program is subject
to a fee of $25.00 and the cost of any labor incurred by the school to staff the granted space.
We do our very best to catch any possible permit conflicts once we have been issued a permit.
It has been our experience though that there are times when your team will show up to use a facility
and for whatever reason, there is a school function going on for the rest of the evening. If this
happens, please be courteous to the custodial staff and the parties using the facility; it is not
their fault in most cases. If possible, check with other FYBA teams to see if you can share their
floor that evening if they have one in another building. In most cases, you will be forced to cancel
your practice. Please make the Facilities Director aware of any conflict and they will address it
with Community Education the next business morning.
We are scheduled to be in the gyms as early as 6:00 p.m. Sometimes when you arrive, a school
sport will not be complete and they will be finishing up with their game or match. School sports
supersede youth sports, so please be patient and polite while you wait for them to finish. Your team
can start warm-ups and stretching in the hallway as long as you are supervising. By doing this, you
will be ready to go once the gym opens up.
Your practice times range from 1 hour to 1 hour, 30 minutes. You will need to have a plan
for your practices so you don't lose a minute of your time. You can have your players arrive no more
than 10 minutes early and use the hallway to get their court shoes on and stretch.
Lastly and probably the most important, never leave a player in a building or waiting outside
the building for a ride. We ask that you see to it that everyone on your team has been picked up
before you leave. Carry phone numbers with you so you can make calls if needed.

Excerpt from FYBA Handbook which is posted online:

Playing Time
The head coach shall have the freedom to run his or her team while keeping within the program guidelines.
Coaches are expected to develop all of the players on the team.
Coaches shall try to give each player comparable and fair playing time over the course of a
tournament in accordance with the development of each players fullest potential and in accordance with the
following playing time guidelines.
Playing time is measured over the course of a tournament (not game by game).

8th GradeMinimum of 35%;

7th GradeMinimum of 40%;

6th GradeMinimum of 45%;

3rd, 4th and 5th GradeMinimum of 50%.

A players playing time can be affected by unauthorized absences from practices and / or games, injuries,
illness, attitude, effort, unwillingness to do as the coach has instructed on the court and ability to
be a team player.
NOTE TO PARENTS: Since the beginning of traveling sports, this has been one of the biggest points of
contention. All parents must recognize that strict adherence to the minimum playing time guidelines
during a game or over the course of a season cannot be guaranteed due to player absences, the players
physical condition, player substitution patterns, players foul situation, player injuries and other
factors that the team, players and coaches encounter. The guidelines shown above and explained in
more detail below are not intended to have parents using stopwatches to verify playing time. FYBA
however, has emphasized to the coaches the importance of our playing time guidelines, how these
guidelines support our programs mission and goals and our expectation that coaches adhere to the
playing time guidelines to the best of their ability.
In an attempt to further clarify FYBAs position, we have decided to provide the following guidelines
to both parents and coaches: 1) 4th, 5th and 6th Grade At these three grades the program has a
mandate for almost equal playing time (see slight % difference for 6th grade). This can be accomplished
in a couple of ways: (a) Most games consist of four 7 minute quarters. On 10 player teams, many
coaches will substitute five new players every 3 minutes. (b) When there are 8 players on a team,
this requires more creativity on the coachs part, but equal playing time is still required over the
course of the tournament. 2) 7th and 8th Grade As the participants become older, the FYBA program
allows for Fair playing time rather than Equal playing time. The guideline given to the coaches
is over the course of a tournament, all participants must play a minimum of 35-40% of the time.
The concept of Equal is much easier to define than is the concept of Fair. In order to give our
players the best chance to succeed in game situations, coaches may be required to put certain players
on the floor during certain times relative to the opponents lineup, size matchups, etc. In order for
our teams to be competitive, some flexibility about playing time must be left to the coaches discretion.
This being said, FYBA still mandates that all children be given a fair opportunity to play. Players
must start a fair number of games and should not, in most cases, be sitting an entire quarter.
Traditionally, coaches have been given broad flexibility in who is on the floor in the last three minutes
of a close game. FYBA believes that fairness dictates, over the course of a season, all players

be given an opportunity to be on the floor in the closing minutes of a game.

We understand that by adhering to the spirit of these guidelines we run the risk of our teams being less
competitive in some games. Traveling Basketball is a more competitive program than In-house Basketball
and we still want our coaches to put their teams in a position to win basketball games. We simply
want the coaches to do so while allowing all participants to feel they are contributors to the team.

Skills Development Vendors

In addition to 1-2 practice times each week, FYBA is providing several opportunities for
continued player skill development this season.

Team Skill Development Each team will have two specified number of skills sessions
with a combination of the following: Minnesota School of Basketball, Pure
Intensity, Hoopology and/or Wear Out the Net. More information on these programs is available on the
website under Camps/Links. Selected teams also will have additional skills trainers identified
by FYBA (fellow coaches, parents with significant basketball playing/coaching experience)

The Skills Development Director will set up all vendor sessions and coordinate these
with your posted team practice and game schedule. Do not schedule your own without consulting
the Skills Development Director.

Coaches and players are expected to attend all sessions, unless there is an excused
absence (see handbook for description of excused absences). Coaches are expected to work
with the vendor to customize the session to meet your teams needs.

Practice Agenda
Every practice you need to come prepared with a plan on what you are going to cover and for how long.
Please remember that all practices need to focus on fundamentals. Our High School coaches have
asked that at least 30 minutes of every practice focus on individual skill development. You may
want to incorporate the fundamentals into a specific drill such as right handed lay-ups or left
handed lay-ups. You might even have them do fullcourt 3-on-3 to work on speed,
form, lay-ups, catching the ball, passing the ball and so forth.
Practice Agenda Example
Practice #1
7:30 9:00

Fundamental Skills Development (Shooting, Passing, Dribbling, etc.)

Defense (show the kids how to play defense)

Get them in to their Defensive Stance

Look at body position (tips of their feet, butt low to the ground, hands out)

Show them how to move forwards and backwards (foot movement)

8:10 8:15

Water Break

Defensive DrillsZ Drill 1 on 1 full length of the court (stay within
half court and out of bounds)
Monitor their stance
8:30 8:45 V Cut Shooting from a bounce pass

Start at the Foul line extended

Good V Cut

Good pass

Good Jump-shot
8:45 9:00 3 Man full length of the court in to a bounce pass lay-up.

The ball does not touch the ground until the bounce pass

Good Pass

Good, hard lay-up

MYAS State Tournament

The last scheduled tournament for the FYBA travel program is the Minnesota Youth Athletic Services
(MYAS) State Tournament. This is Minnesotas equivalent of March Madness for the Minnesota
travel basketball teams. Last year MYAS reported there were over 1,000 teams from the metro and a
significant increase in participation from greater Minnesota communities. This years tournaments will
be held as follows:
Girls March 7 & 8, 2015
Seeding meeting expected to be mid February
Boys March 14 & 15, 2015
Seeding meeting expected to be mid February

Additional Tournaments
Each year some teams are interested in playing in an additional tournament or two. The parents
of the team, NOT FYBA, pay for costs for these tournaments. There are several possibilities
for finding another tournament. Identify a weekend or two that you might be interested in
playing. Then contact the Boys/Girls Director or President and see if they have any information
regarding possible tournaments for those dates. Another possibility is to check the MYAS
website,, and see if they have any open Super Saver tournaments. Super Savers
are held on Saturday and Sunday during the months of November through the second weekend
in March and open to boys and girls teams. Teams play three games within six hours.
NOTE: Girls teams can not schedule a tournament during the Boys Tiger Classic. Boys teams
can not schedule a tournament during the Girls Tiger Classic. Families are needed to be in Farmington,
to help run those tournaments by working a volunteer shift.
Spring/Summer/Fall Basketball Leagues and Tournaments
Playing in the off-season is a great benefit for all basketball players! FYBA is not
involved in any of the spring or summer basketball tournaments, but we thought it would
be important to offer you direction on where to go if you and a group of players are
AAU: Information can be found under
MYAS Gopher State Spring Basketball: Information can be found at
MYAS usually holds informational workshop for all new coaches in early March.

If your team would like to extend the season in the spring or fall and need practice
time within a school gym, Community Ed requires proof of insurance and has requested
that a central contact person within FYBA work with Community Ed to schedule gym time for
practices Contact our Facilities Director. Your team is responsible to pay, up front,
for the court time. FYBA has also allowed you to cover your players under FYBAs insurance

for use of the gyms. This is not medical insurance, only the insurance necessary to use School
The main difference between AAU and MYAS is national competition. If your group of players
would like to compete locally, with the chance to go to the AAU Nationals, then you would
want to play AAU. There are additional membership fees that you will need to pay to play AAU.
If your group of players wants simply to extend their season, you may want to choose the
MYAS Gopher State Spring League. They offer three levels of play for each age group
(I, II, & III). Level I is mainly All-Star teams, level II is A & B teams, and level
III is C or beginning teams.
Please remember that FYBA does not govern any of these programs, and does not control
coaches or player selection. FYBA does however, support playing basketball in the off-season!
As FYBA becomes aware of other basketball tournaments, they will be posted under the
Other Basketball Opportunities link on the website.
Summer Basketball Camps and Schools
Traditionally the FHS Varsity Coaches offer summer basketball camps and other development
opportunities. In addition there are other local camps and basketball schools that offer
off-season development. As FYBA becomes aware of these opportunities, the information
will be posted under the Camps/Links link on the website.

Game Scheduler (a.k.a. Score Tracker)

Coaches/Parent Helper Instructions

By tracking the results of a tournament games and MYAS league games throughout the season we
will be able to monitor the progress of the teams throughout the season. This will assist with proper
seeding of the teams in the MYAS state tournament and it will also help with next years tournament
selections. You may obtain the assistance of a parent volunteer to enter this information if you would

1. Enter your game scores by the following Tuesday noon.
2. You do not need to enter the scores for any scrimmages.
3. Under the Season Record for Select Team you can view your teams performance throughout
the season.

Game Scheduler Instructions:

The Game Scheduler is located under the Teams section of the Travel Basketball website.
To begin go to
Click on Sports
Click on Basketball
Click on Traveling Basketball
Click on specific Team

How do I add a game?

1. Login to the organization's website using your User-ID and Password
2. Ensure you are in Edit Mode

3. Go to the Team Page that you would like to add a game to.
4. Click on the Game Schedule button

5. Click Add Game

6. Enter Game Details (Select Home for Team 1, Enter your opponent in Team 2, Select
Scheduled for Status, Enter the date of your game in Game Time, and enter the
tournament name in Location (i.e. Farmington Tiger Classic, Lakeville North, SOTR)

7. Click Create Game

How do I add a score to a Game?

1. Click on the Game Schedule button

2. Find the game you would like to add a score to, click on the Scheduled button in the
status field.

3. Click Edit Team Stats



Enter 1st and 2nd half scores for the away and home teams in the Points by Half section.
Click Save Team Stats
Click on Edit Game Details
Change the status from Scheduled to Completed.
Click Save Details.

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