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This is a very rare and unique phenomenon when a few planetary bodies come together in the sky!

Astrologers and
prophets from times immemorial have given such configurations huge importance! When so many planets congregate
together, usually this is a sign of big changes in the world, which will unfold over the following years. These are
caused by a quantum shift of the mass consciousness of humans and within months or years it triggers the ensuing
outer events as well!
What happens when we have a person born during such a powerful stellium of planets? Such people carry the
potential of revolutionary change. Sooner or later they will have the chance to totally transform and infuse a new
energy into some field of activity.
Stelliums indicate the end of big cycles and the start of new such-it is as if the planets group together for a G8
conference and decide the future paths of actions and events ahead!! Such people come on Earth with a mission to
end the old, and be the generators of new ideas, beginnings and impulses!
You can see what area of life these people will rejuvenate or totally transform by checking in what whole sign house
from the Ascendant, the stellium falls in and also which house cusp is there.
Often, people with stelliums are born into families that need a new lease of life, a new, different and revitalizing soul
to end the old patterns, break away with conventions of the past and start a new karmic cycle for the whole clan or
even participate in social/global new innovations and ideas.
It is as if these people are starting a new cycle of incarnations with totally different lessons to learn. Due to this, the
first part of life, might be very challenging for them! As they are learning to stay on their own feet, in this totally new
environment(unfamiliar to their soul), they initially lack confidence and self belief. But little by little, with trial and error
and after falling down many times, they start to realize the uniqueness of their ideas and talents -- confidence starts to
A stellium of planets correspond energetically to the number 1 and the sign Aries. From Numerology, we know that
the number 1 is about learning to be independent and confident in this life and generating new ideas.
The biggest challenge for stellium people, as we already said, is developing enough confidence and trust in their own
strength and uniqueness to start doing.
Once they gain it(usually after 30 or sometimes 40 years of age) these people start to STAND OUT! They can
become inspirational figures, innovators, mold breakers, etcthe creative ideas become unstoppable! They turn into
receivers of Gods thoughts(they connect to the invisible fields of information criss- crossing the Universe multidimensionally).
But the path to there is painful! Not all Stellium people can reach it, even though this is the final goal for them! Some
get lost in addictions, especially common for Stellium people, as they are an easiest way for releasing the tension of
the urgent creative energy of stelliums, pushing for manifestation.
Having so many planets in one place, is not easy psychologically, at first or sometimes till the end. It is like having 4 or
more radio stations playing simultaneously! A person gets easily frustrated, agitated, aggravated. Inner peace and
contentment do not come easily. The mind is restless, so is the soul. Often depressions or a sense of emptiness can

settle in, as all the energy of the person is bundled at one place, so the receptivity and pleasure from other good
things in life is lessened.
Ancient astrologers would see such a horoscope and say that the person should become a sanyasi-renounce
worldly life and dedicate his/her life to God in an ashram/monastery from where the person would have to focus on
one particular activity which he excelled at and serve God with it. (usually connected to the house the planets fall in).
The predictions for worldly and personal happiness were grim for a stellium person. The astrologers of the past knew
that such individuals would not find their sense of fulfillment in the ordinary things in life like family, love, etc. The
spiritual hunger and pain would be too consuming, one would need to fully dedicate their life only to the area of focus
of the Stellium in order to fill it in. Hence they would send such children to ashrams for focused serviced to God. Then
they could finally get some sort of peace of mind!
So 4 or more planets in one sign is an indication for spirituality. Actually it is an indication for the need of spirituality
and an intense service to a Higher cause in the field of the stellium. If the person does not recognize this nor do it, he
can feel like an empty shell, full of frustration and discontent.
Nowadays we do not go to ashrams or monasteries but we dedicate out lives to service in one sphere, it is what
monks used to do. And we do not need to renounce having family or the worldwe can do this, as long as we do the
hard work of the stellium too!
Usually stellium people have intense focus and obsessive qualities, and fully giving themselves away to one sphere of
life is sth that comes more naturally to them, mind you, if they do not they tend to suffer emotionally! Connection to a
Higher Power and service to It/Humanity is the only saving grace for Stellium people if they do not want to be doomed
to a life of low self confidence or futility.
The first and foremost aim of the stellium people is to discover their unique gift and the sphere, which they have to
transform. The house of the stellium can help a lot in this.
For example someone with a stellium in the 2nd house, might have to develop a way of earning wealth which is very
unique or different from everything the family has done so far, or will totally change the financial fortunes of the clan.
On a biggest scale, this might be someone who is called to change the financial system of the country or to introduce
new ways of handling the resources of planet of Earth.
Someone with a stellium in 3rd house, might be called to make innovations or bring new ideas in teaching some
skills/subjects, in social media or information spreading. Maybe they are called to be at the forefront of new media
source users, etc.
Someone with many planets in the 10th house might have to reorganize authority positions and the way one leads and
manages others, the possibilities are multiple. You need to play around with the meanings of the houses and the
signs involved.
But the bottom line to remember is that stellium people have unique but difficult paths in lifethey are called to be
pioneers, idea-originators and mold breaker at some specific area by also fully committing themselves to service in
this area! The new ideas will start coming on their own, when you have given your undivided attention to an activity
for awhile!

4th HOUSE: There is a need to take the energies out of the personal home and put them into a
professional activity that deals with 4th House issues. The home life is often tumultuous, especially
finding upset with every little transit. They do well in such 4th House areas as real estate, building and
construction, archeology and anthropology, history, historical preservation or activities connected with
the past. It favors working with weather conditions and environmental issues. One woman helps
adoptees find their biological parents. Another was a mortician! Their obsession is dwelling too much
on their own past when they keep their energies in the personal sector.
The past is always a frame of reference for almost any 4th House placement, stellium or not. The
individual gets emotionally stuck in the past. Getting out and working the land is very helpful. I have
observed that people who work with environmental issues obsess and lose perspective about what is
really workable.
ANNE (3-2013): STELLIUM IN 4TH HOUSE -- With a stellium in the 4th House, you need to stay at
least 200 miles from your family.
The 2nd Saturn Return can make you ill if you do not put yourself and your well-being first and
I always say that, under difficult Saturn Transits, you need to say NO when demands or even
supposed opportunities are presented to you they will only be a lot of hard work with little reward.
The 4th House rules the place in which you work so you need to define boundaries there as well.

> Am o intrebare: In cazul in care o

> persoana are peste 4 planete intr-o casa sau intr-un semn, exista vreo
> semnificatie speciala?
Acea casa, respectiv acel semn va juca un rol important in viata persoanei
respective. Putem spune ca acestea constituie un izvor de energie pentru
el (sau, o supapa unde se scurge energia, daca planetele respective
primesc aspecte disonante). Semnul ii marcheaza gesturile, felul de a fi.
Simt nevoia sa te felicit pentru acuratetea cu care privesti temele
astrale; reusesti foarte bine sa alegi informatiile importante dintre cele
secundare. Interpretarile tale sunt corecte si inteligibile.
Esti pe drumul cel bun!

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