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In the story we read about David and Ziklag.

1. Stop weeping.
It said David wept. All his great men they wept until
there was no strength left in them. Weeping does not
solve any problem. The elders have a saying. Weeping is
not the solution to poverty. Weeping wont solve the
problem. Try the fellow next to you: Dont weep again.
Say it loud and clear: Dont weep again! Tell the same
fellow I will not weep again..
Sorrow can only dim your vision. Job 17:7 He said, my
eye is dim because of sorrow. And you need your vision;
you need clear vision in order to be able to see the
opportunities that surround you. Stop weeping! Your
God is a God of joy! If the enemy takes everything
away from you but he cant take your joy, the joy of
the Lord will still be your strength. Is anybody here
who will now on be rejoicing whatever is happening? Let
me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!). Stop weeping!
Dont give room to sorrow! Dont let the enemy break
your spirit. Let me assure you tomorrow will be all
right. (Amen!) If you believe that your tomorrow
will be all right let me hear you say Amen!
Let the joy of the Lord remain in you. If they cant
take the joy of the Lord from you then they cannot

defeat you. If they take the joy of the Lord from you
then your strength is gone.
It is only after you stop weeping that you now go
to step 2. That is, encourage yourself in the
Lord. Encourage yourself in who? In the Lord. Psalm
46:1 It said: God is our ever-present help. When you
dont expect His help, His help is near! The widow of
Zarapeth was getting ready for her last meal and yet
help was already on the way. I pray, I decree to
somebody here today, long before the end of this
month, God will send help to you.
I have a God who never fails. I have a God who
never fails; I have a God who never fails, who
never fails, who never fails, who never fails
forevermore Do you have the same God? Do you
have a God who will never fail? If you are sure of
that let me hear you shout Alleluia! (Alleluia!)
So stop weeping, encourage yourself in the God
who can never fail.
Number three, seek His face in prayer. He said
in Proverbs 8:17 They that seek me shall find me. Psalm
34:10 It said they that seek the Lord shall not lack any
good thing. Hebrews 11:6 God is a rewarder of they
that diligently seek Him. He will reward you in Jesus
Name!. Stop weeping, encourage yourself in the God
that can never fail, Seek His face in prayer..

number four. Receive instructions from Him. The

problem with many of us is that we receive instructions
from the daily newspapers, receive instructions from
television news .. mmh mmm receive instructions form
the Lord. In Psalm 107:20, He said, He sent His word
and He healed and delivered them from their
destructions. Just one Word from the Lord, It will
settle your problem.
Thats why I pity those of you who does not come
for church programmes . You need to receive
instructions from the Lord. The Bible says the
entrance of His Word giveth light. The Bible says,
Your word is a lamp unto my feet.
Number 5. After David sought instruction from the
Lord God made a pronouncement. You will pursue, you
will overtake, without fail you will recover all. What is
the lesson on that? If you dont learn any other thing
tonight, learn this - dont joke with divine
pronouncements. I can see a lot of pronouncements
going on tonight and I see a lot of people jumping up
and grabbing them. And I see some of us, the way we
say Amen tells the Almighty God that no-no-no we dont
care.Let me tell you something. Those who are
grabbing these things and you think they are
jokers. You wait, within one year you will pursue
them you wont catch up with them. (Amen!) Take
my word for it and I will give you 2 examples.

There was a soldier, in the Nigerian Army. He

couldnt share his testimony because of his
sensitive position. For one reason or the other,
those who are his boss just hated him and they put
down his name for retirement. Young man! And he
heard that his retirement is already sealed. He
said, haaa no problem we thank God that tomorrow
is Holy Ghost Service, He said I will go and hear
what the Almighty God has to say. And he came.
We were still up there then. Almost as he was
settling down the Word of God came, that those
who want to retire you, long after they are gone
you will still be moving forward. He looked at the
wife, the wife looked at him and the 2 of them
grabbed themselves! Ah-ahh!! And you know what
followed? Somehow they forgot to retire him.
Number 2 all his bosses were retired. One
promotion after another; one promotion after the
other until he became the boss. Those who say you
will not reach your goal, long after they are gone
you will still be reigning. (Amen!)
Let me tell you another story. It tells you the power
of pronouncement. A young girl came to the Holy
Ghost Service wanting to go to the American
Embassy for visa and she came and God spoke and
said Oh there is someone here who is attending a
visa interview, congratulations because youve
already got it. So she danced and went for the
interview and the woman there said, No visa! She
said get away from here! No visa. The girl said, But

my father said I have gotten the visa. The woman

there said, What is my concern about your father?
Who is your father? She said, My father is Adeboye.
And the woman said, Who is Adeboye? And the
woman said, In any case, your name is so-and-so.
How can your name be so-and-so and you say
Adeboye is your father? Oh, she said, Adeboye is
the father of my father. And suddenly the woman
began to laugh and said, You are a funny little girl,
bring your passport and granted the passport
funny little girl heard the pronouncement. Shes
not clever enough like you to rationalize how it will
happen. She just heard the pronouncement and
she came home dancing with her visa. May I
remind you that God has spoken tonight that the
door to your explosive progress is already open.
Dont joke with divine pronouncements.
The Bible says in Psalm 3:8-9
The Lord says there is a pregnant woman here,
who has been dreaming of coffins. The Lord asked
me to tell you those who built the coffins will sleep
in them. (Amen!)
Thank You Father! The Lord said theres somebody
here tonight, your years of famine are over.
Number 6 Do whatever God says. He told David
Pursue and he pursued. Do whatever God says. James
1:22 Be a doer of the word not a hearer only. Exodus
15:26 it said if you will hearken diligently to the voice

of your God, to observe and to do all that I command

you this day, I will bring no disease upon you. Hear
what He has to say. Do it and you will remain forever
healthy. The Bible says in 2 Corinthians 9:6 He who
sows sparingly shall reap sparingly. He that sows
bountifully shall reap bountifully. Forever O Lord they
word is settled,. Do what He says. Malachi 3:10-11 Pay
all your tithes and God will give you a breakthrough and
rebuke devourers for your sake. Proverbs 3:910 Honour the Lord with your first fruit and you will
have not enough room to contain the blessings. Do what
He says. John 15:16 He said be a soul winner then all
your prayers will be answered! Do what He says.
Number 7 Fight for what is yours. David did not just
pursue. He didnt just overtake. When he got to the
enemy he didnt joke. The problem with many of you
Christians is that you are too timid. You must learn to
fight for what is yours. The enemy is not going to
gently release to you what he has stolen. Learn to
fight. There are occasions when you are to be a
gentleman but there are moments when you have to tell
them that you are the son of the Lion of Judah.
Anybody who is in the army of the Lord is a soldier.
Jesus Christ was not a civilian Hes the Commander-inChief of the Hosts of Heaven! How many soldiers of

the cross are here tonight? Let me hear you shout

Alleluia! like a soldier. Alleluia!
Some years ago we were returning from Ilesha and
we got to a junction called Oshu junction. We were
far from the main road because we saw vehicles
coming and there was this young boy and he was
coming like a bullet and for one reason or the other
he swerved off the road. And hit us and dragged us
almost into the pits. We just shouted Jesus and the
car stopped. So the police came and they
measured the line and they said, Ahh! definitely
this boy is guilty and so on. And the boy moved
close to the police and said. I am the driver of Chief
so-so-so and the policeman said, Ahh! thats
money! He said, You people why should you stand
here self? Why should you be here when this boy is
coming and immediately he began to change his
drawing! The lion in me rose up. I said, Officer,
officer, do you see the name on the bus. He said,
Yes Redeemed Christian Church of God! Is that the
reason why you should stand here? I said, Officer
listen to me. In every mans life there is always a
last assignment He said, No, no, It is this boy who
is guilty, No doubt about that! The Word of God
says, say to this mountain, mountain be though
removed and be thou cast into the sea and it shall
obey you. Every mountain you will command
tonight. Every mountain blocking your way to total
recovery shall be moved in Jesus Name! (Amen!)

Use the name of Jesus. At the name of Jesus every

knee must bow. Use the Word of God it is
written.. Use the blood of Jesus. The Bible says they
overcame him by the power of the blood of Jesus.
Finally after you have recovered all remember to
share. Bamidele came here and told you that when you
recover all you will have more than sufficient. Share. It
is because God blessed the Redeemed Christian Church
of God. That is why today we are in more than 90
nations of the world. Because we want to share. God is
going to bless somebody here. (Amen!) By the time you
have recovered all that the devil has stolen from you,
youll be able to build a church for God. (Amen!)You
will be able to send missionaries out. (Amen!) In fact
one of you will be able to buy me a jet. (Amen!) Who
received that one?
Let me hear you shout
Alleluia! (Alleluia!)
But when we talk about sharing, we are not just
talking about sharing money and sharing clothes,
we are talking about sharing your testimonies. Let
us hear what God has done for you. Lets hear your
testimony! Lets hear your testimony! Not only that
when we talk about sharing tell others about
Jesus Christ. Remember somebody told you about
Him. Somebody told you about Holy Ghost Service
for example. Thats why you came. Now some of
you whatever is happening you cant miss it! Tell

others! Share! And your recovery will be total.

Thank You Father! Alleluia! The Lord said there is
someone here; He said the heat that is located in
the center of your head has been removed.
Its another new one tonight.
The Lord said there is someone here; He said your
blessings shall no longer be part-time. (Amen!)
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Even a dead man knows that the power of God is
here tonight and Im about to get out of the way so
that the Holy Spirit can do what He wants to do but
the Almighty God said to me there were some
people who came in after the altar call was made
and they need to surrender their lives to Jesus
Christ tonight.

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