YRS Presentation 3: Healthy

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Time to burn calculator

What it does?
- Healthy shows you how long it takes to burn off a food/meal in real terms.
- For example, you would type in a food that you have eaten and it tells you
how many miles/minutes you would have to run for to burn the food off.

How does it work?

1)Get name of food from user
2)Get if for the name of food - API specifics
3)From NBT calorific value
4)Time to burn
5)Send info back to client.

How it uses open data

Healthy Uses:
- A product infobase in order to get calorific information.
- Wolfram Alpha to get data on the product.
- Google Images to gather images on the items.
- An exercise API to get calorific use of different exercises
In order to provide the user a single figure of time left to run.

Future Plans
- Provide further information on the food
- Give the user more food data, such as protein or vitamins.
- Add graphics and beautify the website.


Time to burn calculator

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