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Steps towards becoming an entrepreneur
In and out of managing a business
Sustaining a business
The church approach of creating kingdom entrepreneurs


Deuteronomy 8:18
But thou shall remember the Lord thy God: for it is he that giveth thee
power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto
thy fathers, as it is this day.

In the foregoing, the Bible talks about power to prosper. It is a good thing to
talk about prosperity and to write books on the topic prosperity , lot of
Christians want to succed spiritually , financially and every otherwise in this
piece we would like to bring to your conciousness to the fact that the subject
of prosperity must be balanced with the subject of holiness so that after we
have prospered, we would not go to hell fire. The bible mentioned here that it
is the lord that give power to get wealth so that he can establish his
covenant , but the introductory part of the verse is an admonition to
remember the Lord our God i.e when He made us wealthy according to his
promises and covenant he made with our father Abraham we should not
forget Him who is the king in our kingdom .
Becoming an entrepreneur for kingdom expansion is all about using the God
giving knowledge to make wealth and to remember the giver of the gift afer
making the wealth .
Psalm 84:11
For the Lord God is a sun and shield; the Lord will give grace and glory:
no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
From the above , the psalmist mentoned that our God is clothed in glory and
there is no reason why His children should wear rags ; it is absurd to see a
child of the king in rag , the child of a wealth man that is still with his father
(not prodigal ) can not be wearing rag . Therefore , wealth is your portion and
you are to wallow in prosperity .In Psalm 24:1 the psalmist says that , The
earth is the Lords and the fullness thereof: the world and they that dwell
therein. If God owns the earth and the fullness thereof, and I am His son, I

must prosper. God want to progress the gospel , then you must prosper in
order for the kingdom to be expanded .
There are many people that have the keys of poverty in their hands and until
they drop them, there is absolutely nothing God can do to help them. God has
so designed His plans that He places first things first. A lot of people claim
that Abrahams blessings are theirs, the question is, will they allow God to
run them through what He made Abraham to go through? Abraham first
became a friend of God. He was righteous, he had faith and then God blessed
him. Nowadays, people want to do it the other way round. They want money
first. They want to be comfortable first before they serve the Lord.
Unfortunately, it does not work that way. Anybody that cannot serve the Lord
when he or she is poor will not be able to serve Him when he or she gets rich
reason fot his book .
The bible says that what ever we laid our hands on shall prosper ,therefore
when a chritian that is born again , that is righteous , a friend of God and with
fath .
Mathew 6:33
Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and he will add other
things to you , Jesus futher clearifies those other things which are things that
majority of us are chasing all about are money , fame , material things , he
mentioned that our heavenly father knows that we needed these things
.Becoming an entreprenum for kingdom expansion would teach your hand
how to make wealth for kingdom expansion .
Someone one might say that he does not need to create more business , i will
share with you five key lessons God has taught me in wilderness years
1. Poverty and lack are not beneficial to you or anybody else.

Maximizing ourselves and our gifts is central to fulfillment and


3. God delights in the prosperity of His servants.

4. We can only truly assist others consistently when we have surplus.

5. We live in a world of abundance; God can help us harness this to our

advantage, and the advantage of others.
Another leasson from the book of Genesis is that the land of Eden had four
rivers flowing into it, these streams were a constant source of income, God
is all powerful , He made these rivers for backup and for abundance of
water and resources therefore , if we are to live our lives to our fullest
potential, we need to realize that one stream of income is insufficient. This
has become more apparent in these times of economic instability. God is
able to help us grow as individuals so we can have residual income
streams passively watering our lives and the kingdom of God .
Remember that the Promised Land is a land of abundance, not a land of sit
on-your-behind and do nothing, when the children of Israel entered the
promised land and divided it up, it was necessary that paradigm shifts take
place in the psyche, they were no longer slaves, they were no longer
wonderers, they had before them an awesome inheritance, and it was time
to build and to work . Therefore to maximize our potential, it is going to be
essential that we take our sword in the one hand and our shovel in the
other and build and battle, this is not the struggle of confused wilderness
life this is the resourceful investment of energy and time toward a vision of
an existence that is able to utilize our recourses to be a genuine blessing to
the kingdom and the world in which we live.
My prayer for you is that this book would serve as a source of sollution to
your problems and quest in life in Jesus name .


For chosen vessel



Jesus Christ of Nassaret is a successful man interms of life and ministry ,

what did he do to become successful ! he was looking for problems to be
solved , Act 10 :38 You know of Jesus of Nazareth, how God anointed Him
with the Holy Spirit and with power, and how He went about doing good and
healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him success
in life and ministry began by looking for problem to solve , Jesus Christ early
in his ministry saw 3 men washing their net because they have failed for that
day and he solved their problem ,they obeyed Jesus and got a net breaking
testimony .
Luke 5:1-11
[1] One day as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Gennesaret, with the
people crowding around him and listening to the word of God, [2] he saw at
the water's edge two boats, left there by the fishermen, who were washing
their nets. [3] He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and
asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the
people from the boat.
[4] When he had finished speaking, he said to Simon, "Put out into deep
water, and let down the nets for a catch."
[5] Simon answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't
caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets."
[6] When they had done so, they caught such a large number of fish that their
nets began to break. [7] So they signaled their partners in the other boat to
come and help them, and they came and filled both boats so full that they
began to sink.

[8] When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus' knees and said, "Go away
from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!" [9] For he and all his companions were
astonished at the catch of fish they had taken, [10] and so were James and
John, the sons of Zebedee, Simon's partners.
Then Jesus said to Simon, "Don't be afraid; from now on you will catch
men." [11] So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything and
followed him.
When you find a problem and you solved the problem you become
influencial , they left their boat and follow Christ ,because Christ solved thier
problems .Poverty was just knocking at the door of Peter , lack was
knocking , he was about to be disgraced as a proffesional fisherman that
come back home to meet his wife with empty net , with the help of jesus
christ he used the same net with the same boat in the same sea at the same
spot to catch a net broken fish , this move Jesus Christ out of the natural class
to supernatural class and a genus and they followed him .People remembered
you based on the problems you solved and the problems you created .
John 1:45-51

Philip found Nathanael and said to him, We have found him of whom
Moses in the Law and also the prophets wrote, Jesus of Nazareth, the son of
Joseph. 46 Nathanael said to him, Can anything good come out of
Nazareth? Philip said to him, Come and see. 47 Jesus saw Nathanael
coming toward him and said of him, Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom
there is no deceit! 48 Nathanael said to him, How do you know me? Jesus
answered him, Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I
saw you. 49 Nathanael answered him, Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You
are the King of Israel! 50 Jesus answered him, Because I said to you, I saw
you under the fig tree, do you believe? You will see greater things than
these. 51 And he said to him, Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven
opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of

When Jesus saw Nathanael coming, He made a statement concerning

Nathanael's character, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile"
(John 1:47). When Nathanael asked Jesus how He knew him, Jesus answered,
"Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you" (John
1:48). Jesus knew everything about Nathanael, his actions and his heart. Let
consider another synerio . The Samaritan women, also impressed by Jesus'
omniscience, went into the city and told the men, "Come, and see a Man who
told me all things that I ever did" (John 4:29). When you are successful in one
area of your life you influence people to follow you and you become
successful in all other areas of your life .
Jesus christ uses His gift of dominion to solve peoples problem and they
followed him . Success begins by separating yourself from the croud , break
the normal rule and you shall be celebrated . Your failure in life and ministry
is because you want to follow the normal rule , Remember the wordly rules
were designed to keep you in one place , so when you follows these rules you
are going to no where and you will end no where .
What are the component of success , Success is a chain , an integration of
hadwork , courage , creativity , focus ,idea and goodwill which when you
process all these element together you become successful .
The keys to success as mentioned above is univasal and they work anywhere ,
anytime for people no matter the pigmentation of your skin ,your colour or
your tribe . Both success and failure are predictable , it should be noted that
God created everybody with the seed of success .When all the components
above are lacking then it is failure .
Before we studied this book , note also that success is not the measure of
what someone else did , it is the measure of what you did compaired to what
you ought to have done ,for instance you can score 30% and lead the class of
dullered , you have not make it because 50% is the pass mark,so success is
not measured by what you have done but by what you are created to do .
Prosperty also do not come by prayer alone but by processing the above
components .
God has placed in individuals the seed of success , no wonder He mentioned
that you should be fruitful not to be seedful in Genesis chapter 2 , when you
have no seed in you He can not instruct that you should be fruitful . To be

fruitful therefore is to be productive , there is a seed in you that is ready to

produce fruit , a fruit is hidden in your inside and that is your gift , your
initiative , your business not a job they pay you to do but a business you pay
people to do for you , a business man does not seek a job but they seek to
manifest ideas . When you discovered a problem and use your inherent seed
or ideas to solved that problem and people began to follow you or began to
look for you in order to get the solution then you are an entrepreneur .


So many writers has in the time past define who an entrepreneur is , we
would look at view definations and then summarise who is a kingdom
entrepreneur .
1. Joseph Schumpeter
An entrepreneur is a person who destroys the existing economic order by
introducing new products and services, by creating new firm or organization,
by exploiting new raw materials.
2. Williams Bygrave
An Entrepreneur is someone who perceives an opportunity and create an
organization to pursue it .
3. Babson College
An Entrepreneur is person way of thinking and acting that is opportunity
obsessed, holistic in approach and leadership balance for the purpose of
wealth creation .
Who is a kingdom entrepreneur ?
I will define an Entrepreneur using the quadrant below as an illustration
an entrepreneur is a person with a clear mission, who is conscious of moving
from the left side of the Quadrant to the Right hand of the Quadrant by
a) Creating the right mind set,
b) Acquiring the necessary skill,
c) Building a team and
d) mastering the working mechanism of the B-I Triangle in order to
create wealth for himself and others and for the purpose of feeding the
sheep of the Lord and projecting the things of the Kingdom of God .




This idea brings me to the concept of the Cashflow Quadrant (see the image
above). The letters in each of the quadrants represent:
B-Business owner
I -Investor
Each of us resides in at least one of the four sections of the Cashflow
Quadrant. Where we are is determined by where our cash comes frompaychecks or passive income .
Though financial freedom can be found in all the quadrants, the skills of a
business owner and investor will help you reach your financial goals more
quickly.All the rich men in the universe follows the commandment of God in
the book of Genesis , God gave Adam work (God planted a garden) and gave
the following commandment for increase and expansion Genesis 1:28

And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply,
and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the
sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon
the earth.
, after destroying the earth with water God also commanded Noah to follow
the same partern Genesis 9:7 As for you, be fruitful and multiply; Populate
the earth abundantly and multiply in it."
1. be Fruitful
2. Multiply

3. Replenish the earth

4. Subdue the earth
5. have Dominion
The impliation of this statement is that we must be productive ( we must
develop an idea , expand the idea , subdue and have dominon in your line of
busines , I will use the example of McDonalds Ray Kroc "thinking big," his
two critical word is leverage and expansion. For instance McDonald's
franchise system , Ray Kroc bought McDonald's from the McDonald
brothers, he leveraged himself and when he franchised McDonald's, he
expanded his leverage and he subdue and take dominon over other food
business in the world .
When Kroc purchased the hamburger stand, he leveraged himself because the
burger business could make money with or without him he created a system.
And this is where most S(self employed )-quadrant business owners stop ;
they keep their businesses small. When Kroc developed a franchise system
for the small business, he expanded the hamburger business into the
B(business owner ) quadrant.Jesus Christ used the same idea in matthew 10 :
1-4 Jesus called his twelve disciples to him and gave them authority to drive out
impure spirits and to heal every disease and sickness.
These are the names of the twelve apostles: first, Simon (who is called Peter)
and his brother Andrew; James son of Zebedee, and his brother John; 3 Philip and
Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew the tax collector; James son of Alphaeus,
and Thaddaeus; 4 Simon the Zealot and Judas Iscariot, who betrayed him.

He gave them authority , he licenced them to do his work and they came back
to confirm that truly demons bowed down for them .


You may notice I used the words franchise system, the key word here is
system. The B-I Triangle is the diagram that rich dad used to focus my
thinking and to teach me about the eight parts that make up a business.
Many entrepreneurs fail simply because one or more of the eight pieces of the
B-I Triangle is weak or nonexistent. Whenever I look at a struggling business,
I use the B-I Triangle as an analytical reference.this triangle is seen clearly in

Jesus Christ ministry (he had a mission which he called his meat , he has a
message for the world whch is the message of the kingdom , he formed a
team and them teach them about leadership )

Notice that the word product is used to label the smallest section, and the
word mission is one of the largest sections--as well as the foundation for the
Triangle. This is because the product is the least important item in the B-I
Triangle, and the mission is the most important ,your mission determined the
type of your team , leadership , cashflow and whatever you have in the
business . The mission is the spirit of the business; it is the heart of the
business. Without spirit and heart, most entrepreneurs will not make it,
simply because the road ahead is a hard one.
The world is filled with great products that failed. The products failed simply
because they do not have the power of the B-I Triangle behind them and that
is mission statement .
When you study most successful businesses, you will most likely find a
complete and vibrant B-I Triangle in action. A great business will have a
strong mission, great leadership, a competent team of managers who
work well together, excellent cash flow and financing, clear and effective

sales and marketing communications, systems that work efficiently, clear

and tight legal documents and agreements, and of course, a great
Most of us can cook a better hamburger than McDonald's. But few of us can
build a better business system than McDonald's--which brings us to the word
system again.Jesus ministry or product is still on the shelf today because he
built a strong system , a strong leadership . One of the biggest differences
between an S-quadrant business owner and a B-quadrant business owner is
systems. Typically, what the S-quadrant business owner lack is system, which
is why he or she cannot expand.
Far too many businesses are people-dependent.Jesus ministry was not people
dependent but system driven , reason why he died , the appostules started and
when they died we started . McDonald's, on the other hand, is systemdependent. It has well-designed systems. Regardless of where you go in the
world, the McDonald's business is pretty uniform. Most important, the
company's business systems are often run primarily by people with just a
high school education. That is how good and how sound the company's
systems are.
I have looked at so many businesses that are top-heavy, staffed by highly
educated and highly paid people who are working hard and accomplishing
little.Infact I was running a business that we employed a white skinned lady
and this did not added anything to the business. In most cases, these types of
businesses focus primarily on people and not on developing great systems. A
great team of highly paid people will fail without great systems .
I would like to simplify the difference between an entrepreneur and a CEO
simply put , an entrepreneur is like a person who builds great race cars. A
CEO is like the driver of the race car. If you have a great race-car driver(great
CEO) but a poorly built race car(system), the great CEO will lose every race.
Rarely will you find entrepreneurs who are great CEOs. Donald Trump is one
of those people. So are Bill Gates, Michael Dell and Steve Jobs. These men
can build great race cars and drive them .I have an MD too who build a
concept and drive it .
I have met many people who have become very rich in the S quadrant. Many
are small-business owners who are excellent builders and drivers of small

businesses. There are also people in the E and S quadrants who become very
rich attaching themselves to B-quadrant businesses. For example, Aliko
Dangote is an S (and, in his case, S stands for superstar as well as selfemployed or specialist), but much of his wealth comes from his endorsements
of B-quadrant businesses and some politicians . The Dangote Group was
established as a small trading firm in 1977. Today, it is a multi-trillion naira
conglomerate with many of its operations in Benin, Ghana, Nigeria, and
Togo. Dangote has expanded to cover food processing, cement
manufacturing, and freight. The Dangote Group also dominates the sugar
market in Nigeria and is a major supplier to the country's soft drink
companies, breweries, and confectioners. The Dangote Group has moved
from being a trading company to being the largest industrial group in Nigeria
and includes: Dangote Sugar Refinery, Dangote Cement, and Dangote Flour.
The same is true with some movie stars. They are S-quadrant individuals but
associate themselves with B-quadrant businesses, such as TV stations .
Think Expansively
An entrepreneurs, must think expansively this includes seeing what is
possible and making it happen. Entrepreneurs see the vision and call it good
sense and inevitable. The rest of the world calls it innovation .
So many times, innovation really results from common sense put together
with uncommon thinking .Bishop Oyedepo once mentioned that comon sense
is the sense that is not common . It's creative, but it's about innovative
assembly more than anything else .
Thinking expansively is just another way to innovate . God in the book of
Genesis think expansively , after the great inovation of the earth , He
discovered that the earth needed light , he discovered that there must be a
firmament between the water on the earth and that of the heaven and he latter
saw that every thing He does were good . Sometimes I ask myself, "What
else can I include in my thought process to make it more comprehensive? Is
there anything I can add that might enhance the project or idea I've got
spinning around in my head? " Many times, I will tell myself that something
isn't quite right yet, because that automatically opens the door for more ideas
to enter. I ask myself, "What am I not seeing? What else is possible?"
Sometimes the answers wind up being innovative ideas. It's not necessarily
some secret process, but it is a process, and it requires concentration.

Seeing something and knowing it could be different or better is the first step
to visionary status
As I've said before, learn your lessons from as many sources as you can.
Think and learn expansively. It won't be expensive, but it can give you some
big returns.

The Key to Great Wealth


The above Figure 1 is a diagram that rich dad called the B-I Triangle, the key
to great wealth.
The B-I Triangle was very important to rich dad because it gave structure to
his ideas. As he often said, There are many people with great ideas but few
people with great fortunes. The B-I Triangle has the power to turn ordinary
ideas into great fortunes . The B-I Triangle is the guide to taking an idea and
creating an asset. It represents the knowledge required to be successful on
the B and I side of the CASHFLOW Quadrant. It has been modified a little
over the years. This triangle answered the following questions
1. How is it that one man (like Alinko Dangote ,Wale Adenuga etc) have so
many businesses and other people could barely handle one?
2. Why did their businesses grow while other peoples' stay small?
3. How do they have free time when other business owners work
4. Why do so many businesses start and then fail so quickly?
Using Alinko Dangote for example, he had a food processing, cement
manufacturing, and freight. The Dangote Group also dominates the sugar
market in Nigeria and is a major supplier to the country's soft drink
companies, breweries, and confectioners. The Dangote Group has moved
from being a trading company to being the largest industrial group in Nigeria
and includes: Dangote Sugar Refinery, Dangote Cement, and Dangote Flour
and a trucking company . It is amazing how many businesses he could run
all at the same time. Let us take a brief knowledge from Wale Adenuga , in
Nigeria he is the owner of conoil , globacom and ETB which latter merged
with sterlin bank , How did he run it ? The B-I Triangle answered these
questions it explain how one could start, own, and manage so many
businesses at the same time .
Explaining the B-I Triangle
Obviously, the amount of material that could be writtenand needs to be
writtento cover the information represented by the B-I Triangle is more

than this book could cover. However, we will review the basics. Let us pick
and explain the content of B-I triangle starting from the foundation .
1.The Mission
Rich dad said, A business needs both a spiritual and a business mission to be
successful, especially at the beginning. the mission is the begining of this
triangle and it is the most important aspect of the triangle and why it was at
the base. If the mission is clear and strong, the business will weather the
trials every business goes through during its first ten years. When a business
gets big and it forgets its mission, or the mission it was created for is no
longer needed, the business begins to die.
Rich dad chose the words spiritual and business. to describe mission He
said, Many people start a business only to make money. Just to make money
is not a strong enough mission. Money alone does not provide enough fire,
drive, or desire. The mission of a business should fill a need that the
customers want, and if it fills that need, and fills it well, the business will
begin to make money.
When it came to a spiritual mission , Henry Ford was a man driven by a
spiritual mission first and a business mission second. He wanted to make the
automobile available to the masses, not just the rich. That is why his mission
statement was Democratize the automobile. When the spiritual mission and
business mission are both strong and in line, the combined power builds huge
businesses. Dangote group has a mission statement that goes thus To be a
world-class enterprise that is passionate about the standard of living of the
general populace(spiritual mission) and giving high returns to
stakeholders (business mission ).This business is succesful in africa because
they are passionate about the standard of living of the general populae
(spiritual mission ) before the business mission of giving high returns to the
stake holders .

Spiritual mission and business mission were closely in line. Dangote spiritual
mission was to provide standard of living for the populace .The mission of a

business was very important although it was hard to see and to measure
Without a strong mission, a business is not likely to survive its first five to ten
years. He also said, At the start of a business, the mission and the
entrepreneur's spirit are essential for the business to survive. The spirit and
mission must be preserved long after the entrepreneur is gone, or the business
dies.For instance , Jesus christ died 2015 years ago and his mission is still
runing till today, the gate of hell must not be able to stand against it . Rich
dad would say, The mission of a business is a reflection of the spirit of the
entrepreneur. General Electric was a company founded from the brilliance of
Thomas Edison, and it has grown by preserving the spirit of the great
inventor by continuing to invent new and innovative products. Ford Motor
Company has survived by continuing in the tradition of Ford. Businesses
like UAC Plc is still suffiving today because of the mission and vision of this
great organisation .
Today, I believe that Bill Gates's spirit continues to drive Microsoft to
dominate the world of software. By contrast, when Steven Jobs was pushed
out of Apple and a management team from the traditional corporate world
replaced him, the company went downhill rapidly. As soon as Jobs was
brought back into Apple, the spirit of the company returned, new products
came forth, profitability increased, and the share price went up .
Although the mission of a business is hard to measure, impossible to see, and
for all practical purposes an intangible, most of us have experienced it. We
can identify the mission of someone who is trying to sell us something for a
commission as contrasted to someone trying to help answer our needs . As the
world becomes crowded with more and more products, the businesses that
survive and do well financially will be businesses that focus on serving and
fulfilling the company's mission and their customers' needs, rather than just
increasing the company's revenues.
CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc. the company that Kim, Sharon, and I
created to bring you this book as well as our other financial-education
productshas the following mission: To elevate the financial well-being of
humanity. By being clear and true to the spiritual and business mission of
this company, we have enjoyed success that goes beyond luck. By being clear
on our mission, we attract individuals and other groups aligned with a similar
mission. Some people call it luck I call it being true to our mission. Over

the years, I have come to believe that rich dad was right about the importance
of having the spiritual mission and business mission be strong and in line.
In all truthfulness, not all of my businesses have as strong a dual mission as
CASHFLOW Technologies, Inc. does. Other businesses in which I own
interests have stronger business missions than spiritual missions.
I now realize that my nylon and Velcro wallet business had a very different
mission than I first thought. The mission for building that business was to
give me a fast education about building a worldwide business. That business
fulfilled that mission rather painfully. In other words, I got what I wanted.
The business grew very quickly, success was fast and furious, and so was the
crash. Yet, as painful as the experience was, I realized that I had achieved my
mission. After I dug myself out from under the rubble and rebuilt the
business, I learned what I set out to learn. As rich dad said, Many
entrepreneurs don't really become business people until after they lose their
first business. In other words, I learned more by losing the business and
rebuilding it than I did by being successful. As rich dad said, School is
important, but the street is a better teacher. So, my first big business venture
after leaving the Marine Corps was expensive and painful, but the lessons I
learned were priceless. And the business had fulfilled its mission.
A company's mission helps it maintain focus. In the early stages of
development, many factors can cause distraction. The best way to get back on
track is to revisit your mission. Does the distraction affect the achievement of
your mission? If so, you must deal with the distraction as quickly as possible
so that you can re-focus your efforts on the overall mission. it is in the
mission of the company where the entrepreneur 's spirit is found.
The Team
Business is a team sport Investing is also a team sport. so the problem with
being in the E and S quadrant is that you are playing the game as an
individual, playing against a team.
Rich dad would draw the CASHFLOW Quadrant to illustrate his point: the
educational system was: In school, they train students to take tests on their
own. If a child attempts to cooperate at test time, it is called cheating.' Rich
dad would also say, In the real world of business, business owners cooperate
at test time, and in the world of business, every day is test time.

A Very Important Lesson

For people considering building a powerful and successful business, I think
this lesson on teamwork is crucial. It is one of the primary keys to my
financial success. Business and investing are team sports, and remember that
every day in business is test time. To be successful in school, you had to take
tests alone. In business, success comes from taking tests as a team, not as an
People in the E and S quadrant often make less money than they could or
would like to because they attempt to do things on their own. If they work as
a group, especially those in the E quadrant, they form a union instead of a
team. And that is what is happening to medical doctors in America today.
They are forming a professional union to combat the power of a team, the
business team known as the health maintenance organizations (HMOs).
Many investors today are trying to invest as individuals. I see and read about
thousands of people who are doing online day trading. This is a perfect
example of an individual trying to trade against well-organized teams. That is
why so few of them succeed as well as why many lose their money. I was
taught that when it comes to investing, you should invest as a member of a
team. Rich dad would say, If people want to become sophisticated investors
and above, they must invest as a team. On rich dad's team were his
accountants, his attorneys, his brokers , his financial advisors, his insurance
agents, and his bankers. I use the plurals here because he always had more
than one advisor. When he made a decision, it was with input of the team.
Today, I do the same.
Not a Big BoatA Big Team
On television today, I see commercials of a rich couple, sailing their yacht in
some warm tropical waters. The ad seems to draw in all the individuals who
are trying to get rich on their own. Whenever I see that commercial, I often
think of rich dad saying to me, Most small-business people dream of
someday owning a boat or a plane. That is why they will never own that boat
or plane. When I was first starting out, I dreamed of having my own team of
accountants and attorneys, not a boat.


Rich dad wanted me to aim to have a team of accountants and attorneys

working only on my businessbefore I dreamed of a boat. To drive his point
home, he had me go to an accountant in town with my meager little tax
return. As I sat across the table from Ron, the CPA, the first thing I noticed
was a stack of manila folders sitting on his desk. Immediately, I got rich dad's
lesson. This CPA was minding about 30 other businesses on that day alone.
How could he pay full attention to my business ?
Returning to rich dad's office that afternoon, I saw something I had never
noticed before. As I sat in the reception area waiting for rich dad's personal
secretary to let me in, I could see a team of people working only on rich dad's
business. In the working area of his office was a row of bookkeepers, about
fourteen of them. There were also five full-time accountants, and a chief
financial officer (CFO). He also had two full-time attorneys working in his
main office. When I sat down in front of rich dad, all I said was, They're all
minding your businesses and no one else's.
Rich dad nodded. As I said, most people work hard and dream of getting
away on their own boat. I first dreamed of having a team of full-time
accountants and attorneys. That is why I can now have the big boat and the
free time. It is a matter of priorities.
How Do You Afford the Team?
In my seminars, I am often asked, How can you afford to pay for this team?
That question usually comes from someone in the E or S quadrant. Again, the
difference goes back to the different laws and rules for the different
quadrants. For example, when a person in the E quadrant pays for
professional services, the transaction looks like this:
There is also a difference between the B quadrant business owner and the S
quadrant business owner. The B quadrant business owner does not hesitate to
pay for these services because the business system, the entire B-I Triangle, is
paying for the services. S quadrant business owners are often paying for the
services out of their own sweat and blood, so most of them cannot afford to
hire a full-time staff because they often do not earn enough to cover their own
financial needs.
The Best Education

My answer is the same when I am asked questions such as:

1. How did you learn so much about investing and business?
2. How do you get such high returns with such low risk?
3. What gives you the confidence to invest in what others see as
4. How do you find the best deals?
I answer, My team. My team consists of my accountants, attorneys,
bankers, brokers, etc.
When people say, Building a business is risky, they often speak from a
point of view of doing it alone, a habit they learned from school. In my
opinion, not building a business is risky. By not building a business, you are
failing to gain priceless real-world experience, and you are failing to get the
best education in the world, the education that comes from your team of
advisors. As rich dad would say, People who play it safe lose out on the best
education in the world and they waste a lot of precious time. He would also
say, Time is our most valuable asset, especially as you get older.
Tolstoy said it a little differently. He is quoted as saying, The most
unexpected thing that happens to us is old age.
Tetrahedrons and Teams
I am often asked, What is the difference between a B quadrant business and
an S quadrant business? My reply is The team.
Most S quadrant businesses are either structured as sole proprietorships or
partnerships. They could be teams , but not the kind of team I think of. Just as
people in the E quadrant often bind together as a union, people in the S
quadrant often organize as a partnership. When I think of a team, I think of
different types of people with different skills coming together to work
together. In a union or partnership (e.g., the teachers' union or a law
partnership) , the same kinds of people and professions often come together.

One of my greatest teachers was Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller. Dr. Fuller set out
years ago to find what he called the building blocks of the universe. In his
search, he found out that squares and cubes do not exist in nature. He would
say, Tetrahedrons are the basic building blocks of nature.
When I look at the great pyramids of Egypt, I understand a little more about
what Dr. Fuller was talking about. While tall skyscrapers come and go, those
pyramids have withstood the test of tens of centuries. While a skyscraper can
come down with a few well-placed sticks of dynamite, the pyramids would
not budge with the same blast.
Dr . Fuller was looking for a stable structure in the universe, and he found it
in the tetrahedron.
The Different Models
The following are graphic portrayals of different business structures.
1. This is a sole proprietorship:
2. This is a partnership:
3. This is a B quadrant business:
The prefix tetra means four . In other words, it has four points. After
studying with Dr. Fuller , I began to see the importance of having structures
be in a minimum of fours. For example, when you look at the CASHFLOW
Quadrant, it has four parts. Therefore, a stable business structure would look
like the following diagram:
A well-managed business will have excellent employees. In this instance, I
say the E stands for both excellent and essential because the employees
responsible for the day-to-day activities of the business. The E also stands for
extension because the employees are the extension of the business owner
and represent the business to the customer .
The specialists are typically from the S quadrant. The S stands for
specialized because each specialist will guide you based on his or her

trained area of expertise. While specialists may not participate daily, their
guidance is invaluable to keep your business moving in the right direction.
The structure has a better chance of being stable and enduring if the four
points are working in alignment. While the investors provide the funding, the
business owners must work with the specialists and employees to develop the
business and make it grow so there will be a return on the investors' original
Another interesting tetra-relationship I came across is the four fundamental
elements that make up this world we live in, which the ancients believed to
be earth, air, fire, and rain (water) . In a sole proprietorship as well as in a
partnership, in order to be successful, the individual needs to be all four,
which is difficult.
While most of us have all four elements in us, we each tend to be weighted
predominantly to one of the elements. For example, I am fire, born under the
sign of Aries and the planet Mars. That means I am good at starting things but
not completing them. By having a tetrahedron, I am better able to be
successful than if I were on my own. My wife, Kim, on the other hand, is
earth. She and I have a good marriage because she has a grounding effect on
me as well as on the people I upset around me. She often says, Speaking to
you is like speaking to a
blowtorch. Without her , I would have nothing but angry and upset people
around the company. Sharon, on the other hand, fulfills the role of air in this
company. She feeds the fire, moves the company in the right direction, and
keeps all systems running smoothly. As CEO of our company, Sharon ensures
that all four of us stay in alignment and work toward our mission. When
Mary, our operations manager, joined us, the company suddenly took off.
Mary completed the company by making sure that we delivered what we
promised. It's important to note that it took two years for this team to come
together . People came and went until the right tetra-team finally locked in
place. Once this model stabilized, the company began to radiate out, growing
rapidly and with stability.
I am not saying this is a hard and fast rule for a successful business. However,
all one needs to do is look at the pyramids of Egypt and a sense of strength,
stability, and longevity comes to mind.

Only Two Elements

I often jokingly say that if you put only two elements together , as in a
partnership, you get some strange phenomena. For example:
1. Air and Water = Spray 2. Air and Earth = Dust
3. Water and Earth = Mud 4. Earth and Fire = Lava or ashes
5. Fire and Water = Steam 6. Fire and Air = Flame
A Team Is Made Up of Different Levels
One of the first things I look at as an investor is the team behind the business.
If the team is weak or lacks experience and a track record, I rarely invest. I
meet many people who are running around trying to raise money for their
new product or business. The biggest problems most of them have are that
they personally lack experience and they have no team behind them, a team
that inspires confidence.
Many people want me to invest in their business plan. One of the things most
of them say is, Once this company is up and running, we're going to take it
public. That statement always intrigues me, so I ask what all of you should
ask: Who on your team has experience taking a company public, and how
many companies has that person taken public? If the answer to that question
is weak, I know I am listening to a sales pitch more than to a business plan.
Another line I look at in the numbers of a business plan is the line item called
salaries. If the salaries are high, I know I am looking at people who are
raising money in order to pay themselves fat salaries. I ask them if they are
willing to work for free or to cut the salaries in half. If the answer is weak or
a definite No, I know the true mission of their business. The mission of the
business is probably to provide them a job with a nice salary.
Investors invest in management. They look at the team within the proposed
business and want to see experience, passion, and commitment. It is hard for
me to believe there is a high level of commitment from people who are trying
to raise money to pay their own salaries.
A Word on Our CASHFLOW Games

Many people have asked why we did not create our educational board games
as electronic board games. One of the primary reasons is because we want to
encourage cooperative learning. In the real world, being able to cooperate
with as many people as possible and helping people without crippling them
are very important human skills.
While we may release an electronic game of CASHFLOW in the future, for
the moment, we are happy to encourage people to learn cooperativelyto
teach each otherbecause the more we teach, the more we learn. Too much
of our children's lives is already spent in isolation. They spend hours alone in
front of a computer, alone watching TV, and alone taking tests. We then
wonder why so many children are anti-social. To be successful, we all need to
learn to get along with many different types of people. For this reason,
CASHFLOW is still a board game that requires you play with other human
beings. We need to learn to operate as individuals as well as members of a
teamand we can always improve those skills.
Sharon's Notes
Robert has often mentioned that money follows management in the world
of business capital. To succeed, a business must have the proper expertise in
key areas .
When you do not have the money up front to hire the talent you need,
consider attracting the talent as members of an advisory board with the
understanding that once sufficient capital is raised, your team will come on
board. Your chance of success is much stronger if your management team has
a track record of success in the business or industry of your proposed
Your team also includes your outside advisors. Proper guidance from your
accountants, tax advisors, financial advisors, and legal counsel is imperative
for building a strong successful business. If your business is real estate, your
real estate brokers become an important part of your team. Although these
advisors can be expensive, their advice can provide you with an incredible
return on your investment by helping you structure a strong business while
avoiding pitfalls along the way.


And that leads to the next part of the B-I Triangle: leadership, because every
team needs a leader .
One reason I attended a federal military academy rather than a normal
university was that rich dad knew I needed to develop leadership skills if I
wanted to become an entrepreneur. After graduation, I went into the U .S.
Marine Corps and became a pilot to test my skills in the real world, in a place
called Vietnam. As rich dad said, School is important, but the street is a
better teacher.
I still remember the commanding officer of my squadron saying, Gentlemen,
your most important job is to ask your troops to risk their lives for you, your
team, and your country. He went on to say, If you don't inspire them to do
that, they will probably shoot you in the back. Troops do not follow a leader
who does not lead. The same thing goes on in business today and every day.
More businesses fail from the inside than from the outside.
In Vietnam, I learned that one of the most important qualities of a leader is
trust. As a helicopter pilot with a crew of four , I had to trust my life to my
team, and they had to entrust their lives with me. If that trust was ever
broken, I knew that we would probably not come back alive. Rich dad would
say, A leader 's job is to bring out the best in people, not to be the best
person. He would also say, If you are the smartest person on your business
team, your business is in trouble.
When people ask how they can gain leadership skills, I always say the same
thing: Volunteer more. In most organizations, it is hard to find people who
actually want to lead. Most people just hide in the corner hoping no one will
call on them. I tell them, At your church, volunteer to take on projects. At
work, volunteer to lead projects. Now, volunteering alone will not
necessarily make you a great leader, but if you accept the feedback and
correct yourself well, you can grow into a great leader .
Through volunteering, you can get feedback on your real-life leadership
skills. If you volunteer to lead and no one follows, you have some real-life
learning and correcting to do. If you volunteer to lead and no one follows, ask
for feedback and corrective support. Doing so is one of the greatest traits of a

leader. I see many businesses that struggle or fail because the leader will not
accept feedback from peers or the workers in the company. My squadron's
commanding officer in the Marine Corps would often say, True leaders are
not born leaders. True leaders want to be leaders and are willing to be trained
to be leaders , and training means being big enough to take corrective
A true leader also knows when to listen to others . I have said before I am not
a good businessman or investor, I am average. I rely on the advice of my
advisors and team members to help me be a better leader .
Sharon's Notes
A leader's roles are a combination of visionary, cheerleader, and pit boss.
As a visionary, the leader must keep his or her focus on the corporate
mission. As a cheerleader, he or she must inspire the team as it works
together towards that mission as well as herald the successes along the way.
As the pit boss, he or she must be able to make the tough calls regarding
issues that distract the team from achieving the mission. The unique ability to
take decisive action while maintaining focus on the ultimate mission is what
defines a true leader .
With the right mission, team, and leader you are well on your way to building
a strong B business. As I said earlier , money follows management. It is at
this point that you can start attracting money from outside investors. Five
building blocks are essential to developing a strong business . Each will be
discussed separately.



POVERTY IS A CURSE - Deuteronomy 28:16-19, 38-44



Deuteronomy 28:1-14
Outstanding success is of God
It is your covenant right
It is your redemptive right
It is your kingdom right
Success is your heritage in Christ, while failure is an abuse of



No longer does it take money to make money or vast tracts of land or
resources to become rich. No longer need friends in high places to
become rich neither does it matter where your relatives come from. It
does not matter what university you went to or the role/religion you are
part of.





By inheriting money
By marrying for money
By being cheap
By being a crook
By being lucky
By becoming a smart entrepreneur


To become a millionaire I need-:
1. To provide a lot of money for very little.
2. Find an area of business that today it is fat, bloated and inefficient.
3. Where people are dissatisfied with the current system and whose
product needs improving.




Examine yourself and your altitude
Example with David in 1 Samuel 16:18 matched with D-SWOT


1 Samuel 16:18 Then answered one of the servants and said, behold I
have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlemite that is cunning in playing and a
mighty valiant man, and a man of war, and prudent in matters and a
comely person, and the Lord is with him


The D-swot Analysis


(i) Ingenious in playing musical instruments
(ii) A mighty valiant man = courage to take major decisions.

Bravery in the face of negative circumstances.


Boldness to confront obstacles that are on your way to greatness.

Heroic feats will all lead to greatness.

(iii) David was a man of war.

Life is full of battles.

Christianity is warfare.
Warfare has to do with;

Strategic planning.

Strategic thinking.

Strategic sleeping and eating.

Strategic spending.

Strategic attitude.
(iv) David was prudent in matters
Circumspect prudent in your finances and in taking decisions in order to
avoid undesired consequences.

David was a comely person.

Fine looking person.
Gen 41:14. Joseph shaved and changed clothes



See the end from the beginning





Write a business plan.
An investment product or vehicle simply takes you from where you are
financially to where you want to be sometimes in the future financially.
That is why investing is a plan.
People are just in a hurry to make quick money. They eventually lose
time and money Instead of sticking to and following a long term plan
and investing in knowledge.
This is one thing responsible for why 95% of all small business fail in
the first five to ten years.
Your business plan will show you the break-even point.

The consciousness that you must move from the left hand side of the
quadrant to right hand side.
Study and master the B-1 triangle especially from cash flow through to
product if you are not competitive you cannot survive.
Check your attitude
Get as much experience as possible on five level of the B-1 triangle
Be optimistic as well as brutally honest with yourself
How are you at spending money
Start a business to practice on
Be willing to ask for help
Find a mentor
Join an entrepreneurship network
Be faithful to the process
Have passion (combination of love and anger)



Saving and raising fund
Agree on a location
Understand and dealing with fear








Friends and family
Private investors
Private placement memorandums (PPMS)
Venture capitalist (VCS)
Investment bankers
The ability to sell is the number one skill in business
The most important skill of the B quadrant
We all are born sales people
You have to sell something first before you can buy
Business struggling financially = leader of that business cannot sell.
Learning to sell is to overcome the loser inside of you, by bringing out
the winner.
Rejection = Success
Leaders do what most people are afraid of doing.
Develop leadership skills.
You have to be a leader to be successful in B quadrant.
Money flows to the business with the best leaders and the best
management team not best product or service.


The reasons we have billionaires who are still in their twenties is not because
they bought investments. They created investments; called business that
millions of people wants to buy.


One of the most startling differences between the rich and the poor is the kind
of world they saw. Whatever reality is about money inside of you is the
reality of money outside of you. You cannot change your outside reality until
you change your inside reality of money.
The most application of the law of cause and defect is that thoughts are
causes and conditions are effects. Your thoughts create the condition of your
life. When you change your thinking, you change your life. Your outer world
becomes a mirror-image reflection of your minor world.
Perhaps the greatest discovery in the history of thought is that you become
what you think about most of the time. Whatever the mind of a mind can
conceive and believe, it can achieve when you think about your goal
continually and work on it every day, more and more of your mental
resources will be concentrated on moving towards that goal and moving your
goal towards you.
The discipline of daily goal-setting will make you a powerful and irresistible
person. You will develop self-esteem, self-confidence and self-respect.
There are three parts of putting a business together namely:
1. Finding the right people
2. Finding the right opportunity
3. Finding the right money


Managing your business starts with having a business plan.


To farm 5 hectareswith the expectation of making 785,000 in ten months:
1. Herbicide N5000 5HCTS
2. Cost of clearing,
Harrowing andPlanting N10, 000 5HCTS
3. Harvest 2000 5HCTS
4. Transport cost per ton200 100 ton




Total direct cost


Salary 5000 10


Harvest per hectare 20tons 5hcts

100 tons







100 N10, 000

Less cost of production

Farm Insurance


Farmers personal insurance




A goal is a set of things you have set out to achieve within a given period


1. DECIDE EXACTLY WHAT YOU WANT: Be specific e.g. to increase
income, decide on the specific amount of money rather than to just make
more money.
2. WRITE IT DOWN: A goal that is not in writing is like cigarette smoke.
3. SET A DEADLINE FOR YOUR GOAL: Pick a reasonable time period
and write down the date you want to achieve it. There are no unrealistic
goals, there are only unrealistic deadlines.
a. Remember, when you set your goal, it will be within the context of a
certain set of external circumstances. But these circumstances may
change, causing you to change your deadline as well.
a. Make a list of all the obstacles and difficulties that you will have to
overcome, both external and internal, in order to achieve your goal.
b. Make a list of the additional knowledge and skills that you will need
in order to achieve your goal.
c. Make a list of the people whose cooperation and support you will
require to achieve your goal.
d. Make a list of everything that you can think of that you will have to
do, and then add to this your list new task and responsibilities that
occur to you. Keep writing until your list is complete.
list of activities organised by sequence and priority requires that you
decide what you need to do first, second and what you need to do later.
And which is more important and which is less important. This means
developing a business plan, based on complete market research.
the second step and then the third.
DIRECTION OF YOUR MAJOR GOAL: This is the key step that will
guarantee your success. Do something 7 days a week, 365 days a year.
This is one of the most powerful goal achieving methods I have discovered.


1. Take a clean sheet of paper, at the top of the page write GOAL and
todays date.
2. Discipline yourself to write down ten (10) goals that you will like to
accomplish in the next (12) months. The exercise requires that you write
down a minimum of ten (10) within 3-5 minutes.
3. SELECT ONE GOAL. Identify the goal if achieved, would help you to
achieve more of your other goals than anything else. Now imagine that
you have a magic wand that you wave that will enable you this goal
within (24) twenty four hours.
4. Write this goal at the top of a clean sheet of paper. This goal then
becomes your MASTER DEFINITE PURPOSE. It becomes your focal
point and the organising principle of your future activities.
5. MAKE A PLAN. Once you have written out this goal clearly and
specifically, and made it measurable set a deadline on your goal
attainment. Make a list of everything that you can think of that you could
do to achieve your goal.
technique you can use to dramatically increase the likelihood that you
will achieve your most important goal. This is the most powerful creative
thinking technique that I have ever seen
FORM. Here, take a clean sheet of paper, write out your major definite
purpose at the top of a paper in the form of a question. Then discipline
yourself to write a minimum of (20) twenty answers to the question e.g.
how can I earn Nxxxx by 30th June 2013.
1- The first 3-5 answers will be easy
2- The next 5 will be different
3- The next 10 will be harder than you can imagine
Nonetheless, you must exert your discipline and will power to persist until
you have written down at least (20) twenty answers, look over your list and
select one of those answers to take action. On a single idea on your list, it
triggers more ideas and motivates you to take action on a single idea on your
list. It triggers more idea and motivates you to take action on even more of
these answers.

There are three classifications of problems:
1. Direct Problem
2. Indirect Problem
3. No Control






1. Take time to define the problem clearly what exactly is the problem?
2. Ask is it really a problem? If you cannot do anything about it, they are
not problems but merely facts of life. It could be an opportunity in
3. What else is the problem? Beware of any problem for which there is only
one definition.
4. How did this problem occur? Seek to understand the cause of the
problem, so that you ensure that it does not happen again.
5. Ask what the possible solutions are. The more possible solutions you
develop, the more likely you will come up with the right one.
6. Ask what the best solution is at this time.
7. Make a decision select a solution, any solution and then decide on a
course of action. Always ask, what is our action, what are we going to
do now.
8. Assign responsibilities who exactly are going to carry out the solution
or the different element of the solution?
9. Set a measure for the decision. What are you trying to accomplish with
this decision and who will measure results? How will you know that it



Statistics shows that 90% of all new businesses fail within the first five years
and the 10% that survive the first five years fail before their 10 th anniversary
for the following reasons:
1. Our schools train students to be employee who look for jobs rather than
train entrepreneurs who create jobs and business.
2. Different skills are required. The skills to be a good employee are not the
same skills required to be a good entrepreneur.
3. Many quit out of exhaustion. Many entrepreneurs work longer hours and
are paid less per hour than their employee. Hence, many quit out of
4. Failure to build a business. Many entrepreneurs fail to build a business.
Instead they work hard building a job that they own. They become self
employed rather than being business owners.
5. Lack of enough capital and real life experience. Many new entrepreneurs
start without enough real life experience and without enough capital,
Having a great product or service without business skills. Many
entrepreneurs have a great product or service but dont have the business
skill to build a successful business around that product or service.
Understanding cash flow and cash management is an absolute necessity for
any entrepreneur or business owner. Ultimately, the entrepreneur is
responsible for the bottom line. Starting a business almost always cost more
than an entrepreneur expects.
What are your sources of cash?
How much money are you investing?
How much investor money are you intending to raise?
Are you borrowing money to start a business?
Do you have a joint venture partner willing to produce the products with
their money and resources for a share of the profit?

Will your customer pay at the time of sale? Or do you need to extend
If you need to extend credit to your customer, how long will it take to
collect on your receivables?
What level of bad debts should you expect from your customers?
How many production circles will it take before you start seeing positive
cash flow?
Can you license your product to other companies that are in different
industries, so they dont compete with you, and collect royalty payment?
Can you license your product to other companies that are in different
geographical territories, so they dont compete with you and collect
royalty payment?

Do you have an idea for a product

Do you protect your product
Do you plan the business around the idea or product
Do you need to pay your advisors for their consultation
Do you need to build a prototype
Do you need to find your sources of goods, your suppliers
Do you need an office? A warehouse? A vehicle?
What kind of office supplies do you need?
What kind of office equipment do you need? Computers? Copiers?
How long will it take for you to produce your goods?
How many employees will you need, at what pay levels, at what stage of
How much salary do you and your team require during the initial stage of
How much money will you need, and when will you need it, and when
will you need it to produce the goods?
How will you package your product?
How much will it cost?

How will promote your product?

Will you create a website?
Do you have credit-card processing set up for your customers orders?
How much will your marketing materials cost?
Where will you store your inventory?
How much will it cost to get the inventory to your warehouse?
How long is the production cycle to replenish your inventory?
How will you take orders?
How will you ship orders?
What type of insurance do you need? How much will the insurance cost?
How will you process returns of your products?
How will you handle customer service related to your product?
If you have debt, how much interest or debt service will you owe?
How many production cycles will you go through before you start seeing
collections on your sales cycles?


I know these questions can be overwhelming, but they are necessary for any
serious entrepreneur to consider. A potential investor will want to see the
answers to these questions thoroughly examined and planned for in
determining cash needs of the business as an integral part of the business
plan. This is where an excellent accountant will be invaluable in helping you
create the plan for your cash requirements.
I have seen many businesses enter crisis mode because they did not properly
plan for the time lag between the production expenses of their product and
the collection of receivables from their customers.
In one of the electronic childrens book companies I ran, this time lag was
over 14 months, because we had to pay for the production of an electronic
component that took six months to build. It took another two months to ship
the product from Asia to the United States and six months more to sell and
collect on sales. Having a fourteen-to-sixteen month cash cycle was
extremely challenging and the cash cycle had to be monitored constantly.

Delay in any of the cycles could result in a cash crisis. We worked diligently
with our suppliers and to shorten the cycle wherever possible.

To sustain your business the following are required

Constant training
Knowing what your competitors are doing
Research and development
The process is more important than the goal
Take responsibility for every outcome
Manage your cash flow
Grow your capacity utilisation to maximum
Reward workers
Stock taking and monitoring




Prevention, PC activities
Pressing problems
Relationship building
Deadline-driven projects
Recognizing new opportunities
Planning, recreation
Interruptions, some calls
Trivia, busy work
Some mail, some reports
Some mail
Some meetings
Some phone calls
pressing Time wasters
Pleasant activities
Popular activities




AMUST DO, serious consequences for non-completion.
BSHOULD DO mild consequences for doing or not doing.
CNICE TO DO, no consequences whether you do it or not.
DDELEGATE, everything you possibly can to free up more time for
those things that only you can do.
EELIMINATE, discontinue all tasks and activities that are no longer
essential to your work and to achieving your goals.
GOLDEN RULENever do a B task when you have an A task left undone.





Church welfare in partnership with Imokhai Farmers Initiative.
Who is Imokhai Farmers Initiative
Mobilise savings from members of the church
Funds from the NGO
Linkage to RUFIN fund
The SME fund
The donors fund
Financial institutions
The proposed NGO trust fund
3. THE
Organising willing members into a group
Mentoring of the group to meet international standard and best parties
Research and expand of existing businesses
Introduction of new businesses
Linkage to market
Monitoring and evaluation

Setting parameter for determining success



(i) Galatians 3:13
(ii) Galatians 3:14
(iii) Genesis 2:17
(iv) Genesis 3:22-24
(v) Roman 8:2
(vi) Galatians 3:29

1. Name______________________________________________________
2. Phone
3. Email______________________________________________________
4. Sex :

5. Are you a member of Chosen Vessel Parish?

6. Will you be willing to assist the church to empower others
7. Will you be willing to save with the church platform?
8. If
9. Will you want to join the kingdom entrepreneur class?
10. Monitoring and evaluation
i. Do you want only the Pastors and Ministers to be involved?
ii. Do you want the whole church to be involved?
11. The name of the church group shall be Chosen Vessel Group
Do you agree?
Suggest any other name
12. In your own opinion, suggest a way you can assist the welfare/NGO to
implement its program


1. Agriculture and its value chain:
Cassava/maize farming
Grass cutter farming

Fish farming
Honey farming
Modern poultry and turkey farming
Aloe Vera farming and processing
Mixed pineapple and palm plantation
Gum Arabic farming and processing
Groundnut farming
Soya beans
Cattle, goat sheep rearing
Tomatoes and pepper

2. Import and export businesses

3. The maritime sector
4. Cottage industries
Laterite brick production
Polythene shopping bag production
Dry ginger and pepper processing and exporting
Saw dust production and management
Toilet roll and tissue paper production
Cassava starch, flour, chips, pellets etc.
Soap production and management
Transportation business
Waste management
Rental services
Stocks building and trading
Trading on the NGO network product
Charcoal production
Tropical health packaging

Vegetable health production

a. CASSAVA FLOUR: The total demand for cassava flour is 258 billion
naira per annum and its growing at 2.5% per annum.
b. CASSAVA LEAVES: A ton of cassava leaves sells for 100 US dollar per
c. STARCH: The total starch demands is 45million tons per annum and its
growing at 5% per annum.
(The total markets demand for cassava and its bye products according to
the World Bank, are valued over 100 billion)
d. FISH: The federal government spends 28 million US dollars on fish
e. ETHANOL: The demand is about 4.2 billion litres per annum and it is
growing at 6% per annum. A study by the USA north western universitys
Kellogg school of management in conjunction with SJH Company
termed Agriculture farmers and rural communities found the following
for establishing 60,000 litres per day Ethanol valued at 7 million dollars.
During ethanol construction, approximately 370 jobs were created.
During ethanol plant operation, up to 4,000 local jobs were created.
Ethanol plant operation creates 47 million dollars to 100 million dollars
in additional income.
Tax revenue for local and state government will increase by at least 1.2
million per year.
In 2003, 32 of the USAs 72 ethanol plants were farmer owned.

In 2004, 15 ethanol plants under construction, 12 were farmer driven

projects. Taken as a whole, farmer owned ethanol cooperatives represent
the single largest producer of ethanol in USA with 40% of the nations
ethanol production.
Farmers who invested 20,000 US dollars in local ethanol plant receive an
average 13.3
Mobilise savings from members of the church
Funds from the NGO
Linkage to RUFIN fund
The SME fund
The donors fund
Financial institutions
The proposed NGO trust fund
Organising willing members into a group
Mentoring of the group to meet international standard and best practise
Research and expand existing businesses
Introduction of new businesses
Linkage to market
Monitoring and evaluation
Setting parameter for determining success
Relocating mentored members to Farm settlement

Agriculture and its value chain

Grass cutter farming
Fish farming
Honey farming
Modern poultry and turkey farming
Aloe Vera farming and processing
Mixed pineapple and palm plantation
Gum Arabic farming and processing
Groundnut farming
Soya beans
Cattle, goat sheep rearing
Tomatoes and pepper
Import and export businesses
The manufacturing sector(SME)
The maritime sector
ICT sector
Distributing Trade

Oil and Gas

Supermarket and Pharmaceutical
Cottage industries
Laterite brick production
Polythene shopping bag production
Dry ginger and pepper processing and exporting
Saw dust production and management
Toilet roll and tissue paper production
Cassava starch, flour, chips, pellets etc.
Soap production and management
Transportation business
Waste management
Rental services
Stocks building and trading
Trading on the NGO network product
Charcoal production
Tropical health packaging
Vegetable health production
CASSAVA FLOUR: The total demand for cassava flour is 258 billion naira
per annum and its growing at 2.5% per annum.
CASSAVA LEAVES: A ton of cassava leaves sells for 100 US dollar per ton.

STARCH: The total starch demands is 45million tons per annum and its
growing at 5% per annum.
(The total markets demand for cassava and its bye products according to the
World Bank, are valued over 100 billion)
FISH: The federal government spends 28 million US dollars on fish
ETHANOL: The demand is about 4.2 billion litres per annum and it is
growing at 6% per annum. A study by the USA north western universitys
Kellogg school of management in conjunction with SJH Company termed
Agriculture farmers and rural communities found the following for
establishing 60,000 litres per day Ethanol valued at 7 million dollars.
During ethanol construction, approximately 370 jobs were created.
During ethanol plant operation, up to 4,000 local jobs were created.
Ethanol plant operation creates 47 million dollars to 100 million dollars in
additional income.
Tax revenue for local and state government will increase by at least 1.2
million per year.
In 2003, 32 of the USAs 72 ethanol plants were farmer owned.
In 2004, 15 ethanol plants under construction, 12 were farmer driven projects.
Taken as a whole, farmer owned ethanol cooperatives


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