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Life makes us all expect something or onother from it, as soon as our day starts
we start expecting that today somethings great gonna happen with us, no one
wants a day to get started with some bad experience or with any bad news. We
like happiness so much, that the reduction in its quantity makes us realize that
how much we are addicted towards it, it is however not a bad thing to be happy
always, but if a person knows how to face challanges, then he could easily
handle the burden of his hard time. I was sleeping in my peace when my alarm
woke me up, I saw the time it was one in the eve and my first lecture was about
to get started, so I quickly got ready and took my wallet, phone and ofcourse my
car keys also and so I went straight rushing towards the college, I reached the
college twenty minutes late, asked the sir please may I come in? to which I got
a reply no you are so late I wont allow you, try in next lecture and so I quietly
closed the door, and went in anger towards the canteen, the canteen was so
quiet no one was making noise in there, then I realised that it was because no
one was there as it was lecture time, and mostly the people in this college do not
like to miss the lectures, and all are not like me who keep getting late for the
lectures. So I was sitting quietly in the canteen, smoking my cigarette when I saw
a boy came up and asked for a lighter, I gave him and so he began to smoke with
me only, so he introduced himself by saying, his name Vivan I said hey I am
ritwik, he was also in the other section, he also got late to the class and the
teacher did not allowed him in, so we were making fun of the teachers,
suggesting our own timings for the college, it was quite funny situation, the
canteen incharge was watching us, after some time the time passed by and the
lecture was over and I could now go inside the class and sit. Riyana was already
in by looking at her face I got the idea that maybe she was waiting for me, and
so I went in at sat beside her so that it wont look a bit rude to her, she said how
are you?, where were you busy yesterday mr?, I said nowhere I was free, just
phone was upstairs and I was down before she colud say anything else I asked
her what about the previous lecture which turned out the whole topic only, the
whole day we both were studying in the class, I was really interested in studying
not really just to show her so that she does not talk much with me, as you all
already know that how bad I am in studies. after college was over I said her bye
and went to my home. Likewise the days were passing and we both were talking
much I dont wanted, but was not having any other choice about that. Our
college was conducting an educational trip to manali which was of two days so I
went on the trip and so did riyana, we were both listening to music in the bus It
was six to seven hours journey and I was really exoted, So we reached there and
I decided to pay attention on what ever would be thaught in the trip. I dont
know why was I planning to become such a studious person, I was never
interested in studies earlier, but because of this girl somehow my thoughts were
changing and I was thinking a lot in my mind, so manali is a nice place, talking
about the hostel in which we had to stay was a nice one, not as nice as my room
is, but it was good one. We were asked many questions about the business line
by the incharge of the programme, all the studious people were giving answers
and I was sitting quietly listening to what others were saying, however I did not

got even a single word of it because it was all related to studies, well studies
apart, the food here was very good it was really fresh and smell was coming so
good from it that a person could tell orally that the food must be nice and
delicious, and so it was really tasty and I enjoyed that, after food I got my
favourite ice cream in the desert. Our trip was a success we were learning a lot
of things about the real life of an entrepreneur and we were learning how
decisions are to be taken in the business world and how to kill the emotion of
your inside and stay focus on the business world. Finally as every thing is not a
permanent one & so was our trip also as it came to an end, and we all were
going back again sitting in the bus, everyone was talking about this short
experience, they all were having now new ideas with them about how to succeed
in the business, how to make profits and how to expand the business, everyone
was looking the same as they were earlier just the inner ideas within them were
making them feel in a different way, and so all were confident, and I had learnt
many new ideas but was not sure on how to use them. So shimla was back, and
new experiences were inside all of us. After reaching back we were all tired and
so we went back to our homes, the next morning I came Riyana was dressed
very nicely and was looking with a smile towards me, she was wearing a white
top and a black over coat, and jeans which was black in colour, her hair were
properly combed and were looking nice, she was wearing a locket which was not
of not of gold or of diamond but a normal stone and was looking nice on her, I sat
down beside her only, and she said today is her birthday. I got that she must
have got dressed up for the occasion only, then I quickly wished her and said if
she would have informed me about then we both could have gone out for the
celebration, but she said that she dont like to make a big party scene on her
birthday, but she would love if I would go out with her in the evening time, I
thaught it was a good idea to go out with her, as it was her birthday, so it was no
harm in making it a special day for her, so after the class got over we went
roaming in the roads as she said that she wanted to walk, I very secretly
ordered a cake near my car and planned to give it to her when we would be
going back to home, there was no one on the road, the road was empty as it was
far off from the main city, it would look a scary place in the night as there was
forest on the side of the road, we were smoking, she was telling me about her
parents how they died, she said she was twelve years old and it was her birthday
on the next day her mom & dad thaught to go to mussorie to riyanas sister
house, her sister had job there and she took a flat there as she do not wanted to
go daily back to dehradun. They all lived in dehradun so it was just a one hour
drive between both the places and so after the dinner they were all set, it was
ten in the night, they started the car and were travelling across the hills of
dehradun when they saw an man with red eyes, he would have been dead on
the spot if Riyanas father would have not stopped the car by applying brakes,
the man got disappeared like the smoke of the cigarette, they stopped the car
successfully but it became unbalanced as the car was in quite fast speed, so the
car was eventually on the edge of the hill, and her mother opened her door to
get out of the car, as she did so she realized that there was no floor to stand on
and it was air, and she fell down from the hills her dad knew he should not do the
same, he thaught to save riyana first and so he very carefully made riyana out of

the car and she was saved, and then he tried to go on the backseat where riyana
was seating as he could easily make himself safe from there as it was back side
so possibility was more to get safely out, but unluckily as sat down on the back
seat, the whole car got turned down and he also died with her mom, seeing all
this happen riyana shouted loudly due to which one policeman came and
rescued her from there and safely made her reach to her sisters house in
mussorie. Her sister cried a lot as soon as she heard of what all had happened,
but she had to behave elderly as she had Riyanas responsibility upon her, she
made her study gave her whatever she wanted never let her to feel lonely. She
told me that since all this happened a day prior to my birthday so I am never
interested in making a special rocking birthday, but just like to roam around and
spend time with the people whom I like she did not liked the party stuff and all
the loudness. I then understood after hearing all this from her that why she
wanted to celebrate her birthday like this with me, after we both became tired of
walking in these roads we decided to rest for some time on the big stone which
was kept on the corner of the road, it was so big that we both were able to sit
down on it very comfortabaly. She was looking really beautiful today I realized as
I was constantly looking onto her, I was seriously staring at her for some time
and she could not realise that as she was very tired and was taking rest I saw
one of her hair was falling in her eyes and was troubling her and so I just
removed it for her and put it at back of her head, she was looking at me and
smiling, and I thaught that I was inviting a trouble for myself, so I just got up and
said its going to be dark in some time Riyana, lets leave. We were going back
towards my car I said that I want her to come with me towards the car, as she
came I called the shop, its owner knew my dad luckily so he was waiting for my
instructions about when to come, he brought the cake and said that he would
take the money tomorrow from my house, after looking at the cake she was so
surprised and touched that she was about to cry and she hugged me, and I said
its fine let us have the cake now and so we were eating the cake it was really
delicious, we enjoyed alot on her special day. A person when is born has to die
after sometime irrespective of the fact that he is good person for the society or a
bad person and so in the same way a day even if is well started needs an end
and so the day was over but its memories is still in our minds and would be with
us only till the time of our death.

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