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celebrating the spirit within



color of


We are the
definition of






celebrating the spirit within

Create in me a clean
heart, O God, and
renew a right spirit
within me.
Psalm 51:10

Editor's Note
Dear Confident Woman
This issue of Women's Frontline
Magazine is definetly for you. Isn't
it wonderful to have the ability to
tap into your confidence you were
born with! You came out with
confidence from the womb as you
announced your arrival to the
Over the years, you have learnt to
build your confidence as you have
adapted to your world. You have
recognised your strengths and
weaknesses and are comfortable
being who you are.
Your confidence is a process and
as you continue to rest in it, you
will begin to fall in love with
being who you are.
Enjoy the articles we have put
together for you as you continue
on your journey of self discovery.

With God all things are possible


the confident woman
women's frontline

Hallo Readers!
I am excited and expectant of what the
Lord has in store for us . I hope you have
opened up your hearts to let the Holy
Spirit come in and do a new work in you,
as he transforms you and equips you to
advance his kingdom.
Are we ready to be transformed?
That is the question we need to ask
ourselves and be true to that. As we
begin to proclaim his name, more
territory will be won. Our biggest weapon
being prayer and worshipping him
through the storms. The Lord has
promised to show up wherever His name
is being proclaimed.

As the calamities of this world

increase, I believe that God is
pouring his Spirit to everyone and
anyone who dares to recieve him.
Then there will be more healings,
miracles, deliverance and souls
being rescued from the very gates
of hell.
It is a time to rebuid the altar of
prayer and worship, preaching the
repentence and forgiveness of sin
through the shed blod of Jesus. As
the Lord opens our eyes, we will
begin to see clearly as he reveals
every deception and false
doctrine. God wants us to press
on with his agenda, and this is
your time to say say, 'Yes, Lord!'

Elijah was raised up to rebuild the altar
because man had broken their covenant
with God.
There is so much going on all over the
world. Is it due to the fact that man has
again broken their covenant with God?
God is a covenant keeping God and he
has never broken his covenant with
Elijah confronted Ahab, the king of
Israel. He also confronted the false
priests and prophets of Jezebel that had
led the people astray. In the bible, we
read that Elijah restored the altar of God

This is what needs to happen in every

family, church, city and nation. God is
raising up Elijahs in every nation, who
love God and His Church. They are not
afraid to risk their lives to restore man's
covenant with God. The altar has been
defiled and through repentance, sins
can be cleansed and made whole again.
The Cross and shed blood of Jesus must
be preached.
An altar is a place of sacrifice. It is a
meeting place with God. I pray that you
rebuild the altar in your life and begin to
see the power of the Cross work mightily
on your behalf.

Hildah Lunding
Founder and publisher of Women's
Frontline Magazine. Hildah has a passion
for sharing God's word through writing
and encourage the Body of Christ to
begin to put thier life into words.
'' God has created us with our uniqueness
and together we can create an
atmosphere of Kingdom writers to
minister and uplift each other in a time
where most voices are silent.''

The theme for this issue is called The
Confident Woman. I have asked our
writers to share their thoughts on
this topic.
I believe that confidence comes
when you know that you are loved
and cherished by someone. Every
time I think of John 3:1, it boosts my
confidence, knowing that I have a
Father who loves me above all else.

We hope you enjoy the last issue of

our magazine for 2015.
The new release will be out in
January 2016. Abundant blessings
for the Christmas season and the
coming new year.

There are many versions of the

confient woman out there, but to me,
a confident woman is one who rests
and depends on God.

women's frontline

Generating a
culuture of





4 Editor's note
The Confident Woman
6 Hildah Lunding
Rebuilding the Altar


12 Meet the writers

16 Mary Eisenacher
The Confident Woman

30 Interview
Louise Des Bordes

20 Kudzie G. Phiri
Alabastar Box

38 Shelly Wilson
The Border

26 Rebekah Chamblee
Dont be comfortable in your
own strength

42 Shelly Wilson
In the breaking

28 Rebekah Chamblee
Hard Times

44 Shelly Wilson
The color of sadness




70 Hildah Lunding
Dear Jesus Devotion

48 Theresa Lawrence
When I think of a confident woman

Shumirai Tsitsi Mazombe

Wait and you shall enjoy

74 Pearl Dua
Woman, be confident!
78 Chantal Norbi Scott
Is it possible to have a mid
life crisis in your 20's?

58 Constance Cooper
We are the definition of Confidence

84 Joy Jallah
Being the Confident woman

66 Sandra Mtandabari
Diamonds & Pearls Devotion
The confident woman

86 Yolanda Sherman
What does it mean to be a
confident woman?

Meet our W
inside the







is a minister, author and song writer, and Founder of Call
of the Wild Ministries, Inc. - an Apostolic Revivalist
Ministry with the Mission: Helping Others Answer Gods
Call. Her mandate is to help others get prepared for The
Great Commission. She is a speaker and minister,
intercessor, worship leader, and modern-day psalmist
who has the ability to bring others into the throne room.
Through the ministry of the Holy Spirit, she creates an
atmosphere where the apostolic/prophetic word can come
forth to heal, mend, and soothe.


Kudzie G Phiri (KGP)

is a multi-talented prophetic voice in song. She felt
the call for ministry at the tender age of four and
has ever since sought to understand the extent of
the call. She dabbled in different fields until the call
for music ministry became too strong to ignore. She
has a dynamic, creative and innovative musical
mind and has astute sense and comprehension of
the art of music. Kudzie G Phiri has developed a
vocal training program titled, 'Do you understand
what you are singing?'. This program not only aims
at equipping the singer in the technicalities of
working the 'gift' and art of presentation but also in
the role the 'spirit' plays in music.


by Mary Eisenacher

Bold and explosive! A mirror of the

ministry of Jesus comes right out of the
character of Jehovah God, emblazoned
with the fire around the throne. As I
look into those fiery eyes, my
confidence is His confidence.
Has that always been the case? No! Am
I always flawless in my confidence? No!
But, do I know - without a shadow of a
doubt - that my confidence and
strength comes from God! A resounding
Yes! comes to mind.

While journeying through the highs and

lows of life, there have been many times
when I could feel my confidence waning.
A check with what The Word claims and
some prayer and worship usually fortified
me. So, I take very little credit on my own
in this regard; however, I know that God
needs a willing vessel to carry these traits
of confidence and strength. Have I ever
been high jacked by the enemy? Of
course I have. Havent you? Sometimes it
took someone else to point it out . . . and
thereby point the way back on the right

I am so confident in the blood of Jesus shed

on the Cross to change any dynamic that I
bring to The Father. The covenant that Jesus
made for us by His finished work on the cross,
his death, burial and resurrection, and His
ascent to our Father has changed all those
who have received Him as Savior. And yet, we
see the lack of confidence and strength in so
many women that seizes and cripples their
Personally, I want to be strong in the Lord at
every turn. I want to lean on Him when I need
to do so. When I get into the wilderness, I
want to come out leaning on my beloved
Jesus. In the really good times when Ive been
blessed beyond measure, I want to be so
grateful and thankful so as not to miss the
blessing of being able to come back to God
with my praise - as well as speak to others
with my

Is there a reason for

all of this strength
and confidence? Yes
indeed, there are
many reasons that I
proclaim it is so. It is
all because Ive been
through some things.
I have lived long
exercised faith on so
many occasions, and
seen the hand of God
move on my behalf
and others . . . that
I am convinced that
nothing can keep me
from the love of God.
He is faithful. He is
just. He is merciful.
Being a woman in
this day and age still
has some very severe
especially for those
of us in ministry. But,
Ive stood in the
presence of others,
been ordained and
consecrated, and set
apart for Him. Ive
pledged my love to
God. And, Ive never
been sorry. I believe
there is a confidence
and strength that
comes in a public
confession to want to
be Gods minister.
For those who think
that is not necessary,
let me know how that
might be working for

There is power in having

someone see your
giftings and talents and
having them stand with and
for you before God to that
testify to that fact. Now,
some of you arent in the
profession of ministry but
you too have those who
have or will testify about
your benefit to some type of
work or calling. If youve
ever received a paycheck,
then you have someones
approval. Right?

the steps of the righteous;

and therefore I can trust Him
with my future.

Sometimes there is
hesitation, procrastination,
and fear (if I really want to
be honest). There are times
when I have to pray and fast
in order to have
breakthrough. Many times, I
need someone else to pray
for me, prophesy to me, or
give me wisdom in the area
of need. I know I cant do it
all on my own, and that is ok.
My strength comes in
There is a confidence in
knowing who I am and what knowing that God has
purpose for my life has been sources here on Earth to help
fashioned by God.
us, as well as His
Knowing that each person
supernatural sources.
has a plan, purpose, and
destiny for their life helped Gods track record with me is
to shape and transform
one of perfectness. Did I
my thinking. As I look back, I always understand His ways?
see the hand of God molding What do you think? There is
and shaping me for what I do always more of God. His
today. The past was a
protection and His plan of
formation for what I am
perfection can be counted
doing now. There is a
on to all those who avail
confidence when you
themselves. Again, its so
hammer out these things in worth it! Happiness comes in
prayer. It is as if God wants
the process, because
to etch it out on stone for
mistakes are corrected and
each of us so that we know
healing and deliverance are
the whys and wherefores.
part of the package deal.
Ive come to know that the
more serious I become
about approaching God and
showing Him that I am
interested to know His will
for my life, the more
revelation and
understanding comes to
me. Do I know it all? No! But,
I do know that God orders



I find strength and confidence in fellowship with likeminded Christ followers. They come and go. Sometimes
they pop back into my life quickly and bring what is
needed. Some leave and move on. New ones come on
the horizon frequently, both for a quick in and out - and
some stay for a while. Only a few remain constant. It
always amazes me - and sometimes confounds me when I see it could only be the prompting from the
Holy Spirit who orchestrates Spirit fellowship.

by Mary Eisenacher

Im one of the blessed ones who has had a happy

long-term marriage with children and now their
families. Theres a quiet confidence in that fact,
knowing that God has kept the covenant with us.
Iknow not everyone has this blessing, so it
makes me humble and compassionate toward
others who have another scenario. Gods
purposes are beyond my understanding, and I
can be content with that.

I suppose my testimony is that

I am confident through God,
and His strength is what I
need and require.
I praise Him for His goodness
and seek His face for all that I
need no matter what my
circumstances. I smile when I
see a strong, confident
woman. I also know she has
had times when she has been
challenged just like myself. It
is really through the good and
the bad times that we get
shored up to face
the day and all that comes
with it. I choose to be

encouraged, and I am sure that

I need to encourage myself.
Our God is mighty! Its through
His love that you and I
continue on down the path to
run the good race to


necessarily opening the realms of

the glory of God. You find that you
have more of an emotional
connection with a song rather than a
Godly spiritual connection. Think
about it
In one of our practice sessions with
my team, the Holy Spirit said, Each
time that you minister a song you
have to be expectant to have a
Growing up I used to think that
singers or worship leaders role was different experience because the
moment you try and recreate the
merely to sing and perhaps take
people into the presence of people same encounter you are messing
with what the Father desires to
without the instruction of the Holy
Spirit is only good in the eyes of the release and ultimately what He
one that compiled it. A sincere heart wants from you. I found this to be
true because in my years of being a
without yielding to the Holy Spirit
worship leader there were songs
does not release the manifest
that I found released a great glory
presence of God. In fact when you
rely on your ability to come up with atmosphere and I expected the
a good song selection and having a same effect every time, till I realized
it wasnt in the song per say, its in
sincere heart, you fall prey to your
the Father. I learnt that the more I
own feelings. What do I mean?
yielded to the Spirit and followed
There are songs that mean
His direction the more I had a new
something to us, that take us to an
fresh glory experience.
emotional climax whilst not


'' A sincere
yielding to
the Holy
Spirit does
not release
the manifest
presence of
God. ''


women's frontline magazine

Now in learning all this I

also realized that most
people never get to
experience the glory
realm. Why? Its not
accessible by human
calculations or
endeavors. If all you are
concerned with is
moving a crowd;
recreating your desired
atmosphere and having
goose bum moments;
that is all you will ever
achieve. Sadly most
times this is an outer
court experience. Why
do I say this? Most
times what you then
offer as Praise is not
Praise. You offer to God
that which is pleasing

before you and not

palatable to Him so it
never gets you beyond
the outer court. Thus
you find people trying
to fake all forms of God
The truth is God never
intended for
worshippers to have a
hard time breaking the
alabaster box, or
getting into the glory
realms. In fact it is His
desire for you to
commune with Him on
that Spirit to Spirit
level. He gave you all
you need to enter that
realm; all you have to
do is to follow His heart
in Praise and Worship

by Kudzie G. Phiri

and watch as the glory

realm becomes open to
you. So worshipper,
hush; be still and listen.
Once you have heard be
sure to do everything as
you are instructed, even
if it feels
uncomfortable, be
obedient. The more you
are obedient, the more
you will learn and the
more you will be able
to unlock. However, no
matter how much you
think you are able to
unlock, Worshippers
remember it all is unto
the King!


Rejuvinate your spirit and

be confident as the Spirit of
the Lord takes you to greater



contributing writers

I was born in California in 1998. My family got a
calling to go to Virginia two years later. We planted
a church in West Virginia, right on the border of
Virginia. Then God lead us to eventually have a
church in the middle of Capon Bridge, WV. I have two
loving parents/pastors, an older sister and three
pets. My family loves it here in West Virginia, and
doesnt want to move back anytime soon. Wherever
God leads we will go.

Writing was never intentional.

After the Lord came for me, I
simply began to blog my
longing for Him, my joy in Him,
and my daily ponderings and
lessons from my time with Him.
I have fallen in love with
writing. Writing of His
tenderness and the beautiful
ways He speaks to me. The fun
loving ways He shows His
nature and names..Elohim..El
RoiAdonai. I have learned
whether through songs, poetry,
or stories, He has a message for
us if we are listening. A song is
a sermon set to a melodic
outpouring. A poem can be the
means He delivers a rebuke but
with loving mercy. A story can
be a mere parable likened to the
ones we read in His Word. A
prophetic utterance can be
ushered in from His heart
through pen and paperas with
Paul and others in the Bible. He
still speaks to His people today..
this has never changed.
wish I could tell you I can
simply sit down to write at
anytime, or on any subject. Yet,
it is not His way with me. I have
to wait for Him to plant the seed
in my heart. Sometimes its a
single word or topic.

Shelly Wilson

His Spirit within me leaps,

pricks, or lingers as a thought
when He is stirring something
in my heart. Many times its a
Word for His church calling us
back to Himself in repentance.
Sometimes even a
warningregardless my heart
is to obey when He says arise.
Through writing He has birthed
publications and books to
strengthen the brethren,
encourage us towards destiny,
and speak truth in a world
quickly turning from the
Father. If we dare to spend
valuable time with Him we will
heart His heart. His heart as it
rejoices and His heart as it
weeps. For He resides in us. He
longs for us to know Him well
and to love Him deeply.

by Rebekah Chamblee

For the longest time I

thought I was standing
strong in the Lord. I
followed every step
that a Christian takes to
become one of His
followers, except for
asking Him for help. So
I went into many
situations without
asking God if I could go
into them with His help.
I made many mistakes
that way. I thought I
had God on my side in
everything I did, even
though I hadnt listened
for His advice or asked
Him for it. I became
prideful in what I could
do, my strength.

But where did that get me? I am lonely

doing school in my room all day, shutting
everyone I know and care about out of my
life. Sure I say hi to everyone now and
then, but its all because I thought I could
be strong by myself. Luckily I have had
many lessons due to my predicament, and
I know that even with a group of people to
be there, it still isnt enough. So I sit in my
room, thinking and doing schoolwork.
Never thinking that all I have to do is ask
God for His strength to get my life back
and do His will. He never wanted me to be
isolated. In fact I even blamed Him for my
situation. He was the one trying to push
me out of my room every day. Sending
one person each day, to get me out of my
At first no one came, because no one saw
it as a problem. But after a few months,
my sister, my mother, my best friend, my
dad, other friends started talking to me
even though I didnt want to talk. I started
thinking bad things about my friends and
family because they kept breaking my
bubble. Then I got a kitty, and I had to
open my door every now and then. And
my sister kept telling me about her day,
and what she did with her friend. (theres
the jealousy coming in) I did my best to
shut her out without hurting her. It felt
like gently pushing a huge wave away.
My best friend started talking to me
about a video game. Every day. I love the
game, just not the way he likes it. So next
thing I know, I became a Minecraft expert.
(Building community video game) My
talents are now being strengthened by my
friends. God is giving me the tools to be
strong enough to see that I need help.


women's frontline
A friend that I had a long time ago
came to my town to visit me. She has
the prettiest voice you could ever
hear. Just seeing her courage that
she had lifted my spirits. She was the
top in her music class and she
actually performed on stage for
hundreds. (maybe thousands, I dont
really know) I remember that she
couldnt sing just a few years ago,
and now that she has taken that step
her talent has been revealed to the


My sister and mother decided to get

a game that required dancing. I
joined in halfheartedly and I found
that the music actually spoke to me. I
didnt know I could dance that well,
but apparently it runs in the family. I
am still a bit shy to dance in front of
other people, but I love to do it when
no one else is around except for God.

So now I am still in my room, doing

schoolwork, but now I can sing, write,
Another friend that lives nearby,
dance and actually feel good about
but we dont speak a lot, writes. She myself for once. Now I have the group
writes about more realistic fiction,
of friends that I needed a couple years
than fantasy fiction. Her and my
ago. All I have to do now is step out
of my room and finish school. Then I
grandmother both write well and
will be in His strength, which is way
encouraged me to write something.
better than I have alone. Being
So I did and I found that I really liked comfortable in your own strength isnt
it. I used to think ill about writing,
right, take a leap of faith and try out
because I always thought it as a
His strength for once. Life isnt meant
bunch of editing, and that wasnt fun. to be on your own.
Writing is now easier to me than

Rebekah Chamblee

Recently I started school

again, and I have been
learning about Psychology.
The experiments they used to
do, and still do are messed up.
They figure out how we react
and why. God helps us and
studies how we act and think.
He adds things into our lives
that will help and enlighten
us, in a way that we can
Everything that happens in
our lives, happen for a reason;
whether it is for the better or
the worse. You might have just
had a very terrible thing
happen, like you lost someone.
You might even be blaming
God for what happened. And
youd be wrong. Id like to tell
you why before you start
accusing me or agreeing with
me halfheartedly.


The devil is the one that causes

everything that is bad in life. God
oversees that everything goes
according to His own plan. The
reason why he/she/it wasnt saved
even after praying, was because
someone nearby your situation
doesnt know God, or they have
turned away from Him, or they just
need help carrying their groceries.
He needs you to sow a seed in that
persons life, so that they can live in
His kingdom. I know they didnt
deserve to die, at least not yet, but in
the end they are in a better place,
and you helped another person to
Dont miss the opportunity. If you
did, all you have to do is ask God for
help to find them again or ask Him
to send another person their way.
Everything happens for a reason.
Dont let the reason go unknown.
The reason might even be to help
you out of a hard situation. Letting
those hard feelings swell up inside
of you isnt good. You dont have to
be alone. God loves you and would
never discipline you without a good
reason. God bless you and your




louise Des Bordes

Eve Redefined Ministries
I am just a woman in love with Jesus. With a
deep and increasing awareness of the depth
and magnitude of the love which the author
of creation has for His children.
I have a passion for women and my desire is
for all women to experience God in His
fullness and live out their purpose in Him.



Our theme is the Confident woman.
What is your definition of that? And are
you one?

When we think about confidence, we
most often think about strength, selfassurance, belief in ones self or ability to
carry out a task etc. Of course, these are
wonderful traits if they are fully rooted in
the One who gives and provides us with
A confident woman to me is a
surrendered woman. A woman who is
aware that her personal strength does
and will fail her and so she is fully
dependent on the strength she has access
to from God, in Christ, through the Holy
Spirit. In light of this definition, just as
many of us are, I am a work in progress.

What is your general view of women's
confidence today?

I dont think I can personally generalize
but I can point out what statistics show
and maybe also speak based on
Research shows that there is a clear
correlation between depression and
anxiety amongst young women (and
men) today.
Both depression and anxiety amongst

women are also on the rise. I don't know

but for me this proves that in the world
and even within the Christian community,
we are not living according to the
standards that we should. Of course, we
as women, have made great strides in
history and in our societies- speaking
broadly, there are ongoing projects
everywhere to empower women.
Generally speaking though, I think we
NEED to all daily stick our faces to the
floor and receive our strength from The
One who gives strength and confidence.
Im talking about that true spiritual
change, the encounter with the Father
which transforms and allows you to walk
boldly each day with a healthy sense of
who you are and who you serve.
Personally speaking, when we're talking
confidence Ive seen and experienced
women operating on both sides of the
spectrum, young women walking with a
false sense of perception because what
they are exposed to by the music they
listen to, what they watch and the people
they are surrounded by (both saved and
un-saved). Ive also seen a growing
number of women strip themselves of any
vain form of significance and walk
towards rebuilding their identities in
Christ and all sorts of women in between.

women's frontline magazine

Do you think that women understand what it entails to be
confident today, or have they totally misunderstood it?

I think we as women, really have no understanding of true
confidence if we dont seek the face of God and understand His
Character while studying and meditating on His Word. Our vain
attempts at being strong, confident, courageous or well-put
together will always, always fail, no matter how many books we
read or conferences we attend if we dont seek to know Him
personally. When we think about being courageous when facing
a task for example, we must be careful not to operate with
counterfeit spirits. You can be bold and take up a task you never
thought you were strong nor bold enough to, like Gideon in the
Bible who had 300 soldiers to fight over 100,000 Midianite
soldiers. The difference between Gideons victory ensured by God
and a victory won by a counterfeit spirit is that eventually, the
true spirit will reveal itself and its agenda. Essentially, what Im
trying to say that we can be bold and courageous with a wrong
spirit. We as women should always seek to have the presence of
God and His backing in whatever we do, only then can we
understand where our strength comes from and to whom the
Glory goes to.


As a christian woman, do you think that you

are confident in your faith and the way you
choose to live your life?

I believe, like many other women, that I am a
work in progress. A couple of years ago, I
made the decision to base everything I do, in
and through Christ. It is a daily walk of killing
the flesh daily and discovering the magnitude
of God and everything that He is. The more
Ive grown in my knowledge of Him, the more
fear and reverence I have for Him. So when
God says go to me, how would I dare say
no? True confidence is when you do
something and you do it afraid, the only thing
youre standing on is His Word. Thats true


In your opinion, is the church
raising confident women?
Lets consider this statement made
by Sam Pascoe, Christianity started
out in Palestine as a fellowship; it
moved to Greece and became a
philosophy; it moved to Italy and
became an institution; it moved to
Europe and became a culture; it
came to America [and dare I say the
rest of the world including Africa]
and became an enterprise.
When you consider churches today
(not all, but many) you realize that
several have taken the consumer
culture approach and this makes the
21st century congregation lazy. Like
every enterprise, the 21st century
church echoes come let us serve
you, with worship that fits your
lifestyle, programs that keep you
engaged and coming back, and
events that keep your church
popular for example.
If you dont like the pastors
message that Sunday, you take your
sweet ol self to another church.
When the early church started
people did not leave the church
because of offence, or because they
did not like the message. They
prayed. The contemporary church
has become too complacent and
how can women, or anyone have a
firm foundation in their identities in
God when we have shifted from it
being about God to it being about

women's frontline
To answer your question, I think there
are several great Bible-based, Wordoriented churches which are raising
confident women in Christ. At the same
time, theres a growing number of
churches and ministries with their own
personal agenda. It is my constant
prayer that Eve Redefined, as a
conference Ministry for young women
remains Christ - centred. We must
continue to pray for the Body of Christ
as a whole.
How, do you think one's confidence
can be destructive?
The kind of confidence built from
idols is the most destructive. Idols from
television shows, to music, to self-help
books which are all not supported
biblically because they stem from the
love of the world and the pride of life.
It is my prayer that we all grow in
discernment to lay aside every idol
which hinders our personal growth in
What advice can you give women
who are struggling with their
First, to be on your knees and pray,
pouring out your heart and waiting
on Him. Hold on to the verse in Isaiah
40:31 ..those who wait on the Lord

shall renew their strength; they shall

mount up with wings like eagles, they
shall run and not be weary, they shall
walk and not faint. Wait in this verse
originated from the Hebrew word
quavah which is translated to bind
like a cord and implies strength
through numbers. So you understand
that your waiting is not passive, and
that your faith must be firm like a cord
that cannot break. In waiting, you can
strengthen your cord by reading your
word, praying, meditating and staying
connected to a faith-based network..
building yourself up in the Lord. The
more you grow in Him the less
focussed you will be on yourself and
even when you dont feel confident
about something, you will be confident
anyway and realize that His strength is
made perfect in your weakness for HIS
Lastly, where do you get your
confidence from?
By staying connected to the Living
Word, who says in His own words, "I
am the vine; you are the branches. If
you remain in me and I in you, you will
bear much fruit; apart from me you can
do nothing. John 15:5 NIV. Apart from
Him I can do nothing.
Thank you Louise and blessing in
everything you do.

Hallo there!!

If you are a writer, we

hear from you. Women
Magazine is a magazin
on the look out to prom
writers. For more info


e would love to
n's Frontline
ne that is always
mote new
ormation, please


There comes a time when
we are at a border..the
border of something new
on the horizon with
Christ. The border of that
which He has been
preparing us for all our
lives! There are always
new lands..
new battles I have such
glorious stories of life
with Jesus. He is a
delight!!!! He is ever

by shelly wilson

hindrances that honestly

affect our testimony to a
world in need. We can
very much become
stumbling blocks for
others that need to see
Jesus..authentically. It
can come in the form of
attitude, omission,
arrogance, pride,
complacency, or
participating in things that
Christ has set us apart
from. We tend to make
many excuses for
Personally connected! He ourselvesI am guilty
is my friend. Yet, He is
too The truth is
still my Lordand Master. regardless of what our
If I love Him I will obey
personality is, our
Himthat is the standard makeup, our behavior
or measurement for our
patternswe were called
expression or love for
to put off that old man.
Him. It doesnt mean we
do not mess up and fail.
Yet we seem to be
We do daily.but there
pleased to keep a bit of
comes a time in each of
the oldwhile claiming to
our lives..and honestly its be new. It can also
a daily thingof taking an manifest in our inability to
honest look at hindrances be teachable. The truth is
in our lives.
Christ says He will show
us unsearchable things
Hindrances that serve as we do not know.
roadblocks to our crossing
over. Hindrances that
keep His power at bay,
hindrances that keep us
from walking in freedom
and fullness, and

not searchable;
not lending itself
to research or
exploration; not
to be understood
by searching;
translations say
great and mighty
things or hidden

women's frontline magazine

This is actually one of the greatest

stumbling blocks because we
interpret much in light of our own
experience. Our background has much
influence over how we read the
scriptures. We forget we serve a
supernatural God who talked to
Moses through a burning bush, gave
Paul visions about where to go next,
lifted up Elijah into the sky, poured
out His Spirit on a people who began
to speak another tongue and
prophecy. We act as if that was
yesterday and this is today.
We read the scriptural text just as we
read any other book and forget it is
sharper than any two edge sword..
dividing with power. We also forget
that the Word tells us that the
traditions of man make the word of no
effect. There is something there that
ought to be pondered deeply before
the Lord.

The Bible is not just another book.

each word gives LIFE! It goes in and
does a Word supernaturally that
cannot be explained! There are
things we will never understand on
this side of glory..but we sure keep
trying to explain it I am sure
Noah had a time explaining the
command to build an ark:) I am
certain it was ludicrous to most
The point is..sin is sin is sin. We tend
to easily point out a few sins that are
obvious to us and never see that
which is not. Many times that which
is the greater hindrance to us
crossing the border with Christ. He
will not force Himself on us when we
are not flexible. If we remain close
minded to our sinsand we become
a people of hard heartsHe may
very well turn us over to our sin.


by Shelly Wilson

the border

So while I love my life

with Christ in His joy
in little girls and
tiarasHis gentleness
as my loving Father
and me His little
lamb. I love how He
paints me pictures in
the sky and leaves me
love letters that make
my eyes sparklebut

May He graciously
show each of us sin
..I love Him most for
after sin after sin so
His willingness to
we may move out and
show me gently where move inpossessing
I need to change to be the land.
more like Him.
My areas of weakness
will be different from
nonetheless there is
need of change in us

Remain teachable and

humble..humility and

meekness are merely

hearts willing to bow
under His headship in
all areas. Lets keep
crossing the borders
into new lands.and
allowing Him to
remove every
hindrance, setting
aside every weight.

The Border
I can talk about tiaras
And talk about bling
Pull out the boas,
Feathers, and things
I can bring up our
And each promised land
Share all my joys
And offer my hand.
I can tell of His rainbows
And tell of His grace
Tell of His love
And all that He gave
Talk of His mercy
And blessings that pour
And many do listen
And want to hear more.
But when I must bring
To light which He sees
The sin and the
Which causes Him grief
Few seem attentive
And hear not His plea
Yet tis only truth

What if we saw thru

His longing eyes
The chains and the
In each of our lives
What if the border is
Where you are at
But there is a hindrance
An unseen large trap.
Wouldnt you want
To know of a love
That rescues from harm
And weeps up above
Or Are we content with
temporal glee
For sin brings destruction

women's frontline


It was in the breaking of the bread

That the disciples saw The Christ
Until that moment came
A veil covered their eyes.
It was in the sorrowed heart
Of Hannah as she prayed
Unable to utter words
An answer to breaking came.
It was in the grief of pain
As Peter denied the Lord
When bitterly he wept
The Father then restored.
It was the breaking of mans pride
And the alabaster jar
When the fragrance filled the
As a woman poured her heart.
It was in the news of broken walls,
Of gates burned, and captives
That God took a little Kings
And ordained him to rebuild the
It was the breaking of the loaves
When fragments multiplied
That a little boy was used
To feed the hungry cries.


It was the ruined clay

The Potter held in hand
That taught Jeremiah well
The heart of Gods own
It was the bones of David
That caused Him to
That poured the deepest
And called the Psalmist
It was the breaking of the
flask too
A prophetic word
When God declared the
Of those refusing His
And should we, His
people, desire more now
Of Christ and His depth of
We must now be willing
To let Him break our wills
and hearts.

by Shelly Wilsom

In the

the color

by Shelly Wilson

women's frontline

I often see sadness in the eyes of a

person. There is a visible sign of sorrow.
Maybe it is only recognizable to those
who know intimately sorrow or sadness.
If you have never been in a well of
sorrow, a season of grief, or a valley of
Baca (weeping) .sorrow may be very
unrecognizable to you. But if sorrow was
a companion for a long will
never forget the look of it. The slow
feeling of smothering that occurs no
matter how hard you fight it. Only Christ
and the hope of His glory has power to
dispel such tremendous darkness. I am
finding this world is full of sorrow. Yet I
see many pretending its not there.
Little healing comes to that which is
I do understandreally I doyet I am
finding this paralyzing sorrow in the
strongest of saints. I have been there too.
Some days I am still there honestly. For I
have to fight the attempts of the enemy
just like everyone else. It is a daily fight.
Many hold public platforms or are in
church or ministry leadership yet they

utter not one word of this sorrow.

Somehow we have been taught that
strength is in pretense. That joy is
exuberant and radiant in the midst
of deep sorrow. That we must rise
above it. We restrain the tears of
grief and sadness sent to cleanse.
For we must be strong for others to
see the light of Christ. Oh
friendwhat a lie from the enemy.
There is strength and the light of
Christ in the deepest of sorrow..
and in the coming clean with the
Why do we deny others the lessons
of the valley season? There is no
power in messages preached that
are not authentic. The messages
Christ is birthing in us to give is that
which we are living most of the
time. Ministers.PastorsTeachers,
Leaderswhy do you not preach that
which you are living? Why wont you
tell me about your pain and your
struggle. Tell me of how your
continuing to breathe with the

Tell me how you no longer even know if

you are in the will of God but you are
desperately seeking His heart through
tears stained in your closet! Tell me the

The vineyards are in THAT valley! The

tears shed are healing to other
hearts..but only if they are seen and

What yields tenderness but the rain of

sorrow.and what gives healing but
Tell me speakers and musicians of how
you struggle to pay bills and trust God for also the rains from the sorrow..The rain
provision! That if everyone knew the truth that falls on you discoloring your heart
will also be used as rains so gentle and
you cant pay the next bill that comes in
but please share with me and others what healing that a dying world will be able
to see Jesus for themselves
Christ is teaching you about the wait
journey. Tell me of your daily walk with
Jehovah Jireh ..and the scriptures you are Lets give the people a chance to see
clinging to as reminders because your own into our we too wake up to
gray skies. Share in the struggle so they
mind forgets daily! Tell me
too can begin seeing the rainbow shine
Tell me of your struggle with forgiveness again in their own lives.. lets get real so
they can relate and see we are very
and how you wrestle with God in quiet.
imperfect people and that colors can
Tell me how the truth is that without the
gift of forgivenessyour choice to forgive become vibrant again through Christ
is still incomplete within your own heart. but for Heavens sake tell them of that
which happens during the season of
Will you tell me?
grays when colors have faded into a
dull hazeLets help them recognize
I read the Psalms and see the honest and
raw emotion and truth of Davids life. The the emotions they can not name
pouring out of sadness, sorrow, and even because no one has every explained
the deeper things of God and how
anger. What intimacy this causes with
hearing His voice is usually taught in
Christ. For He deals in transparent truth.
deep despair where all becomes quiet..
Many are waiting to hear this in the
lets tell them it happens to us too..not
churchdesperate to know the truth..
occasionallybut daily.lets tell them
the truth so they can be freeand so
Why is Christ called a man of sorrows?
we can be too.
Why? People are confusedthey see us
quoting scriptures constantly but they
wonder does anyone struggle? Does
everyone have it all together? They want
to hear the truth of the daily struggles in
this walk with Christ. Truly, we are a
prideful people. If our children stray from
Christ we dare not tell anyone, if we are
divorced we are afraid to mention it, if it
takes us years to recover from a season
there is an expectation that all should be
well but the truth is that the glory to
glory is in THAT place!




is 29 years old, born and raised in
Chicago IL. She is a mother of a
beautiful young God Fearing
daughter. Theresa was brought up in
the DCFS where her aunt took care of
her most her life. Her mother who
has been deliverered from drugs also
took care of her and her father.
Theresa was raised most of her life
without her parents actually living
with her. At the age of 15 she lost
her father to cancer. By age 17,
Theresa found love in men and had
her first child at age 17. Shortly
after, Theresa became a party girl
and enjoyed drinking . She
eventually trained to be a medical

At age 25, Theresa

accepted Jesus as her
Savior. He started a
transformation in her.
She stopped clubbing,
drinking, having sex and
now serves as an alter
worker, sings in the
woman's choir, prayer
line and is an Armor
One of Theresa favorite
verse is:
"He who the Son set free,
is free indeed".
John 8:36.


Shumirai Tsitsi Mazombe is a
passionate lover of God and
men. She is a seasoned minister
of the Gospel of Christ with a
desire for all men to come to a
true knowledge of God and
know beyond doubt that God is
love. She is an evangelistmissionary, worshipper and
writer by calling. She has a
passion for seeing lives
transformed by Christ, for Christ
and in Christ. Shumirai is a
speaker and preacher in demand
internationally and has
ministered at conferences and
through missionary work in the
UK where she resides,
Zimbabwe, Haiti, Nigeria, Togo,
Uganda, Ghana and
Mozambique for example.

She has a great passion for

influencing lives through
writing and has a blog www.
reflectionswithshumi. where her
ministry is touching lives of
those afar and near. Shumirai
fellowships and serves at her
local church, Dominion Centre
London under the leadership
and guidance of Pastors Sam
and Betty Ohene-Apraku.
Shumirai is a UK qualified nurse
and midwife with more than a
decades experience of
transforming lives through
healthcare. She is the proud
daughter of Tigere and Siyapi
and sister to Joyful and Fadzai.


When I think about a confident woman, I and her deceased husband, but because
think of woman in the Bible like Ruth,
she found confidence to step out on
Esther and the way Proverbs 31 woman faith, her life changed for the better.
should be.
Many times in life, we can allow fear to
Ruth is one of the greatest examples
hold us back from our God-given
because it took not only Faith for her to destiny. The most confident woman that
leave her own country to stay by her
can walk this earth is a woman who puts
mother in law Naomi side after her
all her truth in the Lord. Putting our trust
husband had passed away. That took
in the Lord because He is our strength
confidence for Ruth to go to a place she and way maker.
never knew of going and to a different
We should have confidence knowing
culture and to serve the living God that " though He slay me, yet will I trust Him".
her mother-in law served
Job 13:15.
Although Ruth left her family behind,
she was introduced to Boaz, who later
became her wealthy Godly husband.
Ruth could have just stayed in
depression and complain about her life

Many times our confidence level can go

low or become insecure because of
jealousy towards one another.

by Theresa Lawrence

The reason the Lord commanded us

all to not covey our neighbors
possessions, is because the same
God that blessed that person wants
to and will bless you according to
Jeremiah 29:11.
One of the greatest example of a
woman of confidence is Esther.
Esther became queen at an
appointed time when the Jews were
going to be sought out to be killed.
Esther, being courageous with
boldness, spoke up at a time that
was needed to save her people.

If Esther would have stayed silent in fear

of man and not God, she would not have
spoken to the King.
She would have felt guilty if the Jews
were killed. Her confidence and
boldness was due to the fact that she
feared the Lord. Her uncle Mordecai
served God, which opened the door for
Esther and other Jews to serve God. It
takes confidence to have that kind of
Perhaps all your life you were told that
you talked to much. The Lord has
deposited a boldness in you to transform
you to be a witness for His kingdom.

womens' frontline magazine

There is a time to speak and a time to be
quiet. A woman with confidence knows
when she is using her mouth to uplift
another woman and not bring her down.
A confident woman knows how to
support others. She knows that if another
woman can be happy for the next person,
that brings forth unity which leads to a
powerful anointing. The Lord tells us not
to be ignorant of satans devices. His job is
for us to come against one another. We
must learn to deny our fleshy ways with
envy and walk in the fruits of the spirit.
A confident woman knows how to trust
her husband, although there are many
beautiful woman that walk this earth, if
her husband does not give her a reason to
be insecure she has confidence knowing
she was the one her husband chose.

A confident woman is not afraid of the

fact that her husband interacts with
other woman. This should not bring
division in the household from a form of
jealousy. She is confident knowing that
the heart of her husband is in the Lord's
A confident woman works on her
insecurities and asks the Lord to help her
see herself as the Lord see hers.
Fearfully and wonderfully made.
A confident woman will not compete
with other women because she has
confidence in herself.
A confident woman can walk in authority
because her Heavenly Father gave it to
her by the name of Jesus Christ. The
confident woman can walk in her
purpose because a woman that fears the
Lord, she shall be praised.


' A confident woman will not allow anger, bitterness, or sin keep her in bondage,
as she confess her flaws and sins it opens up the door for the Lord to mold her and
shape her into the woman He created her to be.

Lastly, a confident woman will not settle

for any man, but for the right man the Lord
designed for her to be with.
She will not settle for cheating or verbal
abuse. She will only seek a man who seeks
the lover of her soul and a man who knows
her best and cares for her to be happy.
She will settle for a man with Godly traits
and she will not settle for a man that does
not display His traits. A confident woman is
you! You have potential to be a confident
woman. As you seek the Lord who created
you in His image, you will look in the mirror
and see a woman of boldness, confidence,
beautiful with or without makeup, and a
woman with a purpose.


the spirit and

the bride say

celebrating the spirit within



Sometimes, we as mothers, mothers
to be and big sisters can be the most
impatient people on earth. More
impatient than the husband who
wants his shirt ironed, or the child
who wants his sporting shoes, or the
hungry baby or toddler who wants
their instant cereal now!

In the Bible, we are taught that it is

not only through faith that we get
hold, receive or apprehend the
promises of God.

Patience is indeed a virtue and one

that is needed in both the young and
the old and especially in us, the
21st century women.

We do not want you to become lazy,

but to imitate those who through
faith and patience inherit what has
been promised.
hebrews 6:12

Hebrews 6:12 talks of those who by

faith and patience inherit the
promises of God.

Women, we need to be patient in the

affairs of life and more so, we need We apprehend Gods promises by
to learn to be patient in the affairs of patience.
We often chide our friends and
loved ones to be more patient, but
today I come to you and say:
Woman be patient!

patience is indeed a


There are so many promises in the

Bible for the sons and daughters of
God and they are yours to claim or
possess. God being our Father of
integrity will honour His promises to
us because He is a Man of integrity,
and He is a Man of His word. By
patience Sarah received her much
awaited promised son Isaac after a
stint of self engineering and cruising
down the highway or motorway of

There will be no chances of

diarrhoea because Mummy would
have washed her hands properly
before preparing the Cerelac.
The work tops and utensils would
have been well cleaned before
the cereal was prepared, the
water would have been boiled
properly, the Cerelac when
prepared would be just the right
temperature and of course just
the right amount for their age and
not too thin or too thick for their
When we prepare our toddlers
cereal, not only their nourishment
is our concern but their
enjoyment too.

by Shumiria Tsitsi Mazombe

There is a life of abundance that

God wants you to have and this
abundant life can only be
apprehended through exercising
faith together with patience.
I do not know what you are
believing God for in your life but
I certainly have things I am
believing God for and I am
holding on to Gods promises in
faith and with patience!
Let us grow as women of patience
and much patience at that and in
due season we shall testify!

That is the same with God, who

gives us all things for what?
Say with me,
So what am I saying beloved?
I am saying; like a toddler who
now knows better, let us wait
patiently on God as He prepares
and makes all things beautiful for
our future and a future full of
In John 10:10, the Lord says;
I have come that they may have
life, and that they may have it
more abundantly.

women's frontline


by Shumirai Tsitsi Mazombe


Though Ishmael was born, he was not the

son of promise that God had purposed to
Abraham and Sarah.

When the baby

did not come
and bareness
stung, Sarah
persuaded her
hubby Abraham
to produce an
heir and
Ishmael was


In the book of Genesis 37:1-11,

Joseph dreamt about being a man of
influence and power and by staying his
course, continuing to serve God and those
around him with his gift whilst being a man
of great integrity, the Lord saw to it that his
dream came to pass.
The Lord is the same yesterday, today and
forever. The same God who made the dreams
of Joseph to come to pass is the same God
who will do the same for you.
Are we becoming too impatient with God?
Do we feel that God has delayed His
promises to us and that His word is not

wait and you shall enjoy

My beloveds, be still and know that he
is God.
Isaiah 55:10-11 reads:
For as the rain comes down, and the
snow from heaven, and do not return
there, but water the earth, and make it
bring forth bud, that it may give seed to
the sower and bread to the eater, so shall
My word be that goes forth from My
mouth, it shall not return to me void, but
it shall accomplish what I please, and it
shall prosper in the thing for which I sent

The Lord brought this to me

one day as I was in the
He asked me how often I was
like an impatient toddler
when relating to Him.
I grew up on Nestle Cerelac
baby cereal and even in my
third decade of life I still love
it, love it, and love it!
I am going to be one of those
mothers who feed her baby
one spoon of the cereal and
every second spoon will be for
Mummy of course!

To help me grasp the need of

As women, most of us know what a job it why I had to learn to be
patient, God used the
is to try and calm a hungry toddler. We
makethem understand that as hungry as example of how a mother
they are, you need to clean up the work prepares Cerelac for her

top so that you can prepare their cereal

in a hygienic place. The water needs to
be boiled for their instant cereal, maybe
even open the unopened cereal packet,
let it cool down a bit and then mix it
well and only then feed them.

The hungry toddler might even scream

that they want their cereal now, but if
you truly love them, the screams of your
toddler wont deter you from the
process of making their cereal properly.
This is because you know that following
all the right steps will ensure that their
meal enjoyment will be to the full.

He highlighted to me that if
the baby allowed the mother
to follow through all the
steps of preparation, the baby
will have optimum enjoyment
of their meal.


''The Chronicles of
Connie', a
testimonial account
of her personal
struggles, and the
Book of Poetry,
'Another Part of

Constance Cooper
is the author of fiction and non
fiction titles. She is the mother of
four beautiful children, a
cosmetologist, make up artist, lover
of fashion - she loves her shoes and
Cooper has earned her AA degree in
Biblical Studies, a Bachelors Degree
in Theology and is currently
obtaining a Masters of Divinity
Through her books she shares hope
with a lost and dying world. Her
titles include

Constance has had

the pleasure of
writing for the
European Online
'Women's Frontline
Magazine', based in
Denmark. Her
passion of writing is
motivated by her
life, her dreams, her
faith and our God,
Yeshua! And her goal
and constant desire
is to inspire an
audience of readers
to reach higher and
obtain the true prize,
which is love!
'Thank you Jesus for
setting me free, I love




Sandra Mtandabari is a Chartered Psychologist &

Associate Fellow of the British Psychological
Society (BPS) based in England United Kingdom.
International speaker, writer, consultant,
workshop facilitator & expert witness
A committee member for the BPS Crisis Disaster &
Trauma Section
A member of the BPS Black & Asian Counselling
Psychology Group
A graduate of Pistis School of Ministry UK, member
Ministry of Helps at Word of
Faith International Christian Centre



What is confidence?
The feeIing or belief that one can
rely on someone or something; firm
trust. The state of feeling certain
about the truth of something. A
feeling of self-assurance arising
from ones own abilities or qualities.
I had been asking myself that
question ever since the topic was
presented to us to write about
confidence. I began to seek God His
thoughts about that word confidence
this is what He told me. I am your
confidence!!! I said what God He
said I am You are my confidence!!!
In a state of disbelief I said wow
God, I am just said I am Your
confidence. Then I began to seek
out His confidence in the Word. I
couldnt believe that the word
confidence is discussed over 37
times in the word. There are over 37
verses that tells us to be confident in
His character, in His attributes, in His
heart towards , in His thoughts
towards us, in his love towards us!
The Bibles says in Jeremiah 29:
11-14; For I know the thoughts I
think towards, says the Lord.
Thoughts of peace and not of evil, to
give you a future and a hope.


Then you will call upon me and go and

pray to me, and I will listen to you. And
you will seek me and find me, when
you search for me with all your heart. I
will be found by you says the Lord.

I have this confidence that when I call

upon the Lord He will not only listen
to me, the prayers I pray but he will
also answer them according to my
faith. There is this hope that we are to
have in Him and His Word. We are to
be confident that He Who began a
great work is faithful to see
it to full fruition.
God has always had us in mind but not
only has He had us mind but He has
also intended for us to be successful.
The word of God say, beloved I wish
above all things that you would
prosper even as your soul prospers.
That right there should give you hope
and confidence that the King of kings
and the Lord of lords is cheering you
on each step of the way.

women's frontline

If Im not feeling well then I

have to remind myself that He
was wounded for my
transgressions and bruised for
my iniquities and the
chastisement of my peace was
upon Him and by His stripes
we are heled. If I dont have no
food on my table and my bank
account is low I remind
myself that my Father owns
the cattle on a thousand hills.
There are so many reasons I
have to be confident but one
reason I am most confident is
He died that I might have life
and that I would have it more
bundantly! Yes not only did He
die for me but He died for my
soul salvation, He died for my
future while he hung on that
cross for my past.

by Constance Cooper

"I am absolutely sure of this one thing that

God absolutely loves me. Yes He loves me I
am confident in that. He gave His life up for
mines, for my children and my mother. We
have a God Whos track record speaks for

The more we understand that even

when it looks like everything around
us is falling apart we need to look to
the hills from which cometh our Help,
our help comes from the Lord the
Maker of Heaven and earth. He never
slumbers nor sleeps. He will not allow
anything to over take us but not only
that He is never late never early. God
is always right on time.

Even when I think of all that I have to

do as a parent sometime all the bills
that have to paid. All the groceries
that need to be bought. I have to take
confidence in knowing that if He
feeds the birds of the air and He
clothed the lilys of the field how
much more will He do for me when I
am His child.

I have a God Who sits high and looks

low looking for someone to bless.


by Constance Cooper

One thing Naomi was confident in

was Her God that if she could get
home she knew that God would
receive her there again and that
place was the place where God
dwelt amongst her people. She was
so confident that she even
convinced her daughter in law, Ruth
said where you go I will go, your
people will be my people and your
God will be my God.
That is confidence but her
confidence coupled with her faith
and her obedience to leadership of
her mother in law put her in a
position to receive Gods absolute
best. Look at Esther she was
confident not only in her uncles
advice of how to obtain the crown
but in their God to deliver her the
crown. Not long after she received
the throne she also had been given
the duty of rescuing her people .
The entire Jewish community from
complete anilation.
She knew that if she sought the
Lords face, His direction she also
knew that she would receive Gods
hand in victory.
There comes a time when we have
to trust in the Lord with all of
ourhearts and lean not to our own

understanding know that the same

God who delivered Daniel out of the
lions den will surely deliver us out
of our lions mouth.
We have to believe the same God
who delivered Shadrach, Meshach,
and Abednego out of the fiery
furnace is the same God Who will
walk with us through or fiery trials.
The same God who fought for
Joshua is the same God saying the
exact same words to His daughters,
Be strong and very courageous
knowing that same God who went
before Joshua and the children of
Israel, will be the same God to fight
for you and bring you the victory in
The same God who told David to se
his own tools he knew how to use in
order to kill Goliath is the same God
who fought with David in every
battle he ever fought, will be the
same God to fight all your battles
too! The same God Who rescued
Joseph and took Him on the best
adventure you could ever imagine
you would go on, is the same God to
take you from your pit to your prison
into your palace.

women's frontline magazine

That He will hear, answer and
reward me openly for what I have
done privately. The Bible declares
that the prayers of the righteous
availaith much. I trust God and He
is my confidence because He said I
am the One to be confident in.
Never lean to your own
understanding and always
He will plant me besides still waters
acknowledge me knowing that I
and my leaves will never whither they
will direct path, My path is for
will continue to produce and will
your complete success, I have
continue to flourish as long as I stay
always planned the best for you!!!
connected the Vine.
You My daughter are Divinely
The confidence I have is not in me but In Exquisite!!! My princess and My
jewel.Be confident in this.I am
the God that I serve!!! Its in Him I live,
move, and have my being. I put my hope God and you can trust Me..I am
Confidence be confident in Me!!!
and I have absolute faith that the God
who holds all of our destinies in His
This is why I am, you are, we are
hands. That is my confidence.It is in
confident..We are confident in
Him, God is my confidence and Im His
vessel that He can use to show that
consistent prayer, faith, patient trust,
confident hope in God.
I have absolute trust and confidence
that the same God Who parted the Red
sea for the children of Israel will be the
same God to part my seas!!! I have
absolute trust that God The Author and
Finisher of my faith will lead me through
the wilderness.


can two
they ag
Amos 3


o walk
er unless


sowing in

women's frontline

by H. Lunding

Parable of the sower

speaks about a farmer who goes out to
sow seed. As he scattered the seed, some
fell on the path and the birds ate them;
some fell on rocky places where they did
not have much soil so they sprang up
quickly and where scorched by the sun and
the withered because they had no roots;
other seeds grew up amongst weeds which
choked them and they died. Others fell on
good soil and they multiplied....
There are those that heard the word but
because it was not anchored or had roots
in Christ, they quickly faded away and
were never seen.
Others got excited about the word, but
never practiced it, so they too walked
Others still, uprooted themselves and were
choked by the weeds/false doctrines. Yet
there are those that have remained
standing rooted in Christ and Christ alone
and they are labouring to bring the
harvest in.
If you belong to the 'dead' category there
is still hope for you. It is never too late to
shift and be anchored in good soil and be
fruitful and multiply. You and I were born
to serve the Lord through the power of his

by Sandra Mtandabari

than to put confidence in man

(Psalm 118:8) better denotes a
position that is superior, a
healthier position.
For the LORD shall be thy
optimistic, hopeful, sanguine;
sure, certain, positive, convinced, in confidence, and shall keep thy
no Doubt, unshakeable in one's foot from being taken (Proverbs
3:26) The Lord is not only her
belief, secure in one's
confidence and protector in the
belief, easy in one's
ind, satisfied, assured, persuaded; moment but in future. She can
therefore be assured that the
have no doubt, not
benefits are eternal. He is a
question, hold the
refuge and
unwavering view

where does your strength


Where does such a

womans strength lie?
In dwelling in the secret place
of the Most High, one abides
under the shadow of the
Almighty (Psalm 91). This is a
place where a woman lives free
from fear of the unpredictable
dangers of our times. To abide
means to dwell, to remain, and
to continue. To live in continual
union with Him, keeping His
word and obeying His
voice. When a woman abides in
the Lord, she confidently rest in
the promises therein.
Living a life free from fear,
dwelling in the secret place of
the Most High, she
depends on God's promises by
trusting in her Lord. One of
those many promises declares,
It is better to trust in the LORD

A confident woman knows the

confidence that she has in Him,
that, if she ask any thing
according to His will, He hears
her (1John 5:14) and answers
her petitions and prayers.
Persistence (steadfastness/
diligence) to obey His word is
her strength.
She focusses on the instruction
from the voice of the Spirit, yet
acknowledging the journey will
not be easy. She exudes the
spirit of Isaac, which does not
waver when the world moves its
goal posts.
Though she may dig many wells
and the enemy draws the
waters, she focuses her mind on
the fact that God keeps His
promises and makes room
(Rehoboth) for her and she will
be fruitful. (Genesis 26:19)


diamonds &
pearls devotion:
The confident


by Sandra Mtandabari

The confident woman is a

diamond, she represents
stability, brilliancy, virtuous
and right standing with God . In
Hebrew, diamond is referred to
as shamir, a sharp point, in
Greek its referred to as
admas, that is unbreakable,
adamant or unyielding, and
from its hardness & sharpness
it was used for cutting and
piercing other minerals.
One such woman is Deborah
the judge and prophetess, a
mother to Israel in a time of
trouble when Israel was
spiritually malnourished. She
fulfilled the seven attributes
of the ellipsis DIAMOND
(Judges 4-5). Her reliance on
the Rock enabled the Lord to
cause Siseras army to fall on
the sword.

Delight in the Lord and he will

give you the desires of your
heart." Psalm 37:4 Deborah
spent time with the Lord, and
believed Him and in Him, and
her courage
aroused the people, enabling
them to throw off foreign
Increase in Love towards each
other 1 Thessalonians 3:12
Deborah described herself as a
mother, and in that she was
able to reach out to all. Her
unwavering support for Barak
to the battlefield was an act of
love and
willingness to sacrifice her
self for the freedom of Israel.
Abide in Christ and, you will
bring forth much fruit:" John
Deborah demonstrated the
confidence in God as she
summons & questions Barak
IF God had not instructed him
to gather an army? To pursue
Sisera? Only a confident in God
woman would ask such direct
because she hears clearly & is
certain of His voice.

women's frontline

diamonds &
the confident

Minister to others and be

hospitable." Romans 12:13
Deborah was willing to be
used of the Lord. Even though
Israel had suck into despair
because of their idolatry,
forgetting Gods promises, she
rose up with strength and
confidence to comfort and
minister to them & interceding
for them.
Obey God's Word his
commandments are life
giving." 1 John 2:3 Deborah
was instant to obey God by
calling Barak to lead people in
a battle against the oppressor
who was mighty. She did not
waver but rather stood firm, to
see God turn the enemys

Never Give Up" lay aside every

weight, and the sin which
easily trips you and run with
patience the race that is set
before you, Hebrews 12:1
Deborah was faced with
negativity but did not forget
Gods faithfulness living close
to a ruined Jericho. Joshua
heard and obeyed God to the
destruction of Jericho before
and same God is mighty to
defeat the enemy of His
people now and in future.
Die to Self: Be crucified with
Christ: let him live in you
Galatians 2:20
Deborah was willing to go to
the front line for the salvation
of Israel
Confident woman, where does
your strength lie?
Some trust in chariots, and
some in horses: but we will
remember the name of the
LORD our God. (Psalm 20:7)

Dear Jesus
Dear Jesus


by Hildah Lunding

I was wondering what I should share . I

strongly felt that I should share about
faith. Faith is used in many contexts in
our lives, but the faith I would like to
talk about is the faith that we read
about in the bible.
What is faith?
In the book of Hebrews 11:1 we are
told that faith is the substance of
things hoped for and the evidence of
things not seen.
So by faith, the God of the bible
created the universe at his command,
calling the invisible things to be
visible. If you have faith in something
or someone, you are compelled to
move or take action. In this case, our
faith as children of God is only
sufficient if it leads us to obey the
commandments laid down by our
Father in heaven.
Jesus also tells us in his word that a
wise person is one who simply not
hears his word, but also does his word,
because of the faith in him/her. So to
have faith is to believe in Gods word
BEFORE it comes to pass!
Therefore, faith is not based on our
feelings or on human hope; infact we
cannot reason with faith. The faith
that the bible talks about is the kind of
faith that can only operate in the
realm of the invisible, concerning
those things we hope for and do not
yet see.

Friends, life is an adventure and

each one of us needs faith to
keep on moving. I believe that
before we have faith, we must
have the desire to see things
change in our lives. There are
many things that can go wrong
in life, many challenging
situations that may seem
hopeless. But Jesus says in John
I have told you these things, so
that in me you may have peace.
In this world you will have
trouble. But take courage! I have
overcome the world.
The bible says that if we have
faith as small as a mustard seed,
then we can do more than we can
ever imagine. That is because
God takes that little seed and
works with it, to help us achieve
the things that once seemed
If you have tried some things
that have backfired and left you
feeling hopeless, I encourage
you today to just give it one
more try. This time, give it to
God and he will meet you at your
point of need. Use the little faith
that you have because it is all
that is needed to change the
course of your life.




Pearl Dua is a publisher and an author. She is
the founder of Hannah's Testimony Women's
She owns Bluecode Co. Ltd., a publishing and
printing company. She is very passionate about
God and enjoys writing.
She incorporate real life experiences in her
writing. She is blessed with one daughter,

buting writers


Chantal Norbi Scott

A Jesus Follower.
Future HR Director.
Entrepreneur - Luxury Personal Shopper.
Daugher & Granddaughter.


Who is a confident woman?

building without any social amenities.

This woman knowing her help was in
Is it the female CEO or the career
the Lord worked tirelessly to take
woman who has reached the top
care of her 3 sons and 2 daughters.
echelon of her career? Or the
Her level of confidence amazes me.
ordinary woman doing her own
She is a hard worker who wakes up
thing? Basically a confident woman is early to sell her wares. She takes a
any woman who is in Christ and
break at about 3pm and joins the
therefore not afraid to walk in
night market to sell her wares at 6pm
boldness. It doesn't matter what your to 10pm before retiring.
position in life is.
She reminds me of the Proverbs 31
There is a lady who lives in an
woman. She is like the merchant
uncompleted building next to my
ships, bringing her food from afar.
home that I admire a lot. I will call
She gets up whiles it is still dark; she
this woman a confident woman. I
provides food for her family and
believe she is more confident than I
portions for her servant girls
am. This is a woman, whose husband Proverbs 31:14-15
left her with 5 children all very young
at the time in an uncompleted

She ensured that her children
remain in school and has trained
them to be gentlemen and
courteous young ladies. She is like
a mother hen ready to defend her
chicks at all times. She is pleasant,
helpful, hardworking, noble, wise,
fearless and godly. She is clothed
with strength and dignity; she can
laugh at the days to come. She
speaks with wisdom, and faithful
instruction is on her tongue. She
watches over the affairs of her
household and does not eat the
bread of idleness. Her children
arise and call her blessed;
Proverbs 31:25-28.

We can do all things through Christ

who strengthens us. This verse of
the bible shouldnt just be a mantra
that we recite. It has to be backed by
action. We have to rely on God and
walk in boldness.
Jesus, whilst sending out his
disciples on their own gave them an
advice that we can emulate as
women. Look, I am sending you out
as sheep among wolves. So be as
shrewd as snakes and
harmless as doves.

by Pearl Dua


The confident woman has to be as wise as a serpent and
as harmless as a dove. The serpent is cunning or wise but
in an evil way hence the balance of a dove. The dove is
harmless and loving. Be wise but harmless. In this world
we live in, it is necessary to apply this wisdom in order to
walk in boldness and in confidence. You can be bold
through Christ who strengthens you. When Christ is in
you, you can be fearless. When you have the wisdom of
God, you will excel. The wisdom of God makes you know
more than your teachers. Lets look up to God, the author
and finisher of our faith in all the things we do.


love is....


by Chantal
Norbi Scott

Dreams money cant buy.

I never really understood, how
powerful that statement was
until I was a situation where I
essentially had a choice in
making an insane amount of
money for a new graduate and
using my savings to study a
masters. To date, its been one of
the most challenging decisions
Ive had to make. Essentially Im
making a decision between what
I can tangibly see and the
unknown so theres a risk
involved. To add to this, Im not a
get rich die trying kind of girl. Im
creative in nature a bit of an
idealistic dreamer and definitely
goal driven. Regarding my life, I
dont really do things for the fun
of it. Everything is a strategic
step towards my ultimate goal.

How easy it is to find yourself

rushing from your house to work
and vice versa and not really
have a moment to think about
what it is you really want out of
life. Watching your goals (the
things you said you were going to
use this new job to support)
become a thing you wanted to do
in the past. Dont get me wrong, I
understand how its almost a nobrainer when you check your
bank account balance and start
questioning whether it is feasible
or even if it makes sense to
follow through with what you
know in your heart you should be

Will the amount in your account

ever be enough for you to begin
pursuing your dreams? Probably
not. When will be the right time?
In an ideal world you probably
have XX of the XX 20XX in your
So, Ive been thinking about how mind right now.
effortless it is to get into a habit.

women's frontline magazine

Is it possible to have
a mid-life crisis in
your twenties?
Its unfortunate that life isnt
always ideal and even more
unfortunate if you push that
start date back so far that you
eventually never get around to
even begin it.
Ive seen so many people, go
through life living in a box.
Always dreaming of what it
would be like to step out of that
box but never taking the
required action. Its easy to
watch but not so simple when
youre in such a predicament.
Currently, I am standing on the
side lines, looking at two lanes
ahead of me and wondering
which one will take me nearest
to my end goal who I want to
be and which one will
eventually put me in a box. I
have an entrepreneurial side to
me which encourages me to
take risks and a sensible side
which tells me to stay where I
am for a little while, longer.

So, what do you do when youre

in a predicament over dreams vs
money or no money vs dreams
etc. I truly believe you pray and
ask God for clarity. Then you
think and think some more
before making a decision. Truth
be told I cant really give much
more insight on this because its
something I am currently
However, what I will say is:
When youre moving forward
sometimes you wont be able to
physically see that. Heck, at
times youll even fail trying but
in those moments learn to trust
God the one who gave you the
dream in the first place. Life is a
lot more of a fun ride when you
trust His process, plan and
That is all for today kids (lol).
Happy dreaming and even better
Love, Chantal x


Psalm 121
I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from
whence cometh my help.
My help cometh from the Lord, which made
heaven and earth.
He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he
that keepeth thee will not slumber.
Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither
slumber nor sleep.
The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade
upon thy right hand.
The sun shall not smite thee by day, nor the
moon by night.
The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: he
shall preserve thy soul.
The Lord shall preserve thy going out and
thy coming in from this time forth, and even
for evermore.


contributing writers
women's frontline

Joy Jallah
Joy is a mother, and she mentors
woman of all walk of life. Joy moves
in the gifts of healing & miracles.
She is also a Minister of dance
bringing healing into the lives of
many because of the anointing of
God. Joy is the Overseer of Fishers Of
People International Ministry.
Vision- Intimacy with God, birth
ministries, & so much more.


is the founder of Break
Free Release Ministries
and has inspired many
to embrace spiritual
change and live a more
fulfilling life free from
bondage. Shewas
ordained in January
2009 as a licensed
minister and is a
graduate of the Grace
Bible Institute in
Christian Counseling
and a Certified
Christian Counselor.
She received her
Bachelors in Christian
Counseling in June
2012 from
International Kingdom
Christian College
Seminary & School of

Yolanda serves as a
mentor to women,
youth, and families in
ministry and in the
community by helping
them to develop their
leadership potential
through guidance and
encouragement through
faith based


by Joy Jallah

I truly can say that my source of

strength is the ability to overcome
the challenges of life. The ability
for God's grace to outpour upon my
life when life seemsto be difficult.
Some way God always come
through and makes something out
of nothing. God begins to make
what seems so impossible with
man become possible with God. It
takes courage and boldness to
reach higher and to do the
impossible things, for it to become
possible. There is nothing too hard
or difficult for God, I truly have
God is truly the way maker.
Everything is truly beautiful in its
time. God can do many wonders in
our lives when we pursue him in
everything. I do know that God is
before us and knows the ending of
a thing. The end matter is better
than the beginning. When we know
that in our weakness, God's
strength is made perfect. Every
effort we make to do big things for
God, gets us closer to our
appointment with destiny.
Everything we do for God will
definitely cost us something. It can
cost us our time or money or both.

It is only for our God; sometimes he

allows us to stretch our faith by
allowing us to go through trials and
tribulation. The scriptures say there
will be trouble in the world, but we
have overcome them all.
The source of everything that gives
us life is truly from the Almighty God.
When we begin to seek first the
Kingdom of God and his
righteousness. then all these things
shall be added unto us. The word of
God says, that God is a consuming fire
and his servants are flames of fire. In
order to walk in strength, power, and
authority, we will always need the
filling of the Holy Spirit.
This is when we must be open to
receive it. We must always ask God to
fill us with the Holy Spirit and with
the fire of God. This is when we avail
ourselves in spending intimate time
in the word of the living God.
Creation is waiting for the
manifestation of God.

How can we move in strength and power
with authority? It is through spending
time in our secret time with God. Totally
seeking God within all aspects of our
lives. Having radical faith to see it
already there before it even manifest
into reality. This is when you chase after
the heart of God with crazy faith. When
you begin to always be thankful in all
things by all means possible.
Being thankful brings joy and peace and
strength. God is the one who lifs our
head up high. God is before us and
always willing to pour supernatural
strength upon us.
All we can do is hide under the shadow
of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1
It is such a safe place to be close to God
than ever before. God is also a father to
the fatherless. And a defender to the
widow. God can redeem and restore all
that has been lost on the journey of faith.
Trusting in the promises of God is the
way of living. Our strength comes from
God alone. It is by grace we are saved
and not by our own works. We must
know we are nothing without God. We
need God's grace to pull us through
things in our lives. We must always
humble ourselves before the mighty
hand of God and ask God for his strength
in everything. We are always in need of
strength in our everyday life.

We must be open to ask God to
pour his strength upon us in our
weakness. In our weakness, his
strength is made perfect.
True Confidence is found in Christ
being the center of our lives. When
you believe it, you have faith and
trust God at his word.
Nothing shall be impossible to
them who believe. God can
empower us to be steadfast in
being confident in seeking his heart
and his will. Our source of life is
truly in God. Everything that give
us life and breath is from God. Our
source of hope, confidence and joy
is in intimacy with God.
Truly we must seek for what
pleases God's heart. Then we will
be confident no matter what
comes our way. We wil then
understand that a light upona hill
cannot be hidden.
Let your light shine in your everyday
life. We remain confident in
knowing that God is working out
everything in our favour behind the
scenes. He surely makes everything
beautiful in its time. All it takes is
effort on our part to draw near to
God as he draws near to us. It takes
us chasing after God daily. Seeking
his will for our lives daily. Our
source of confidence is found in our
intimacy with God in our daily lives.


by Yolanda Sherman

what does it mean to be a

confident woman?
What does it mean to be a
woman with confidence ?
She is a woman that is self
assured in herself.
Anything she sets her mind
to do it will be

that tells us we can do all

things as long as our trust is
in God. We wont fail as
long as we have the will
power to not give up on
our dreams.

I can do all things through

Women are great
Christ who strengthens
examples in persevering to me. ( Philippians 4:13
achieve major goals in
different areas of their
lives. Quitting is not an
Confidence is a way one
option for a woman with
can stop second guessing
themselves, manage your
fears and become able to
This kind of woman sees no do more than you could
limitation in her life and
ever imagine. Knowing
will not settle for less than what you are skilled at, the
her true worth. She is not a value you provide, and
person with low self
acting in a way that shows
esteem problems because, to others.
she knows that her hard
You are not arrogant in
work will pay off.
anyway and there is always
a drive to do better. When
We are destined for
you are confident that
greatness and walk in the
places you in a position to
authority of God that brings
inspire others.
about results. I am
reminded of a scripture


I can do all things

through Christ
who strengthens
me. ( Philippians
4:13 NKJV).

The one thing I know from my own life is helping

others to build their self worth. These tools are
necessary to bring about the transformation that will
help them realize their full potential. They will be
confident in themselves and in return help others.
A confident woman does not have an identity crisis
of who she is and her life is worth something. She is
driven to reach that high peak of goals and wont
allow anything to stand in her way.
I want to encourage you to finish the goals you have
set and failure is not an option for you. You need to
know that God is with you every step of the way and
there is no room for fear. You can do anything that
your heart and the will power to accomplish.
Remember you are a confident woman with no
limitations in your life.

Womens Frontline Magazine, is an
electronic journal devoted to
uplifting and edifying the Kingdom
of God and helps you expand your
mind as todays believers.
We invite all authors, essayists,
journalists, persons of letters, poets,
scribes, wordsmiths to come and
submit your writings, manuscripts,
poems and essays as you share the
gift of knowledge, comprehension,
awareness, revelation discernment,
and divine observation with others.
As you read this magazine, you will
gain insight, grow in understanding,
mature and gather wisdom from the
information that God has shared
with the writers.
Then the person dressed in linen
who was carrying paper and pen
reported, I did everything you
commanded. Ezekiel 9:11

celebrating the spirit within

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