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Addiction: The character has a strong addiction he must keep feeding. Whether its a physical addiction to stims,
dust, or alcohol, or a mental addiction such as gambling, law-breaking, or priceless antiques, the character devotes
a lot of time, energy, and resources to pursuing or obtaining the object of his addiction. Avoiding this Obligation
has an almost immediate resultwithdrawal. The exact nature depends on the addiction, but the character finds it
increasingly difficult to concentrate on even mundane tasks, often reflected in the GM adding anywhere from to
in skill checks.
Betrayal: This Obligation can work in one of two ways: either the character is the target of a deep and personal
betrayal, or the character is the one who betrayed others. Whether its as simple as a betrayed confidence or
broken promise or as serious as treason or mutiny, the betrayal eats away at the character and affects his everyday
life. The target of the betrayal may seek answers, compensation, or simply revenge.
Blackmail: Someone has discovered one of the PCs dirty secrets and is using that knowledge for some sort of gain.
To make matters worse, the blackmailer possesses evidence that could possibly leak outa holovid, bank records,
a weapon used during a crime, and so on. In order to keep the secret safe, the character must do what he is told,
although the blackmailer is savvy enough to keep the demand simple, easy, or cheap enough to maintain the
blackmail for as long as possible, generally money or favors.
Bounty: For some reason, the character has a price on his head. This may be in the form of a legal warrant or a
contract by criminals, collection agencies, or even someone who felt his honor violated in some way. What he did
to earn this mark is up to his background, and the severity of his actions can be based on the size of his Obligation.
Criminal: The character has a criminal record, or was accused of a crime (perhaps one he didnt even commit), and
is somehow embroiled in the legal system. Obligation may be settled by paying ongoing legal costs, making
attempts to bury evidence, or efforts to prove his innocence.
Debt: The character owes someone a great deal, whether that debt consists of money or something else. Perhaps
the PC has a huge gambling debt to a Hutt, is indebted to the Czerka Corporation for his starship, owes a wealthy
family for patronage, or has some other serious financial obligation. To make matters worse, depending on who
owns the debt, even fully paying it off might not get the character completely off the hookif the character can
get that money, he can surely get more.
Dutybound: The PC has a deep sense of duty that he feels compelled to fulfill, such as military service, making good
on a contract, or following some sort of thieves code. Unlike the Oath Obligation (see below), a Dutybound
character has some legal or ritualistic bind to an organization or cause making it extremely difficult or detrimental if
he fails to live up to that commitment.
Family: The character has deep ties with his family that require a great deal of time and attention. This could
include the care and assistance of siblings or parents, the management of an inheritance, trust, or family business,
or simply mediating between squabbling family members.
Favor: The PC owes a big favor. Perhaps officials looked the other way when he smuggled in goods, or a friend got
him out of prison. Regardless, the favors are stacking up, and soon hes going to be asked to pay them back or
return the favor. This favor may be called in a little at a time, prolonging the Obligation.
Oath: The character has sworn some sort of oath that dictates his thoughts and actions, shaping his moral view of
the world. This could be an oath to a deity, a way of living (such as the Jedi Code), or a willingness to sacrifice for
the betterment of some group or cause. Whatever the case, the Oath should be both serious and make life difficult
in some ways for the character. It is a personal and deep undertaking, possibly without a truly obtainable end goal
in sight. Characters who do not live up to this oath face an internal and moral struggle.
Obsession: The PC has some unhealthy obsession that tends to interfere in his life, whether with a celebrity, a
region, a political movement, a cultural icon, or some other facet of society or life. He must pursue this, possibly to
the detriment of his health, finances, or well being. A character with this Obligation tends to get along well with
others that share his interest, but is looked at with pity, amusement, or even a bit of fear from others that dont
Responsibility: A character with the Responsibility Obligation feels a strong sense of accountability or relationship
to a person, place, or thing (a responsibility to kin falls under the Family Obligation described above). This could
include a strong connection to a mentor, a strong desire to care for orphans in a given location, or taking on the
needs of an under-represented minority.
Roll twice on this chart. Starting Obligation is split into two different origins (this does not increase the Obligations
magnitude; divide the starting Obligation into two equal parts, each with a different type).














Combat Victory: The Player Character is driven to show that the Alliance can hold its own against Imperial forces in
any troop vs. troop engagement. He wants to engage the Empires militarytheir best, whenever possibleand
provide more victories for the Alliance to tout to the galaxy as proof it can ultimately win the war. This means
daring raids, excellent tactics, and acquiring the best firepower possible.
Counter-Intelligence: The PC knows that the survival of the Alliance depends upon its ability to hide from the
Empire and avoid complete destruction at the hands of its overwhelming military superiority. To this end, he wants
to hunt down and eliminate enemy agents and threats, feed false information to Imperial intelligence networks,
and cover the movements of all Alliance assets from observation and reporting.
Intelligence: The PC knows that every victory hinges on knowing as much about the Empires military might and
other assets as possible. He is driven to gather any and all potentially useful data, wishing to locate vital and
vulnerable targets for Rebellion forces to strike at. He not only wants to know what the Imperial military factions
are up to, but also the state of technological research, economic policies, and other aspects of Imperial strength.
Internal Security: The most dangerous threat to the Alliance comes from within its own ranks. Any Rebel soldier,
operative, or ally could be an insidious threat waiting to take an action at a critical moment to bring entire
operations crashing down, costing lives and assets. Knowing that vigilance against these threats is the truest form
of devotion to the cause of the Alliance, the PC watches for any and all signs of betrayal.
Personnel: More than machines, credits, or information, the people of the Alliance are the most important and
vital assets there are, and the Player Character knows this. He is devoted to seeing to their safety, well-being, and
capacity for success. No one should ever be left behind; the most successful missions might not achieve every goal,
but they are successful nonetheless when no one dies.
Political Support: Every blaster, starfighter, and thermal detonator in the galaxy is useless without the political will
to truly challenge and overthrow Palpatine and his New Order. The Player Character understands this all too well
and is determined to see to it that as many factions, systems, and sectors as possible come to the sideand the
aidof the Alliance against the Empire.
Recruiting: Every engagement with the Empire is a war of attrition, and that is a war the Rebellion simply cannot
win. Nonetheless, more people must be found to serve, and they are needed in every capacity. Not only does the
Alliance military need more soldiers and pilots, it needs more technicians, engineers, mechanics, scientists, doctors,
slicers, and just about every other kind of worker. This Player Character understands the risks of recruitment, as
well as the needs, and is constantly on the lookout for allies who are both talented and trustworthy.
Resource Acquisition: There are never enough supplies to fully support those fighting against the juggernaut that is
the Empire, and this PC knows it very well. He is determined to seek out new sources of raw materials, food,
clothing, weapons, armor, and equipment of all kinds. One spare crate of medpacs can save quite a few lives, and a
handful of comlinks can mean the difference between success and failure on a mission. He will trade, beg, borrow,
and steal anything for the cause.
Sabotage: The largest and most powerful military force in the history of the galaxy is also the most vulnerable to
acts of destruction and asset denial. The character is focused on disrupting Imperial operations in any way possible,
whether its the manufacture of weapons, troop movements, supply shipments, banking systems, or any other key
operation, in order to make the Empire act more slowly and less capably. Truly showy acts of destruction also work
to erode a populations will to support the Empire, or so the PC often believes (though the Alliance expressly
forbids actual acts of terrorism).
Space Superiority: As the Combat Victory-driven PC feels about troop conflicts, so this Player Character feels about
ship-to-ship combat and naval engagements. To him, the war will ultimately be decided in the stars, and what the
Alliance lacks in sheer numbers, it more than makes up for in the quality and tenacity of its pilots. Every single
space battle is an opportunity to show the rest of the galaxy that the Alliance not only can win the war, but is
destined to do so.
Tech Procurement: There is no more prolific or productive time for technological developments than during a war,
and this one is no exception. This Player Character sees the true opportunity for Alliance victory in the hands of
scientists, engineers, and technicians. Not only can they get the most performance from existing machines and
resources, but they can design and develop new ships, weapons, medical techniques, and equipment that can
provide the vital edge necessary to survive against the Empires might. The way this PC sees it, stealing the best
developments of the Empire is a crucial way to even the odds.
Support: Individually, the lone agents of the Alliance dont stand a chance against the combined might of the
Galactic Empire. Only by working together can they hope to achieve a victory in this civil war. This PC is devoted to
helping fellow Rebels fulfill their Duties by providing whatever assistance they need. Although he might not get the
same amount of reward or recognition as the people he is helping, the PC has many more opportunities than his
fellows to fulfill his Duty to the Rebellion.
Roll twice on this chart. The PCs Duty is equally split between two different areas of focus, and success in either is
good for increasing the Duty score.

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