Cuckold Learns

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K R I S T E N' S
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-------------------------------------------------------Cuckold Learns a Lesson
by Etiene (
The reader wrote, among other things, that, after years
of marriage, he revealed his secret yearning to be a
cuckold. He was concerned his wife would leave him as
did another wife of a neighbor who revealed he was gay.
The email. In its entirety is now part of the blog so
all can read it. (FFM, rom, orgy, ws, bi, cuck)

Earlier today I received an email from one of my blog
readers that I decided to share with Patty. The reader
wrote, among other things, that, after years of
marriage, he revealed his secret yearning to be a
cuckold. He was concerned his wife would leave him as
did another wife of a neighbor who revealed he was gay.
The email. In its entirety is now part of the blog so
all can read it.
I was most impressed with the fact his wife not only
understood his desire to be a cuckold, she knew it all
along. That ws the case with Patty. I suspect that if
more men revealed their true selves to their wives,
they would find their secret really wasn t a secret at
all. When I revealed my so called secret to Patty, she
wasn t in the least surprised.
I ve considered the cuckold phenomenon quite a bit
since my life took a left turn. First, I came to
realize that the popularity of the cuckold lifestyle is
increasing in society in parallel with the poly-amorous
lifestyle the PA lifestyle there is recognition that we
don t have property rights or ownership over our
lovers. Likewise, there is a realization that true love
requires that we no longer interfere with our partner s
enjoyment and pleasure. Refusing Patty the sexual
satisfaction she craves would be no different that
refusing her food when she was hungry just because it
was prepared by someone else.
The other reason I felt compelled to right in response
to the letter I received (I receive many but not many
that are as hot as the one I included in the blog) is
that I recently had a similar situation. We recently
had our yearly check-ups and my doctor informed me I
better lose some weight or else. He thought my problems
would be cured with just a few mornings at the gym.
I decided to join the local gym and began to work-out a
few days a week; Pretty soon I started feeling so good
I made the gym a part of my daily routine. My story is
not all that dissimilar from the reader s story except
Patty and I have had a more open relationship for quite
some time and I was given instructions to find a guy
she would enjoy. As I ve said before, Patty isn t a
size queen and enjoys a woman s attention as much as a
man. She wants the tenderness a smart man gives a
woman. I big dick attached to a dull mind has never
been her thing. (Her words, not mine)
The gym I attend is part of a community center and so
it also has meeting rooms, a ballroom and a number of
civic events. Also included are several clubs and
meetings. One day while I was entering through the main
entrance instead of my usual parking lot entrance, I
noticed a sign that advertised for a Bi Men s group.
Being a bi man I thought I should check into the time
and date. According to the sign, the meeting was about

to begin in a small room down the hall.

I walked down the hall and peeked through a slit in the
paper that covered the small room. I saw a room filled
with 10 men. All appeared to be between 35-55. There
were more than few very handsome men so I decided to
take my chances. I opened the door and walked in. After
a moment a nice man asked if he could help. I told him
I was interested in possibly joining and wanted to see
what it was about. He asked a few questions to
determine whether or not I walked into the right room.
When he felt comfortable with my information, I was
asked to have a seat. The group leader s name is Bob.
Bob told me I didn t have to share the first meeting.
He said many men feel shy about sharing their bi side
right away and many were still in the closet and hadn t
told their families. I assured him I understood the
need for privacy and would be very careful with the
information I learned.
The meeting was very pleasant and informative. Some of
the men had been openly gay for several years and
others had yet to tell anyone or even have a bi
experience. I ve always known I was bi and found
comfort in knowing that others did as well.
After a few sessions I decided it was time to open up.
Actually, after the last meeting, several of the guys
asked me to share my story. When I was done, I could
see several mouths hanging open. Several of the guys
couldn t believe how lucky I was to be married to
Patty. Each revealed that their wives would probably
leave them if they said they wanted to date a man. I
listened to each of their stories before responding.
When I finally spoke I asked whether or not they
thought of their wives as smart. Both agreed their
wives are smarter then they are. I ve often found this
to be true among couples with a cuckold streak.
Dominant wives are usually the smarter members of the
couple. After all, why the smarter member of the couple
would feel uncomfortable trusting their welfare to the
mental inferior. Both of these guys were bright. Both
graduated from top schools. Our neighborhood has
average home prices in excess of $1.5 M so just being
in the neighborhood indicates you have something on the
As my two new friends and I talked I thought they would
be perfect for Patty. Both were slight to medium of
build and both were relatively good looking. I
explained that it might be helpful for them to meet my
wife so they can hear the woman s side of the story. It
is one thing to listen to the stories of a group of men
but I thought these guys needed to talk to a woman.
Perhaps after meeting Patty and hearing her side of the
issue they might be more willing to open up to their
wives. I also though that Patty might lay the ground

work for them by talking to their wives about

bisexuality. Patty could get a sense for their true
views on the subject talking girl to girl. Both guys,
Bruce and Mike were up for meeting Patty, especially
after the story I told in the meeting. I told them I d
have to get clearance from Patty and would let them
know the next day.
When I arrived home later that day, patty was in the
kitchen working away at her latest project. She had the
phone in one hand, a join in the other and her reading
glasses were sliding down her nose.
I opened a bottle of wine, poured both of us a glass
and sat down beside her. I picked up her right foot,
rested it on my thigh and began to rub her feet. If you
want to bring-up a touchy subject do it while giving a
foot rub. No matter what the story they won t let you
stop. I began to tell Patty that while I hadn t found a
big dick guy in the shower, I did find two very nice bi
guys that wanted to talk with her. I explained that
both were extremely shy and careful not to publicly
acknowledge their bisexuality.
I wasn t surprised when Patty suggested I bring them
home. Patty, in her typical style, asked if she could
invite the wives and surprise everyone Jerry Spinger
style. I knew she was joking and let her know we d have
to reserve that episode for another week.
The next day Bruce and Mike knocked on our door. In
anticipation of their visit I went to Whole Foods and
bought an array of healthy good tasting food. I also
bought a new bottle of almond oil, the best massage oil
there is. I opened a bottle of wine that Bruce brought
over and the four of us sat in the living-room just
talking about the neighborhood.
After about 20 minutes of polite conversation, Patty
put her hands up in the time out position and asked
them what they really wanted to talk about. Patty
question opened the flood gates. Both asked a series of
logistical questions, the mechanics of sex with a
stranger(s) or two people, three or more. Patty
patiently explained how it has been for she and I.
To my surprise, Patty never censored herself. She knew
they were here for information and she was going to
send them away full. Mike wanted to know what she
thought and felt the first time I told her I wanted to
suck a cock after it has been in her pussy and that I
wanted to suck her pussy after watching another man
fill it with his cream.
As I suspected, Patty said it was no surprise and that
she had imagined I was gay or bi for some time. Unlike
some other wives, Patty said she my sexuality as a
bonus not as a problem. After all, who hasn t
fantasized about new sexual partners? With million of
gay men in the world that are very nice people and have

prestigious positions, why would she dislike me for the

same behavior, she asked.
Mike and Bruce listened and by the look on their face,
both agreed with everything Patty was saying. Patty
poured both another glass of wine and then lit another
joint to pass around. After the joint was finished,
Patty asked if either had ever felt another man s cock.
Both said they fad fantasies but had never felt another
man s member. Patty looked at each, square in the eye,
and told them to get undressed. All the way. Patty
turned to me and said to do the same but not before I
turned the heat up to 85. Since she started attending
Bikram Yoga classes, Patty likes it very warm when we
In no time at all Mike and Bruce were sitting where
they were but without a stitch of clothes to be seen.
Patty instructed each to face each other on the couch
and give each other a hug for at least 2 minutes. We
both watched as the two men reached for each other.
Though hesitant at first, they soon fully engaged in
the embrace.
Patty had to twice tell them to disengage. Next she
took hold of my penis and told the two men to do the
same for each other. As you might expect Patty walked
them through a 69. We watched as two gay virgins sucked
each other off to total orgasm. Patty instructed them
to hold the cum in the mouths. Yes, you guessed it,
each was then told to kiss each other as they embraced
for another two minutes.
It was magical to listen to Patty walk these two
virgins through the hottest sexual experience of their
lives. Patty couldn t get over how beautiful the two
men looked. Each had the expression of someone that had
finally found themselves. I couldn t agree more.
It didn t take a minute before Patty planted her soaked
vagina on Bruce s face and told him to lick her as
though her clit were a butterfly. Bruce willingly
I opened the oil, spread some on my hands and them
started rubbing Mike. After a moment I rolled him over
and with the help of Vaseline and almond oil, I slipped
my stick into his ass and delicately pounded his ass
because I was just as hot as I d ever been. In just a
few strokes I was filling Mike s ass.
Over the next 7 days Mike and Bruce visited our home
everyday after work. We d relax over wine and then
experiment with everything from dildos to golden
showers. Mike s favorite position was sucking Patty s
cum filled pussy while Bruce or I fucked him from
behind. Bruce, on the other hand, discovered he
preferred dick to pussy. He liked it best when he was
being fucked by Mike, sucking my dick while Patty was
giving him head. Can you imagine the scene?

During the group meeting the leader asked if anyone had

revealed themselves to their spouses. To my surprise,
two of the guys had come clean with their spouses and,
in their descriptions, were warmly welcomed. Both wives
had apparently known for many years. Both men had good
sexual relationships with their wives despite being bi.
To no one s surprise, both wives preferred to see the
revelation as a gift of expanded possibilities. I could
tell Bruce and Mike were encouraged by the news and
were closer to telling their wives.
About three days later Bruce came to a meeting saying
that his wife became suspicious of the time he was
spending at our house. Bruce decided it was the perfect
time to have a serious talk with his wife, Celia.
Unlike many of the stories you read about wives not
knowing who to invite to bed, Bruce s wife knew exactly
who she wanted to join in their fun. There was a guy at
work she thought good looking and only that day had
turned down his invitation. Celia wanted to meet Patty
to learn more about the cuckold personality.
Before the night Celia visited our home was through,
Celia discovered her husband of 8 years was more turned
on looking at a swollen cock than a big pair of tits.
Like myself, Bruce liked golden showers and to her
surprise, Celia discovered she liked giving Bruce the
thrill. She said she never felt so powerful.
The first time Celia saw Bruce sucking the cock of her
lover, she knew that her husband was a cuckold and
happy about it. Bruce s revelation about his nondominant bi sexuality put everything else in her
marriage into perspective. Most important of all, Celia
said she just loved it when Bruce sucked her cum filled
pussy, especially when her lover was pumping his ass
full of cum as he licked away.
Weeks later Mike finally revealed his bi sexuality to
his wife. Unfortunately, it didn t go well. Michelle,
his wife, had other ideas about what was proper and she
wasn t about to change. Michelle asked Mike to leave
the house but after a few days allowed him to return.
During the time he was away, Michele had long girl to
girl talks with Patty and Celia.
Patty and Celia convinced her to give the cuckold
lifestyle a chance. They told her that being bi did not
mean one thing. They showed her there was a broad
spectrum of styles when it came to sexuality and, all
things considered, Mike was still pretty conservative.
Over the weeks and months to follow, Michele had an
affair with an accountant she met at work.
Though she never introduced Mike to her lover, or
allowed Mike to suck his dick, she did start bringing
home a cum filled pussy for Mike to suck several times
a week.

I guess it is true what they say, one person can make a

real difference. I feel responsible for Mike and Bruce.
We get together every now and then but don t see each
other more than once or twice a year. Both remain
married and both wives have discovered their love for
cuckold men.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
It's okay to *READ* stories about unprotected sex with
others outside a monogamous relationship. But it isn't
okay to *HAVE* unprotected sex with people other than
a trusted partner. You only have one body per lifetime,
so take good care of it!
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Kristen's collection - Directory 34

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