UCC Bulletin 11-01-2015

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C at h o l i c
2010 University Ave. | Austin, TX 78705
Phone: 512.476.7351 | Fax: 512.476.7377

Close to Campus, Close to Christ

Office Hours

Monday - Friday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

Sunday Mass
9:00 am

11:30 am

5:00 pm

8:00 pm

Daily Mass

MWF 12:05 pm TTh 12:30 pm

In the Holy Spirit Chapel

For alternative Mass times at St. Austins see page 3 


Monday 12:30 pm Tuesday 1:00 pm

Or by appointment

Monday-Friday 9:00 am - 9:00 pm

In the Blessed Sacrament Chapel


Other sacraments
Baptism or Marriage
Fr. Ed | frednowak@utcatholic.org
Fr. Jamie | frjamie@utcatholic.org

November 1, 2015 | Solemnity of All Saints

Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:3
Your Ministry Team

A ministry of the Paulist Fathers

Fr. Ed Nowak, CSP


Fr. Jamie Baca, CSP

Associate Director

Marti Salas
Campus Minister

Br. Rob Clark, FMS

Campus Minister

Elizabeth Bertrand
Director of Development

Carol Filip
Development Associate

Danielle Castillo
Business Manager

Matthew Anderson
Administrative Assistant

Joseph Gonzales
Sunday Sacristan

Natalie Ross
Sunday Sacristan

Josh Parker
Sunday Sacristan

Marti Salas | marti@utcatholic.org
Becoming Catholic
Marti Salas | marti@utcatholic.org
Marriage Prep Workshop
Brandon Kraft | public@brandonkraft.com
Religious Education
Julie Ulrich | re@utcatholic.org

Monthly e-newsletter

Christina Sanchez
Team Leader
Margaret Beasley

In fellowship with

Erin Scanlan

Geoffrey Calvert
David Driskill

Our mission is to provide pastoral care to the Roman Catholic community at The University of Texas at Austin
and to advance the spiritual, intellectual, and social life of the students, faculty, staff, and administration.

November 1, 2015

Solemnity of All Saints

Reection & Weekly Readings

UCC News and Events

Want to learn more about Catholicism?

11/4: Old Testament + Covenant + The Ten Commandments

11/11: New Testament + The Incarnation + The New Covenant
11/18: Advent + Christmas + Eschatology
New online giving platform!

Online giving is now available

for community members with
WeShare. Donating is simple,
safe, and completely secure. You
can set up a recurring weekly or monthly transaction using your
checking, savings, or credit card account. You can decide how
much to give to any collection and make changes any time, day or
night. Plus, you can leave your checkbook at home on Sundays.

To update your online giving profile, or to enroll, please visit

www.utcatholic.org/give. If you have any questions or concerns
about the program, or if you would like help setting up your
account, please call Carol at 512-476-7351.
Longhorn Catholic Tailgate Sat., Nov. 7th

Join us Saturday, November 7th at 5:00

pm in the UCC parking lot for free food
and drinks before the Longhorns take on
the Kansas Jayhawks! RSVP on
Facebook. For more information,
contact Elizabeth Bertrand at elizabethb@utcatholic.org!

Week At A Glance
| The Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed
Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel
Praise and Worship
Blessed Sacrament Chapel

Monday, Nov 2

12:05 pm
12:35 pm
8:30 pm

| Tuesday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel
St. Paul Reconciliation Chapel

Tuesday, Nov 3

12:30 pm
1:00 pm

| Memorial of St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop

Holy Spirit Chapel
Carbos for Christ
Catacombs (UCC Basement)

Wednesday, Nov 4

12:05 pm
12:35 pm
7:00 pm

| Thursday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel
Eucharistic Adoration Holy Spirit Chapel

Thursday, Nov 5

12:30 pm
8:00 pm

| Friday of the 31st Week in Ordinary Time

Holy Spirit Chapel

Friday, Nov 6

12:05 pm

In what concrete ways are you living your faith

through service to others?

Saints are those who have experienced a profound encounter with

God and who have committed to following the Lord Jesus. Saints
embody the Gospel, the good news of Gods love. The Beatitudes
list ways of holy living. God encounters us in our daily lives. God
has invited us to holiness to be saints. When does my life not
reflect the Beatitudes? How can I spend more time with the Lord
to learn to recognize his voice?


Readings for the week

Our RCIA sessions (Rite of Christian Initiation

of Adults) are designed to instruct those who
are interested in becoming Catholic, but they
can be a great refresher for those who are
already Catholic and simply want to better
understand their faith. No need to attend the
entire series; come listen in on any topic that interests you! We
meet Wednesdays 7:00-9:00 pm in the Catacombs. Join us!


Wis 3:1-9; Rom 5:5-11;

Jn 6:37-40
Rom 12:5-16ab; Lk 14:15-24
Rom 13:8-10; Lk 14:25-33
Rom 14:7-12; Lk 15:1-10
Rom 15:14-21; Lk 16:1-8
Rom 16:3-9,16,22-27;
Lk 16:9-15
1 Kgs 17:10-16; Heb 9:24-28;
Mk 12:38-44

Our Gifts to God

Sunday, OCTOBER 18: $1,833.97
Living Faith Society: $8.215.00
$20 for $20k:
Weekly Expenses approx. $11,000;
Building Debt: $50,088.01

UCCs Wish List

Want to contribute to a specific need?

Please take a look at our wish list!

Second TV monitor for Atrium ads ($700)

50 New Monthly Donors ($50/month)
New Carpet & Installation ($11,500)
Carbos for Christ weekly spaghetti lunch ($100)
Semester of ministry activities for one student ($250)
Speaker Series event ($500)
Any gift you make to our ministry will help us bring the light of
Christ to more students at the University of Texas. Want to
make a difference? Contact Elizabeth Bertrand at:
elizabethb@utcatholic.org Thank you!

November 1, 2015

Solemnity of All Saints

St. Austin Parish

A Word from Our Ministry Team

2026 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512.477.9471

Greetings from our newest team member!

Wake up the world! Pope Francis challenged religious

women and men with these words when he declared 2015
to be the world-wide Year of Consecrated Life; and
today we open the National Vocation Awareness
Week here in the States. What a wonderful year, week,
and day to join the community of the University Catholic
Center, at the University of Texas.

I am Brother Rob Clark and on this All Saints Day I am honored to

begin my ministry among you as a member of the Campus
Ministry Staff. The reason that the timing of my beginning today
seems so appropriate is that the main focus of my ministry with
you will be creating and facilitating more intentional vocational
discernment activities and leadership development opportunities
within our extensive Campus Ministry program here at UCC. Our
hope is that with educational and experiential programs, retreats,
and individual and group spiritual accompaniment we will be able
to identify and support Longhorn students who are open to the
possibility of serving the Church as lay ministers/leaders; ordained
deacons, priests; or as Consecrated Sisters or Brothers.
It seems like my life's study and service as a Marist Brother has
prepared me for this new initiative. Most of my ministry has been
with Young Adults as a Campus Minister (Rutgers University,
Marist College, the Culinary Institute of America); directing an
International & National Volunteer Program (The Marist
Volunteers); or in my service to my Brothers as both Vocation
Director and Director of Novices (for the USA, Australia and
Western Europe). The Brothers have blessed me with many
opportunities to academically and spiritually prepare for this
program. Specifically through my study and practice of Pastoral
Counseling/Spiritual Direction I have grown in my understanding
and love of you, the newest generation of Catholics, and I look
forward to journeying with you as you seek to listen and respond
to God's call.
What else? I was born in Brooklyn, NY, and spent all but 2 years
of my life in NY or NJ (those other 2 years were spent in
Brownsville, TX!). I have a brother and 2 sisters (and 2 nieces and
4 nephews). I really enjoy all water activities (swimming, skiing,
surfing, fishing, boating), and I like to cook and garden. One of
the more unique experiences I had was co-starring with Tom
Cruise in War of the Worlds (actually I was called an extra!).
Thanks for your warm welcome and I look forward to meeting
you in the days ahead.
Brother Rob Clark, FMS
Catholic Campus Minister

Busted Halo

Check out the Busted Halo Show, M-F,

6-9 pm on Sirius XM channel 129. Also
check out bustedhalo.com!

Mass Times
Saturday 5:00 pm
Sunday 7:30 am | 9:00 am | 11:30 am| 5:30 pm
Daily MonFri 8:00 am | Mon-Thu 5:20 pm
Saturday 3:30-4:30 pm or by appointment

The Church of Mercy 7 pm, November 9, 10, 11

St. Austin Catholic Parish is proud to present The

Church of Mercy: The Life and Thought of Pope
Francis, a parish mission for the Jubilee Year of
Mercy, on the evenings of Monday, November 9
through Wednesday, November 11 at 7:00 pm in
the St. Austin church, located at 2026 Guadalupe
Street (one block from the UCC). Each
multimedia presentation will be 60-90 minutes
long. This event is open to all, and no RSVP is necessary.

Our special guest presenter, Paulist Father Frank Desiderio, will

use anecdotes from the life of Pope Francis to illustrate the Holy
Fathers theology and pastoral practice. Themes will include: son
of immigrants, theology of mercy, the faith of the poor, reform
from the margins, no marginno mission.
For more information, visit staustin.org/parishmission

Other Featured Events

Upcoming retreats at Cedarbrake

For more detailed descriptions of the retreats and

events listed below, including prices and updates,
and to register, please visit:

Nov. 4:
Nov. 6-8:
Dec. 3:
Dec. 4-6:

How to Grieve (Healthy ways to heal after loss)

Merciful Like the Father
Advent Dinner with Bishop Danny Garcia
Silent Advent Retreat

For more information on Cedarbrake Retreat Center and the

retreats listed here, see our bulletin board in the Atrium!

Prayer Intentions
Please pray for:

Pope Francis & Bishop Joe

Fr. Ed Nowak
Ann Byrd
Bishop Joes father
Terry Long
Olga Milk
Fr. Pat Hensy, CSP
Diane Key
Denali Huff

Prayer intentions can be submitted

at: bulletin@utcatholic.org.
Please note if you would like to
remain anonymous.

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