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(NRIC NO: xxxxxxxxxx)



(NRIC NO: xxxxxxxxxxxxx)



No. 30, Jalan Sri Angsana 2 , Taman Sri Angsana,

27000 Jerantut, Pahang.

A TENANCY AGREEMENT made the day and year stated in Section 1 of the First Schedule hereto
between the following parties
1. The party whose name and description are stated in Section 2 of the First Schedule
(hereinafter referred to as "the Landlord") of the one part; and
2. The party whose name and description are stated in Section 3 of the First Schedule
(hereinafter referred to as "the Tenant") of the other part.

A. The Landlord is the registered/beneficial owner of all that premises referred and described in
Section 4 of the First Schedule (hereinafter referred to as "the Demised Premises").
B. The Landlord has agreed to let and the Tenant has agreed to rent the said Demised Premises
subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

1. In consideration of the Tenant paying to the Landlord the Rental (as defined herein) hereby
reserved and performing and observing the Tenant's covenants, undertakings, obligations,
stipulations and agreements herein contained, the Landlord lets and the Tenant accepts a
tenancy of the Demised Premises for the term described in Section 5 of the First Schedule at a
monthly rental described in Section 6 of the First Schedule (hereinafter referred to as "the
Rental"), commencing on the date described in Section 7(a) of the First Schedule and expiring
on the date described in Section 7(b) of the First Schedule. The Rental shall be payable monthly
in advance free from any deductions. The first of such Rental to be paid upon execution of this
Agreement and subsequent payment of rentals to be made on the first week of each and every
calendar month subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter contained.

Upon execution of this Agreement, the Tenant shall pay to the Landlord the sum or sums as
stated in Section 8(a) of the First Schedule as rental deposit (hereinafter referred to as "the
Rental Deposit") and security for the due observance and performance by the Tenant of the
terms and conditions of the Tenancy hereby created. The said sum(s) shall be refunded by the
Landlord to the Tenant without interest at the expiration or determination of the tenancy provided
that if the Tenant is in breach of any of the provisions of this Agreement on the part of the Tenant
to be observed and performed, the Landlord shall be entitled to deduct from such deposit such
sum as is found due to Landlord as a result of such breach without prejudice to any other claims
against the Tenant. The said deposit shall not be treated as payment of the rental by the Tenant.

3. The Tenant shall simultaneously upon execution of this Agreement pay to the Landlord a further
sum or sums as stated in Section 8(b) of the First Schedule as security deposit (hereinafter
referred to as "the Utilities Deposit") for the supply of water and electricity to the Demised
Premises which said sum shall be refunded by the Landlord to the Tenant free of interest upon
the expiration or determination of the tenancy granted but less such sum or sums as may then
be found to be due and owing to the relevant utility bodies.
4. The Tenant hereby covenants with the Landlord as follows :a) to promptly pay the Rental in advance at the address of the Landlord above stated or
any subsequent change of address as the Landlord may notify the Tenant, or by
depositing the Rental into the bank account as the Landlord may notify the Tenant, on
the days and in the manner stated in this Agreement;
b) to promptly pay and discharge all charges for water, electricity, telephone charges, sewerage
conservancy charges charged by public or local authority or other competent bodies which is
now or hereafter imposed or charged upon the said Demised Premises during the term of
the tenancy except the quit rent and assessment, service and maintenance charges;

c) at all times to keep the interior of the said Demised Premises and all fittings, and things
therein (belonging to the Landlord) in good and tenantable repair and condition (fair wear
and tear excepted) and to replace or compensate with similar value any lost or damage
d) not to assign, sublet or part with the actual or legal possession of the use of the Demised
Premises or any part thereof for any term whatsoever without the consent of the Landlord;
e) not to store or bring upon the said Demised Premises firearms, ammunition or unlawful
goods, gunpowder or any explosive substance in any part of the Demised Premises; As
Residential Only.

not to use the Demised Premises for any illegal unlawful or immoral purpose and not to do or
permit to be done any act or thing which is in the opinion of the Landlord may become a
nuisance or give reasonable cause for complaint to the Landlord or any other adjoining
occupiers and not to use the Demised Premises or permit the same to be used as a
laboratory, gambling centre or funeral matters.

g) not to do or permit or suffer to be done or omitted any act matter or thing in on or respecting
the Demised Premises which shall contravene any provisions of any act, enactment, order,
rules, regulations or by-laws or hereafter affecting the same and shall indemnify the Landlord
against all actions proceedings costs expenses claims and demands in respect of any such
matter or thing done or omitted to be done in contravention of any of the said provisions;
h) to use the Demised Premises for dwelling purposes only;

to permit the Landlord or his agent or agents with or without workmen at all reasonable hours
with the consent and agreement of Tenant in the daytime after the Landlord made an
appointment with the Tenant to enter and view the condition of the said Demised Premises
with the presence of Tenant's employee or agent Premises and there upon the Landlord may
serve upon the Tenant notice in writing specifying any Tenant's repairs or works necessary to
be done and require the Tenant forthwith to execute the same and if the Tenant shall not
within fourteen (14) days after the service of such notice proceed diligently with the
execution of such repairs or works then the Landlord with or without workmen and others
may enter upon the Demised Premises and execute any such repairs or works and the
Tenant agrees that the costs thereof shall be a debt from the Tenant to the Landlord and be
forthwith recoverable by action;


not to make any alterations or additions to the Demised Premises without the prior consent
in writing of the Landlord and to bear the costs and expenses of any such alterations or
additions, in the event of the Landlord permitting such alterations or additions, the Tenant
shall at expiration or determination of the Tenancy reinstate the said Demised Premises at
his own cost and expenses to its original state and condition;

k) not to do or permit or suffer to be done anything which would invalidate the policy of any
insurance of the Demised Premises or increase the premium for such insurance beyond the
existing risk;

within seven (7) days of the receipt of the same by him/her give full particulars to the
Landlord of any notice or proposal for an order given issued or made to the Tenant in respect
of the Demised Premises by or on behalf of any appropriate authority and if so required by

the Landlord, the Tenant shall also without delay and within the period prescribed by such
notice order or proposal take all reasonable and necessary steps to comply with the
provisions of the same unless otherwise instructed by the Landlord;
m) to insure and keep insured the Tenant's fixtures, fittings, goods and personal belongings in
the Demised Premises against loss and damage by fire with an insurance company of repute
and to pay all premium necessary for the above purposes;
n) to repair any minor faults connected with electrical fittings or devices or other fixtures which
may occur from time to time during the said term; and
o) at the expiration or sooner determination of this Tenancy to peacefully yield up the Demised
Premises in good and tenantable repair and condition, (fair wear and tear excepted);
5. The Landlord hereby covenants with the Tenant as follows:a) to pay assessment rates, quit rent and other outgoings which the Tenant is not hereby
made liable to pay and are hereinafter to be charged on the Demised Premises;

that as long as the Tenant paying the rent hereby reserved and performing and
observing the covenants and stipulations on his/her part contained, the Tenant shall
peaceably hold and enjoy the Demised Premises during the continuance of this
Tenancy without any interruption by the Landlord or any person rightfully claiming
under or in trust for him/her;

c) to refund without interest to the Tenant the Rental Deposit and the Utilities Deposit
less any sum or sums which may then be due by the Tenant to the Landlord or to the
relevant utility bodies on the expiration or determination of the tenancy; and
d) to maintain and keep the main structure of the Demised Premises in a structurally
safe condition throughout the tenancy hereby created unless such repairs are made
necessary by reason of any act, default or negligence of the Tenant, his/her servants,
agents, visitors, licensees or invitees and in that event, the Tenant shall forthwith
carry out such repairs at their his/her own costs and expenses failing which the
Landlord shall be at liberty, but not obliged, to enter upon the Demised Premises and
to attend to such repairs and the costs and expense thereof shall be a debt
immediately due by the Tenant to the Landlord.
6. PROVIDED ALWAYS and it is hereby expressly agreed between the Landlord and the
Tenant as follow:
a) If at any time during the term of this tenancy the Demised Premises shall be destroyed or
damaged by fire (not caused by the wilful act or default of the Tenant) so as to become
unfit for occupation or use for the purpose aforesaid, the Rental or a just proportionate
part thereof according to the nature and extent of damage sustained shall abate and be
allowed to the Tenant from time of the destruction or damage until such time the Demised
Premises shall be rebuilt and reinstated. PROVIDED FURTHER if through any cause
whatsoever the Demised Premises shall be so destroyed or so damaged as to become
unfit for occupation or use for the purpose aforesaid or shall require substantial rebuilding
or reinstating, the Landlord may at the Landlord's discretion in lieu of rebuilding or
reinstating the same, elect to terminate this Agreement by giving to the Tenant not less
than one (1) month's notice in writing and re-enter upon the Demised Premises. The
Landlord shall refund to the Tenant the Rental Deposit and the Utilities Deposit paid
pursuant to this Agreement provided that Landlord shall be entitled to deduct from such
deposit such sum as is found due to the Landlord as a result of a breach of any of the
provisions of this Agreement on the part of the Tenant to be observed and performed.

b) The Landlord shall be entitled to terminate this Agreement with notice to the Tenant if (i) the rent hereby reserved or any part thereof shall be unpaid for seven (7) days after
becoming due and payable (whether formally demanded or not); or
(ii) any covenant stipulation or agreement on the Tenant's part shall not be performed or
observed; or
(iii) the Tenant shall become bankrupt or being a company shall enter into liquidation
whether compulsory or voluntary (other than for the purpose of reconstruction or
amalgamation); or

(iv) the Tenant for the time being shall enter into arrangement or composition for the benefit
of the Tenant's creditors; or

(v) the Tenant shall suffer any distress or execution to be levied on the Tenant's goods; and
upon termination thereof, it shall be lawful for the Landlord or any person or persons
duly authorised by the Landlord in that behalf to re-enter upon the Demised Premises or
any part thereof in the name of the whole and thereupon this Agreement shall absolutely
determine but without prejudice to any right of action or remedy of the Landlord in
respect of any antecedent breach by the Tenant of any of the covenants or agreement
herein contained.
c) If upon the expiration or sooner determination of this tenancy, the Tenant shall fails to vacate the
Demised Premises and deliver up the same to the Landlord, the Tenant shall indemnify the
Landlord of all costs, expenses, payments incurred for such legal proceedings to evict the
occupants remaining in the Demised Premises and shall compensate the Landlord for loss of
rent suffered by the Landlord as a result thereof.
d) The Tenant shall at all times indemnify and keep the Landlord fully indemnified against all actions
proceedings claims demands fines penalties losses damages costs charges and expenses
whatsoever which may be taken, made or imposed against or suffered or incurred by the
Landlord in respect of any injury, death, loss or damage to the person or the property of the
servants agents visitors invitees or licensees of the Tenant or the Landlord howsoever caused
while in or upon the Demised Premises and/or due to any breach by the Tenant of any of the
covenants, undertakings, obligations, stipulations or agreements on his part herein contained
and/or by reason of any act default neglect error or omission of the Tenant, its servants, agents,
licensees, invitees or visitors.
e) In the event any of the parties hereto is desirous of terminating this tenancy before the expiry of
the term hereby created without any fault on the part of the other party, that party shall serve on
the other party hereto a notice to quit of at least the period described in Section 9 of the First
Schedule. Provided Always if(i) the said notice to quit is served by the Tenant to the Landlord, the Landlord shall be
entitled to forfeit absolutely the Rental Deposit paid by the Tenant pursuant to clause 2
herein as liquidated damages to the Landlord; or
(ii) the said notice to quit is served by the Landlord to the Tenant, the Landlord shall
immediately refund to the Tenant the Rental Deposit and the Utilities Deposit paid by the
Tenant pursuant to clause 2 and 3 herein subject to the deduction from such deposit
such sum as is found due to the Landlord as a result of a breach of any of the provisions
of this Agreement on the part of the Tenant to be observed and performed.

If the Tenant shall be desirous of renewing the tenancy of the Demised Premises for a further
term from the expiration of the term hereby created, the Tenant shall give to the Landlord prior
written notice of renewal of at least the period stated in Section 10(a) of the First Schedule before
such expiration and provided that the Tenant shall have promptly paid the Rental hereby

reserved and all other monies payable to the Landlord herein and shall have duly performed and
observed the covenants, undertakings, obligations, stipulations and agreements on his part
herein contained up to the expiration of the term hereby created, then the Landlord shall let the
Demised Premises to the Tenant for a further term as described in Section 10(b) of the First
Schedule from the expiration of the term hereby created at a rental to be mutually agreed
between the parties hereto based on the prevailing market at the time of the renewal and the
renewal shall be subject in all other respects to the same terms and conditions as this Agreement
save and except this provision for renewal.
g) In the event of acquisition of the Demised Premises or any part thereof by the Government which
renders the Demised Premises unfit to be rented out, this Agreement shall thereupon be treated
as terminated and no further effect and upon such termination, the Landlord shall refund to the
Tenant the Rental Deposit and the Utilities Deposit paid under this Agreement and neither parties
hereto shall have any claim against the other.
h) In the event that the Landlord is desirous to sell the Demised Premises during the term of
tenancy hereby created, the Landlord shall first offer the sale to the Tenant by giving a written
notice to the Tenant stating the offer and the offer price of the Demised Premises. The Tenant
shall within fourteen (14) days upon receipt of the notice from the Landlord inform the Landlord in
writing of his/her acceptance of the offer. In the event that the Tenant fails or neglects to serve
the said notice of acceptance to the Landlord after the period of fourteen (14) days, the Landlord
shall be entitled to offer the sale of the Demised Premises at the offer price of not less than the
offer price to the Tenant to such other party as the Landlord may deemed fit.

Any indulgence given or action not immediately taken by the Landlord for any breach or failure
on the part of the Tenant to observe and perform the several stipulations and covenants herein
contained shall not be construed as a waiver of or prejudice to the Landlord's rights herein


In the event that any one or more of the provisions contained in this Agreement or their
performance thereof shall for any reason be held to be unenforceable illegal or otherwise
invalid in any respect under the law governing this Agreement, such unenforceability, illegality
or invalidity shall not affect the remaining provisions of the relevant clause(s) or any other
provisions of this Agreement and this Agreement shall then be construed as if such
unenforceable, illegal or invalid provisions had never been contained herein.

k) Any notice or demand required to be given by either party hereto or served on the other party
under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed to be sufficiently served after the
expiration of five (5) working days from the date the notice or demand was sent by registered
post addressed to the party to be served at their respective address above given, whether it is
actually delivered or not, and in the case of the Tenant, or if left at or sent to the Demised

All costs and stamp duty of this Agreement shall be borne by the Tenant.

m) The First and Second Schedule hereto shall be taken read and construed as an essential part of
this Agreement.
n) This Tenancy shall in addition on the terms and conditions herein be subject to the special
express conditions, if any, stated in the Second Schedule hereto and in the event of any conflict
discrepancies or variance the special express conditions stated in the Second Schedule shall
o) Time wherever mentioned herein shall be the essence of this Agreement.

7. In this Agreement where the context so admit :a) the expression "The Landlord" shall include the heirs, personal representatives,
successors and assigns of the Landlord;
b) the expression "The Tenant" shall include the heirs, personal representatives,
successors and assigns of the Tenant;
c) the expression "calendar month" shall be any of the twelve named months of the year.
d) words importing the masculine gender only shall include the feminine and neuter
genders and vice versa and words importing the singulars numbers only shall include
the plural and vice versa.
[The rest of this page is intentionally left blank]

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have hereunto set their respective hands the day and
year herein written.

SIGNED by the Landlord

In the presence of :



(NRIC NO.: xxxxxxxxxxxx)

Witness by :

SIGNED by the Tenant

In the presence of :

( NRIC NO.: ............................... )



(NRIC NO.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)

Witness by :

( NRIC NO.: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx )


(Which is to be taken read and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)

Section 1

Date of this Agreement

Section 2

Particulars of the


(NRIC NO.: xxxxxxxxxxx)

No Tel:
Section 3

Particulars of the Tenant


(NRIC NO: 800906-03-5150 )

Tel. No:
Particulars of the
Term of Tenancy

No. 30, Jalan Sri Angsana 2 , Taman Sri Angsana,

27000 Jerantut, Pahang

Rental Per Month

Payable in
Advance (Inclusive of
Maintenance charges, if
a) Date of
b) Date of Expiry
a) Rental Deposit

Ringgit Malaysia Six Hundred only.

( RM 600.00 )

b) Utilities Deposit

Ringgit Malaysia Three Hundred Only.

(RM 300.00).

Section 9

Notice to Quit

Two (2) Months

Section 10

a) Notice of Renewal
b) Renewal Term

Two (2) Months

One (1) Year ( New rent subject to mutual agreement)

Section 4

Section 5
Section 6

Section 7

Section 8

One (1) Year

a) 01st March 2015

b) 29th February 2016
Two (2) Months
Ringgit Malaysia One Thousand Two Hundred Only
( RM 1200.00)


(Which is to be taken and construed as an essential part of this Agreement)

Monthly rental should be banked-in at Maybank Berhad a/c No. xxxxxxx payable to
Premise must be empty and all rubbish must be clean during move out or
else RM150.00 will be deducted from the deposit.
Living hall and dining hall 2 units of ceiling fan. down light and basic
Kitchen 1 unit ceiling fan and basic lamp
Master Bedroom 1 unit ceiling fan, down lights and one unit of air conditioner
Second Bedroom - 1 unit ceiling fan and down lights
Third Bedroom - 1 unit ceiling fan and down lights
Forth Bedroom - 1 unit ceiling fan and basic lamp
Car Porch 1 unit cloth dryer rack

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