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Larry Boyd, Chief of Police

Maria Gonzalez, Police Records Clerk, Technical Services Division
September 17, 2015
Incident that occurred on Tuesday afternoon reguarding Mohamed Ahmed

I am writing this memo about the incident that occurred September 17, 2015 regarding Mohamed
Ahmed. I was in my cubicle working and printed a report, which prints to the front counter printer. I
walked up to the front to pick up my report when I heard Mohamed Ahmed being very loud and
disrespectful. He was speaking very loudly and rude to Records Clerk, Christina Anguiano and Records
Clerk, Karina Perla. Mohamed Ahmed stated he wanted his property/tablet back and that he was not
leaving without it and that the police had no right to keep it. Christian Anguiano explained to Ahmed
Mohamed, his parents and sister that the officer had listed the property as evidence therefor it could
not be released. Ahmed Mohamed began speaking louder and that is when Officer Howman walked thru
the door (coming from Property side of building). Officer Howman stopped to speak with Ahmed
Mohamed, his parents and sister explaining to them that the property would not be released at that
time. While officer Howman was trying to explain, Sergeant Mitchell and Officer Taylor walked in (from
Community Service door). Sergeant Mitchell also tried to explain to the parents, sister and Mohamed
Ahmed that the property would not be released, that it was evidence and that it had to be looked at.
Sergeant Mitchell further explained that once the tablet was looked out and if nothing was found that it
would be released after the department was done with it. At that time Mohamed Ahmed became
louder and stated he would not leave without the property/tablet. Mohamed Ahmed, his parents and
sister would not listen; they kept talking and kept saying they wanted the property/tablet back.
Sergeant Mitchell again informed them that the property would not be released and that they needed
to leave.

Reviewed and forwarded 09/21/15. - Capt. Samuel Hall #775

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