Memo Perla

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Larry Boyd, Chief of Police

Karina Perla, Records Clerk, Records Section
September 17, 2015
Encounter with Ahmed Mohamed

On Monday, September 14 at around 4:00 pm and 5:00pm I watched Officer Taylor escort Ahmed
Mohamed to his family to the community service department. I could hear Ahmed's father demanding
that they drop charges or he would not take his son home. A few minutes later Ahmed and his family
walked out of Community Services and out of the station. They returned and approached my window
and Ahmed asked,"Can I have my devices back?'" I replied, "What do you mean your devices?" He said,
"Yeah my clock and my tablet." I then pulled up the report, and looked in property tab and noticed that
it was listed as evidence. I then said, "You will need to speak with the person in charge of your case
because it is listed as evidence and evidence is not releaseble."He then yelled at me and slammed his
IT BACK RIGHT NOW!!" Christina then stepped in and told Ahmed, "You do not need to be getting an
attitude with us because we are just telling you what the officer told us." Officer Howman then passed
by, and she asked, What's the problem here?" He then left our counter and talked to Officer Howman.
He was being very demanding on obtaining his devices because he stated they searched his belongings
without his consent. He became verbally loud with Officer Howman, so Maria Diaz and Christina
Anguiano went to get Sergeant Mitchell form his office. Sergeant Mitchell then came outside of the
records section with Officer Taylor and spoke to Ahmed's family letting them know that the device
would be released to them once they were done with it.Ahmed then told Sergeant Mitchell that he had
rights and he knew what they were and Irving Police violated them. Ahmed's sister was yelling that it
was just because he was muslim that they thought he brought a bomb to school.Ahmed's father then
asked to speak with the supervisor, and Sergeant Mitchell told him that he was the supervisor. A citizen
approached our door and was hesistent on enterting due to this altercation.His family began getting
loud again about getting Ahmed's devices back. Sergeant Mitchell then said that they could take their
son and leave the station or they would be criminally trespassed from the Police Department.The sister
then told the family," lets go because they are just being racist because we are muslims." Before leaving
Ahmed's dad told all three Officers that God is watching, and as they were leaving Ahmed's sister yelled
something in their language.They exited the station.

Reviewed and Forwarded 09/21/15. - Capt. Samuel Hall #775

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