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The conceptual framework for educational technology built on Schulmans (1986)
formulation of pedagogical content knowledge and extending it to the phenomenon of teachers
integrating technology into their pedagogy. This frame work is the result 5 years of work on a
programme of research focused on teacher professional development and faculty development in
higher education. It attempts to capture some of the essential qualities of teacher knowledge
required for technology integration in teaching while addressing the complex, multifaced and
situated nature of this knowledge.

The advent of digital technology has dramatically changed the routines and practices in most
arenas of human work. The basis of this framework is that teaching is highly complex activity
That draws on many kinds of knowledge.

Inter relationship of different areas of TPCAK

Content knowledge(CK)
Content knowledge (CK) is knowledge about the actual subject matter that is to be learned
taught. The content to be covered at in highschool science is very different from the content to be
covered in a graduate course. Clearly, teachers must know and understand the subjects that they
teach,including knowledge of facts ,concepts,theories and procedures with in a given
field,knowledge of explanatory frameworks that organize and connect ideas and knowledge of
rules of evidence and proof. Teachers must also understand the nature of knowledge and inquiry
indifferent fields.

Pedagogical knowledge(PK)
Pedagogical knowledge(PK) is deep knowledge about the process and practices or method of
teaching and learning and how it encomposes among, other things,overall educational
purposes,values and aims. This is a generic form of knowledge that is envolved in all issues of
student learning, classroom management, lesson plan development and implementation,and
student evaluation. It includes knowledge about techniques g method to be used in the
classroom, the nature of the target audience and strategies of evaluating student understanding.
As such,pedagogical knowledge requires and understading of cognitive, social and developmetal
theories of learning and how they apply to students in their classroom.

Technological knowledge(TK)
Technological Knowledge (TK) is about standard technologies, such

As books,chalk and blackboard and more advanced technologies such as internet and digital
video. This involves of the skills required to operate particular technologies. In the case of digital
technologies, this includes knowledge operating systems and computer hardware and the ability
to use standard sets of software tools such as word processors, spreadsheets, browsers and email.TK includes knowledge of how it install band remove peripheral devices , install and
remove software program and create and archive and document. Since technology is continually
changing the nature of TK needs to shifts with time as well.

Pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)

It is viewed as a set of special attributes that helped someone transfer the knowledge of context
to other.Schulman suggested that PCK was the best knowledge base of teaching. Pedageogic
knowledge means the How of teaching, generally acquired through education course work and
personal experience. Content knowledge on the other hand, is like what of teaching. In
Schulmans view, PCK is a form of practical knowledge that is used by teachers to guide their
actions in highly contextualized classroom settings. This form of practical knowledge includes,

Knowledge of how to structure and represent academic content for direct teaching to

Knowledge of common conception, misconceptions and diffis of specific teaching

strategies can be used to address students learning needs in particular classroom

Several key elements of PCK :


Knowledge of representation of subject matter

Understanding of students conceptions of the subject
General pedagogical knowledge
Curriculum knowledge
Knowledge of educational contexts.
Knowledge of the puprpose of education

Teachers with pedagogical content knowledge must have a good grasp of which aspects of their
subject are typically easy for students and which are typically more difficult. That way, they can
create lesson plans that move through the easier material quickly and provide more time for the
difficult subjects. I wish that I had been given more time to spend on chemistry formulas that I
didn't understand, rather than moving on to new material. That way I would have been more
prepared for tests that brought up the older topics I hadn't fully grasped

Dr. Mariamma Mathew, teaching science for biological and physical science,NAS
publishers, pp;173-174.

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