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Republic v.

CA and Wong
G.R. No. 97906 ll May 21, 1992 ll Regalado, J.
286 332

The reasons given in his petition for change of name

are valid, sufficient, and proper towarrant the granting
of said petition.

Persons and Family Relations

- Yes. The change of the surname of theadopted child is

more an incident rather thanthe object of adoption
proceedings. A change of name does not define or
effect a change in


ones existing family relations or in the rights

Adoptee of Chinese couple wantsto use Filipino

surname to get rid of socialstigma in Muslim

and duties flowing therefrom. Neither does it

- Maximo Wong is the legitimate son of MaximoAlcala
Sr. and Segundina Alcala.- When he was two and a half
years old andthen known as Maximo Alcala Jr. and his
sisterMargaret Alcala, was then nine years old,
theywere, with the consent of their natural parentsand
order of the court, adopted by spousesHoong Wong and
Concepcion Ty Wong, bothnaturalized Filipinos. They
decided to adopt thechildren as they remained
childless after fifteenyears if marriage.- Upon reaching
the age twenty-two, hereinprivate respondent, filed a
petition to changehis name to Maximo Alcala Jr. It was
averredthat his use of the surname Wong
embarrassedand isolated him from his relatives and
friends,as the name suggest a Chinese ancestry when
intruth and in fact he is a Muslim Filipino residingin a
Muslim community, and he wants to eraseany
implication whatsoever of alien nationality;that he is
being ridiculed for carrying a Chinesesurname, thus
hampering his business andsocial life; and that his
adoptive mother doesnot oppose his desire to revert to
his formersurname.
WON the reasons given by private respondentin his
petition for change of name are valid,sufficient, and
proper to warrant the granting of said petition

alter ones legal capacity, civil status or

citizenship.- The change of name is justifiable because
of the embarrassment and ridicule his family
name"Wong" brings in his dealings with his
relativesand friends, he being a Muslim Filipino
andliving in a Muslim community. Another justifiable
cause is his desire to improve hissocial and business
life.- In granting and denying petitions for change of
name, the question of proper and reasonablecause is
left to the sound discretion of thecourt. The evidence
presented need only besatisfactory to the court and not
all bestevidence available.- Among the grounds for
change of name whichhave been held valid are: a.
when the name isridiculous, dishonorable, or extremely
difficultto write or pronounce; b. when the
changeresults as legal consequence, as in
legitimation;c. when change will avoid confusion; d.
havingcontinuously used and been known
sincechildhood by a Filipino name, unaware of
alienparentage; e. sincere desire to adopt a
Filipinoname to erase signs of former alienage, all
ingood faith and without prejudicing anybody; f.when
the surname causes embarrassment andthere is no
showing that the desired change of name was for a
fraudulent purpose or thatchange of name would
prejudice public interest.- Rule 103 of the Rules of Court
has itsprimordial purpose which is to give a person
anopportunity to improve his personality andprovide
his best interest.- Concordantly, the Court held that a
change of name does not define or effect a change
inone's existing family relations or in the rightsand
duties flowing therefrom. It does not alterone's legal
capacity, civil status, or citizenship;what is altered is
only the name.

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