SeedLinks 2010-2

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Out of Hiding
A marginalized people in Nigeria gain
a new identity


Transformation in the Americas 4–5 Advancing Bible translation’s momentum 8
OneVerse Goes to School
Last fall OneVerse
partnered with
Sonlight Curriculum
to offer Christian
homeschoolers a
one-semester program
including missions
education, values
development and
practical application.

Words From Roy Sonlight Curriculum

seeks to build into

I I’m eager to share with

you an example of the
momentum that’s building;
we’re on the cusp of an
In the first wave, expatriates
led Scripture translations.
National Christians started
a second wave, forming
homeschool students
a love for reading.
They try to instill
a lifelong thirst to
The Bowers, along with many other families,
helped fund the entire Meetto New Testament!

incredible wave. In 1981, national Bible translation learn, grow and impact the world. Sonlight customers live
Wycliffe translators Andy organizations. Now in in more than 150 countries.
and Kate Ring started the third wave, national
working with four Lelemi churches and mother-tongue Participants learned through online lessons and activities
language associates in translators are assuming about Bible translation. Students also sponsored verses to
Ghana’s Volta region. By responsibility for Scripture in fund New Testament translation for the Meetto people of
the time of the 1996 New the lesser-known languages Mozambique. Both elementary and junior high students
Testament dedication, these of their countries. helped provide Scripture for the Meetto people.
committed, well-trained
The Seed Company and Lori, a homeschooling mom, commented, “We are totally
mother-tongue translators
other partners welcome in! We’ll collect coins at home and at Dad’s office. I just sent
were ready to help others.
opportunities to support
out a mass email letting friends know we plan to have a
Today, those four translators this incredible movement.
lemonade stand tomorrow. My kiddos are so excited! My
are each working with Mother-tongue translators
oldest is even willing to sell some toys to help.”
four other mother-tongue and their local churches
speakers. The Rings are defining, developing “I did a presentation at my church and had fun,” said
have now moved into a and delivering the needed
12-year-old student, Ethan. “I want to get more people
supporting role, serving their translations. The Seed
involved. I can’t wait to meet all the people in heaven who
national colleagues. When Company serves them,
were able to hear and read God’s Word in their language
these four translations are linking to God’s activity
completed, 16 potential among them.
because of The Seed Company.”
translation advisors will be
I’m gratified and humbled Homeschooling mom, Denise, was thrilled when her 11-
ready to help other people
watching the growing year-old son expressed a desire to read through the Bible in
groups still waiting for
momentum as the local a year. She noted, “Because of OneVerse, we’re more aware
God’s Word.
church around the world of the blessing of having our own Bible.”
Vision 2025, the global takes ownership, and seeing
movement to start a Bible God get the credit. Thanks to a matching gift from Sonlight, the families
translation for every group raised a quarter of a million dollars to fund the Meetto
For God’s glory,
with a need by 2025, is New Testament and start a second project! Thanks to this
clearer than ever! help the Meetto people and others are well on their way to
having God’s eternal Word.
The Volta project
demonstrates a paradigm
shift in Bible translation. Now your children, grandchildren, students or
Roy L. Peterson, President Sunday school class can get involved. See page
7 for details or visit


Translation efforts will provide

Out of Hiding a good foundation both for

spiritual development and
literacy education.
A marginalized people in Nigeria gain a new identity

When Reverend Henry Ndubuka was elected Bishop of the Anglican church in Gombe State of Nigeria,
the church there was struggling for its very existence. In seven language groups in the area, the church
had all but disappeared. Bishop Henry sought God for help.
God led the Bishop to the up” by the dominant language my people,” the chief said Bible Translation Trust. He
Nigeria Bible Translation and culture surrounding honestly. “Will you work told the director about the
Trust and The Seed Company, them. Some time ago, they’d with us?” need he’d uncovered. “I’ve
opening doors to meet the been driven from more seen that you’ll have a role
Bishop Henry commented
church’s needs. His vision fertile farmland by people to play: helping these people
later, “As he spoke, it all
created a model that’s since demanding they conform to to have the Word of God in
connected. The chief was
been emulated in other areas. a different religion and who their own language, so that
seeing a threat of losing their
ridiculed their mother tongue they will be able to respond
On one visit to the isolated identity and what the Lord
as inferior. to the Lord.” The Seed
mountain village of Buurak, had made them to be. The
Company participated in the
Bishop Henry arrived to Poverty, disease and illiteracy Lord opened my eyes to see.”
project through the Luke
find that the tribal chief had plagued them. On top of He realized that what they
Partnership with the JESUS
assembled the entire village to this, how could they defend needed most to ensure the
Film Project.
meet him. The Buurak people their language when it preservation of their culture
were hiding in the mountains wasn’t written down? “I don’t was “the Lord Jesus and the Today, things are different
to keep from being “swallowed know what will happen to power of the Word of God.” in Gombe. On November 18,
2008, the Gombe Cluster
After that visit, Bishop
Project—including Buurak
Henry went to the
—celebrated the completion
headquarters of the Nigeria
of the Gospel of Luke, the
“JESUS” film, Scripture
“[The Buurak needed] the follow-up booklets and
Lord Jesus and the power literacy materials in their
of the Word of God.” own languages.
—Bishop Henry (Continued on page 8)

“Now is the time!” Bishop Henry explains the critical

role Bible translation plays in Africa today. View an
online interview at


God at Work:
Stories From the Americas
More than a third of the
Aché are Christians, but The delighted audience wept with joy as the group
many still mix traditional performed eight songs in their own Aché language.
beliefs in forest spirits with
ALIVE AGAIN their Christianity. Mother-
Aché, PARAGUAY—Victor tongue Scripture will help
watched faces in the eager them understand the power,
crowd of almost 200 Aché love and protection of God,
speakers who’d gathered for offering them freedom
the first Aché music festival in from the bondage of fear.
Ypetimi, Paraguay. As a local Music is a popular, easy-to-
band played, confusion spread memorize format for Aché
in the crowd, giving way to Scripture, making it accessible
surprise. Soon the delighted immediately.
audience wept with joy as the
group performed eight songs
in their own Aché language.
The following week, Discovering Grace in the
band leader Fabio—a Old Testament
Venezuelan missionary— Huichol, MEXICO— Hilario saved his draft of 1 Kings
helped with a music on his laptop, and without even taking time to print
workshop. He and it, he took off for the nearest Huichol-speaking
village to share his draft with the believers there.
ethnomusicologist Leo
Vartanian recorded 17 Aché One major question troubled the listening group:
Scripture songs. Now others “We have noticed that one king after another
are requesting the CD. disobeyed God and committed the same sins their
fathers had committed. Why didn’t God punish them immediately?”
Hilario’s eyes filled with tears as the project advisor answered, “It’s grace, my friend, even
in the Old Testament. And aren’t we grateful for that grace?”
Since the completion of the New Testament in 1967, 30 churches have sprung up in the
Huichol region. Today, the
mother-tongue translators
are working to bring the full
message of the Bible to
the Huichol people as they
continue to translate the
Old Testament.

Hilario (not pictured) and

other Huichol men are
serious about translating
God’s Word of grace for
their people.
Chocó, COLOMBIA—As a teenager, The Epena
Edgar couldn’t wait to share his believers
new faith with his Epena* family gathered
and friends. One sister-in-law in a circle.
also believed in Christ. But many Using only
others accused the two of adopting God’s simple,
outsiders’ customs. Edgar had moved powerful
away from his hometown, but on Word,
his next visit home, he developed Edgar led a
10 Scripture stories to share. He discussion
also carried 15 more copies of of their basic beliefs: how they are
the Epena New Testament, some similar to or different from what
literacy materials and storybooks Scripture teaches.
to encourage people to read.
Teofilo, one of the community
leaders, confessed that he’d been
“Several women who’d been critical of saving money to buy liquor and
Edgar’s sister repented and came to throw a great party. But as a result
faith in Christ.” of Edgar’s teaching, he realized his
life had been misdirected. Several
But on the way, a porter stole women who’d been critical of Edgar’s
the duffel bag containing all of sister-in-law repented and came to
the materials—plus the family’s faith in Christ.
personal goods. Instead of wearing
Now those believers are working
his suit as he thought a Bible teacher
together to define what “church”
should be, Edgar had to borrow local
looks like in an Epena context,
clothing. Rather than using his well-
as translators finish Old and
planned teaching materials, he used
New Testament portions in their
a borrowed copy of the Epena New
language as part of the Chocó
IG Cluster project. And Edgar is
* Names of people may have been altered to grateful he lost that duffel bag.
protect work in sensitive areas.

God is using translated Scripture to

open Epena hearts that have been
closed to the gospel for generations.

Read more about these projects and

other projects around the world at



Almighty. He alone is the

Holy One. If you fear him,
you need fear nothing else’”
(Isaiah 8:12–13, NLT).
The combined passion of

Cleaning for the Kingdom this partnership has been

contagious. Creekside’s
leadership enthusiastically
Two families find a creative way to work together to supports the growing
share God’s Word in East Asia. outreach, including Bible

translation and other
What motivated a of outsourcing it. Their kind of going through the mission projects. And
commercial insurance purpose: reinvest what motions,” Wes added, “for now more families are
underwriter to turn down might have been salary, really playing ‘offense’ for participating financially.
a pay raise and a lucrative for a special missions fund. God’s kingdom. [The kids] Tom’s decision not to
relocation package to keep The team later contracted really get a sense that our relocate cost him his
a janitorial job? It’s the for carpet cleaning, family’s about service— professional career, but he
same thing that energizes pressure washing and about taking the gospel to and Wes share a clear sense
a fireman to take on a lawn care. where it is not.” of priorities. “I just can’t let
second job after working go of what we’re doing.”
“My two children, ages The duo funded a
24 hours straight. For Wes
6 and 4, know where all translation for a security-
Breeden and Tom Burgett,
the trash cans are in the sensitive Bibleless people
custodial work is a serious
church, and they dump group in East Asia. It’s clear A Testimony of
it all out,” said Tom. “It’s to them that it’s been more Change
Several years ago, the a game for them. And than worthwhile. Not long “I used to think the Old Testament
young men proposed a they know exactly where after they committed to
was outdated. Through translating
plan to their leadership the money’s going.” Tom fund the project, this note
the stories of the Old Testament,
at Creekside Community also noted, “Our family is came from a Christian
I’ve realized its importance. It
Church in Gainesville, willing to go overseas to mother-tongue translator:
Florida, to do the church’s advance the gospel, but we reflects God’s power, His love for
“I never imagined that His people and different ways
janitorial service instead feel very strongly that God
some people would hate people acknowledge their guilt.
has led us to stay here.”
us, curse us, throw stones These things have helped me
“We’ve exchanged being a at our home and even in my relationship with God. My
nice Christian family, and lock us in prison for three whole family is pleased; our lives
nights …
“My two children know have improved.”
“Recently I have been —Luke, age 29, East Asia
where all the trash cans translating the words of
are in the church . . . It’s Isaiah: ‘Do not be afraid
a game for them. And that some plan conceived
they know exactly where behind closed doors will be
the end of you. Do not fear
the money’s going.” anything except the Lord



Growing Your Family’s Vision

A great new way to engage your whole family in Bible translation

L Loose change clinked from seven-year-old Claire’s piggy

bank into a decorated jar designated for OneVerse. Then
she stuffed in some dollars she’d been saving for a Nintendo.
When her mom questioned that decision, Claire replied,
“It would be stupid for me to save for a Nintendo DSi when
people need a Bible! It’s more important that they have
a Bible.”

Claire and nearly 7,000 other Sonlight homeschool

students partnered with OneVerse last fall to help fund
Bible translation for the Meetto people of Mozambique.
Their families incorporated an online missions curriculum
provided by The Seed Company into their homeschool
agenda. Games, crafts and exercises about Bible translation
complemented a strong core curriculum, touching history,
geography and social studies.
The Davis family (above) and the Leak family (below) saw God use
Bible translation is OneVerse curriculum to give kids a great appreciation for God’s Word
already making a and a heart for those without it.
difference among the
This spring, OneVerse is offering the free curriculum to a
Meetto people. When
wider audience, inviting young people and their families to
translator Jacob’s niece
become involved in Bible translation through OneVerse’s
was dying with cholera,
KidsDiscover program. The students learn about missions
her grandmother prayed
and are invited to actively participate by raising $26 for each
for the first time in
verse of Scripture they decide to sponsor.
the name of Jesus.
She remembered that KidsDiscover participants will receive a welcome kit in the
God is using the gifts of children to mail including a OneVerse Journal for each child. They’ll be
Jacob’s stories of
transform people around the world
like the Meeto people of Mozambique. Jesus from the Bible able to record what they learn from each week’s email and
showed His power, so web-based activities, stories and media. Family activities
she promised to trust Him if He would prove Himself strong encourage discussion and interaction. KidsDiscover offers
in healing her grandchild. When the child was healed, the old families a great way to be directly involved in bringing God’s
woman believed. Jacob looks forward to the day when the Word to people like the
Scriptures are completed in Meetto, so that those coming Meetto and growing
to Christ will have God’s Word to help them grow. their own vision at
the same time. Steps to Involvement:
To enroll for the KidsDiscover
program, go to
kidsdiscover by February 28. There
is no cost to you for this unique
missions education program. You’ll
receive a welcome kit in the mail.
Pray together about how many
verses to sponsor ($26 each).
Then let your children help decide
how they will help raise the money.
It’s undoubtedly the best mission
trip you’ll ever take for $26.


Growing the Momentum of Bible Translation
Jim Akovenko, the new
Senior Vice President
for Advancement, served
Called to Advance
as the president of Jim Akovenko’s role as Senior Vice President than 270 additional languages by 2012. The
JAARS during his 33 for Advancement is focused on resourcing the organization is preparing to meet this need so
years supporting Bible
growing momentum of Bible translation while that the growing Bible translation momentum
ministering to our financial and prayer will not be interrupted.
partners. He has served in key positions
Jim provides leadership for four key
supporting Bible translation for 33 years,
departments—Communications, Marketing,
including President of JAARS, a technical
Development and the newly expanding Prayer
support agency for the global family
department. Communications connects
of Wycliffe organizations. Jim trained
investors with the field work through reports as
with JAARS and then spent 13 years in
well as through media tools that tell The Seed
Southeast Asia as a missionary pilot. Jim’s
Company story. Marketing provides involvement
M.A. in Leadership Studies also helped
opportunities such as OneVerse for individuals,
prepare him for his new work.
families, churches and schools. Development
His new position helps build the connects foundations and major investors with
foundation for exponential Seed Company Seed Company projects and funds. The Prayer
growth. In light of more than 2,200 still Team will organize efforts to ensure that every
Bibleless people groups, The Seed Company translation project has committed prayer partners.
anticipates new project involvement in more
With Jim on the leadership team of these four
With Jim on the leadership team, The Seed departments, The Seed Company is in a strong
position to face the changes that accelerating
Company is in a strong position to advance Bible translation will require.
Bible translation.

Coming Out of Hiding (Continued)

“How I wish you could see the was shown among the Pero
video of the launching,” said people. God is at work in the
Bishop Henry. “They were so healing of relationships.”
excited! Children memorizing
Projects like the Dadiya
the Scriptures in their mother
that started as part of the
tongue. Older people eager
Gombe Cluster—and some
to own the Bible to read. And
in neighboring states—
in fact, the impact of the
continue to build on the Luke
“JESUS” film is so great that
Partnership’s good beginning.
among the Buurak in the last
Bishop Henry agrees,
few months four churches
“This project has to do with
The impact of the “JESUS” film is so great among
have been planted in places the Buurak that in the last few months four churches
the church rising up with the
where there were no churches.
And 136 people gave their
gospel in obedience to the have been planted in places where there were no
Lord, bringing people churches.
lives to Christ when the film
to Him.”


God’s Word 3030 Matlock Road, Suite 104, Arlington, Texas 76015-2934 The Seed Company Vision
For Every Language Toll-free: 877-593-7333 • Fax: (817) 557-2393 Creatively networking God’s people around the world
—In This Generation • A Wycliffe Bible Translators affiliate to translate the Bible into every language for His glory.
Jenny Evans—Writer • Rita Peterson—Photographer • Parke Brown—Managing Editor • Michael Currier—Editor-in-Chief • Tanya Charfauros—Designer

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