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Student Groups - General
Ann Coulter has already been
banned from Carleton University for
her hateful, racist, sexist, and
homophobic rhetoric and she is set
to speak at the UofO tuesday, March

Coulter, a Republican from the US, is

known for her disgustingly hateful
and oppressive comments attacking
the Muslim faith as inherently violent
and leading to terrorism, the Jewish
faith by calling for its adherents to
be converted and ‘perfected’,
numerous ethnicities by advocating
their expulsion from America;...
(read more)
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Open: All content is public to the
University of Ottawa network.


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3 of 17 links See All

CBC News - Ottawa - Coulter's

Ottawa speech cancelled
6:20pm Mar 23

Ann Coulter’s speech in Ottawa

cancelled - The Globe and Mail
6:10pm Mar 23

Ann Coulter - UWO London

Ontario Canada
2:09pm Mar 23

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Irma Tajna is she at prison now ?

8 minutes ago · Comment · Like · Report

Saif Latif i wish.

6 minutes ago

Dominic Guiver i think people have to use a bit of common sense. theres a
difference between removing a conservative like harper or baird from campus and
removing ann coulter. I actually recall pierre poilievre (conservative MP) coming to
talk at one of our classes and he was accepted and debated topics in a rational
manner. Ann calls people "gay boy" when confronted with rational and well
constructed arguments... See the difference people?
22 minutes ago · Comment · Like · Report

Yara likes this.

Philippe Belley Good job for giving validity to her stupid argument that 'liberals
always stifle free speech'. When this hits the press, you will have converted a
dozen times more people to her cause than the amount of people attending her
talk today. Congratulations on an uncivil protest and showing how uO students
value freedom of s...
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about an hour ago · Comment · Like · Report

View all 5 comments

Raghda Salama Non-intellectuals (like Ms. Coulter) wouldn't

understand an "intellectual" protest.
44 minutes ago

Raghda Salama She is more than welcome to give a speech

at the corner of a street. However, she is not worthy of
speaking at a decent university, or any academic institution
for that matter.
42 minutes ago

Sameena Topan

CBC News - Ottawa - Coulter's Ottawa speech cancelled 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 3 of 12

American right-winger Ann Coulter's speech at the University of Ottawa was

cancelled Tuesday night due to security concerns after thousands protested
outside the venue.

about an hour ago · Comment · Like

Farah Hirzallah


Ann Coulter’s speech in Ottawa cancelled - The Globe and Mail
Threat of violence derails right-wing commentator’s address, organizers say

about an hour ago · Comment · Like

Michel, Ian, Matthew and 2 others like this.

Michel Chartrand There is nothing to hate but Hate itself!

51 minutes ago

Yara G what happened exactly?

about an hour ago · Comment · Like · Report

Graham Killin she's gone!!

about an hour ago · Comment · Like · Report

Zachry Eli Oliveira HAHAHA Her speech was cancelled.

2 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Roxanne and Brianne like this.

Yara G seriously??
about an hour ago

Raghda Salama any details?

about an hour ago

Mélissa Goulet So when is this?

2 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Mélissa Goulet «These people can't even wrap up genocide. We've been hearing
about this slaughter in Darfur forever — and they still haven't finished. The
aggressors are moving like termites across that country. It's like genocide by
committee. Who's running this holocaust in Darfur, FEMA? This is truly a war in
which we have absolut...
See More

2 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Jack Witwer Everyone should call the police if she starts in on a hate
is illegal in Canada....
5 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Raghda likes this.

Souliya Khoung Xayavaly What to expect, more or less.

Ann Coulter - UWO London Ontario Canada
Ann Coulter - UWO London Ontario Canada

5 hours ago · Comment · Like

Lisa Quach Urge you all to write an email to the dean as well!

In the Name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

Dear Allan Rock,

Firstly, thank you for taking this role along with many others of guiding the
education of our Canadian future.

As a young Canadian Muslim (one who submits in peace to God), I urge you to 3/23/2010
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Ann Coulter gets cold shoulder in Ottawa - The Globe and Mail
University vice-president warns U.S. conservative pundit to brush up on
limits of free speech in Canada before appearance this week
6 hours ago · Comment · Like

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Jack Witwer You are being just as anti-semitic as she is

being homophobic...that's really not cool either
2 hours ago

Farah Hirzallah No. that's called anti-ZIONISM. I suggest

you look up the definition of anti semitism before you claim
that i am being anti-semitic. :)
2 hours ago

Amy Hammett

Gay exhibitionist group sex!
Hey Guys!!!Want to get down and dirty while being watched in a crowded
public auditorium? Like the idea of doing it on the floor of a class room?
Tonight Only 7PM uOttawa host a butt sex orgy unlike any other. ...
7 hours ago · Comment · Like

Amy, Shaughnessy, Maxime and 3 others like this.

Ana Vlajkov Love

7 hours ago

Roxanne Denis Lmao!

3 hours ago

Jared Hutchinson Ph D hard to ban anything from campus when we have a bloc
quebecois club........
8 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Roxanne likes this.

Sean Neil-Barron The difference between Angela Davis, IAW, and other speakers
from the left. Is they are not advocating direct violence to any group.
9 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Fatima likes this.

Laura McLennan On Tuesday, March 23rd Amy Hammett, an employee of the

Student Federation of the University of Ottawa, posted the room request forms for
the Ann Coulter event. She appears to be using these forms to make the case that
the University of Ottawa Campus Conservative Association (OCC) is endorsing the
views of Ann Coulter. ...
See More

Ann Coulter is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers, is the legal
correspondent for Human Events and writes a popular syndicated column
for Universal Press Syndicate. She is a frequent guest ...
11 hours ago · Comment · Like

Sarah Elizabeth Douglas Rickroll?

12 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Philippe Martel I'd dip her in gravy and lock her in a room with a wolverine high on
angel dust!
13 hours ago · Comment · Like · Report

Virginie likes this.

Amy Hammett Check out the photos: there is a room reservation request
submitted by Laura McLennan, president of the University of Ottawa Campus
After all this time of denying any involvement in this event, it seems this has never
been the case.
*Note* for respect for the privacy of Laura McLennan her personal informat...
See More

Yesterday at 10:36pm · Comment · Like · Report 3/23/2010
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Stéphanie Marentette Her personal information has been

removed? Are you kidding? Her name seems pretty personal
to me....
10 hours ago

Jeff English The point is why would her personal information

be given out by the SFUO? It is a definite breach of privacy. I
agree clubs room requests should be public, but not the
personal information of that club's represetative.
And agreed with Peter: who is misleading who?? The form
clearly states the event the room will be used for, and it has
been ...
See More
9 hours ago

Amy Hammett


Yesterday at 10:33pm

Noura Sultan shes a doucheeeeeeeee

Yesterday at 9:35pm · Comment · Like · Report

Saif Latif somebody needs to throw a pie at her during her speech. like they did at
the university of arizona.
Yesterday at 9:06pm · Comment · Like · Report

Mélissa, Roxanne, Natalie and 7 others like this.

Guillaume Pelegrin I hope someone will get arrested, just

like at the university of Arizona. And not Seamus for a change.
11 hours ago

Nick Robertson I think too many people here are willing to make her judgement
of "the left" (its an encompassing term) almost validated. Responding to her spew
of hate with more hate or by booing and protesting only helps her cause. If you go
atleast act civil and if she answers questions feel free to make intelligent ones just
dont ...
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Yesterday at 8:47pm · Comment · Like · Report

Dominic likes this.

Thamina Jaferi University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives apparently invited her:

University of Ottawa's letter to Ann Coulter
I understand that you have been invited by University of Ottawa Campus Conservatives to
speak at the University of Ottawa this coming Tuesday. We are, of course, always delighted to
welcome speakers on ...

Yesterday at 8:39pm · Comment · Like

Sameena Topan

Ann Coulter brings heat to Canada | Canada | News | Toronto Sun
A 17-year-old Muslim student sparked the testiest exchange and the
loudest cheers and jeers at a speech by controversial U.S. conservative Ann
Coulter at the University of Western Ontario Monday.
Yesterday at 8:25pm · Comment · Like

Alaa Fanous Where and what time is she coming...this is the inspiration for the
event if she will still speak...

Irvine, CA - 11 Arrested for Disrupting Israeli Ambassador's Talk at UC Irvine.flv
Irvine, CA - 11 Arrested for Disrupting Israeli Ambassador's Talk at UC Irvine.flv 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 6 of 12

Yesterday at 8:16pm · Comment · Like

Farah likes this.

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Ramy Waleed Hamza Alaa she will be there at 7 pm in

marion hall
Yesterday at 10:04pm

Alaa Fanous thanks Ramy! and Adam I am referring to how

this event should proceed as it is clear that we cant have any
intellectual argument with someone like that, Jesse I really
dont understand where such an illogical conclusion came
from, I was only posting the video for the the reaction given
to some unwanted speaker the content is irrelevant but
either ...
See More
Yesterday at 10:09pm

Othman Ali when is she coming

Yesterday at 7:49pm · Comment · Like · Report

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Othman Ali loooool

Yesterday at 8:13pm

Ameera Za peters would be more entertaining especially b4

exams start in april :)
5 hours ago

A.S. Hagi If Canada banned George Galloway from entering our country, uOttawa
better ban this psychopath from entering our campus.
Yesterday at 7:19pm · Comment · Like · Report

Katie Fillion I'm not happy that she's going to be on campus, but I think that
shining a light on the passionate hate that people like Coulter spew might spur
people to fight against the spread of racism and homophobia.
Yesterday at 7:16pm · Comment · Like · Report

Yara G Look i'm not sure if the best way to deal w/ this is to completely ignore her
(don't show up, don't even give her an audience because ppl like her live for
controversy..they thrive on it...and not giving them attention is the only real way of
cutting them down to size) or to go there and give her a piece of our minds (...
See More

Yesterday at 5:31pm · Comment · Like · Report

Yara G question : is this sponsored in any way by the univ of ottawa itself? if it is,
can't we argue that it interferes w/ our U of O Declaration of Students' rights :"All
students have the right to full and equal recognition of their rights and freedom from discrimination and harassment; and to a healthy,
See More

Yesterday at 5:31pm · Comment · Like · Report

Virginie Corneau St-Hilaire

Yesterday at 2:44pm · Comment · Like

Michèle, John and 2 others like this.

Sameena Topan Ms. Coulter has spoken less than respectfully about Canada
itself in the past.

"They'd better hope the United States doesn't roll over one night and crush them.
They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same continent," she once said
during a television debate.

During the same program, when asked why she felt the need...
See More

University to Ann Coulter: Please watch your mouth 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 7 of 12
Paul Drinkwater/NBC/Reuters As U.S. pundit Ann Coulter prepares to visit
Canada this week, a senior University of Ottawa administrator has warned
her to use "restraint, respect and consideration" when speaking at the
Yesterday at 12:25pm · Comment · Like

Katie Luise Boucher I read this, and threw up in my mouth

a little from sheer disgust.
Yesterday at 7:51pm

Talia N. what time is she supposed to come infect our campus anyway?
Yesterday at 12:22pm · Comment · Like · Report

View all 4 comments

Taiva Alexandra Tegler Marion hall Auditorium, 140 Louis

visit to register for the
talk. If you can't register, show up anyway to show Ann what
you think of her.
Yesterday at 3:07pm

Bobby Kimberley i say let her speak. and come armed with your educated
questions/comments and rip her to shreds if you think you can compete. university
is supposed to be a place of discussion, not censorship.
Yesterday at 11:24am · Comment · Like · Report

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Calamity Jane l'Exploratrice word up Shaughno. we need

to either constantly 'booh' or ask her really condescending
questions about the ideal phosphate balance for growing
purple cabbage in northern climates.
Yesterday at 4:21pm

Faris Lehn not a bad letter at all. A little to polite for my liking. BUt i am happy
our admin said something. I am sorry i have to post it from t
his website...

» Ann Coulter - Big Government
Ann Coulter is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers —Guilty: Liberal
Victims and Their Assault on America (January 2009);If Democrats Had Any
Brains, They'd Be Republicans (October, 2007); Godless: ...

Yesterday at 10:51am · Comment · Like

Michèle, John and 2 others like this.

Heather Allin "It would be a much better country if women did not vote. That is
simply a fact. In fact, in every presidential election since 1950 - except Goldwater
in '64 - the Republican would have won, if only the men had voted." -Ann Coulter
Yesterday at 10:39am · Comment · Like · Report

Heather Allin "[Canada] better hope the United States does not roll over one
night and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same
continent." -Ann Coulter
Yesterday at 10:25am · Comment · Like · Report

Philippe Martel Why is Ann Coulter even coming to Canada?

Sun at 6:48pm · Comment · Like · Report

Michèle, Julia, Mike and 2 others like this.

Ikram Sharafleh i actually can't wait to see what she has to say :) hateful
woman indeed.
Sun at 6:29pm · Comment · Like · Report

Stéphanie Jauvin Wow... Ann Coulter- Wikiquotes: [Canadians] better hope the
United States does not roll over one night
and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same
Ann Coulter - Wikiquote
This person article needs cleanup. Please review Wikiquote:Templates, especially
the standard format of people articles, to determine how to edit this article to 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 8 of 12

conform to the current standard. This page has been listed as needing cleanup
since 2007-03-16.
Sun at 5:59pm · Comment · Like

Gregory Taylor crazy republican bitch keep your ideology in the states
Sun at 2:36pm · Comment · Like · Report

Michèle, Stéphanie and 2 others like this.

Calamity Jane l'Exploratrice *let's try and keep sexist

language out of the criticism of coulter..there's so much more
to work off of! and it's too bad this rhetoric has to exist
anywhere at all, even in the US.
Yesterday at 8:32am

Ammar Abou-Agena Hey I''m going to let her speak all she wants!!!
I want her to answer my question regarding her quote "Not all mulsims are
terrorists... but all Terrorists are mulsims"...
ON MY CAMERA YAYYY :D THIS is going on my youtube channel !!

If you're soo confident with that quote my love...

Dont' see why what US. Soldiers did in ...
See More

Sun at 2:33pm · Comment · Like · Report

Ben Niven Cause, you know, Timothy McVeigh was a

Sun at 2:57pm

Sameena Topan I am trying to get it fixed so that this group is open to all
people, right now I believe it's open to only those who are on the University of
Ottawa network. Regardless, please continue spreading the word and getting as
many people aware of her hate speech as possible. Allan Rock is the only person
who can now put a...
See More

Sun at 2:11pm · Comment · Like · Report

Jordan Henry Can't we just tar and feather her?

Sun at 1:57pm · Comment · Like · Report

Conor and Stéphanie like this.

Peter Henderson I mean, the fact that Ann Coulter is a total idiot isn't news to
anyone, but she should be able to speak wherever she wants. The question is:
Who's paying her speaking fee?
Sun at 9:58am · Comment · Like · Report

View all 5 comments

Ken Joly I disagree Melissa. The thing with the Ann Coulter
event is that you have to be intentional in order to hear her.
You have to sign up in order to go. If she was just speaking in
the Agora than anyone who was walking by would have to
hear her dribble. But she is going to be enclosed in a lecture
hall, where only those who has decided they want to hear her
will be in attendance.
Yesterday at 6:31am

Steven Bowa We should let her come talk because if we

were to silence her, some may be under the false presumption that
people like her don’t exist. Watching videos and reading books is not the same
effect as hearing someone say hateful things to your face. So, allowing her to spew
her nonsense will actually inform us that, yes, peopl...
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Sun at 9:23am · Comment · Like · Report

Steven Bowa why does my post look so weird...

Sun at 9:24am

Mark McMahon She is hilarious....just let her do what she wants.

Sun at 8:56am · Comment · Like · Report

Mark McMahon touche'

Sun at 2:48pm

Mark McMahon does anyone actually take this bitch seriously?

Sun at 8:54am · Comment · Like · Report 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 9 of 12

the same people who are against banning Ann Coulter coming to campus are the
same people who DID want to ban Israeli Apartheid Week, a week specifically
designed to academically discuss state violence and a regional conflict. Funny how
Ann Coutl...
See More
Sun at 8:47am · Comment · Like · Report

Farah likes this.

View all 3 comments

Farah Hirzallah They cant and wont ban IAW no matter

what they cant ban people from speaking the truth,
what happened to freedom of SPEECH
Yesterday at 8:33pm

Laura McLennan I don't think its a freedom of speech issue as per the Charter or
the constitutionality of banning her. The issue is about values. We are an academic
institution. We are supposed to value "small l" liberalism. Our shared belief in
liberalism, freedom of thought and expression is how universities create and
expand the h...
See More

Sun at 7:38am · Comment · Like · Report

Emileigh and Faris like this.

Dahn Jeong [Canadians] better hope the United States does not roll over one night

and crush them. They are lucky we allow them to exist on the same
continent. - Ann Coulter
Sat at 9:51pm · Comment · Like · Report

Dahn Jeong I don't know why all gays aren't Republican. I

think we have the pro-gay positions, which is anti-crime and
for tax cuts. Gays make a lot of money and they're victims of
crime. No, they are! They should be with us. - Ann Coulter
Sat at 9:56pm

Jesse Izzo The University of Ottawa has 31,331 students. This group has 175.
Congrats on the 0.006% support ahahahaha
Sat at 9:33pm · Comment · Like · Report

Faris Lehn re: freedom of speech

Section 2(b) as with much of the charter is limited by section 1. The SCC has made
it clear numerous times that freedom of expression is limited can be limited if it is
seen to be in the interest of a free and democratic society.
Saying everyone should be one religion, and that we should bomb anoth...
See More

Sat at 9:10pm · Comment · Like · Report

Michèle and Virginie like this.

Laura McLennan We are an academic institution freedom of

speech is at the very core of our ability to function. Freedom
of controversial speech is more important on a university
campus than anywhere else. Its not about the Charter its
about what we value as an academic institution.
Sun at 7:40am

Faris Lehn Laura to a degree, I agree. I am not saying I

would ban her (i think letting crazies talk is a good way of
letting people see how crazy they are). I was simply saying
that the freedom of speech argument does not make sense
becasue it is being used as a blanket. At school,at work or
anywhere else you do not have complete freedom of speech.
Which is ...
See More
Sun at 8:02am

Rita Valeriano This argument of freedom of speech is pissing me off! Let's think
about this. Freedom of speech does not mean freedom of hate. End of story.
Sat at 6:25pm · Comment · Like · Report

View all 7 comments

Rita Valeriano Jesse, "The vast majority of people at

uOttawa either want to hear Ann or are indifferent to her
presence here. You cannot claim to speak for a community
when you command so few supporters". That sounds to me
that you are speaking for this "vast majority". Where is the
evidence that this group is actually in majority. Second, we all
know that the ...
See More 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 10 of 12

Sun at 1:02pm

Rochelle Gervais Stevenson The best way to tell her that no one is interested in the
nasty and bigoted opinions she spouts is to NOT attend the lecture - an empty hall
says A LOT more than a full one, no matter what else the audience is saying.
Sat at 1:24pm · Comment · Like · Report

Heather, Stéphanie and 2 others like this.

Kyle Climans though a part of me would love to go and peek

in the room just to see those half-dozen losers taking in her
Sat at 1:31pm

Rita Valeriano i want to go so i can laugh at her. OUT

Sat at 6:20pm

Kyle Climans And it's a

no-win situation. If we fail to keep her out, she comes in with her twisted
opinions, but if we succeed in keeping her out, she'll make an outcry
over how we're hypocrites who deny free speech. At least, that's
what I imagine might happen.

:( :( :(
Sat at 1:20pm · Comment · Like · Report

Vanessa Alexandra Peterson she thinks canadian dissent to american policy

should be countered by INVADING CANADA! HAHAHAHAHA
Sat at 1:02pm · Comment · Like · Report


BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS changed their Description.

BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS edited their Email, Office and Location.

Vanessa Alexandra Peterson She actually prides herself on making people

angry. she wants to piss us off. and take advantage of the kind of freedom of
speech we have here. it should not be FREEDOM OF HATE! She is pure evil. If she
does come, i want to go and laugh at her insanity. She should be in a mental
institution. If there were ever any book...
See More

Sat at 12:59pm · Comment · Like · Report

Kyle Climans Sad thing is, this angry response we're giving
against this shameful appearance is just the kind of shit she
feeds off of. It makes her more controversial, causing more
people to find out about her and she takes advantage of that.
Sat at 1:18pm

Vanessa Alexandra Peterson if she does manage to squirm her way onto our
campus, i wonder what the security would be like..... i want to throw rotten
veggies and eggs at her evil barbie mask. She is INSANE!
Sat at 12:47pm · Comment · Like · Report

Rita Valeriano same. i hope she comes. i want to boo the

shit out of her! and those who are taking her seriously!
Sat at 6:21pm

Conor Kelly no fascists plz

Sat at 11:50am · Comment · Like · Report

Jeff English First off, its wrong to try and silence someone just because you do not
agree with what they are saying. The practice usually taken by our student
federation is freedom of speech as long as they like what you are saying.
Historically, say in Nazi Germany or the USSR, this practice hasn't served the public
too well, a...
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Sat at 11:27am · Comment · Like · Report

View all 10 comments

Faris Lehn haha ok i really need to stop posting. However

(not to be a law nerd) but in R. Butler (1992) the court
reaffirmed its view that there does not need to be a direct link
between inciting violence and violence being carried out. That
the very incitement was enough to provoke a s.1 defence of a 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 11 of 12

limit on free speech.

On muslims anne has said ""We should invade their countries, kill their
leaders and convert them to
Sun at 8:37am

Shannon Elizabeth this girl is fucking ridiculous...

Sat at 9:02am · Comment · Like

Kyle Climans To put it mildly ;)

Sat at 1:01pm

Matt Ugray My letter:

Mr. Allan Rock,

I am a firm believer in free speech, and while I extend that belief to include Ann
Coulter, I also believe in our right to speak up by not inviting her to come onto our
campus to speak. The views that Ann Coulter routinely expresses are ones which I
personally find abhorrent, and I hope that th...
See More

March 19 at 8:10pm · Comment · Like · Report

Nicole, Michèle, Alyssa and 7 others like this.

Rita Valeriano Can we be arrested for disturbing her lecture? Let's do it even if
we can! Haha...!!
March 19 at 8:04pm · Comment · Like · Report

Jennifer Tweedie Note: if you ARE interested in attending her discussion, you
apparently must "register" through her website
first, with an email (what they actually want you to say in the email, I have no
Ann Coulter is the author of seven New York Times bestsellers, is the legal corre-
spondent for Human Events and writes a popular syndicated column for Universal
Press Syndicate. She is a frequent guest ...

March 19 at 6:47pm · Comment · Like

Colleen Lowrie If you want to show Ann Coulter how unwelcome her views are
on this campus, and want to show her what we value: diversity, acceptance and
love (amoung other things) then please join me and many others in our kiss-
in/protest event:
Kiss In for Ann Coulter
Location: Marion building - uOttawa
Time: 6:00PM Tuesday, March 23rd

March 19 at 4:59pm · Comment · Like

Matt likes this.

Sara Hassani so i joined so that i could write on the wall real quick then unjoin only
because i think (though i would normally agree with the point of this group) that
she should be given the opportunity to speak and the crowd can decide. she
normally fails when presented with a challenge and makes a fool of herself so i am
going ...
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March 19 at 4:10pm · Comment · Like · Report

Philippe likes this.

Matt Staroste Just a thought.

Trying to ban her from campus won't work. Making her unwelcome by protesting
her appearance her and speaking AT her is bound to have a better effect.
March 19 at 3:42pm · Comment · Like · Report

Merissa and Virginie like this.

Virginie Corneau St-Hilaire Actually, I tend to agree with

you. I think that in the short time frame, it's gonna be nearly 3/23/2010
BAN COULTER FROM CAMPUS | Facebook Page 12 of 12

impossible to make this happen, but trolling could be effective.

March 19 at 3:51pm

Kyle Climans But what's she here to talk about anyway?

Sat at 1:34pm

Suzy Kanso does anyone know where abouts she will be talking ??
March 19 at 3:25pm · Comment · Like · Report

Steph Kepman who is organizing this event?

March 19 at 2:10pm · Comment · Like · Report

View all 3 comments

Amy Hammett the group that is bringing her to campus is

called International Free Press Society-Canada and sponsored
by the Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute. I don't know of any
student groups officially endorsing the event, but I could be
March 19 at 3:00pm

Virginie Corneau St-Hilaire I don't normally (actually, EVER) invite people to

groups, but I just did.
March 19 at 2:08pm · Comment · Like · Report

Michèle, Amy and Sameena like this.

Calamity Jane l'Exploratrice Just an idea...

March 19 at 1:33pm · Comment · Like

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