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Unit 1. The Ancient Regime and the Enlightenment.

Worksheet 4 ESO.
The Enlightenment Salon
Literature, arts and philosophy
were regular topics of discussions
at salons, informal social
gatherings at which, artists,
writers and philosophers, and
others exchange ideas. Salons
originated in the 17th century
when a group of noblewoman in
Paris began inviting friends to their homes for poetry readings. Only the
most witty, intelligent and well-read people were invited to the salons. By
the 18th century, some middle-class women began holding salons, where
they could meet with the nobility on equal conditions to discuss and spread
enlightened ideas. (from World History: Connections to today by E.G. Ellis).

Activity description
We are holding a salon in class. For this, you will assume the identity of an
Enlightenment thinker and converse with the class about your ideas.


Three note cards regarding your assigned thinker. Each note card
will answer the following questions:
1. Who are you and what important things have you done.
2. What do you think is wrong with society today (mid 18 th
3. What is your solution to societys problems?

After salon: diary entry (descriptions and bon mots about two
other philosophers.

Day of Salon
On the day of the Salon you must come to the class with the following

Completed note cards. You will use them as the basis for your
comments during the salon discussion.
2. An item of food to share with the class during the Salon (food doesnt
need to be French).
3. Be wearing at least two items of clothing that distinguishes you as an
18th century thinker (a hat, walking cane, vest, shawl, and scarf). You

IES La Flota. Geography and History Department. Juana M Gonzlez


Unit 1. The Ancient Regime and the Enlightenment.

Worksheet 4 ESO.
may have to do a little research to find out what people wore during
this time.

You will be assessed in the following manner:
1. Note cards. Are they completed and of high quality?
2. Are you able to explain the ideas of your thinker when asked during
the salon?
3. Are you wearing an Enlightenment-appropriate item of clothing?
4. Did you contribute to the salon buffet?
5. Is your business card creative, clear, organized and presentable?
Your card should:
1. On one side: Have an appropriate visual aid representing your
thinkers contribution to the Enlightenment?
2. On the other side: contain a slogan that summarizes this persons
achievements. Name, occupation, logo and slogan must appear in a
creative manner.

Diary entry about the salon should:

1. At the end of the salon, you will be asked to summarize the ideas of
at least two other thinkers who participated in the salon in a diary
entry. To do this you will need to pay attention to what your
classmates say during the salon.
2. Your summary should include the name of the other two thinkers,
their slogans, and their ideas (at least 5 sentences per each).

You will be assigned in the class for one of the following thinkers:
Voltaire, Montesquieu, Rousseau, Locke, Diderot, DAlembert, Mary
Wollstonecraft, Olympe de Gouges, Diderot, Hobbes, Jefferson, G.
Washington Benjamin Franklin, Adam Smith, Franois Quesnay,
Lespinasse, Marie-Therese Geoffrin, Catherine the Great of Russia, Joseph II
of Austria, Maria-Theresa of Austria, Chalrles III of Spain, Count of
Floridablanca, Campomanes, Jovellanos, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart,
Elizabeth Luise Vigee Le Brun, Willian Hogarth, Emilie du Chatelet, Mary
Astell, Joseph Haydn ,Jonathan Swift, Francisco de Goya., Isaac Newton,
Descartes, Jacques Louis David , Marquis de Sade., Jos de San Martin,
Simn Bolvar.
IES La Flota. Geography and History Department. Juana M Gonzlez

Unit 1. The Ancient Regime and the Enlightenment.

Worksheet 4 ESO.

What our pupils will be wearing might be made on paper or other matter.
Recycled objects and things to wear will be positively valued in this
Instead of cards students can provide the information themselves
presenting it to the class in aspeech. Its up to you!
The vocabulary needed for the speeches is on the professors units. (see
unit 1 : The Old Regime and the Enlightenment).
Enlighteneds biographies are also provided in some webpages:

IES La Flota. Geography and History Department. Juana M Gonzlez


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