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(Caption and Title)

COMES NOW the petitioner by the undersigned attorney, and unto this
Honorable Court, respectfully alleges:
1. That the petitioner is of age, __________________(state the capacity and
residence of both the petitioner and the respondent);
2. That __________________ (State the facts and circumstances under which the
respondent (tribunal, corporation, board, or person, whether exercising judicial or
ministerial) acted without or in excess of its or his jurisdiction, or with grave abuse of
discretion in the proceedings complained of);
3. That __________________ (State that there is no appeal from such act or any
other plain, speedy and adequate remedy in the ordinary course of law);
4. That a certified true copy (of the judgment or order) subject of this petition is
hereto attached as Annex A:, together with copies of all pleadings and documents
relevant and pertinent thereto.
WHEREFORE, it is respectfully prayed, that pending the proceedings in the
action, a preliminary injunction be granted ordering the respondent _____________ to
desist and refrain from further proceedings in the premises, and that after due notice and
hearing, a Writ of Prohibition is issued, commanding the said respondent to desist
absolutely and perpetually from further proceedings (in the action or matter in question),
with costs.
(Attorney for Petitioner)

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