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he Northern Region is very

much at the forefront when
it comes to nurturing new
talent. For many years we have run
the ever successful Regional Early
Career Teachers Weekend (RECT),
offering a blend of socialising, CPD
and Union training. This year will
of course be no different with plans
well underway for RECT 2016 on
the weekend of 29 31
January. There are limited places
available, so if you know anyone
eligible to apply (those under 35
and/or in their first two years of

teaching) then theyd best visit

www.rect.org.uk very soon before
those last few places are snapped
For the last two years we have
also run the Getting Active in the
NUT (GAIN) programme. Seen very
much as a bridge between RECT
and other local activity this has
been a fantastic success. This
project based training allows
individuals to develop their own
talents supported primarily by
those who have previously
completed the programme.

Almost all participants in the

programme have gone on to be
local officers, including two division
secretaries, a number of assistant
and local association secretaries
and any amount of Young Teacher
Officers; two have even got
married (to one another!). GAIN
graduates are now taking an
active role in shaping, for instance,
our Regional Training weekend and
are becoming increasingly visible at
all levels within our regional work.

The National Union of Teachers is both a professional association and a trade union. It is the largest and most influential teachers'
organisation in Europe, recruiting only qualified teachers, or those who are on courses or in posts that will lead to teacher qualification.
Complete Protection. Being a member of the NUT brings access to the very best legal and professional protection. It gives you a service
unrivalled in the teaching profession.
Support and Advice. The NUT has a network of regional offices in England and NUT Cymru in Wales. Each office has experienced casework
officers and solicitors, as well as other expert staff to give confidential advice, information or assistance on employment rights and other
matters relating to your professional life.
Campaigning. The NUT campaigns for a reduction in working hours, the removal of excessive workload, and a better work-life balance. We
also campaign for fair pay and reform of the assessment system.
Experts in Education. We work on curriculum issues as well as pay and conditions of service.
Continuing Professional Development. Our continuing professional development programme is recognised as one of the best in the country.
Benefits and Services. We offer a wide range of membership benefits and services. Our members save hundreds of pounds a year by
accessing discounts available through their membership.
Equal Opportunities. Our groundbreaking policy work on equalities issues has been adopted by schools, local authorities and other
government institutions.
Young Teachers. We have a thriving young teachers section for all full members under 36. To find out more, visit our website
One Union for all Teachers. The NUT campaigns consistently for professional unity in the teaching profession. We believe that a single
professional body, articulating the views of the profession, would benefit both children and teachers.
Education for All. We campaign for a good local school for every child and for every community. We are also a member of the Global
Campaign for Education, working for every child in the world to have a primary school education by 2015.

NUT Northern Region

3 McMillan Close, Saltwell Business Park,
AdviceLine: 0203 0066 266

Issue 58, Autumn Term 2015

n 31 August we bade
farewell to Ian Donnachie,
Regional Officer, after 36
years with the Union. Respectful of
Ians wishes we had a low key
office party. Ian has retired to
spend more time with his family
and beloved Newcastle United
well, one out of two isn't too bad.
Ian said: I very much enjoyed
working for the Union and
always appreciated the
commitment, expertise and work

ne of the highlights of our

Northern calendar, the
Regional Training
Weekend has grown over recent
years from a briefing for
experienced local officers to an
event that reaches a wider
audience and fulfils several
Over the years the content and
structure have evolved too, while
managing to remain reassuringly

undertaken by local association

officers .
The Union could not
function without their support .
I was delighted to be a
member of the Regional Office
team and had the privilege
of working alongside excellent
colleagues and friends for more
than 36 years.
My thanks and good wishes
to you and the team.
I would contend that the

Union provides the most credible

opposition to the Department for
I wish the Union every success
in the future.
Elaine Ward has replaced Ian as
Regional Officer, taking over his
patch, while her Casework Support
Officer role has been filled by Joe
Waddle, previously North Tyneside
Division Secretary. Congratulations
to them both and a long and happy
retirement to Ian.

familiar. The most recent event, in

June, saw a new approach
adopted, with participants
spending an entire half day session
discussing responses to the
educational landscape predicted
following the election of a new
Conservative government.
The organisers of this years
event have acknowledged the
positive feedback this session
received and are planning

something similar; this time, a

series of activities aimed at making
us think more widely about how we
can make the best possible use of
our available resources. Be it
people, time, IT, Union support
functions or anything else, we need
to ensure that they are put to use
effectively in the interests of
improving our members working
Training will be held over the
(Continued on page 3)

Know your rights and the

his is an exciting opportunity

to train as an NUT school
The three day course has been
developed specifically to reflect
the changing context in which you
will be operating as the workplace
rep, and represents the first part of
a ten-day training entitlement
currently being developed for NUT
This course will enable you to:
Develop the NUT presence in
your workplace
Understand the challenges
facing teachers and the NUT

support available to you as a

Represent members
individually and collectively
Negotiate with and influence
Build campaigns in your
workplace and communities
Act as local NUT leaders in your
Where? Courses are delivered
close to where you live or work.
Normally this will be within your
region but you could consider
applying for the course
geographically closest to you if this
is more convenient.
How much? FREE with travel
expenses reimbursed.
If you are the school rep, or are
thinking about it then check out
www.teachers.org.uk/nutreps for
information on your next, nearest
Previous participants on the
course have said:
Valuable, informative and

Racism the Red

educational film

whats the story?
at Sunderland
Civic Centre on
Gary Bennett, Mike McDonald, Vera Baird, Cllr Henry
29 October.
Trueman & John Ameobi at the premiere of Immigration:
whats the story?
The issue of
immigration is
orthern Region NUT is
never far from the headlines;
proud to have supported
commentary is often misleading,
the filming of, and
dangerously simplistic and feeds
sponsored the premiere of Show
into a worrying narrative of anti-

Issue 58, Autumn Term 2015

supportive course.
Excellent course, well
managed and led in a lovely
environment. Eye opener and

reinforced my belief in
becoming a strong
representative for my
Excellent course very well
planned, effective structure,
useful resources, very
knowledgeable, friendly and
helpful NUT staff.
I feel I have more
information to enable me to
have the confidence to
recruit members.
You found a way of
improving my confidence to
represent individual
Lots of valuable information.

Already done the Foundation

course? Then why not check out
our Advanced Course? Designed to
develop the talents of more
experienced reps this course is
tailor made for those wanting to
develop their role. Find out more
at www.teachers.org.uk/advanced

immigration sentiment.
Anti-racism Education Workers
have noticed this trend in their
workshops and are increasingly
hearing racist ideas and attitudes
expressed towards migrant
SRtRCs response was to
develop an educational film,
elevating the voices of people who
have moved from one country to
another, to try and dispel some of
the popular myths and provide an
alternative view.
Page 2

here are various

opportunities for you to
lobby your MP this term. On
the national lobby days we want a
strong presence in Parliament
with a delegation attending from
every MPs constituency! Lobbying
is a great way to get involved with
the democratic process and to tell
your MP exactly what it is like to
be a teacher in the Northern
Other NUT colleagues may be
able to cover your classes to allow
you to attend on their behalf so
get together with other NUT
members to decide which one of

he NUT is continuing to
campaign against the
introduction of Baseline
Assessment, which was brought
into primary schools from
September 2015. The Baseline
Assessment is a 1:1 formal test that
takes place within a few weeks of
reception pupils starting school,
and the results will form a
baseline against which progress is
measured at KS1 and KS2.
Baseline Assessment has been
widely criticised, and the NUT
opposes its introduction for a
number of reasons:
It undermines the professional
judgement of teachers in

Issue 58, Autumn Term 2015

you will lobby from your school. If

you are interested in attending you
can sign up here
standup#funding and find out
everything you need to know about
how to lobby and the points we
would like you to make to your MP.
If youre going to attend,
remember to let your NUT Division
Secretary know so they can put you
in touch with other lobbyists from
your area.
See the following links:
School funding lobby, 18 November

You can email your MP about

the new Education and Adoption
Bill. More information and the link
to email MPs is available
here www.teachers.org.uk/
The NUT is also backing the
TUC campaign against the Trade
Union Bill more details are
available at: www.tuc.org.uk/tubill
All these issues have been
drawn together in an NUT
campaign video https://

determining how to best

support the pupils they teach
1:1 test will be time consuming
and further add to the
unmanageable workload of
Formal testing at such a young
age is likely to be damaging to
childrens wellbeing, and will
affect their engagement and
attitudes to learning.
What you can do
Sign the petition to tell the
Government to scrap the new
Talk to head teachers,
governors and the media. Write

to your MP
Organise a meeting: get in
contact with your local
campaign group organised by
teachers and early years
specialists: www.betterwithoutb
For more information, and for
campaign resources and materials,
please see the NUT website
(Continued from page 1)

weekend of 14 and 15 May 2016

and all colleagues who are
interested in attending should
speak to their division secretary.
One of the real strengths of
Regional Training is the blend of
experienced officers and newer
activists, often with fresh ideas,
who are able to learn from one
another. This means anyone who is
interested should really consider
joining us for a weekend built on
learning and sharing.
We look forward to seeing you
in Kendal next May!
Page 3

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