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429 ENT Exam !

Group A1 & A2

MCQs ( 15- Nov 2012 )

This the Mcqs we had in our exam, Recheck the answers to be in safe side
Good Luck,

Suhail Asiri
Abdulmalik Alwabil

429 ENT Exam !

Group A1 & A2


Hi, I don't recall all of the scenarios given so make the best out of it , some
answers need confirmation.
1) 11 y.o. boy complaining of hearing loss for 3 months, Rinne's test was
negative and Weber was central, most likely diagnosis:
- normal
- bilateral CHL (need confirmation)
- bilateral SNHL
- bilateral Mixed
2) 70 y.o. man c/o hearing loss for several years, denies any acoustic injury,
- Presbycusis
3) 50 y.o. man c/o facial swelling over the parotid, gentle pressure release pus
from the parotid ducts, most likely Dx:
- mumps
- acute suppurative parotiditis (need confirmation)
4) man came to clinic c/o intermittent epistaxis (forgot the other symptom), o/
e LN enlargment on level 2, most likely Dx:
- nasopharyngeal carcinoma (correct, b/c nasopharynx drains into level 2
5) boy suffered from cerebral hemorrhage following a RTA, later he developed
hemiplagia and inability to communicate freely, most likely Dx:
- Aphonia
- Dysodia
- Dysphasia (correct)
6) a boy c/o (forgot cc, but I think it was hoarsness of voice), his family say
that he dominates his environment by shouting, most likely Dx:
- contact granuloma
- vocal fold paralysis
- vocal fold nodule (correct)
- vocal fold polyp
7) after a bout of acute rhinitis, a patient complains of a swelling over his
right eyebrow with fever (not sure about fever), most likely Dx:
- allergic frontal rhinitis
- mucocoele (need confirmation b/c of persistent fever)
- osteomyelitis (could be b/c of fever)

429 ENT Exam !

Group A1 & A2

8) 3 y.o. boy brought to clinic c/o nasal discharge with bad odor, most likely
- foreign body
9) a boy was brought to ER after choking and coughing episode following
playing with toys, o/e he is stable normal chest exam, next step in
- admit for observation
- admit for bronchoscopy (need confrimation)
- urgent cricothyrotomy
- urgent tracheotomy
10) man c/o vertigo when using ear drops, Hx is + for previous ear infections,
most likely Dx:
- Labrynthine fistula
11) patient c/o sore throat? enlarged tonsils and palpable spleen, most likely
- Infectious Mononucleosis
12) patient was brought to clinic c/o recurrent episodes of epistaxis, o/e
there's no active bleeding the septal vessels are prominent and inferior
turbinate is hypertrophied, best management:
- anterior nasal pack
- posterior nasal pack
- cautery to septum
- inferior turbinate diathermy
13) a boy came to ER c/o red tender swelling behind the ear, most likely Dx:
- Acute Mastoiditis
14) patient came to clinic c/o (forgot the cc), the nasal cavity had greenish
foul smelling crusts, after washing the cavity was roomy, most likely Dx:
- Atrophic rhinitis
15) patient c/o (a lot of things), o/e there's a swelling in the submandibular
area, most likely Dx:
- Ludwig's Angina
16) a boy injured his posterior pharyngeal wall with a sharp objects, later he
developed breathing difficulties, most likely Dx:
- retropharyngeal abscess
17) boy c/o sore throat, drooling and inspiratory stridor, most likely Dx:
- acute epiglottits (need confirmation)

429 ENT Exam !

Group A1 & A2

18) post-subtotal-thyroidectomy developed stridor right after extubation,

most likely injured nerve:
- unilateral superior laryngeal n
- bilateral superior laryngeal n
- unilateral recurrent laryngeal n
- bilateral recurrent laryngeal n (need confimration)


Q1 answer is B


429 ENT Exam !

Group A1 & A2

Done !

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