ISO 9001 Quality Manual

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MRF Name / Logo

Quality Manual - Template 1

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OQC, The Conifers

Stoney Lane
Ashmore Green
RG18 9HD
T: 07789 482455
F: 01635 866327

Quality Manual
Document Number: QM1
Issue Level:

Controlled / Uncontrolled
(Circle as appropriate)
Uncontrolled Manuals are current at time of issue but will not be
automatically updated

Approval logo

Prepared by:

Approved by:



MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

Approvals, control and amendment

1.1 Management system scope

2.1 Overview and company history

Management system
3.1 General requirements
3.2 Documentation requirements

Management responsibility
4.1 Management commitment
4.2 Customer focus
4.3 Quality policy
4.4 Planning
4.5 Responsibility, authority and communication
4.6 Management review

Resource management
5.1 Provision of resources
5.2 Human resources
5.3 Infrastructure
5.4 Work environment

Product and service realisation

6.1 Planning of product and service realisation
6.2 Customer-related processes
6.3 Design and development
6.4 Purchasing
6.5 Production and service provision
6.6 Control and monitoring of measuring devices


Measurement, analysis and improvement

7.1 General
7.2 Monitoring and measurement
7.3 Control of non-conforming product
7.4 Analysis of data
7.5 Improvement


Appendix 1

Quality procedure index


Appendix 2

Quality policy statement


Appendix 3

Quality objectives


Appendix 4

Process inter-relationship


MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

Approvals, control and amendment

An approval signature on the front cover indicates approval of this manual. Controlled copies
are identified by controlled status on front cover - only controlled copies will be automatically updated.
Amendments to sections of this manual are detailed in the following table. Approval of the amendment is
indicated by Management Representatives initials on master soft copy and original signature on physical
controlled copies.
Document history and change record

Issue date



Description of change
Initial Issue

Note: Within this manual template, red italic text should be replaced by MRF specific information and the
guidance in text boxes should be implemented. All of the text in this manual template is sample text
however it is known to meet ISO certification requirements.
Blue text indicates where a change / clarification in relation to ISO 9001:2008 has been incorporated.
The following are registered holders of controlled copies of the Quality Manual:

Manual Number

MRF Manager (Management Representative)


Distribution of the management system documentation is by controlled master soft copy over the MRF

Management system scope

The scope of the MRF Name management system is as follows:

The segregation, processing and recycling of dry co-mingled materials.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

Overview and company history

MRF Name was established in 19yy. The initial concept and core company business activity was as a
twenty-four hour, seven day a week waste logistics service provider, supporting both waste collection
agencies and local councils
The companys MRF is an established facility
Our MRF operation philosophy ensures that we maximise production capacity and reintroduce to the supply
chain everything that is produced. We control the quality of feedstock which results in quality material
being produced, minimising residue whilst maximising recovery of recyclables.
The MRF is an essential stage in the recycling process. In addition to sorting the materials into their
respective grades we remove materials which are considered to be contaminates, thereby eliminating any
problems that they cause at the MRF or later in the recycling process at the destination factories.
Key clients include:

Council 1

Council 2

Client 3

Client 4

ANO Borough and County Council

The above overview and company

history information is to be updated /
made specific to the MRF this allows
the manual to be outward facing and
gives the reader an overview of the
MRFs capabilities.

MRF Name is registered with The Environment Agency as a licensed waste handler.
The design and implementation of the MRF Name quality management system has been influenced by MRF
Names particular business environment and risks associated with that environment. In addition, the system
has been structured to support the varying needs of the business, its particular objectives, the services it
provides, the processes it employs and its size and organisational structure.
The implementation of the requirements of the ISO 9001:2008 international standard have been used to
meet customer and statutory and regulatory requirements applicable to products and services. The
implementation and interaction of the system processes are managed to produce the desired process
In relation to the International Standard and MRF Names implementation of ISO 9001:2008 the term
product applies to the product intended for, or required by, a customer or the product realisation
processes. This applies to any intended output resulting from a product realisation processes, including
Where appropriate, statutory and regulatory requirements are also expressed as legal requirements.

Management system


Quality Management System (QMS)

MRF Name has established a QMS in order to ensure that the company:

Meets or exceeds the requirements and expectations of its customers.

Continuously monitors, measures and improves customer satisfaction.
Continuously monitors, measures and improves its own performance.

Through meeting these objectives, MRF Name seeks to manage the effective implementation of their Waste
Collection, Sorting, Recycling and Disposal services.
The QMS is designed to assist with the identification, interaction, control, monitoring, analysis and
improvement of all key business processes. These key processes are managed to ensure:

Conforming services are delivered.

Control methodologies are in place and effective.
Adequate resources are available (including competent personnel).
Non-conformities are prevented.
Measurable quality objectives are satisfied.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

The effectiveness of the QMS is regularly audited, reviewed and improved in accordance with ISO
9001:2008 and the needs of the business.
Where processes are outsourced (e.g. management system consultancy, Health & Safety support etc)
appropriate control over these processes is implemented. This includes vendor evaluation and selection,
product verification and subcontractor monitoring / feedback.

Documentation requirements



The MRF Name MS comprises three main parts, the Quality Manual (QM), the Quality Procedures (QPs indexed in Appendix 1) and MRF Name process documents (instructions). These are supported by
associated controls and a range of Records and Forms (QFs), which are referenced from each procedure
where appropriate.
All QMS documentation necessary to support the key business processes has been prepared in accordance
with the requirements of applicable standards.

Quality manual

The MRF Name management system is designed to address all the requirements of ISO 9001:2008 with the
following exclusions:
ISO 9001:2008, 7.3 Design and Development
The interactions between the procedures and processes referenced in
this manual are summarised in Appendix 4.

Control of documents

Note: Exclusions can be

limited to clause 7 of ISO
9001 and must be justified
and must not affect the MRFs
ability to meet client and
statutory and regulatory

The majority of the companys QMS documents are stored in an electronic format on shared drives /
company network. In line with this management of electronic documents, a computer backup system is
used to provide appropriate document and data protection.
All controlled documents are approved, reviewed, updated and controlled in accordance with QP01,
Control of Documents Procedure. Only the latest issue of any document is maintained. If it is
necessary to hold superseded documents, these will be identified accordingly.
Changes to controlled documents are made in accordance with QP01. A register is kept for all controlled
documents and hard copies of the Manual and associated procedures / process documents are maintained
as reference controlled copies.
Where process documents are more widely distributed as controlled copies (e.g. Work Instruction), these
are logged and updated in a controlled manner through a Register of Controlled Documents.
Documents of external origin, determined by the organisation to be necessary for the planning and
operation of the QMS, are also appropriately controlled.

Control of records

The control of records and data that provide evidence of conformance to requirements and the effective
operation of the quality of services and is documented in QP02, Control of Records Procedure.
All documents referenced from QP02 are stored in either hard copy or electronic form for the retention time
specified. This retention time is based on business, regulatory and customer requirements. The data is
stored in such a way as to allow easy cross-reference and retrieval, with key records stored on computer
systems being backed up periodically through MRF Name IT facilities.

Management responsibility


Management commitment

Management commitment to the development, implementation and improvement of the management

system is demonstrable through the continual communication of quality requirements, establishing and

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

support of quality policy and objectives, the full participation in management reviews, and the provision of
appropriate resources.

Customer focus

Customer satisfaction is monitored and enhanced through ensuring customer requirements for the services
offered are determined and understood (whether fully specified or not). Customer satisfaction is monitored
using appropriate and documented measures.

Quality policy

A Quality Policy has been produced, reviewed and approved to ensure it is appropriate to the business,
demonstrates commitment to the achievement of quality and supports continual improvement. The policy
is also used to provide a framework for quality objectives. The policy is shown in Appendix 2 and a signed
copy of this policy statement is displayed and is communicated to all staff. The policy is made available to
the public via the MRF Name web site and is reviewed at periodic Management Review.



Quality objectives

Measurable objectives have been formulated and communicated to all personnel as appropriate.
Procedures, processes and management system controls have been developed to help ensure that these
objectives are met. The results of management system effectiveness and customer satisfaction monitoring
is analysed and reviewed in conjunction with these objectives.

Management system planning

Planning activities are undertaken to ensure the requirements for quality will be met through the
implementation and improvement of the management system. This includes maintaining the integrity of
the system during any significant changes.

Responsibility, authority and communication


Responsibility and authority

The responsibilities and authorities documented in this
section 4.5.1 are samples and need to be adjusted for
the MRFs own organisation. The manual should include
responsibilities of the management team and staff that
have a specific responsibility in relation to the
management system.

The responsibilities of key staff are generally defined by job role description/contract of employment. Core
responsibilities are detailed below. Individual operational responsibilities of other personnel are defined in
the relevant operational procedures.
Managing Director
The MRF Name Managing Director is ultimately responsible for quality of service delivery and ensuring all
Company employees are aware of the Company's Quality Policy. Responsibilities include the following:

Establishing the long-term strategy and policy for the companys operations.

Ensuring that the company has the competence and resources to fulfil its business and management
system objectives, and to deliver against the agreed strategy.

Monitoring, measurement, analysis, review and improvement of the performance of the companys
operations against the core measurable quality objectives, and against the overall company

Health & Safety as defined within the company Health & Safety Policy.

Personnel / provision of adequate resources.

The Managing Director has appointed a Management Representative (MRF Manager) with responsibility and
authority for managing the integrated Management System. The Managing Director will deputise in
carrying out routine Quality management activities in the absence of the Management Representative.
Management Representative (MRF Manager)
The Management Representative is responsible for:

Ensuring the Company's quality system remains effective and continues to meet the quality policy,
quality objectives and requirements of the business.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

Overseeing the Internal auditing process.

Providing appropriate input to periodic management reviews.

The MRF Manager is the Quality Management Representative. An overview of these responsibilities are
outlined in section 5.5.2 below.
MRF Manager
The MRF Manager is responsible for
Other responsibilities include the implementation and active participation in individuals awareness and
understanding of the companys Health & Safety system.
Operations Manager
The Operations Manager is responsible for the operational activities both within the company and on-site
locations. This includes quality of work, allocation of suitably trained and qualified staff, adherence to set
procedures, co-ordination of all site related activities / requirements, including Health & Safety concerns
and Legislative and Regulatory requirements. Where some of the above is delegated to assigned staff, this
is identified in related procedures.
The Purchasing Team are responsible for all purchasing and purchase related activities. This includes; office
/ general consumables, Health & Safety standard issue items (clothing, PPE etc), subcontract services,
supplier evaluation, and the integrity, storage and stock control of deliverables.
Health & Safety Manager
The Health & Safety Manager is responsible for:

Implementation of the companys Health & Safety regime as dictated by legislative directives.

Ensuring safe working practices are satisfactorily implemented and supervised as appropriate to
individuals understanding and training.

Undertaking of site risk assessments.

Investigating, recording and reporting services related accidents, near misses and individuals ill
health potentially resulting from work undertaken.

Establishing continuous dialogue with employees with respect to Health & Safety concerns, issues
and in-house training, and the maintenance of records to support such undertakings.

Ensuring Health & Safety Directives are followed.

Advising senior management and concerned parties of changes in Health & Safety legislation, cods of
practice and industrial related standards.

Reporting details of accidents, dangerous occurrences or diseases that are notifiable to the enforcing

Liaising with external consultants on Health & Safety issues which may be detrimental to the staff or

Liaising with external organisations, including emergency services etc, as applicable.

The maintenance of a schedule of statutory examinations of plant and equipment and informing
managers of impending examinations.

The maintenance and calibration of Health & Safety equipment etc.

Maintenance Supervisor
The Maintenance Supervisor is responsible for the general upkeep of company vehicles and utilities to
ensure ongoing roadworthiness. Scheduling six-weekly vehicle checks and recording / reporting concerns
identified. They are also responsible for raising purchase requests for appropriation of spares / vehicle
Note: Major defects / maintenance requirements are subcontracted to main dealerships as applicable to
job requirements.
Drivers / Site Engineers
Drivers / Site Engineers are responsible for undertaking assignments as defined / directed by the issue of
job sheets and conforming to site / client directives including specified Health & Safety constraints /
directives. They are also responsible for the completion of all site related documentation specific to the
job / driver activities. Drivers are also responsible for the daily roadworthiness of assigned vehicle and
auxiliary service equipment as per the statutory rules laid down by the Vehicle Inspectorate Department for
Transport (VOSA). Identified concerns are recorded and notified to the appropriate manager for
Quality Auditor

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

The Quality Auditor is responsible for auditing of management system processes and reporting audit
findings to the Management Representative.
It is the duty of all employees to act within the legal responsibilities imposed upon them and the company
Quality Policy. All employees are to be familiar with the environmental policies and procedures of the
Visitors / business partners
Visitors / business partners are made aware of the Quality Management System, company policy and
procedures. During their time on MRF Names sites, all visitors are to conduct their business with due
consideration to create a minimum impact on the environment and observe the MRF Name Quality Policy.
Additional responsibilities are described in the company quality procedures. A list of these is in Appendix 1
of this manual. Appropriate resource will be made available essential to the implementation, maintenance
and improvement of the integrated management system. The company structure is documented in an
organisation chart located on the network.
In line with ISO 9001:2008, the role of
Management Representative must be a
member of the organisations management
and can no longer be subcontracted to an
external consultant.
The internal auditing activity can be provided
via either internal, trained (competent) resource
or via an external consultant.

Management representative

The Management Representative (MR) is the MRF Manager.

In addition to other responsibilities, the MR has the authority and responsibility for the implementation and
maintenance of the QMS in accordance with ISO 9001 requirements.
In this respect, the Management Representative has general responsibility for:


Implementation, operation and maintenance of the QMS.

Reporting the effectiveness of the QMS to the Management Team.
Promoting customer awareness throughout the organisation.
Identifying areas of business and QMS improvement.
Facilitating the implementation of preventive and corrective actions.

The Managing Director will ensure that information regarding the performance and effectiveness of the
Management System is communicated, through the Management Representative, to the organisation. Key
business information, performance against targets and effectiveness of the QMS is communicated to the
Management Team at monthly meetings. This information is cascaded throughout the company as
appropriate by hardcopy and electronic means.

Management review



The continued suitability, adequacy and effectiveness of the MS is reviewed by Senior Management at least
annually. This will include an assessment of any improvement opportunities and the need for any changes
to the MS, including policy and objectives. A record of all Management Review Meetings is maintained.

Review input

The review inputs include, but are not limited to:

Follow up actions from previous reviews.

Results of internal audits.
Customer feedback, complaints and analysis.
Process performance and service conformity.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1


Status of corrective and preventive actions.

Changes affecting the Management System.
Improvement recommendations.
Review output

The outputs from this review will include actions and decisions in relation to:

Improvements in the effectiveness of the QMS.

Required resources / training requirements.

Required audits.

Customer service and delivery improvements.

Further details are given in the Management Review procedure, QP03.


Resource management


Provision of resources

Senior management are responsible for providing the necessary resources in terms of both personnel and
equipment to ensure that the processes outlined in the QMS are carried out throughout the entire service
realisation process.
Trained auditors are used to ensure that the QMS is followed and that improvements that enhance customer
satisfaction are carried out in a controlled manner.
Auditing is carried out by personnel independent of the process being assessed.

Human resources



It is MRF Names policy that personnel performing work affecting quality are competent based on
appropriate education, training, skills and experience. This is verified through audit and review, and is
recorded as appropriate in an individuals personnel file.
NOTE: Conformity to product requirements may be affected directly or indirectly by personnel performing
any task within the quality management system.

Competence, awareness and training

The resource and competency requirements for tasks or roles that affect quality are evaluated and recorded
by way of job descriptions/contracts of employment and the relevant quality records i.e. skills matrices and
training and personnel records. The effectiveness of training carried out is recorded and evaluated through
the competence that has been achieved.
Control of the training process is in accordance with procedure Resource Management QP04.
All new employees are taken through an induction process to comply with quality and Health & Safety
requirements. The induction also covers company background, facility and materials / service awareness
and customer familiarisation.
Training is available for all employees and is planned and recorded by the use of skills matrices / individual
training records. The effectiveness of both internal and external training is evaluated and recorded, and
subsequent corrective actions are implemented as required.
A review of training effectiveness and ongoing requirements is carried out at least annually and training
records are maintained.


All functional areas are provided with the infrastructure required to achieve conformity to business and
quality requirements. This includes buildings, workspace, equipment, vehicles, communications,
information systems and supporting services.

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Issue 1


Quality Manual Template 1

The suitability of buildings, equipment, plant, machinery and workspace is reviewed during management
review and periodic internal management meetings.

Working environment

Appropriate working environments have been considered and implemented in achieving service conformity.
These include appropriate office space, IT infrastructure, utilities and facilities. Health & Safety issues are
considered and appropriate practices implemented to ensure safe working conditions.
NOTE The term "work environment" relates to conditions under which work is performed including physical,
environmental and other factors (such as noise, temperature, humidity, lighting, or weather).

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Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Product and service realisation


Planning of product and service realisation

Planning of product (output material) and service realisation is carried out at the initial phase of a major
contract or the introduction of a new waste / output materials and service. This process may include the
review and planning of quality objectives and requirements for the output material / service, the documents
and resources required. The planning of output material and service realisation also includes the required
verification, validation, monitoring, measurement, inspection and test activities specific to the service and
the criteria for output material acceptance.
For any major new projects, project management activities and planning is carried out during the concept
phase of a project.

Customer related processes


Determination of customer requirements

MRF Name review all enquiries, orders and contracts received from customers to ensure that their
requirements can be met in full and any ambiguities resolved. This determination and capture of product
requirements includes the clarification and agreement of customer requirements including activity scope
and service requirements. Any requirements not specified by the customer but necessary for product or
service implementation or compliance with any related statutory and regulatory requirements are also
considered to be a part of this process.
Determination of output material / service level requirements include the statutory and regulatory
requirements applicable to the activity and any additional requirements considered necessary by the MRF.
This may include post service delivery activities. Post delivery activities may include actions under
contractual obligations such as support services and supplementary services.

Review of customer requirements

All customer orders / contracts are reviewed to ensure that service, quantity and delivery requirements can
be satisfied. Recyclate received as part of an existing contract is reviewed to ensure alignment with
existing enquiries or orders. Any conflict with the standard operational processes are referred back to the
customer for resolution.
Orders or enquiries for new or non-standard recycling services are reviewed and referred to the Managing
Director to establish whether current processes and controls are suitable. Any changes to order
requirements are reviewed and communicated to other functions within the company. Records of these
reviews are maintained.
Further details are given in procedure QP05, Customer Processes.

Customer communication

Capability, facility and service information is supplied to customers via web site, brochures, email and
through direct sales / personal contacts.
Communications such as enquiries, quotes, orders and amendment details are appropriately stored and
identified by customer and contract number.
Customer feedback is proactively sought via direct contact and satisfaction monitoring.
Complaints are documented and recorded in accordance with QP12, Monitoring, Measurement and

Design and development

Excluded no design or development activities are currently carried out by MRF Name.



Evaluation and selection of partners and suppliers

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Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Suppliers and subcontractors are selected on their ability to provide quality goods and services, delivered
on time and at the right price. All suppliers, including outsource partners, are subjected to a supplier quality
assurance process.
The level and depth of this process depends on the impact the supplied product or service has on service
realisation. A list of approved suppliers is maintained and their performance monitored.
Subcontractors are reviewed on an annual basis to establish their suitability to act on MRF Names behalf.
MRF Name realise the importance of fostering good supplier relationships. All key suppliers have been made
aware of requirements in terms of quality and regulatory requirements, delivery and price and they are
encouraged to highlight any concerns they may have about meeting these requirements.
The criteria for selection and evaluation of suppliers are contained in the Purchasing Procedure QP06.

Purchasing information

Numbered purchase orders are used for the purchase of all key goods and services. Order numbers are
generated and recorded via a purchase order system.
Purchase orders contain sufficient details to accurately describe the product or services ordered, and will be
supported by detailed purchasing information such as supply agreements or specifications where
Approval of purchase orders is in accordance with Purchasing Procedure QP06.

Verification of purchased product

Suitable verification documentation is requested from suppliers as appropriate. This documentation is

requested via the purchase order and can include certificates of conformity and associated data.
If required within the contract, arrangements for the customer to verify purchases and subcontracted work
will be written into the purchase order.
Where appropriate, an incoming inspection will be carried out in accordance with Purchasing Procedure

Production and service provision


Control of product and service provision

Materials are separated by manual and mechanical means with routine inspection at all stages of the
process. These services are performed under controlled conditions. This includes:


The use of work instructions (where necessary).

Monitoring and verification of materials and services.
Standard working methods.
Identification of standards of acceptable work to be achieved by staff.
Validation of processes

While the output from service provision processes are verified through subsequent monitoring or
measurement, the capabilities of all service / recycling processes are regularly monitored to achieve
ongoing improvement and re-validation.
An in-process reject / hold system is in place and is used to identify waste / output materials / services that
do not comply with specification, customer requirements or environmental directives at any stage. Records
are kept of all shipment and disposal activities to demonstrate conformance of service.
6.5.3 Identification and traceability
A unique works order number identifies all work being
processed, and is allocated on receipt of an order. This
number is recorded on all documentation associated with that
individual material recover process and affords materials
traceability throughout the initial receipt / sorting and baling to
final dispatch / disposal.

MRF Quality Manual

Allocation of unique activity identifiers

requires review. This must include
Duty of Care references that are
required on Waste Transfer Notes.

Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1


Customer property

When customers property, site, material, samples, products etc. are made available to the company they
will be treated as a supplier for the purpose of the Management System requirements.
Customers property that is lost, damaged or otherwise unsuitable for collection / disposal is recorded and
reported to the customer and senior management.
All employees are responsible for taking care of customers property at all times.
Free issue material or property is treated as if received from a supplier.
Further details of service provision, validation of processes, identification and trace-ability and customer
property can be found in Service Provision and Operations Procedure QP07 and associated MRF
Name process documents.


The procedures for the handling, storage, identification and protection of recyclates during the MRF
processes are implemented accordingly.
Waste materials delivered to the MRF site are received, processed (sorted) baled and despatched and in an
appropriate and established safe and recognised manner to ensure that no significant damage or
deterioration occurs that could result in reduction of material quality and / or any potential statutory or
environmental consequences.
Protective garments and appropriate transfer equipment is supplied during each process stage to protect
personnel and preserve the conformity of the recycling activity at all times.
All recyclable materials are handled safely and carefully so that no deterioration occurs during
transportation to their destination. Protective clothing is worn at appropriate stages during the MRF

Control of monitoring and measuring devices

All equipment / vehicles that are used for MRF purposes, Health & Safety purposes, inspection, measuring
and testing to demonstrate the conformance of the service process are controlled and calibrated.
The weighbridge is calibrated on an annual basis. In addition, it is subjected to regular verification against
a known weight.
All vehicles and associated equipment is checked prior to use to ensure satisfactory status / fitness for use.
Where appropriate, calibration is traceable to National or International Standards and the calibration status
identified. When the equipment fails, the validity of the use prior to this is assessed and appropriate actions
Further details are given in procedure QP08, Control of Equipment.


Measurement, analysis and improvement



Monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement activities are implemented to demonstrate conformity
of processes and services from initial Customer contact through to final acceptance of implemented
services / delivered materials.
Monitoring, measurement, analysis and improvement processes will also be implemented to demonstrate
conformity and potential improvement of the management systems. Further details are given in the
Monitoring, Measurement and Improvement Procedure QP10, which includes Corrective and
Preventive Action.

Monitoring and measurement


Customer satisfaction

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Quality Manual Template 1

The requirements of the customer are taken into account at all stages of service delivery, by the recording
of customer acceptance, and monitoring of customer satisfaction. This is achieved by regular customer
contact, monitoring of feedback and customer satisfaction surveying in accordance with Procedure QP10.
The data obtained from the above monitoring is reported in the form of metrics detailing customer
satisfaction against targets set out by management review.

Internal audit

Internal audits are performed periodically to verify the use and effectiveness of the quality systems. The
audit programme is planned and published, taking into account the status and importance of the processes
to be audited as well as previous audit results. Internal audits are carried out in accordance with Internal
Audit Procedure QP09.

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Quality Manual Template 1


Monitoring and measurement of processes and services

Monitoring and measurement of processes is implemented to demonstrate their ability to achieve planned
results. Where planned results are not achieved, corrective action is taken in a timely manner.
Where a process can be monitored and measured directly, it will be conducted through measurement of
process characteristics. A process that is unsuitable for direct measurement will be monitored through
activities such as internal audit and review of customer satisfaction data (where appropriate). The trends
recorded through process monitoring and measurement is reviewed at management reviews.
Materials are inspected during picking, before baling and are subject to final inspection prior to dispatch.
On completion, a Goods-Out note will be signed to authorise dispatch. In addition, where the materials are
being transported via a container, a photograph of the load will be taken.

Control of non-conformity

Non-conforming or badly contaminated materials are suitably identified by a label or marking, and
segregated into a quarantine area, wherever possible. Suppliers are informed of non-conformances and
details are recorded in Incident Reports, which are retained and reviewed by the Managing Director. When
customer complaints are received, they will be recorded, investigated and corrected to the satisfaction of
the customer and the company.
Records of non-conformity are maintained and analysed as part of Management Review. Output material or
service non-conformities are reviewed by authorised staff in order to determine any remedial action and
outputs are subsequently inspected.
In the event that an output material / service may not fully meet specified requirements, this may be
reported on a concession (quality report). Records of concessions will be held by the Management
Further details are also contained in procedure the Monitoring, Measurement and Improvement
Procedure QP10.

Analysis of data

Appropriate data is collected and analysed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the management system
processes and the evaluation of where improvements in the system can be made.
The data generated from monitoring and measurement or other relevant sources is analysed to provide
performance information relating to:


Customer satisfaction.
Conformity of services.
Trends / characteristics of processes / services and preventive action opportunities.
Supplier performance.




Continual improvement

Opportunities for continual improvement will be identified through the review of quality policy, objectives,
audit results, analysis of data, corrective and preventive actions and management review.
Improvements identified and implemented, and the resulting benefits are monitored and the results
reported at the management review.

Corrective action

Any non-conformities will be analysed to develop corrective actions that eliminate cause and prevent
recurrence. Monitoring, Measurement and Improvement Procedure QP10 outlines requirements for:

Reviewing non-conformities, including customer complaints.

Determining the cause of non-conformities.
Evaluating the need for action to prevent re-occurrence.
Determining and implementing action needed.

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Quality Manual Template 1

Recording results of action taken.

Reviewing corrective action implemented.

Customer complaints are recorded via the Quality Reporting system and are prioritised accordingly. The
effective and timely implementation of corrective actions and complaint resolution is monitored.

Preventive action

A review of key processes will be conducted through audit or as indicated by quality data. This review will
be used to identify and eliminate potential non-conformities. The implementation and maintenance of
effective procedures is also part of preventive action planning.
Development of preventive measures also occurs as part of the service provision and contract planning
process (risk analysis). Risk assessments are produced for all new service operations / contracts. In
addition, a process of continuous review is applied to all services and processes to identify possible
improvement opportunities.
Further details of Corrective and Preventive action is given in Monitoring, Measurement and
Improvement Procedure QP10.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Appendix 1 - Index of quality system procedures


Control of Documents


Control of Records


Management Review


Resource Management


Customer Processes




Service Provision and Operations


Control of Equipment


Internal Audits


Monitoring, Measurement and Improvement

(Includes Control of Non-Conformity Corrective and Preventive Action)

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Appendix 2 Quality policy statement

MRF Name, aims to become a leading provider of material recovery facilities and support services.
In meeting the above, MRF Name also aims to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction by delivering
reliable, high quality, cost effective services and output materials within agreed timeframes thus generating
the returns required to:

Reward stakeholders for their investment.

Reward our people for their efforts.

Provide the funds to support future operations and company growth.

Provide a stable and enjoyable work-place for the entire team.

MRF name is committed to the continual improvement of its performance by the monitoring of quality
issues and through involvement with customers, suppliers, regulatory authorities and the community.
To assist with the above, MRF name has implemented a Management System that meets the requirements
of ISO 9001:2008.
Compliance and improvement is monitored by process measures and internal audits and is maintained by
the timely implementation of preventive and corrective actions.
Meeting these standards is the responsibility of the entire team. MRF name is therefore committed to
working with all stakeholders to support effective operation of the companys Quality Management System
and the achievement of goals and specific Quality Objectives.
(Original signed copy held in office).

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Appendix 3 Quality objectives

In line with the MRF Name Quality Management System, measurable quality (business) objectives are
outlined below.
The documented Quality Policy has been used as a framework for these objectives.
The measurable objects are defined as follows:
Customer Satisfaction: A customer satisfaction target of 80% has been agreed. This means that analysis
of performance satisfaction surveys and factors such as complaints and associated feedback should
indicate an 80% or more overall satisfaction rating.
Process Performance: Key business processes have been defined as;
Incoming Material Receipt, Material Segregation, MRF Maintenance, Health & Safety Management and
Sales. The targets for these activities have been agreed as follows:
MRF Operations
Level of Incoming Material Contamination
Quality of Outgoing Paper Bale Material
Quality of Outgoing Aluminium Bale Material


MRF Maintenance
Equipment Utilisation
On Time Preventive maintenance


Health & Safety Management

Number of near miss / reportable incidents

<0.5 / person / year

Proposal to Contract Success Rate


Management Systems: The measure related to the certification of the MRF Names Management Systems
is as follows:
Quality Certification Timescale
Environmental Certification Timescale
Ongoing Certification Body feedback:

Before end mm/yy

Before end mm/yy
< 2 Minor Nonconformities per audit

Internal Audit: The process measure relating to audits are designed to indicate process effectiveness and
The process measures of Audits completed on Time (against schedule) and Level of Process Compliance (N o
of Compliant findings c.f. observations / nonconformities) are as follows:
Audits on Time
Process Compliance Level
>80% (based of audit findings)
Performance against these quality objectives and their associated targets will be reviewed at periodic
Management Review meetings.

MRF Quality Manual

Issue 1



Quality Manual Template 1

Appendix 4 Process interaction

Quality Assurance Document Control (QP01), Control of Records (QP02), Management Review (QP03)

Support Processes Resource Management (QP04), Purchasing (QP06), Calibration (QP08)

Provision and


Processes (QP05)
Maintenance /
Control of Equipment

and Internal
Audits (QP09
and QP10)

Customer Communication (QP05), Customer Satisfaction (QP10)

MRF Name Quality Manual

Issue 1

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