Nov 2015 Hola From The Hornors

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Praising God for

His Faithfulness


Preach the word; be instant

in season, out of season


Rehab Ministry in
Guasave: CREAD

Preaching at the local jail

Highlights: Surutato, Camp, Baptism, DVBS, Independence Day

Dear Friends, Family and Supporters,

2 Timothy 4:2 Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. We are thankful for the open door we have to preach at the local jail and in two
drug rehab centers. The hymn I Love to Tell the Story because I know tis trueIt did so much for meFor
some have never heard sums up the blessings of telling the old, old story of Jesus and His love. The youth
(including some non-church teens), Brian, Radams, and a few other adults join forces to play against a seasoned team from Cread. We lose most of the time but at the end of the day we preach to everyone! Tap
preaches at other times during the month with the help of Ricardo Lpez and Luis from the church in Alhuey.
When the others are preaching, Tap talks to men who are about to be released from the program. Several
have made professions of faith! Some might think this is a waste of time, but
there is great joy encouraging others to share their faith, testifying how the
Lord delivered them from the ravages of drugs. Tap is personally challenged
in preaching strongly evangelistic messages, and all are reminded again of
so great a salvation offered by grace through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ!
Please take a moment to explore the links and click on the pictures and
their captions to get a view of the bigger story and news from Sinaloa, MX!
Recent Pastors

Reunion in Alhuey

Family News
Tap & Katie in Campeche, Mexico
Brian & Diana* in Sinaloa, Mexico

Preaching in Guamchil
at Drug Rehab: GRAD

Paul & Rebeca in Barcelona, Spain

Contact Information

Thank You for your support

& prayers

Field Address: Apdo. 229

Guamchil, SIN, Mexico 81400
USA Telephone (864) 252-7667
Facebook YouTube Vimeo

Redeeming the Time,

Tap & Denise Hornor

MGMI: 2925 W. Polk St.
Phoenix, AZ 85009
(602) 272-0312

Prayer Requests:
Sun: Holy Spirits convicting
power in our services
Mon: Balance between rest,
personal growth & service
Tues: Mission in Tamazula
Services: Tues., 6:00 p.m.
Wed: Mission in Guamchil,
Iglesia Jess Salva
Thur: Midweek service in Alhuey
Fri: Prison/drug rehab visits
Sat: Visitation & youth ministry;
Restoration of marriages/families

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