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Bnei Akiva Dallas

Shabbat Nov 7, 2015; 25 Cheshvan 5776

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A Positive Outlook

Shabbat/Bnei Akiva
Mincha/Kabbalat Shabbat/Maariv

Shabbat beginsShabbat Morning Minyanim-

A Dvar Torah on Chayei Sarah by Ari Ge!er"









Motzei Shabbat-


Weather for Shabbat

High-73 Low-54


Shabbos Kodesh :
High-68 Low-46
Mostly Sunny


Upcoming Dates

November 8- SRC Diamond

Anniversary Kick Off
and Ribbon
beginning at
10:00 A.M.

Facebook page:


Instagram: BneiAkivaDallas

In this week's Parsha, we

learn about the life of Sarah
Imeinu, and as the Pasuk says,
her lifetime was 100 years, and
20 years, and 7 years. Rashi
writes that the years of Sarah's
life were -all
good. Really? How can that be?#
Sarah was with Avraham
throughout all his trials including
when they left Avraham's father's
home to go where Hashem said
he'd show them (Israel) without
knowing where they were going.
She was also with him when they
were on the road without a
permanent home, and when they
left Israel because of famine and
went to Egypt in search of food.
Sarah was also kidnapped by
Pharoah's men and a second time
by Avimelech.#
All the years of Sarah's life
would not be considered as
exactly "good." Nevertheless, her
outlook and perspective on life
teaches us a great lesson: to

always be positive and see the

good in all situations. Although
this is a basic and important
lesson and is something
everyone has been taught, there
are situations where being
positive during challenging times
is one of the hardest things to
do. Here in Israel, there are
dicult days with attacks
happening to our people that
have an eect on all of us, in and
outside of Israel.#
Our challenge is to have a
positive outlook on life no
matter what the situation may
be and remember how Sarah
Imeinu would have acted.#

This Dvar Torah was written by a

past Bnei Akiva Da!as Madrich Ari
Ge!er, who is writing #om Yeshivat
Lev HaTorah in Israel where he is
spending the year. "

Bnei Akiva Dallas

Shabbat Nov 7, 2015; 25 Cheshvan 5776

Transliterated: (tune can be found on YouTube)"

Song of the week: Ani


Ani ma'amin, Be'emuna shelema,

Beviat hamashiach ani ma'amin,
Veaf al pi sheyitmahmeha, Im kol
zeh, achake loh, bechol yom

, ,

I believe with complete faith in the
coming of the Messiah. And even
though he may tarry, nonetheless I
will wait for him every day to come. #

Israel Update: Egypt's

support and continued

President, Fattah Abdel has continued to call

on more Arab countries to make peace with
Israel, saying the 1979 peace treaty between
Egypt and Israel has held for nearly four
decades despite doubters.

Sadly, the terror attacks occurring in Israel

have not yet ceased., and have resulted in
many casualties, wounded civilians, and IDF
soldiers. However, on a separate note, Egypt
made history this week, supporting Israel's bid
for membership in the Committee on Peaceful
Uses of Outer Space Aairs at the United
It was the first time Egypt voted in support
of Israel since it backed the 1948 U.N. vote
establishing the Jewish nation. The Egyptian

This week in Jewish

History: 24 Cheshvan
This day in Jewish history, the 24th
of Cheshvan, marks the yahrzeit of
Baron Edmond de
Rothschild.Rothschild was a
leading enthusiast of the Zionist
movement.He bought land all
over Israel and promoted Jewish
settlements. Additionally,
Rothschild financed the first new
Jewish town, Rishon Letzion (the
hometown of our Bat Sherut,
Neriya), as well as Zichron Yaakov,
Caesarea and approximately 30
other settlements.His life is
certainly one to remember for all
the countless contributions he
made to the Land of Israel.

Bnei Akiva word of

the week!
Mazkir noun \mahz-keer\
:is the leader or head of a specific
Bnei Akiva delegation. The Mazkir is in
charge of logistics, organization, and
making sure all other madrichim get
their work done.

Joke of the week!

Who is the smartest person

in the Torah?

he knew
a Lot!

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