SeisFacies 2004

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Tracking Tertiary delta sands (Urdaneta West, Lake Maracaibo,

Venezuela): An integrated seismic facies classification workflow

MANUEL POUPON, Shell International E&P Inc., Houston, Texas, U.S.
JOSE GIL, DAVID VANNAXAY, and BICE CORTIULA, Shell Venezuela SA, Maracaibo

his paper illustrates a novel approach (based on seismic

facies classification and 3D visualization) for tracking deltaic
sand systems in the Urdaneta West producing field, Lake
Maracaibo, Venezuela. As part of a major field review (volume evaluation and well planning), the following oil-bearing
reservoirs were studied:

Oligocene sands (braided deltaic systems)

Eocene sands (lower deltaic systems)

Among the geologic challenges associated with developing these reservoirs, the thinness of the sand layers and the
lack of amplitude response of heavy oil-bearing sands were
key. Consequently, a dedicated geophysical workflow was
designed to address these issues. It comprises the following

Improving seismic resolution by applying high-frequency

imaging (HFI) processing (Figure 1)
Implementing neural-network seismic facies classification
techniques (loop-level trace-shape analysis for the
Oligocene reservoirs and volume classification for the
Eocene sands) to evaluate nonamplitude-supported plays
Calibration of seismic reservoir indicators

This workflow integrated all available seismic attributes

(including poststack attributes and impedance data), improved
the seismic interpretation, and provided the means to predict
sands (in a nonamplitude-supported play).
The geophysical results have been compared with the geologic data (cores and logs) and have confirmed the depositional model established by the geologists.
Geologic challenges and technical solutions. The Urdaneta
West field is operated by Shell Venezuela on behalf of Petrleos
de Venezuela SA (Pdvsa). Even though this field has been producing for nearly 40 years (with more than 100 well penetrations over the study area), exploitation and development of
Oligocene/Eocene oil-bearing sands remain complex due to
the following geologic challenges:

Thin sand layers (~10 ft on average) with limited lateral

extent (fluvial and braided-delta deposits)
Pore fluid characteristics (12-14 API oil with a low gasoil ratio of 50 scf/bbl) resulting in a nonamplitude-supported play. Amplitude/impedance variations are not
indicative of hydrocarbon presence, but can be used as
lithology indicators
Poor continuity of seismic events within the Eocene reservoirs resulting in complex seismic interpretation
Density of faults (particularly in the Eocene reservoirs)
affecting event correlation and possibly reservoir connectivity

To minimize these risks, Shell Venezuela conducted a

major field review performed by a multidisciplinary project
team. The main objectives of this project were:

To increase seismic resolution using HFI processing (res-

Figure 1. Comparison between original volume (top) and reprocessed HFI

volume (bottom) on SW-NE seismic line (reverse SEG convention; trough
= increased acoustic impedance). Inset is structure map of Oligocene
unconformity with location of A-A section. Interpreted horizons from top
to bottom: deep blue = maximum flooding surface, green = erosion-C, red
= erosion-B, magenta = Oligocene unconformity, and yellow = Eocene
intrasequence. Note that the intra-Eocene fault (arrow) is clearly visible
on the HFI volume.

Figure 2. 3D view of the Oligocene unconformity with seismic transparency applied to low-impedance values. Note that the Eocene formation
is characterized by chaotic events preventing any reliable horizon-based
analysis (such as trace-shape classification).

olution was enhanced from 100 to 30 ft, but individual sand

layers still could not be seismically characterized)
To implement multiattribute seismic facies classification



Interpretation workflow. Due to the difference in seismic

response within the reservoirs (continuous seismic within
Oligocene formations versus chaotic events in Eocene, Figure
2), two seismic classification techniques were considered:

Figure 3. Conventional interval analysis (lower Eocene). Top left: Isopach

(X) versus average absolute amplitude (Y) crossplot showing tuning
effect. Bottom left: Average absolute amplitude interval map. Bottom
right: Average impedance interval map. Note that the amplitude map is
highlighting NNE-SSW trends likely related to local tuning effects (T
symbol on crossplot and map) due to formation thickening and onlaps.
The impedance map revealed a SE-NW high-impedance trend (arrow) and
low-impedance lobe (see black outline on map and A-A section) related to
main flow direction of the delta system.

Figure 4. Unsupervised multiattribute trace-shape classification map (15

classes) over Oligocene reservoirs and model traces (amplitude HFI,
apparent polarity, P-impedance and thin bed). Paleocoastlines interpreted
from well correlation match those interpreted on seismic facies maps. The
classification map highlights a delta system characterized by multiple
channels branching out from an eastern source (zoom view).


techniques (trace-shape and multiattribute volume classification) as an alternative to conventional amplitudebased analysis
To apply volume interpretation techniques to speed up the
interpretation cycle (thereby freeing time for detailed picking of reservoir sublayers)
To integrate interpretation results through 3D visualization and ensure a consistent geologic model


Interval-based classification for the Oligocene reservoirs

using neural network trace-shape analysis (Figure 4)
Multiattribute volume classification (near- and far-stack
analysis) for the Eocene reservoirs (Figure 6)

The seismic attributes used for the classification included

near- and far-stack amplitudes, HFI amplitude, thin bed
attribute, apparent polarity and P-impedance values.
Principal component analysis (PCA) was used as a noise
reduction technique prior to running classification. It also
helped in addressing data redundancy inherent to multiattribute analysis by selecting a relevant set of attributes for
the classification.
Comparison of seismic trace shape at wells with normalized net sand thickness (top of Figure 7) showed that
the best sands produced a strong fat trough at the base
of the Oligocene interval. This observation was corroborated by synthetic modeling (net-to-gross increase from 0.4
to 0.8, bottom of Figure 7). Subsequently, key Oligocene and
Eocene wells were used to generate supervised seismic
facies classes and map the trace-shape signature of stratigraphic systems. These facies classes were then used to estimate sand distribution.
Seismic facies interpretation. The depositional model established by geologists based on log and core data for the
Oligocene formations was confirmed by classification results.
In particular, the paleocoastlines observed on the regional seismic facies map (Figure 4) agreed with those obtained by well
log correlation. Locally, trace-shape classification provided
unambiguous pictures of the sand channels, highlighting the
presence of an E-W braided delta, thus corroborating the first
observations of a major E-W depositional system expressed
by a high-impedance trend (Figure 3).
Additional seismic facies analysis, performed around
specific well clusters over intra-Oligocene sequences (~one
seismic loop), also helped in delineating channel systems at
a smaller scale (Figure 5). These local seismic facies maps,
combined with acoustic impedance analysis and sand distribution maps (from wells), were the main source of information for new well proposals.
At the Eocene level, the multiattribute volume classification did not detect any evidence of a stratigraphic system.
However, the use of volume interpretation techniques, such
as seismic transparency, revealed AVO anomalies in the producing interval. 3D visualization (Figure 6) showed direct
relationships between AVO signature and Eocene structure,
with cluster 1 anomaly solely on the crest of the structure.
The calibration of these qualitative observations (through
log-based AVO modeling and seismic-to-well ties) was hampered by incomplete log suites and poor seismic data quality. Overall, the AVO modeling results were inconclusive and
showed that Eocene reservoir AVO signatures are not well
understood at this stage.
Even though the seismic observations of an AVO signature possibly associated to oil-filled sands could not be
confirmed by modeling, volume classification techniques
could be useful in further evaluating these complex Eocene
Seismic facies calibration: Empirical relationships versus
synthetic models. The final (and critical) step in seismic-

Figure 5. Seismic facies analysis over a 20-ms intra-Oligocene sequence.

Comparison with average amplitude and impedance map over the same
interval. Note that the seismic facies map improves the definition of the
ESE-WNW channel characterized by a fat trough development (as well
as high amplitude and impedance values).

Figure 6. SW-NE section through unsupervised AVO volume classification (eight classes) over the Eocene interval with corresponding clusters
displayed on a near-far AVO crossplot (bottom left). Note that AVO
cluster 1 (in red) is exclusively over Eocene structural highs (arrow).

based quantitative interpretation is calibration. In the case

of the Oligocene reservoirs, two approaches were considered to calibrate seismic facies classes:

Petro-acoustic modeling based on a key well requires at

least one well with complete log
suitesVp, Vs, Rhob, GR, Poro, Sw
(i.e., a recent well)
Statistical/empirical analysis of
seismic trace shapes at wells (~40
control points). This approach
requires several wells with at least
a GR curve (i.e., old wells are suitable)

Figure 7. Seismic facies calibration. Top: Trace-shape signature at key

wells. Wells in green correspond to oil-filled Oligocene sands; wells in
blue correspond to wet Oligocene sands. Wells are sorted in decreasing
normalized sand thickness indicators. Note that thicker sand packages are
expressed by a large trough at the base of the interval (red square).
Bottom: Synthetics based on a key Oligocene well. Note that a net-togross increase from 0.4 to 0.8 results in a trough development at the base
of the Oligocene (arrow) similar to the one observed on seismic trace
shapes at key wells.

Both techniques confirmed that

trace shape could be used as a sand
indicator within the Oligocene reservoirs providing the seismic signature is
not affected by imaging artifacts. For
instance, wells in the vicinity of a fault
are obviously not appropriate to superSEPTEMBER 2004



Data QC is required to address any misalignments between pre- and poststack

attributes prior to running classification

In Eocene reservoirs, these issues were

addressed by:

Figure 8. Comparison between modern delta sands - Knife River delta, Canada (left - E-W
mirror view of Landsat image, courtesy of USGS) and Oligocene sand system observed on
seismic facies map (inset). Core analysis over the Oligocene formations has confirmed the
presence of fluvial deposits developing in time into fluvial-dominated deltas. This depositional
model is in agreement with seismic facies interpretation. Three distinct environments have
been identified by sedimentologists on core data: (1) upper delta plains with exposed overbank
splays and floodplain mudstones, (2) lower delta plains and (3) delta front facies with highly
bioturbated facies and the presence of planolites, rizocorallium, thallassinoides, ophiomorpha,
skolithos, paleophycus, teichichnus suggesting brackish waters.

vise neural network pattern recognition, since their seismic

trace shape is not representative of the signatures of reservoir sands.
The empirical/statistical analysis of HFI trace-shape signature at key Oligocene wells confirmed the presence of a
large trough developed at the base of the interval within the
thicker sand package (top of Figure 7). These observations
have been validated by synthetic models based on the
Oligocene key well, where an increase of net-to-gross from
0.4 to 0.8 resulted in a development of a wide trough at the
base of the reservoir interval (bottom of Figure 7).
Practices worth replicating. Seismic facies classification
techniques could be implemented in any field review as part
of seismic interpretation workflows, complementing the
conventional structural and amplitude-based analyses.
However, trace-shape classification should only be considered when loop-analysis is applicable (i.e., the presence of
a continuous seismic event is required).
In the case of poor seismic imaging, heavily faulted areas
and/or lack of a regional continuous marker (e.g., a maximum flooding surface), multiattribute volume classification should be used as an alternative to horizon-based
classification. Some limitations of these volume classification techniques are:


Volume techniques use sample-by-sample classification,

while trace-shape analysis uses higher resolution (subsample analysis) over rocks of roughly similar age, which
is more suitable for detailed reservoir analysis
Volume classification is sensitive to the number and type
of input attributes



The use of HFI-reprocessed seismic (with

derived poststack attributes)
PCA and seismic modeling to select a
relevant attribute suite for volume classification
QC of near- and far-stack alignment over
targeted reservoir areas

In the case of the Oligocene reservoirs,

the specific interval chosen for analysis was
critical to properly assess thin-sand reservoirs. A seismic facies analysis performed
over a single loop interval and over a limited area (i.e., around a proposed well location, Figure 5) proved to be more informative
for well development planning than regional
seismic facies maps defined over a large
depositional sequence (Figure 4).

Conclusions. Seismic trace shape and volume classification techniques are gradually
introduced into the seismic interpretation
workflows as new ways to look at seismic
data and complement the conventional structural and amplitude analysis (Colou et al.,
2003). These techniques have proven successful in stratigraphic
plays such as Tertiary fluvial deposits of Western Venezuela
(Linari et al., 2003), where amplitude alone fails to characterize reservoir properties.
This workflow has contributed to the development of a
sand prediction tool (in a nonamplitude-supported play) and
confirmed the deposition model established by geologists
from core and log observations (Figure 8). Proper acoustic
modeling and well-to-seismic calibration remains the critical step to turn qualitative seismic facies classes into
quantified reservoir properties used as input for reservoir

Suggested reading. Unsupervised seismic facies classification:

a comparison of techniques illustrated by case studies by Colou
et al. (TLE, 2003). An evaluation of HFI test results by Gil and
Engel (Shell Integrated Subsurface Conference, 2002). Seismic
facies analysis based on 3D multiattribute volume classification:
La Palma Field (Maracaibo, Venezuela) by Linari et al. (TLE, 2003).
Acknowledgments: The authors thank Pdvsa and Shell Venezuela SA for
permission to present this work, and the Urdaneta-West team in Maracaibo
(SVSA) and Bellaire (EPT-W)in particular Charlotte Martin, Maria
Balzarini, and Fa Dwanfor sharing their expertise. Special thanks to
Michael Cooper and Peter Diebold (Shell International E & P) for reviewing this paper. HFI processing is a service of Geotrace. Stratimagic and
SeisFacies are trademarks of Paradigm Geophysical.
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