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PART 20 page 1 of 2 pages

Then the Lord gave seven different places in creation to the Maruths and decided the
places of their wives and children. Thus the Lord made Himself exist in eight different
forms, seven for the Maruths and one for Himself. The eight forms of the Lord's
manifestation are as follow:
Surya, the Sun God
Jalam, the Lord of Water
Mahi, the Lord of the earth or solids
Vayu, the Lord of Air
Vahni the Lord of Fire
Akasa, the Lord of the brilliance which fills space as Blue
Dikshitha Brahmana, the individual formed out of the Wisdom of Brahma and who
dedicates himself to the work of the Lord.
8. Soma, the Lord of Music, pulsation, periodicity and repetition, who pervades within and
around the unit globe of one creation as the Lord of the Gandharva Plane and whose
rays of presence reflect into objectivity through the Sun of our solar system, via the
satellite Moon, to our Earth.

The wives of these eight manifestations are as follows:

Suvarchala, the good brilliance
Usha, the dawn
Vikesi, the hairless, or the light without beams
Sivaa, the goddess who presides over desirability and auspiciousness
Swaha, the goddess who invokes gods into manifestation through the gateways of the
flame of objectivity
6. Disaha, the goddess who presides over directional consciousness. It is she who
creates angles and degrees between the centre and the circumference of one creation.
7. Diksha, who presides over the regularity and the precision of manifestation
8. Rohini, who presides over the red colour, out of which comes the first manifestation of
the colours of the light from the greater light which we call darkness

Suthi and Prasuthi caused these eight wives of the eight manifestations of the Lord to
deliver, and their children are respectively named as follows:
Sanischara, the Lord who presides over the planet Saturn
Sukra, Venus
Lohithanga, Mars
Manojava, Moon
Skanda, the planet now called Uranus
Sarga, the Lord of creation, the Sun God of our solar system
Santhana, the Lord of continuity, who presides over the periodicities and cycles of
creation, who is not yet represented by any planetary body in our solar system
8. Buddha, the Lord who presides over the planet Mercury.

Text of discourses by Dr. E. Krishnamachaya, originally published in MY LIGHT, the magazine of

the World Teacher Trust, India


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PART 20 page 2 of 2 pages

Thus the Lord Rudra took Sati, the goddess of existence and the daughter of Daksha, as
His honourable wife. Because of the wrath of Daksha, however, Sati left her body and was
reborn as Hymavathi, the Daughter of the Lord of the Snowy Peaks. Lord Rudra accepted
her again as His wife.
The sage Bhrigu and his wife Khyathi gave birth to Dhata and Vidhata (creation and its
arrangement). They also gave birth to the goddess Sri, who became the wife of
Maitreya questioned: "You say that Sri is born to Bhrigu and Khyathi. We hear from
tradition that Sri was born from the Milky Ocean at the time of its churning. Please clarify."
Parasara replied: "Sri is the mother of the creation; She is eternal. She is ever with Lord
Vishnu, just as Vishnu pervades the whole creation. They are like the meaning and the
word, like moral and morality. They are like Wisdom and learning, like the law and the
good deed. Vishnu is like the creator, and Sri is His creation. She is like this earth, while
He is the one who lifts the earth. He is like pleasure, She is the pleasant act. He is her
liking, She is His liked. He is the sacrifice, She is the offering. She is the very ghee, He is
the cake of the Yajna of this creation. He is Sama, the breath of creation, She is the song
that is sung out. She is Swaha and He is the Fire. He is Sankara, She is the Gouri. He is
the Sun, She is the sunlight you see. She is the self-sustenance of this creation, He is the
Lord of the group of Pitrus. She is the vault of heaven, He is the space beyond and within.
He is the Moon, She is the moonlight. He is the Air, She is the breeze, the sign of life for
the beings. He is its perfection. She is Gouri, His Varuna, the Lord of the Waters. She is
Devasana, He is Kumara. She is the first unit of time, He is the following unit, which
governs the first. He is the lamp of the universe, she is the following unit, which governs
the first. He is the lamp of the universe, she is the light. He is the tree of creation, She is
the creeper that runs around it. She is the night, He is the day. They are the Eternal Bridge
and Bridegroom of creation. In everything that is described, He is the man and She is the
lady that indwells in all units of this earth.

Text of discourses by Dr. E. Krishnamachaya, originally published in MY LIGHT, the magazine of

the World Teacher Trust, India

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