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20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Learn about the candidates

in their own words
elcome to the Dux-
bury Clipper’s 2010
Voters Guide. This
year, there are contested candi-
dates in three races, Board of Se-
School Com-
mittee, and
When: Saturday, March
27, 8am - 8pm.

We hope Where: Duxbury Middle


this guide is For more information, call

the Town Clerk’s office at
informative 781-934-1100 x150

and useful
as Duxbury voters head to the bal-
IMPORTANT: Please note the above is a sample ballot for information only and may not be used for voting.

lot box on Saturday. To read more,

Library trustee
have over 30 years of active involve- and am the past president of two business as-
including detailed responses from ment in Duxbury. My local experi- sociations: the New England Society of As-
ence includes nine years as a library sociation Executives and the National CPA
the candidates for School Commit- trustee, as a member vice chairman and chair-
man and six years on the school committee, as
Societies Executive Association. I am a re-
tired captain in the US Coast Guard Reserve.
tee and Board of Selectmen, check a member, secretary and chairman. I was for-
tunate to chair the first Solid Waste Disposal
These positions have helped me to learn how
to bring disparate individuals and groups to-
out our “Town Election 2010” Advisory Committee
which brought recycling
gether to work towards a common goal.
Why are you running for Library Trust-
page at to Duxbury and the
original Town Manage-
Our library is the centerpiece of our com-
ment Study Committee munity. We have an outstanding staff and a
which helped modern- strategic plan crafted by patrons, staff and
ize our town govern- trustees to guide us and give us the vision to
ment. I have served on make this a world-class library. The plan is
the Finance Committee our benchmark from which to evaluate and
and the Bylaws Review improve library services.
TED flynn Committee. I have also If re-elected, I have three immediate
Follow the election live! been a coach in the chil-
dren’s recreation program, when the Flynn
goals: protect our core services, give our staff
the fiscal resources they need to continue the
“kids” were playing soccer, basketball and outstanding job they do and continue the im-
Clipper Editor Justin Graeber will little league. plementation of the library strategic plan to
Professionally, I am the president/CEO of the degree possible, given our current fiscal
be posting live updates and photos the Massachusetts Society of Certified Public constraints.
from Saturday’s election. Follow us at Accountants, a 10,500 member professional I want to continue to be part of the change, our fan page on association. that is taking place in Duxbury and I hope that
I believe I bring practical fiscal and you will give me an opportunity to continue
Facebook or at managerial experience to the job of Library to work on behalf of our town. Please vote on
per. Trustee. I am currently vice chairman of the Saturday, March 27.
Board of Directors of the New England Cen- Editor’s note: Mr. Flynn was the only un-
ter for Homeless Veterans. I am past chair- opposed candidate to return a statement for
man of the National Board of Regents, Center this special supplement. He will be on the bal-
for Leadership Development, US Chamber of lot with Laura Sullivan. There are two open
Commerce. I have served as a director of the seats on the ballot for library trustee.
Massachusetts Adoption Resource Exchange
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 21

Board of selectmen

uxbury’s citizens will soon be con-
fronted with demands that we ac-
cept enormous tax increases to pay
for what proponents, including former mem-
bers of the Board of Selectmen, claim to be
essential upgrades to or replacements of build-
ings allegedly already too
deteriorated for continued The Zachmann file 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
use. Name: William F. Zachmann (Will) (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
Yet we are in this situ- Address: 160 Standish Street 781-422-0131
ation only because the
Duxbury Board of Select- Family: Married to Elizabeth Ann Loftus Zachmann
men 1) failed to ensure (Betty) Open House Sunday 1-3
that our town and school Lived in Duxbury: 27 years
buildings were properly Prior offices/government experience: 13 Cedar Street, Kingston
maintained 2) failed to Duxbury Economic Development Committee New to Market! Lovely 3
support balanced operat- (appointed), Member and vice chairman of the bedroom 2 ½ bath Colonial on
Will Zachmann ing budgets with suffi- Duxbury Planning Board (elected), Active Town Rocky Nook Point in Kings-
cient surplus funds set aside for future capital Meeting attendee and participant ton. Features 1st floor open
needs and 3) failed to meet its first responsibil- floor plan with fireplace and
ity under the Town Manager Act of 1987: “The hardwood floors. Second floor
Board of Selectmen shall serve as the goal set- men’s first choice when he was appointed, but boasts cathedral ceilings, hard-
ting, long range planning and policy making he was my pick from the start. I clearly said so wood floors, 2nd floor laundry,
body of the town. in my Duxbury Clipper column at the time. and master suite with spacious walk-in closet. Custom finished
We finally have a Town Manager willing to Richard MacDonald is an intelligent, dedi- lower level includes large family room with surround sound and
do the hard work needed to repair the damage cated, hard-working, independent-thinking, ample storage. Central Air. Located on quiet side street just steps
of two prior decades of mediocrity and mis- capable leader who is doing an excellent job away from moorings and sandy beach. Offered at $399K.
management. We now need a board of select- for us. Yet some former office holders seem to Contact owner for appointment at 781-799-0381
men that will join him in that effort – not under- be more interested in a town manager who will
mine his good work by pushing another round do their bidding than they are in one who will
of ill-considered spending paid for by huge tax do his job. They are more interested in a town
increases. In short we need the Board of Se- manager they can count on to promote their
lectmen, finally, to do its job, too. own agenda and advance their own interests
Why are you running for Board of Select- than they are in one who honestly takes care of
men? I am seeking this position to ensure that all the people’s business. They see town gov-
the Duxbury Board of Selectmen supports and ernment as a means to get special advantages
enhances, rather than undermines or subverts, for a privileged few – not as an obligation to
Town Manager Richard MacDonald’s work to serve all the citizens equally. They are not sup- Duxbury - Cohasset
bring real transparency, prudent planning, fiscal porting me in this election. I owe them nothing
discipline, and honest policy to Duxbury town – and I support the town manager. Nourish your child’s world...
fully immerse them in a second language and watch them grow
government. MacDonald was not the Select-
Come learn about our full Spanish Immersion Program

The Dahlen file
a candidate for the Board of Select- Name: Shawn M. Dahlen INTEACHINGFROMTHEIRRESPECTIVECOUNTRY
men at the March 2010 town election. Address: 60 Long Point Lane.
second language fun, easy and fast
A Duxbury resident since 1962, Dahlen has Family: Father of five; Shawn Jr., Brian, Jennifer,
been an active volunteer in town government Kevin and Timothy. OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, APRIL 9th
for more than 30 years, including 10 years as Lived in Duxbury: 48 years
6:00 - 8:00 pm
chair of the Conservation Commission. He has Prior offices/government experience:
at our Cohasset Location
served on 16 different town boards and com- Summer World Explorers Program
mittees, lending his expertise as an engineer North Hill Study Committee, Board of Health,
Budget Working Group (current), Town Manager 7EEKLYSESSIONSFROMAM PM
and businessman to a wide variety of town-
Search Committee, Duxbury Bay Management
related projects. He currently serves on the Study Committee, Affordable Housing Committee, 2010 - 2011 School Year
Duxbury Bay Management Commission and as Conservation Commission. Ages 2 - 7 Morning Classes
a member of the Town Manager Budget Work- Grades K - 12 Afterschool 1 & 2 Hour Classes
ing Group. He is also on the board of directors pable of maximizing the potential of all of our
of Jordan Hospital, the Duxbury Bay Maritime children. Call for a visit and registration details
School, and the Duxbury Beach Reservation, • Exercising financial stewardship of the   sWWWSUESCUELACOM
Inc. Dahlen has been a local businessman for town budget while providing for residents of
40 years. all means.
He has been particu- • Having balanced, thoughtful, and expe-
larly active in coastal rienced leaders who will inspire confidence in
planning and manage- town government.
ment, overseeing all of To face these challenges as a Selectman, I
the maintenance and dune would strive to:
restoration work at Dux- • Be accessible, willing to listen and ques-
bury Beach as a director tion, and committed to doing what is best for
and vice president of the the town.
Duxbury Beach Reserva- • Provide services to our community on a
Shawn Dahlen tion. His dedication to the prioritized basis, within our means.
Duxbury Bay Maritime • Protect, preserve, and maintain the natu-
School earned him the Starfish Award in 2009, ral and cultural resources and environment that
recognizing his “extraordinary volunteerism.” make Duxbury such a wonderful town.
Dahlen, a graduate of Duxbury High School, • Inspire the next generation of residents to
holds a B.S. in engineering management from volunteer their time and skills to make a differ-
Wentworth College of Technology. He is the fa- ence in our community.
ther of five children, all raised in Duxbury. • I would like a chance to give back to a
Why am I running for the Selectman posi- community that has given me so much. I want
tion? Duxbury needs knowledgeable, experi- to help our community deal with future chal-
enced, and balanced leaders who will work to lenges by making decisions in the best inter-
protect our natural resources, champion fiscal est of all residents. My knowledge of the town,
responsibility, and maintain the culture that its finances, and its culture and my record of
make the town such a wonderful place to live. public service have given me the tools to bring
I believe the town faces the following chal- balanced leadership to the Board of Selectmen.
lenges: I will be accessible, willing to listen and ques-
• Providing key community services, espe- tion, and committed to doing what is best for
cially public safety, in a time of shrinking rev- the town.
enue growth.
• Maintaining a premier school system ca-
22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, March 24, 2010

school committee
en years ago we moved to Duxbury be- The magnuson file
cause of the town’s rich history, recre-
Name: Gary Magnuson
ation, and commitment to high quality
public education. I care deeply about maintaining Address: 10 Hidden Acres Drive
and improving the quality of the education that we Family: Wife Sarah, two children (DHS and DMS)
provide to our children. We have a commitment to How long in Duxbury: 10 years
our kids to strive for excellence, Government/civic experience:
and prepare them for success in
the 21st century. Duxbury Youth Soccer, Duxbury Youth Baseball, Pop
I have spent almost 30 years Warner, “Big Cheese” reading program in the Boston
as a manager and a banker. My Public Schools, former Treasurer YMCA of Greater
work experience was built upon Boston and Hospice Care of RI
lence in education.
leadership, integrity, communi- Using skills developed through my work experience The selection of a superintendent will be one of
cations, and analytical decision and nonprofit leadership I can help the School Com- the most important decisions the committee will make
making. I also have significant mittee face the challenges ahead and continue striv- in the next few years. I want to ensure that we hire
nonprofit board and volunteer ing for excellence. a strong educational leader with the skills and ideas
experience with a variety of or- Why are you running for School Committee? needed to keep our schools on the path to excellence.
Gary Magnuson
ganizations, including groups My agenda is simple – to improve the quality of Today’s economic environment impacts our budget
that are focused on child and family issues. However our schools for all students. The Duxbury schools are and we need to operate efficiently, while also con-
my most important and rewarding job has been that facing many important and difficult decisions that tinuing to invest the resources required for academic
of a parent. My wife Sarah and I have experienced will have a lasting impact on our community. The excellence. My financial expertise will be a valuable
the Duxbury schools through our two children, who superintendent search, potential building projects, asset as we develop a fiscally responsible plan to ad-
are DMS and DHS students. This yielded first hand ongoing budget struggles and the need for improved dress our aging buildings. I will bring experienced
knowledge of the wonderful programs that are avail- communications represent significant challenges for leadership, level headed decision making, financial
able, as well as some opportunities for improvement. the School Committee. I am a candidate because I expertise, and a commitment to collaboration to the
Our schools should achieve award winning academ- can help address these issues, solve problems and School Committee to help meet these challenges.
ics along with our athletic and musical achievements. make difficult decisions while also striving for excel-

oday’s students are children of the 21st The Buell file The School Committee will be hiring a new su-
century. They will not succeed by merely Name: Mary Lou Buell perintendent. This person will be responsible for
learning content—for content is rapidly creating the best possible conditions for cultivating
changing. Our children need to acquire skills that Address: 721 Mayflower Street our children’s minds for future success. The new
will enable them to learn, unlearn and relearn the Lived in Duxbury: Four years superintendent will be expected to maintain quality
evolving subject matter. The skill set is familiar: Family: Husband Jeff, four children: Patrick (14), schools with limited federal, state and local funding.
reading, writing, researching, Veronica (8), Nora (6), and Agnes (3). Just as 21st-century skills are driving the curricu-
presenting, collaborating, creat- Government/civic experience: lum, they should also be the driving force behind the
ing and problem solving, but the Teacher, Weymouth High School, Chandler School budget. We need clear analysis on what works and
tools and methods are changing. Council Co­-chairwoman, Duxbury Start Time what doesn’t – and then we need to apply it. The most
Teachers use the subject matter Assessment Committee, Chandler PTA volunteer, Holy important factor in whether or not our students learn
content to teach these skills and Family Youth Ministry, Holy Family Confirmation I is the classroom teacher; the school committee needs
using technology becomes a teacher, Holy Family ARISE group member to commit to providing high quality professional de-
means to that end. velopment opportunities for our faculty members.
Since I have children at school-wide goals; I am able to articulate the con- In the next few months Congress will pass a re-
multiple levels I have a broad cerns of both parents and teachers. vised national education law. The School Committee
Mary Lou Buell perspective on Duxbury Why are you running for School Committee? will likely need to adjust policies to comply with new
schools. As a teacher I am in the As a parent of four I have a personal commit- guidelines. Duxbury residents are educated, pas-
trenches of 21st century education every day. I ex- ment to the Duxbury Public Schools. As a teacher I sionate and committed citizens who should be called
perience first-hand the challenges and the solutions. recognize the educational challenges that face us. I upon to share their collective wisdom with the school
In my role as Chandler school council co-chair I have see three major themes ahead, and I want to be a part department as we develop policies and practices to
witnessed how helpful it is to have a parent who is of solution. promote our children’s success.
also an educator collaborating with the principal on

olleen Brayer’s campaign is focused The Brayer file and eighth grade).
around three platform points. Students first Name: Colleen Brayer In addition to attending school committee meet-
is the top priority in her campaign.  Brayer ings and my appointment to the Finance Committee,
understands our district continues to have students Address: 116 Toby Garden Street I am also a trustee of the Duxbury Beach Reserva-
who are underachieving, and is committed to imple- Lived in Duxbury: 19 years tion, Inc., a member of the Duxbury Beach Preserva-
menting initiatives that meet the children where they Family: Husband Tom, children in fourth, sixth and tion Society (former President), active in the Pilgrim
are, and guide them to achieve eighth grades. Congregational Church, a former Chandler School
their best. Council member, founder of the Alden Chess Club,
Government/civic experience:
Fiscal clarity has been high and regular volunteer in the Duxbury Middle and Al-
on Brayer’s radar. She believes Finance Committee member, 2005-present; Chandler
den Schools.
that, “having a clear picture of School Council, 2007-present; Trustee, Duxbury Beach
the total costs of running our Reservation; Beach Preservation Society member,
schools only improves the re- Alden and DMS volunteer; Founder, Alden Chess Club.
lationship between the schools
and the community, and will School Committee meetings over the last eight years

colleen brayer
lead to the best education for
our students.”
and a member of the town’s finance committee for
the last five years. I am confident that my municipal
Don’t forget to vote!
Accountability is the third experience will be an asset as we face the challenge
priority in Brayer’s platform.  She knows that open of hiring the right superintendent and the feasibility
communication is the hallmark of a good organiza- of the school building project.
tion, and that open meetings are the committee’s obli-
Where: Duxbury Middle School
Students first is my top priority as our district
gation to the taxpayer. continues to have students who are underachiev- When: Saturday, March 27
Brayer says, “I am ready for the workload and re- ing. I am committed to implementing initiatives that
sponsibility that being a School Committee member meet the students where they are and guide them to Who: Voters in all precincts
brings.  I am confident my experience on the Finance achieve their best.
Committee and background in accounting and small Time: 8 a.m to 8 p.m.
I will insist on fiscal clarity. By looking at the to-
business management will benefit the town.  There is
tal costs of running our schools, we can improve the
nothing more important than the hiring of the right
superintendent.  We need to make sure that this per- relationship between the community and the schools. And check duxburyclipper.
son cannot only lead, but can also collaborate with Ultimately, this will lead to the best education of our
students. com for live updates and results
all the stakeholders.  Our new superintendent will not
only control the quality of our schools (which directly When elected as a school committee member, I after the polls close!
effects our home values), but also more than half of look forward to being accountable to you – the tax-
the town’s budget.  Our children’s futures rest upon a payer.
thorough and thoughtful search, and I will be an asset I am originally from Connecticut and have a
to that process.” bachelor’s degree in accounting and small business
Why are you running for School Committee? I management from Marietta College, Ohio. Tom and
am running for school committee because I am very I met in college. We were married in 1991 and have
passionate about our children’s education and the fu- been Duxbury residents ever since. We have three
ture of our town. I have been an active participant in children in the Duxbury school system (fourth, sixth
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 23

school committee
y husband Mike and I are the proud The McLaughlin file education that meets them where they are and carries
parents of four children, ages 11, 8, 6, Name: Christine McLaughlin them as far as they can go. Success in these efforts
and 2 – who are all, or soon to be, in Address: 11 Ryan’s Lane requires the cooperative efforts of many parties.
the Duxbury School system. I grew up in Duxbury, We are fortunate. We already have many of the
returned to raise my family, and have now lived here Family: Husband Mike; 4 children — Annabel (11), needed pieces in place — talented and dedicated
John (8), Lauren (6), and Eleni (2)
for 20 years. I love the town, teachers, passionate parents, enthusiastic children,
and like many of you, Mike Lived in Duxbury: 20 years and a proud community.
and I chose Duxbury in large Government/civic experience: Youth Softball Coach; Over the past few years, however, I feel that there
part because of its wonderful Youth Basketball Coach; Youth Basketball Board has been a disconnect between the majority of the
school system. Member; Religious Education Teacher, Holy Family school committee and the community – a discon-
I am an attorney and have Church; Alden & Chandler School Volunteer; Member of nect that hampers our work towards excellence. My
taken time off from my ca- Start Time Implementation & Assessment Committee primary focus, therefore, will be to bring the parents
reer to raise our family. Previ- voice back into the School Committee process. I will
problems while remaining sensitive to many compet-
ously, I served as an assistant be committed to representing the parents of Duxbury
ing interests. Additionally, I am trained in contract
district attorney in Plymouth in the important issues facing our district. I will work
negotiations and dispute resolution.
christine Mclaughlin County. In addition to resolv- to ensure that the interests and concerns of parents
This background has come in handy as I’ve been
ing hundreds of criminal cases, are considered before important decisions are made.
raising four children. Now, I would like to bring
I served as the liaison to superintendents and school Having been in and around these schools for 20
those skills to the School Committee and be an advo-
administrators to ensure the appropriate disposition years, I understand the priorities and sentiments of
cate for the community and our children.
of all pending juvenile cases. parents. I will work to achieve the standards of excel-
Why are you running for School Committee? I
I learned to be a strong and effective advocate, lence that we expect.
believe that all students, from the academically ad-
to communicate respectfully, and to solve complex
vanced to those who are struggling, should receive an

town moderator
y Duxbury service started back in The Weiler file
1988 when I became involved with Name: Friend S. Weiler, Sr.
P.R.I.D.E. and the only true Prop. 2 1/2
Address: 7 Trout Farm Road
Override approved in Duxbury. The town approved
a $1,000,000 override that was split 50/50 between Family: WIfe Candy; two sons — Friend, Eric
the schools and the town bud- Lived in Duxbury: Since 1978
gets. From there it seems like a Government/civic experience: Former selectman and
twinkle until today. During the Finance Committee member, Trustee of Duxbury Beach
intervening years I served three Reservation, Chairman of the Pavilion Committee, offers. I am familiar with the issues with finding
years on the Finance Commit- Director of the Old Colony YMCA, Trustee of the South qualified appointees from my days on the Board of
tee where I learned a great deal Shore Health and Educational Foundation Selectman when we had to fill some 40 committees.
about the town finances. That I still know many people from the various commit-
was followed by two terms as a tees I have served on and they will be a great source
member of the Board of Select- tee. It has been a great experience serving Duxbury of new and old names to help fill the ranks. As far
man, and I enjoyed that experi- in so many different ways and, amazingly, the results as presiding over Town Meeting, I am truly excited
ence immensely. I worked with are always pretty much the same: you meet some about the prospect. I relish the idea of helping cre-
Friend weiler
some wonderful people and be- great people, you feel good for giving back to the ate an atmosphere of open discussion, meaningful
came more aware of the strong Duxbury commitment town and there is  great satisfaction in helping keep dialogue and the efficient conduct of business. I am
to conservation. I was on the negotiating team for the Duxbury a great place to live. a strong supporter of Open Town Meeting and feel
acquisition of the Camp Wing parcel which directly Why are you running for moderator? The posi- that it has served Duxbury well for many years. It
led me to serving for six years on the Conservation tion of moderator appeals to me because it affords still offers all citizens an opportunity to be heard and
Commission, chairing it for the last three years. I also me the opportunity to draw from my years of service it requires discipline on our leaders’   part to speak
served for two years on the Town Government Study in filling one of the major roles of the moderator: openly to the community on matters big and small. I
Committee. I chaired the Town Manager Search committee appointments to six committees. In some would  respect the heritage of Town Meeting and do
Committee, chaired the “get out the vote” committee cases I have served on the very committee in question my best to continue the standard of conduct that sets
for the school renovation project and I have spent the and I know firsthand what the committee deals with, Duxbury Town Meeting apart.
last three plus years on the Fiscal Advisory Commit- the commitment involved and rewards that serving

hrough his 14 years of service, Greg has The hunter file heard. I also believe in limiting the time given for
gained a keen understanding of the inner Name: Gregory F. Hunter article proposals and for all rebuttal arguments, re-
workings of town government. His dedi- sulting in a more inclusive and judicious process.
cation to serving the community is reflected through Address: 90 Herring Way Additionally, there are 351 communities in the
the positions he has held on many town boards in- Family: Wife Betsey, three daughters Commonwealth and we should analyze their best
cluding, Finance Committee, Capital Planning Com- Lived in Duxbury: Lifetime resident practices and determine if they can be used to make
mittee and the Transfer Station Advisory Committee. Government/civic experience: Finance Committee, our town meeting more efficient, effective or more
Greg was a strong proponent of the implementation Capital Planning Committee, Transfer Station Advisory timely. I honestly believe we can do a better job,
of “Pay as you Throw” and is Committee, CFO of Plimouth Plantation. speed up the process, and hopefully attract more
pleased with the success of this townspeople. By engaging more people we will
program. and Kitty, all of whom attend Duxbury schools. have a greater pool of candidates to draw from to fill
“Whether a member of a Greg can be reached at 781-934-2245 or greg@ the many boards appointed by the moderator and the
town committee or as an indi- with any questions or comments. Board of Selectmen, a win-win solution.
vidual citizen, I have participat- Why are you running for moderator? I strongly
ed in almost every town meet- believe in our open town meetings and do not want
ing for the past 20 years. Town anything to happen to
Meetings should and can run change this form of
more efficiently and effectively. government. Town
gregory hunter I believe that every registered Meeting allows ev-
voter has the right to speak at ery registered voter
town meeting and have their opinions heard. I also to voice their opinion
believe in limiting the time given for article propos- and vote for the im-
als and for all rebuttal arguments, resulting in a more portant issues the town
inclusive and judicious process,” he said. faces. Unfortunately,
Growing up in Duxbury, Greg has developed a less than 2 percent of
strong connection with the town and its residents. the registered voters
His knowledge of Duxbury residents and their re- attend. I have asked
spective talents spans generations, providing him people why they don’t
with a large pool of candidates to make appointments attend and the most
to boards and committees. “Moderator appointments common answer is
are a significant portion of this position. I will do my “town meeting is too WATCH THE DEBATE AGAIN: Steven Dodrill of WATD FM, Clipper Reporter Susanna
utmost to fill these positions with the best candidates. long.” Sheehan and community member William Campbell listen during the Clipper’s candi-
Representation from more age groups will ensure all “I believe that ev- date’s forum last Wednesday night in the Mural Room. The debate will be rebroadcast
viewpoints are represented,” he said. ery registered voter several times on Channel 13 before the election: Wednesday at 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and
Greg received his BA from Northeastern Univer- has the right to speak 11 p.m.; Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m.; Friday at 12 p.m., 3 p.m. and 9 p.m.
sity and his MBA from Babson College. Greg and at town meeting and and Saturday at 7 a.m., 12 noon and 3 p.m.
his wife, Betsey, have three daughters, Wells, Sarah have their opinions
24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Candidate questions Mary Lou Buell ary school. But what happens next?
Are these high performing high

W hen I told my principal at school students successful in college

School committee Weymouth High School of and the professional world? In the
my plans to run for school commit- highly connected world today it is
Duxbury as a community demands a high level of academic performance
tee in my hometown, he shared what easy to find our recent graduates and
from its schools on things like college acceptances and MCAS scores. How
he had witnessed while observing a invite them to participate in a survey.
do you feel Duxbury performs relative to similar towns, and how would you
class. Students Only then will we know the true per-
provide leadership on this issue if elected to the School Committee?
were asked to formance of our school system.
ents, we should identify new initia- The Duxbury Education Founda-
Gary Magnuson tives for development and funding that
describe a uto-
pian society. tion helps Duxbury teachers create

will help us meet these objectives. Ex- The first answer innovative learning environments
here are many different cri-
amples of potential new programming was, “Dux- for our 21st century students. The
teria to measure our success,
including MCAS results, SAT scores, include an outdoor science program/ bury.” number of grants awarded each year
college placement, and other awards classroom, Mandarin as a language On many proves that Duxbury has a commit-
and recognition. Our MCAS and SAT option, foreign language immersion,
levels this stu- ted group of volunteers as well as
results are good, global student programming, and in- generous donors willing to support
tegrated multi-discipline educational
dent is right.
but they lag be- Our students live and go to school in our schools.
hind the results programs. A renewed commitment A quick search of the school dis-
to math and science is needed at all a beautiful seaside town with open
achieved by the spaces and playgrounds that attract trict websites in Sharon, Norwell,
best school sys- ages. We should empower the math Weston and Wellesley reveals all
and science department heads to help people from all over the south shore.
tems in Massa- Our community has a high percent- include partnership with the com-
chusetts. While establish new science, technology, and munity in their mission statements.
engineering programming in all of our age of college graduates and we be-
Massachusetts lieve in the value of pursuing post- Duxbury’s mission statement puts
comparisons are schools. One example might be partic- the onus on the schools providing
ipating in FIRST, which is a national secondary education.
interesting; our
Traditional measures for ranking education as if students are passive
kids will be com- mentor based program that builds sci-
school districts, like MCAS scores, in the process. As a veteran educator
peting with students from across the ence, engineering and technology skills
place Duxbury in the top 15-20 per- I know that a culture of entitlement
country and around the world. As a for students K-12. We should leverage
our parents and community members cent of all Massachusetts school is the worst environment for high
parent of a DHS senior, I have learned quality education.
that colleges and universities are very to help form alliances that could bring districts. Our overall rankings are
innovative educational programs to deceiving given the fact that our Elected officials act as role mod-
competitive international destinations. els and set the tone for the commu-
Our kids’ success will depend not just our schools in partnership with the lower grades perform in the average
private sector. The new environmental range and get consistently better un- nity. As a school committee member
upon their own abilities, but also on I would encourage more community
the rigor and quality of our academic science course sponsored by Battelle til high school when MCAS results
Labs is an excellent example of such place us in the top 5-10 percent. Our members to become partners in the
programming as compared to other process. And I would work with the
schools. We owe it to our students to a partnership. scores—in addition to what I have
Duxbury is a community that un- observed as an elementary parent— other committee members to create
help them be better prepared to com-
pete on the global stage in the 21st derstands the value of first-rate public tell me that Duxbury takes the “slow a board that encourages community
century. education. We have a quality school and steady” child-centered approach participation at meetings; that cre-
The School Committee should system which compares favorably ver-
which fosters a love of learning that ates pathways for two-way commu-
provide leadership through a com- sus many towns; however we owe it nication; and that solves problems
sustains our teens during the more
mitment to innovation and continu- to our children to strive for academic together to provide the resources
excellence. Our schools should have a challenging academic years.
ous improvement. We should estab- Our high school offers 20 Ad- that facilitate quality 21st century
lish quantifiable goals, identify a peer record of academic achievement that is instruction.
comparable to our athletic and musical vanced Placement courses—half a
group of high performing schools, and dozen more than the average second-
track appropriate measurement cri- prowess. With leadership, collabora-
teria. The School Committee and the tion, and commitment to improvement
we can move our schools from good
Superintendent should be accountable Colleen Brayer ate the goals, determine how we can

for these goals. With the help of par- to excellent. achieve these goals, and assess how
ollege acceptance is the effective the improvement plan has
Above grade 7, our kids do a little bet-
Christine McLaughlin ter – consistently 15-25 percent above
end result of our chil- been.
There are four steps I would like

dren’s efforts in and out of
ssessing the quality of a school state averages, and in a range similar to school, and is such a personal choice, to take:
system’s academics is chal- our neighbors. Comparing results from • Investigate successful pro-
with so many variables. I don’t be-
lenging. Objective measures, like stan- 2008 to 2009, in the lower grades prog- grams and strategies in the school
ress was inconsistent ... small improve-
lieve there is an effective measure
dardized tests and college acceptances, of this except to districts we would like to emulate.
are tempting yardsticks. Love them or ments in some areas, small declines in Use our professional development
others, while grades 7-10 showed mod- ask our students
hate them, stan- if they felt qual- to incorporate their successes into
dardized tests are est but consistent improvement.
ified to apply to, our schools.
here to stay. They Continued improvement requires
the complementary efforts of differ- and were accept- • Analyze the high scoring dis-
exist across the tricts end of year financial reports to
academic land- ent groups. I anticipate that our new ed to, their first
superintendent, along with the admin- choice school. help us better understand where they
scape through are spending their money, and possi-
graduate school istration and teachers, will present us The Duxbury
with wonderful, innovative ideas for schools have bly help direct our future budgets.
and beyond. We
academic improvement. They are pro- been successful • Implement project-based learn-
should therefore
plan to improve, fessional educators and I trust their in ensuring our ing: a hands-on, practical application
excel, and pre- expertise. The School Committee, in graduates are well rounded by giv- of knowledge, ensuring a student’s
pare our children. On the School Com- turn, should consider each of these ing our students a variety of oppor- ability to process information.
mittee, I would focus on our role in objectively and carefully, avoiding the tunities to excel, whether academi- • Evaluate MCAS scores to: in-
oversight – assessing options, evaluat- urge to cheerlead for any particular ap- cally, artistically, or athletically. dividualize student instruction based
ing success, and allocating (and per- proach or trend. MCAS performance by the Dux- on missed concepts; and incorporate
haps more importantly re-allocating) More important, however, is what bury Schools is not up to the stan- best practices for teachers, so all of
resources. we on the School Committee do after dards that are being set by similar our students can achieve a proficient
So, where do we stand? Published a program is implemented – and it is communities. What we need to re- level or above.
MCAS is the easiest to review. For in this area that I think we sometimes member is that MCAS is a tool. This Our community demands a high-
Duxbury, I would summarize recent lose focus. In these days of rising stan- tool determines if our children are level of academic performance, and
results as generally positive, but with dards and tightening budgets, effective learning and our teachers are teach- as a School Committee member, I
clear room for improvement. It is also prioritization will be more critical than will hold our administration account-
ing. The question is, “How are we
notable that recent results have been ever. To be successful, we will need a able for all students, and support ini-
rigorous process of continual reevalua-
using this tool?”
better for our older kids (grade 7 and As a School Committee member, tiatives that meet the children where
above), than the younger ones. tion and reallocation of resources. We they are, and guide them to achieve
need to identify what works and what I would provide leadership on this
A standard measure of MCAS issue by continuing to review the their best.
success is the combined percentage doesn’t. Making such decisions will
require defining milestones for success MCAS Analysis Reports, reevalu-
of children scoring “Advanced” and
“Proficient.” By this measure, our before a program is implemented. We
earlier grades are consistently 10-15 then need to be willing to direct more
percent above state averages, but also resources to those programs that are Read More: To read the candidates’ kickoff statements and answers to
5-15 percent below some neighboring successful and to pull back from those previous questions, visit
communities (Cohasset and Norwell). that fall short.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 25

Candidate questions ALL YOU CAN EAT

Board of selectmen Fish & Chips
Under Duxbury’s strong Town Manager Act, selectmen are somewhat removed from the day- Lunch & Dinner, Every day $10.99
to-day operations of town management. If elected, how would you provide leadership from a
policy and long-term visioning standpoint?
The only thing we overlook is a pond
Will Zachmann creases to our property taxes.

It does not have to be this way. The Board and a pristine golf course! - Joanne & Bill Russell
y making sure the Duxbury Board
of Selectmen lives up to its respon-
of Selectman has the responsibility and suffi-
cient authority to do its job properly. The act Cameron’s
puts day-to-day management in the hands of the on the green
sibilities – diligently exercising its
town manager, but the Board of Selectman is
Cannot be used in combination with other promotions, no substitutions of any kind. Not available for takeout.
powers under the Town Manager Act. First of
still the ultimate local authority, subject only to 436 Oak Street (Rt.14) East Bridgewater
these is that “the Board of Selectmen shall serve 781-447-7888
the voters at Town Meeting.
as the goal setting, long
We are fortunate to have in Richard Mac-
range planning, and policy
Donald the capable professional manager we
making body of the town.”
had in mind when we adopted the Act. He and
Since the Act was adopted
Finance Director John Madden have made great
in 1987, the Selectmen
progress toward repairing the damage left by
have set few goals, done
two prior decades of mediocre town manage-
hardly any planning, and
ment. Finally we have a town manager who is
made little policy.
truly doing an excellent job for us.
It is not that the se-
We now need the Duxbury Board of Select-
men to step up to its responsibilities and do an
hard or done useful t5Z3VTT1MVTIt(SFBU(JGUTGPS&WFSZ#VEHFU
equally excellent job. That requires construc-
things. They have dealt well enough with is-
sues brought before them. But they have not
tive change, not just more of the same, on the
Board of Selectmen.
All made fresh in our Pembroke candy kitchen
provided the forward-looking leadership that is &YUFOEFE)PVST&BTUFS8FFL
As your selectman I will see to it that the
the first duty of the Board of Selectmen. They
Board sets clear goals and sensible priorities, Anderson Plaza Rte. 139 Village Landing Marketplace
have been reactive rather than proactive. They
develops prudent long-range plans that do not 95 Church St., Pembroke 170 Water St. (waterfront)
have not set priorities that ensure prudent use of
lead us to out-of-control tax increases, and es- 781-826-0669 Plymouth 508-746-8907
our financial resources. They have not planned
tablishes sound policies that benefit, impartially,
adequately for our capital requirements. This
all the citizens of the Town of Duxbury.
is why we now face the specter of shocking in-

Shawn Dahlen ing the positions of finance director and human

resources director. We need to continue seeking EASTER DINNER
ways to consolidate, control costs, and obtain
strongly support the Town Manager Act,
other revenue sources. Hot Roast Turkey
which the state legislature approved in
New leadership brings new ideas about how
1987 at the town’s request. The act describes
to maintain the services Duxbury wants at a cost with all the fixins!
the powers and duties of the town manager
it is willing to pay. I have several initiatives in
and board of selectman, specifically for setting Now Offering Easter Hams
mind. First, I think the board should hold an
policy and managing the
annual strategic planning workshop to develop
town. The motivations for
both yearly and long-range goals. These meet-
adopting the Town Man- Place Your Orders Early!
ings would include senior management, board
ager Act were to profes-
and committee chairs, and the public. The work Open Easter Sunday
sionalize town govern-
product should provide policy direction to the
ment and depoliticize both 9 am – 1:30 pm
town manager and department heads and help
the appointment of town
to align their priorities with the board of select-
personnel and the day-
to-day operation of town
men’s goals. Second, Duxbury needs a full-time
facilities director to manage and oversee the
Bongi’s Turkey Roost
departments. Under the
maintenance of all municipal and school build-
Town Manager Act, “The
Board of Selectmen shall serve as the goal set-
ings. This position would achieve substantial
cost savings by instituting a planned preventive
(781) 585-2392
ting, long range planning and policy making cRoute 53, Duxbury
maintenance program and centralizing mainte-
body of the town, recommending major courses Tues-Sat 9am-6pm
nance and service agreements. The useful life
of action to the town meeting, and adopting
of our existing buildings could be extended con- Massachusetts Grown...and freshest
policy directives and guidelines which are to be
siderably. Third, the board of selectmen should
implemented by officers, boards, committees,
support the Planning Board in its efforts to
commissions and employees of the town.” Ac-
update Duxbury’s 11-year-old comprehensive
cordingly, the board of selectmen has routinely
taken a leadership role on major warrant articles
plan. Voted South Shore's
What expectations do we share as a commu-
at town meeting. It also has supported the Fis-
cal Advisory Committee’s work on developing
nity? How will we pay for those expectations?
My experience and history of commitment to
a long-range capital plan; appointed a Public
Safety Committee to review space needs in the
Duxbury will provide the leadership tools we
need to help answer these questions and address
fire and police departments and recommend a
our community’s future challenges.
building program to meet those needs; and pro-
moted professional management by establish- COMPLIMENTARY
Teen events at the library OPEN MON., THURS., FRI. 8AM-5PM
Middle School Philosophy Club: First and ing Room. Read your own work or someone
Third Tuesdays of the month beginning on else’s that speaks to you. If you are a musical TUES. 8AM-1PM
April 6, from 3 - 4 p.m. in the Young Adult group, please sign up in advance with Ellen
Lounge on the Upper Level of the Duxbury Snoeyenbos, 781-934-2721 x106 or e-mail,
Free Library. Join in an exploration of the great
questions that face humanity. For example: Anime Festival: Friday, April 30th 7 - 9
What is Truth, Is truth the same as honesty? p.m. Cosplay and trivia contests will be fea-
If I’m going to be honest, then I need to make tured and Japanese goodies and accessories
sure the truth is really the truth. But do you will be sold. The films shown are typically
ever know the truth once and for all?  Sign up newly released films in Japanese with Eng-
with young adult librarian, Ellen Snoeyenbos, lish sub-titles. A variety of shorts are featured.  BRIDGING GENERATIONS OF SMILES
781-934-2721 x106 or show up for the first This event is free to the public.
session, April 6th at 3 p.m. Contact Ellen Snoeyenbos at esnoeyen8@
Evening of Teen Poetry and Music:  Fri- with questions. 1510 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332
day, April 9th 7 - 9 p.m. in the Merry Meet-
P: 781-934-5583 F: 781-934-5018

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