Legislation in The Sanggunian

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Legislation in the Sanggunian

Article VII, Section 1. (Powers and Responsibilities of the Central Board)

To formulate and execute general and specific policies, programs, and
projects of the Sanggunian
The Central Board is an executive-legislative body. The legislative function
of the Sanggunian involves passing resolutions and ordinances.

A formal expression of opinion, will, or intent voted by an official body

or assembled group1.

Components of a Resolution:
1. A Resolution may contain a title or a short summary of the resolution
2. The authors of the resolution are usually named in the resolution
3. The whereas clauses include the current state of affairs.
1 http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/resolution

4. The wherefore clauses are clauses which state the organizations

response to the state of affairs.
5. The wherefore clauses may be transitioned by such words as further
and finally, (i.e., wherefore, be it resolved further that
Mechanics of passing a resolution in the Central Board
1. Under the Grassroots Empowerment Act of the Sanggunian, any
undergraduate student of the Loyola Schools can submit a resolution
for the Central Boards approval.
2. Once received by the Sanggunian secretariat, the proposed resolution
is forwarded to a Central Board member under whose Committee the
resolution at hand may fall. A resolution concerning student
organizations may fall under the Committee on Extra-Curricular
3. The Central Board member in charge of the Committee either rejects
he resolution or forwards it to the Central Board (with or without
amendments) for voting. The Central Board member may consult with
the author of the resolution for amendments.
4. The Central Board deliberates on the resolution. Depending on the
resolutions nature, a simple majority or a two-thirds majority may be
required for passage.
5. There may be specific clauses of the Resolution regarding effectivity.
The resolution may say This resolution shall take effect 15 days upon
approval of the Central Board. It may say this resolution shall take
effect upon publication in The Guidon. Otherwise, the resolution is
considered effective immediately upon approval.
The Central Board and Sanggu Departments
To create such departments, committees, staffs, task forces,and offices as
may be necessary to discharge specific functions of the board;
- Powers and functions of the Central Board, Article VII, Section 1.
It is logical legal theory to assume that as the powers of the Sanggu
Departments emanate from the Central Board, the Central Board has
oversight powers over these Departments. The Department of External
Affairs, and all its affiliate units, ultimately report to the Central Board.
Should there be concerns in the DEA then, that will concern other units and
departments of the Sanggunian, the course of action ought to be to refer
these concerns, through the DEA Chairperson, to the Central Board.

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