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Hello and welcome to Microsoft Virtual Academy

2012 Microsoft Corporation


My name is Aydin Aslaner, I am a Senior Premier Engineer with the Microsoft Global Support Team
and this course is about Windows 8 Security Insights.

2012 Microsoft Corporation

If we take a look at the history of key threats versus the operating system security enhancements
we can clearly see that both sides have been very active over the last 15 to 20 years. Around
Windows 95 when the internet was just growing we couldnt really speak a lot about security.
However with the release of Windows ZP in 2001 we introduced a couple of security features to
mitigate some of the key threats. Im sure some of you will still remember the Melissa virus or the
Love Letter War which leveraged social engineering or e-mail back then.
Around 2004 when we released XP service pack 2, we introduced our SLR and DEP. SLR stands
for address space layout randomization and is a computer security method which involves randomly
arranging the position of key data areas. And position of libraries in a processors address space.
DEP is intended to prevent an application or a service from executing a code from a non executable
member region. This was also at the same time when we had the same time Blaster War and
Slammer effect around the world.
In 2007 with the release of Windows Vista we introduced Bit Locker for hard disk encryption and
Patchcard which is a feature that prevents patching the kernel of the operating system. Other key
features around integrity levels and secure by default configuration for Windows features and
Internet Explorer were introduced as well. This was also the time where the script keys were active
and theyre still a potential threat to the industry and their operating systems.
With the release of Windows 7 in 2009 we improved our security features by adding biometric
service and enhanced auditing, Windows Defender and many other features, however the threats
have also improved and industry have to deal with Botnets, a botnet is basically a collection of
internet connected programs communicating with other similar programs in order to perform
different tasks. The famous Conficker virus was also active around this time and has caused
trouble to many customers around the world.
Finally last year in 2012 Microsoft released Windows 8 the most enhanced operating system ever
from Microsoft. The security features that were added are key to the overall stability and reliability
of the operating system and this course will cover the security enhancements of Windows 8 in

2012 Microsoft Corporation

Windows 8 gives you greater control over the software that runs on your PCs. Malware risks are
dramatically reduced by eliminating known exploit techniques and making it more difficult to create
new ones. Boot and root kits have literally been designed out of the threat landscape and in the
increasingly unlikely event of a malware intrusion Windows is more capable to detect and remove it.
To you as a customer this means improved client up time, reduced support costs and reduced
security risks.
BitLocker has been our solutions for encrypting confidential data since Vista and Windows 8
improves BitLocker by simplifying the provisioning and the compliance management of encrypted
devices on a variety of PC form factors and storage technologies.
And finally, modern users are mobile and their mobility helps them be responsive and productive.
However, modern users need modern access controls which Windows 8 provides while increasing
data security within the Enterprise.

2012 Microsoft Corporation

There are also some challenges, one of the biggest challenges is with malware it can even
compromise a PC before Windows starts and this has been a challenge in the past even
sophisticated anti-malware might not be able to find those.
Windows 8 introduced multiple features to address those issues, secure and trusted boot is our
priority. Also the access to resources are mostly limited to some sort of authentication but not
necessarily to the health or device integrity and Windows 8 addresses those concerns.

2012 Microsoft Corporation

The agenda for this course covers a lot of the security enhancements in Windows 8, some of them
include file and registry virtualization, Windows resource protection, Windows Defender, Smart
Screen Filter, Address space layout randomization, user account control, boot security, mandatory
integrity control and finally System service hardening.

2012 Microsoft Corporation

Thank you.

2012 Microsoft Corporation

2012 Microsoft Corporation

2012 Microsoft Corporation

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